InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
As Kagome stared at the being in his arms, memories flooded her vision: The man teasing her, the man kissing her, the man wiping her tears away, the man taking away all her sadness, the man carrying her to bed, the beautiful night they shared; the man that was Inuyasha.
A sob wrenched itself from Kagome's throat. She stared at the man with the silver - almost white - hair and the golden pools, which had the power of holding her and immersing her in them for hours.
Kagome stared at Inuyasha, as he lay there, in her lap, unaware to her presence. His presence brought back sweet memories - and the pain. She remembered how they had confessed their love for each other, at a walk on the beach - and a lovely dinner to go with it - and had promised they would always stay together.
Kagome found her resolve and realized how awkward and uncomfortable it would to lie in her doorstep.
She hauled Inuyasha up with all her strength - he was no feather - and brought him over to a sofa. She lay him down and retrieved a blanket to cover him up with. When he was completely covered, she sat down at his feet and looked at him again.
He looked as good as always - his silver hair as shiny and smooth as ever, his fine features - even the tiniest of features, like the little scar at the end of his jaw, just below where his ear should have been.
His ears! Kagome sprang up and rushed towards his head. She shifted his hair to find those two adorable little dog ears (why did they look strangely like a cats?) that she had fallen in love with. It had been love at first sight.
Kagome sighed with happiness. Her Inuyasha was back. And he wasn't going anywhere. Kagome felt slumber overtake her as she stared at Inuyasha and fell asleep.
Kagome woke up looking around groggily. Her eyes swept over Inuyasha and she smiled happily. He was still sleeping, looking like the blessing he was.
Kagome got up, a bit disoriented on her feet, and made her way to the washroom. She splashed water on her face to refresh herself and brushed her teeth. After she was done, she made her way to her son's room, humming happily.
She walked in to find her angel up in bed, rubbing his eyes to rid them of sleep. Her smile widened as she looked at her hanyou son. He looked exactly like Inuyasha, down to the last hair. She smiled, glad that her son night of vulnerability - the full moon - was over.
“Rise and Shine, Teki,” Kagome greeted.
Aww, mommy. Do I have to get up right now?” Inquired Teki.
Kagome just laughed joyously and danced with an imaginary partner in her son's room. Muteki stared at his mother weirdly and wondered what was making her so happy.
He hopped out of bed and rushed out of the bedroom to relieve himself in the bathroom. Kagome rushed out of the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, casting a loving glance at Inuyasha on the way.
Ten minutes later, her son rushed down the stairs, full dressed. Kagome served the breakfast and her son started eating faster than a hog. Kagome laughed at her son's antics, then suddenly stopped, staring at Inuyasha. Another groan emitted from his, followed be words that filled her with horror and broke her heart.
“Whoa…Where am I, and who the hell are you?
Well read and review and tell me what you think!! Or I will send my death ninja after you…TEE HEE!!
Until next time,