InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 2: She Awakens ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami No Rei

By Unokitsune

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and friends don't belong to me, bummer. Lucious, the "Sleeping Angel", and future characters do though.

Spoilers: Basically takes place after episode 126, I haven't seen further than that nor have I seen the third movie. Gomen Natashie. All the members of the Shincinati, (I don't know how to spell it properly) are dead. Kikyou is also dead, so that takes her away from the story. Naraku is in the most powerful yet most ugly form of all time, though his armor is totally nifty. Too bad Jakotsu had to die, bummer he was funny.

Warning: This story will eventually have an exquisite amount of violence, death, lemon, and stuff like that. NOT FOR KIDS!! You have been warned. Though there will be none of that in this chapter. HEY, they got to meet each other first. Language in this chapter!!!!!!!!!

Authors Note: This is my story! Not anybody else's story! Ookami No Rei is my idea as was Golden Beauty. Those of you, who don't know what Golden Beauty is about, don't worry. PLEASE, let me know what you guys think. Since I saved these in HTML, there will be some html language if you noticed in my first chapter, I don't know why but it's there. Mainly when I bold or Italicize words, sometimes even Underline.

PLEASE REVIEW, I love those to death. Look at the bottom, when it says Review Ookami No Rei, ^^ sorry but I love to hear about what people think. I've gotten hooked to reviews ever since being on deviantart. If you wish to look at some of my stuff, feel free to go there. The address is www(dot)unokitsune(dot)deviantart(dot)com without the () and the dot means period.

Now time to sit back and enjoy the story.

Chapter Two: She Awakens

Now the group had stopped for a break and accidentally discovered the resting place of a sleeping angel, at least that's what Myouga said. In the center stood a Sakura tree that was at least 1,000 years old, it seemed to be the cause of the barrier.

Kagome stood in front of it now, within reaching distance. The group, Sango, Miroku, Myouga, Inuyasha, Kouga, Ginta, Hatkagoo, Kirara and Shippou were all modest to give her room.

They were all very quite after Myouga told the group about this sacred place, it strangely seemed so familiar to the present day.

Suddenly without warning, Kagome spoke, the very first time in several days, "What was her name?"


The group froze and looked at her, "Kagome-chan?" Sango asked.

Kagome stood still, and a few moments later turned to face her friends, her eyes filled with wonder and sadness at the same time, her ebony hair flowing behind her as she turned her face from the enchanting barrier. "Her name," she asked again, "What was the angel's name?"

Myouga jumped over to Kagome and landed on her shoulder. "I do not know, Kagome-sama, her name has been lost in the legends. It was said that nobody could say or hear her name if they began to have evil thoughts about her, if they could say her name, it means they would have utmost loyalty to her and protect her, however she was met with betrayal from one of the most trusted people in her life here…" Myouga then left off, as if trying to remember something.

"Myouga?" Kagome asked.

"Ah, now I remember. According to the legend; the wind will blow a soft melancholy melody when the moon is full on the 1,000th night of Tenchi's slumber. The moon shall then shine brightly on the barrier, and hang directly above it. Awakening in the moonlight, the Sakura tree will shine and the winds will then change its tune. All the flowers on the tree will bloom and flow in and unseen wind and a wind-whirl will form, yet harming nothing in its path. The barrier will then search for the most pure soul in the vicinity. The being with that living soul will be attracted to the tree and walk towards it. The barrier will open only for the possessor of the purest of souls and close right behind them. They will momentarily disappear and reappear possessed by the angel. Once these conditions are met, the sleeping angel, daughter of the holy gods, will awaken."

"That's an interesting story," said Shippou who came bounding towards Kagome, who caught him in her arms, "That's one of the best story's I've heard. Kagome, do you think it's true?" His youthful eyes didn't miss the spirit that was beginning to come back to Kagome's eyes.

"Aye, Shippou, some legends are quite true," Said Miroku who came walking towards the barrier; he was followed by Sango, who was determined to keep him in check. "But given the age of this barrier, I don't think Naraku would be inside it like Pieling Mount." He went over to touch the barrier.

His hand was just about to touch it, "Wait, I haven't…." Myouga tried to warn but it was too late. The second Miroku touched the barrier he went sailing through the air and landed on Inuyasha, who was busy in yet another brawl with Kouga. Inuyasha trip and fell, near missing a blow from Kouga who hit a tree right behind him. The tree then fell on top of the two demons, Miroku barely got out in time.

Kagome, Sango, Shippou, and Kirara apparently thought this was the funniest thing in the world and immediately cracked up laughing. "Need I not remind you that the legend says that the sleeping angel will resent any that think unholy-thoughts?" He asked shrugging his pint size shoulders.

"This must be her version of sit," Stated Shippou, "Except it wasn't on Inuyasha this time."

Kagome just smiled and then looked behind her, as if she had heard something.

"Kagome-chan, is everything alright? Want me to hurt the hanyou for you?" Sango asked concerned, and placed a hand on Kagome's shoulder.

"Yes everything is fine now, thank you everyone." Kagome said then bowed, in her mind she asked 'is it me, or did I just hear someone laugh and cry at the same time?'

"Feh, we better get moving anyways," Came Inuyasha's sharp annoyed voice, "This stupid barrier doesn't smell of Naraku and there are no Sacred Jewel shards around so we better get moving!"

"Baka, you're just saying that because your sword can't break this one tiny barrier!" Came Kouga's challenging voice.

"The Fuck did you say?!" Inuyasha barked back, "You're fucking lard ass doesn't even have the balls to go near the damned thing!"

"Well at least I don't possess a jackass attitude that would make me run away from a hell of a good person who saved my own balls at times for some low-life puppet that no longer exists!!" Kouga yelled back.

"Don't you dare comment on Kikyou that way! I should…"

"INUYASHA OWSARII!!!!" Kagome yelled.

SLAM "Bitch what was that for?!?" Inuyasha yelled.



Kagome stood there breathing heavily, letting off a lot of steam from those various sit commands. Her happy mood ruined, she looked at Sango, "Up for a bath Sango-chan?" Kagome asked.

"Hai, Kagome-chan" Sango said. She began walking towards Kagome then stopped, "Kirara?" She called. "Mew?" Came the demon's cat question voice as she bounded over to her human friend. When Kirara was on her shoulder, Sango whispered something then looked at Miroku then Kirara. Kirara nodded her head and jumped down, changing into her full demon form.

"Kagome?" came Shippou's cute voice.

"Yes Shippou?" Kagome asked.

"Can I come? Shippou asked innocently.

"No, Shippou, not today, there is something I must discuss with Sango. Call it a Girl-talk if you will." Kagome said truthfully.

"Oh…" Shippou said disappointed, kicking the ground with his foot.

"Besides, who's going to protect me from hentai houshi?" Kagome asked refereeing to the perverted Miroku.

Shippou's eyes brightened, "Okay, leave it to me." Shippou said puffing out his small chest, making him look funny and proud at the same time.

"Arigato, Shippou-chan." Kagome said, and bowed for her thanks.

"Kagome?" Came Kouga's voice as he ran over Inuyasha's form in the mud. He took her hands in his and continued, "My friends and I must be off, we have to hunt for our pack and check back home, wait for me ok? I don't want my woman getting hurt on me."

Kagome sweat drops but smiles.

"Stupid Wolf, she isn't your woman!" Inuyasha said, finally removing himself from the mud.

Kouga smiles releases Kagome's hands then runs over Inuyasha again, "Ja ne" He said then the winds whipped around him and he was gone.

Kagome sighed but followed Sango in the distance with some towels, soap, shampoo and conditioner.

On their way there, Kagome seemed to be lost in thought. "A bath would do wonders" she thought out loud. Sango nodded her approval at her friend and together they made their way to the Hot Spring that they had passed by earlier.

The hot springs did wonders for the knots in their backs and relieved their stress. It allowed Kagome time to think.

"Sango?" Kagome asked.

"Hmm?" Sango responded, situating herself on a rock.

"Have you ever felt torn, were you love and hate someone at the same time? Like you wish they were never born but at the same time, knew you couldn't live without them?" Kagome asked.

"Is this about Inuyasha?" Sango asked, already knowing the answer.


Taking her silence as an answer, Sango thought about what next to say. Truth is she had felt that way, in fact she still does. She thought of her brother, who was controlled by Naraku and was sustaining life only by a shard in the back of his neck. The boy didn't even know who he was, and was terrified to remember who he was because of what he had done. She remembered the time Kohaku had tried to kill Kagome and take her shards back in the forest. If it weren't for Inuyasha who had stopped her from killing her own brother and from killing her own self, Sango wouldn't know what she had done. She hated but loved her brother at the same time. She thought about Miroku, and his untamed hand. His lecherous ways would always earn himself a good fresh handprint in the face. She hated in when he did that. She remembered back in peiling mount, when they were searching for the cause of the Holy Barrier that kept all demons from entering and secretly allowing Naraku to gain his strength. Miroku had used his Kazzana not once, but twice, sucking up lesser demons along with Naraku's poisonous insects for her. When she thought he was going to die, she cried for him, hating what he had done to himself yet loving him at the same time. Surprisingly, the holy barrier had healed him and kept the lesser demons from coming were they were. When Miroku asked about Sano's sudden display of emotion, She pretend like she didn't know. But deep down in her heart she was secretly thanking Kami that he was alright.

"Yes Kagome, I have." Sango said. When Kagome looked at Sango, Kagome could see that she was in deep thought. "Sometimes your heart knows before you do, and sometimes you need protection from it. People always do crazy things, when they're in love. Love, it's a mix of emotions, it's so weak but yet it's the strongest weapon of all time. With it can either come destruction or paradise, sometimes even both." Sango said then finished her thought.

This helped some, but it did confuse her, "Sometimes I just wish he would open up to me more, but now, I don't know what I want. I want to know…" Kagome was cut off by an ear-piecing scream.

Kagome and Sango jumped to their feet. In one minute flat, both of them were dried of, bodies at least and fully dressed. Ignoring their still wet hair, Kagome and Sango gathered up their things and ran back to camp. Both of them had been oblivious to a pair of golden orbs that had been watching them the whole time.

Silently he followed them, and concealed himself in the canopy above watching the next, most humorous of scenes. His stoic, emotionless face hid his well concealed laughter underneath.

* * * * * * *

Kagome and Sango skidded to halt when they got back to camp. Both of them had to hold each other for support as they nearly died from laughing.

Here was the Scene before them: Miroku was doubled over, holding himself, Inuyasha was pinned to the ground with one of Shippou's stone statues plus seal, and Shippou was dangling from some branches, apparently stuck. All of them were letting out strings of curse words at Kirara, who stood in the center in her cute form looking at Sango and Kagome wondering what she did wrong. Tilting her head to the side, nobody could miss the amusement in her eyes. "Mew?" She chirped.

"Where's a camera when I need one, ha hah ha" Kagome laughed, she was now holding her stomach. When Sango and Kagome finally were able to breath and walk again, they set all the boys free and learned what happened.

Apparently, Miroku had succumbed to his lecherous ways, yet again, and began to walk towards were the girls were bathing. When Kirara blocked his path, Miroku tried to get by her and accidentally tripped over Shippou and Landed on one of Kirara's tails. It hurt and she turned around to bite him, accidentally, in the crotch. His loud, ear-piercing squeal caused Shippou to jump up into the trees were he got stuck, but not before he accidentally dropped his stone statue, which landed on Inuyasha's hands as he tried to block his ears from the offending noise. Kirara, who got a bad taste in her mouth, transformed back into her cute form, spitting up the offending taste, then turned towards turned to look at the scene just when Sango and Kagome showed up. They had all learned this from Myouga, who had been in Kirara's fur the whole time.

None of the men talked much, mainly because of ego and hurt pride. Sango and Kagome looked at each other and sighed. Ego and Pride followed very closely to each other, you hurt one and you hurt the other. To men, it's a big thing.

The sound of running feet broke the tension on to create more as everybody jumped up and prepared for a battle.

* * * * * * *

Sesshomaru, who had seen the whole thing transpire between the group below thought it was one of the most amusing scenes he had ever seen in his long and still going life, minus that offending scream. Though his face remained stoic, his eyes betrayed him and held amusement.

He too heard the running of footsteps in the bush. He recognized the scent immediately. 'Rin? What could she be doing here?' Making amends to kill Jaken the next time he saw him, Sesshomaru prepared for a fight, for he knew she wasn't alone.

* * * * * * * *

Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kirara, and even Shippou were prepared for a battle. Inuyasha readied his tetsuiga and was about to strike when a little girl wearing an orange kimono and with hair partially tied back to the side came running out of the bushes with fear in her eyes.

"Inuyasha STOP!" Kagome yelled and ran to pick the little girl in her arms, she didn't even have to ask what the little child was running from.

The Earth shook as an unnatural earthquake shook the land. A huge black Dragon, with razor sharp claws as long as a grown man's human arm and as thick two heads on each finger, came out from beneath the trees. It had a huge mane and had the face of a canine. Its spikes were sharper and stronger than Ryuukotsusei, and its youki was twice as formidable. Its black Spikes were larger and longer than any of the huts in the village. Its huge massive size must have reached Mt. Fuji and a half. It had been traveling underground chasing the girl.

It appeared to pause for a moment taking in its surroundings. Its eerie white eyes glowed, soulless. "Hmm, four humans, a hanyou, and a demon," He paused a moment then further sensed around, "Nay, two demons, Show yourself!" It commanded in a deep, low voice.

Inuyasha, Kagome, and the other's appeared to be confused for a moment before Sesshomaru made his appearance.

"Sesshomaru!?" Inuyasha explained in surprise, how long he had been there he had no idea.

"Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said, dismissing him. His face stoic and emotionless as ever.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" The little girl explained and ran to him, only to be stopped by his hand.

"Rin, stay where you are" Sesshomaru said, the little girl nodded and ran back to Kagome.

Everyone but Kagome was surprised that Sesshomaru had a little girl that followed him, and he didn't kill her. Kagome would have smiled if not for the immediate threat that hung in the before them. A sudden shock hit her, 'Is this real? He has no shards, no shards at all!!'

"Inuyasha he has no shards!" Kagome yelled, everyone but Sesshomaru froze, "WHAT?!?!?!?" Everyone yelled.

The Dragon laughed. "Why would I stoop low as to use the Shards of the Shikon no Tama when I'm already more powerful than most youkai's that roam the land."

"State your name and business." Sesshomaru said. He too was curious and shocked, though he did not show it, as to why this creature had such powerful youki and was not using the Shikon no Tama for it.

"Very well," The Dragon said, his speech was alarmingly clean spoken, as if he was well versed and properly trained, somehow deep in his gut Sesshomaru knew that this creature was extremely powerful, though not quite as powerful as Naraku, but more honorable. At least this creature didn't eat other demons and use the Shikon to boost himself, this dragon looked as if he had fought many battles and won, including training himself. "I am Ryuukokuyen," he began, "I'm the black knight and the first General to the lord of lords, the king, nay, Master of chaos and corruption. I've slain many demons and humans, and am Ryuukotsuei's elder cousin. As for my business, it is to destroy this barrier, along with the purest soul, nay souls guarding it, and kill any who stand in my way."

Ryuukokuyen's eyes never left Kagome or Rin, for they were backed up near the barrier, and for some reason, he seemed to have his anger and hatred towards them, along with the barrier. "Too bad though," he said aloud, "You would be a find mate to any." Ryuukokuyen said to Kagome, who was holding Ring tightly, Shippou, Sango, Kirara, and Miroku guarding her. "Pity, such beauty shouldn't go to waste." He said before rushing forth.

"BASTARD!" Inuyasha spat, "Kaze no Kizu!" he yelled as Tetsuiga's basic attack went forth to the dragons stronger than steel hide, the attack bounced right off.

The moment the dragon threatened Rin, was the very moment that Sesshomaru decided it was the last straw. He never heard of Ryuukokuyen, and Sesshomaru wasn't a demon who liked change. Removing Toujikin from its hilt, Sesshomaru attacked, cutting off some of the hide on the dragon's left arm, it hissed in annoyance.

Sango threw her Hikkaratsu at the youkai only to have it bounce right off. Miroku tried to use his wind tunnel, but decided against that due to everybody kept changing positions. Sighing, he chanted a spell in his seals and threw them at the dragon. The dragon, momentarily stunned, roared. That was his weakness! Holy Power! It left marks wherever the seals were thrown, and the wounds were slow to heal.

"YOU'LL PAY DEARLY WITH YOUR LIVES FOR THAT!!" Ryuukokuyen yelled and hurled a ball of energy towards them, it headed straight for Kagome.

The winds started to moan, they began playing a melancholy melody.

"KAGOME!!" Inuyasha ran to protect her.

The moon began to shine, the clouds parted and its light spilled on the barrier, creating a bright, blinding glow.

He ran to her, and noticed a white blur run past him; Sesshomaru was heading to block the attack to.

The Sakura tree began to sway in an unseen wind, thousands of pink fully bloomed petals began to swirl in a wind-whirl, that strangely harmed nothing in its bath. The barrier within became pink.

Ryuukokuyen stopped, his eyes wide with fear, "NOOOOOOO!" He yelled and began a head rush and was repelled back, another barrier formed, blocking the demon's entrance while at the same time throwing pushing back his attacks.

Kagome felt something pull at her, it came from the barrier. It called to her. 'Hurry, the attack comes, hurry, come inside' Kagome was taken aback, and the voice continued, stronger this time, 'Hurry, otherwise you will die! Please come to me, Kagome.'

She was stunned but ran towards the barrier that opened before her and closed just as she stepped inside. Not a moment to soon did she did, that the first attack sent by Ryuukokuyen, barely blocked by Sesshomaru's Tokijin, slammed on the barrier. The barrier was unaffected but Kagome was compelled to continue.

Rin, who had gotten out of Kagome's hands, ran towards the center tree, Kagome followed closely. She picked up the girl who just stared at the tree. Suddenly she fell limp in Kagome's arms, unconscious but alive. Kagome looked at the tree and set the girl down, she entered the tree.

Outside the barrier, it began to crackle with extremely powerful holy light.

"The Sleeping Angel," Myouga exclaimed who was on Kirara's shoulder, all of them, including Ryuukokuyen, staring at the barrier that was emitting extremely high powerful holy light, "She Awakens!"

End of Chapter 2

Authors note: MUHAHAHAH! Another Cliffhanger for you readers, sorry but I couldn't resist. This is one of my longer chapters yet. Gee, I wonder what is going to happen in the next chapter, ne? ^^ anyways please review, because I love to read them. No flamers please, rather, constructive criticism. It was hard for me to write, I got writer's block.

Chapter written and finished on February 1, 2004at 8:54 p.m.