InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 3: Possessed by the daughter of the gods ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami no Rei

By: unokitsune

Disclaimer: Inuyasha and pals don't belong to me. Lucious, the angel, Ryuukokuyen and other future characters do belong to me.

Spoilers: Though Kikyou does die, again by Naraku, (I just remembered because she was in the second movie), I would like to thank her for her advice, but I'm probably not going to have her in this fic, at least not yet. Let's see, this fanfic basically takes place right after 126, I haven't seen 127 or the third movie yet so I'm just doing things my way.

Warning: NC17, NOT FOR KIDDIES. Blood, Gore, Violence, Lemon, Language, and Adult situations are expected. In this chapter, there will be language, (we all got to love Kouga and Inuyasha's potty mouths), possible nudity, blood and possible gore.

Authors Note: I would like to thank everybody for there reviews. Though because Inuyasha sometimes leaves off on those evil, evil cliffhangers, I will sometimes write like that. Though I will try not to in the future, though sometimes I can't help but build suspense and mystery, very sorry. Evanescence somehow goes along with this story, the soundtrack, you guys should listen to it.

I would also like to thank these people:

Helen: Thank you for being my first reviewer. Also you should keep up with the manga; it's different from the Japanese and English versions. The Japanese version and the English version are slightly different from each other.

KawaiiInuGirl: Thank you, and don't worry if you haven't read Golden Beauty, though I don't know if I want to post it up again, right now I think Ookami no Rei is much better.

Kellie: Love your email address, lol. And I hope I can update the chapter as fast as everybody is wishing me too.

Shiro Ryu: Thank you so much for the info. And yes I want to hear more spoilers from our favorite dog boy show, I like reading or knowing ahead. Please tell me more sometime in like my email or something. Yah, Fluffy does fit better with her. I mean, Kagome and Inuyasha were starting to get along better and then what happens, Kikyou dies and Inuyasha ignores Kagome.

Christina :sweatdrop: eh heh he, ok. ^^: hug: I will try to write and thank you.

Angelkitty77: Lol, yours was the funniest one. Sorry for the evil cliffies, but I got writers block, so I am doing my best plus I got homework and school, and after school activities.

Laydhwk: thank you. I'm trying. This is my second fic. And thank you again.

Anon: ^^ here's more.

R&R: makes the world go round ^^ I love reviews. Hug's everybody.

Now sit back and enjoy the story

Chapter 3: Possessed by the daughter of the gods.

Kagome felt something pull at her, it came from the barrier. It called to her. 'Hurry, the attack comes, hurry, come inside' Kagome was taken aback, and the voice continued, stronger this time, 'Hurry, otherwise you will die! Please come to me, Kagome.'

She was stunned but ran towards the barrier that opened before her and closed just as she stepped inside. Not a moment to soon did she did, that the first attack sent by Ryuukokuyen, barely blocked by Sesshomaru's Tokijin, slammed on the barrier. The barrier was unaffected but Kagome was compelled to continue.

Rin, who had gotten out of Kagome's hands, ran towards the center tree, Kagome followed closely. She picked up the girl who just stared at the tree. Suddenly she fell limp in Kagome's arms, unconscious but alive. Kagome looked at the tree and set the girl down, she entered the tree.

Outside the barrier, it began to crackle with extremely powerful holy light.

"The Sleeping Angel," Myouga exclaimed who was on Kirara's shoulder, all of them, including Ryuukokuyen, staring at the barrier that was emitting extremely high powerful holy light, "She Awakens!"


The barrier crackled and sizzled, like the sound of burning oil, only much, much more loudly. It now emitted a brink pink glow, just like the sakura blossoms. White lightning formed and spiraled around the barrier, bright holy fire that did not burn soon followed suit. The moonbeams danced, and everyone, human or demon, could feel the tenchi's chi come to life.

The clouds above began to part, revealing a night with many stars and a full moon. Suddenly the moon shot a powerful beam that hit the barrier, right on the very center at the very top. The beam thinned and the lightning and fire dancing around the barrier soon gathered at the top.

A bright beam was fired from the barrier and shot to the sky, it soon spread its color, and the black sky now glowed pink. Falling from the pink light were a thousand baby-blue feathers with gold backs, each rivaling the power of the shards of the Shikon no Tama, except none of them were tainted.

Ryuukokuyen was pissed; these humans had prevented him from accomplishing his original goal of destroying the barrier along with the powerful being that lay inside. He rushed towards the barrier, only to be stopped by the feathers, which seemed to freeze everyone and everything but Sesshomaru, who was being protected not only by Toujikan but also Tenseiga.

Then the barrier exploded, like a feudal era nuclear bomb, lighting the sky for all to see from miles away. The energy nearly killed Ryuukokuyen, it blew apart all but one his limbs and did serious damage to his though indestructible youki. Blood sprayed from every part of his body. His heart was dangling outside his body by the three major veins. His eyes were bulging out of his head. His body was impossibly and painfully twisted, even for a dragon. His insides from beneath the heart were barely kept inside by a very, very thin layer of skin. His mighty jaws were broken, his teeth were shattered. Yet the blast did not kill him, most of the feathers flew to his body, covering from his head to the very tip of his tail. They transported him out of the area.

Feathers landed on Inuyasha, who tried to slash them with his sword. They, of course, turned his blade back to his dull state and transported him far away. Sango and Miroku, who also didn't know what to make of the feathers, lashed out at them with there weapons, they were transported together. Shippou tried to run with Kirara, however the feathers flew towards them and stuck to them, they were transported out of the area together as well.

The feathers seemed to bounce off the shield around Sesshomaru, which was held up by Tenseiga and Toujikan working together. 'Strange' Sesshomaru thought. He had to shield his eyes from the bright light that was highly painful to his demon eyes. Even though the barrier protected him from the feathers, that seemed to make everything it touched that could move disappear, Sesshomaru still had to brace himself for the extremely powerful blast that sent blades of wind every which way.

Soon the barrier was no more, and there, in the center, stood the most beautiful creature Sesshomaru had ever seen. She was more beautiful than any human or demon, yet she looked no more than 17 or 18. She spread her beautiful, magnificent wings way out into the sky. Such beautiful, oddly colored wings. The shone sky-blue on the inside, and yellow-gold on the outside. Her hair was long and golden, as golden as the sun. Her eyes were truly a site, bright blue when casting a spell, yet blue with golden pupils. There was a mark of royalty on her forehead. It was a yellow sun, upon her beautiful pale skin, that reached past her eyes, with a beautiful silver crescent moon within her sun mark. Her robes were ancient, beautiful, and rare. Even though only two layers, they still showed the regale rank of a young goddess, even though the design was fairly simple, as if she was keeping simple modesty. In delicate, beautiful hands was Rin, who was sleeping peacefully.

"Such a beautiful child" Sesshomaru heard her say, in the most beautiful voice. Then the angel looked at him, exhaustion filled her eyes. Suddenly she lost consciousness and fell, at a very fast rate.

Sesshomaru saw her fatigue even before she fell. His body and demonic speed betrayed him for a moment as he ran and caught her in his arms. Only it wasn't the tenchi that he had caught, rather his half-wit whelp of a brother's woman-child. Opening her human eyes, just a bit, she uttered one word, "Eclypsia" before losing consciousness. Rin was still tightly clasped in her arms.

He wanted to leave her, this woman-child, what was her name? Kagome? However something inside him told him not to. He decided to believe it was because of Rin, who could use a playmate.

His demonic energy swirled underneath his feet as his cloud formed. Using this he headed back to his castle. He held the bundle of the two young females in his arm, wondering if he imagined what he just saw or wondering if it was really real. With his mind set on punishing Jaken when he found him, Sesshomaru sped off to his castle.

* * * * * * * * *

Kouga, Ginta, and Hatkagoo just got back to their pack and den when they saw the explosion from the barrier. All of the wolf demons and wolves froze at the site. There was something about it that felt…Kouga couldn't place the feeling. He ran past Ginta and Hatkagoo, who tried to stop him, they not knowing what it was.

As he ran, something big and covered with golden and baby-blue feathers fell from the sky. It was moving, as if something was trying to get out of it. It was muttering a string of muffled curse words to. "The Hell?" Kouga explained. He jumped up and attacked it, only to see a red sleeve holding a fang-sword attack, or rather, try to get free.

Kouga, who easily avoided the attack, landed on the ground just in time to see the ball of feathers make a huge crash on the side of the cliff. As he walked over to sniff at it, it sprouted ears. It rolled for a bit, before one of female wolf demons kicked it, only to have the thing yell and tackle the wolf demoness to the ground. Kouga rushed over and pulled her out of the feather-cursing-rolling ball-with-red-sleeves-and dog ears.

Kouga was about to attack it when suddenly Inuyasha's head popped, err, hatched out of the feather ball. Kouga, even though he hated Inuyasha because he had Kagome, thought this was one of the most classic of all scenes.

Kouga, who couldn't pass an opportunity to piss his rival off, just had to say, "Baka, I thought you were supposed to be a dog, not a bird" After this Kouga cracked up laughing, referring to a feather ball, with two arms, one holding a sword, one in clutched showing knuckles, and a head with a very pissed off expression.


The instant Kouga heard Kagome's name, he was at Inuyasha's throat. "BAKA, WHERE IN THE HELL IS KAGOME?!"

"She's possessed by an angel, asleep for a thousand years" a voice said, "Poor girls, both suffer from fatigue and depression, both of them betrayed." Kouga and Inuyasha follow the voice to the feathers, who are now leaving Inuyasha's body. "I wonder if he can restore their faith, I wonder if he can learn to love." The feathers are now almost invisible, you can see right through them now, as they fall into the sky, "Before the devil wins." And with that they were gone.

Both Kouga and Inuyasha didn't know what had transpired, but decided that they needed to get where the barrier once stood, and fast.

They later had met up with Sango, Miroku, Shippou, Kirara, and Myouga, who had similar experiences. One thing was for sure though, they had to find Kagome. And they had to learn more about the being that emerged from the barrier.

End Chapter 3

Authors Note: I'm so sorry for the short chapter, but I'm tired and I couldn't think of anything else to write. I promise to make it up to all of you with longer chapters and more explanations in later chapters. Please forgive me. Anyways please review.

This chapter was written and finished on February 3, 2004 at 8:56 p.m.