InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 4: Restless soul; Awaken in the Demon Lord’s Embrace ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami no Rei

By: unokitsune

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and his pals! I do, however, own Lucious, Eclypsia, and soon-to-come characters. Ryuukokuyen also belongs to me.

Warning: Not for kids! Though the beginning chapters will be pretty much to the most part, mellow, aside from our favorite-canine-potty-mouth demons, Inuyasha and Kouga, things will begin to get explicit later on. There will be blood, violence, death, lemon, and so on, Language is going to be one of the bigger ones.

Authors Note: Ok, ok. Yesterday morning, (Friday February 6, 2004) really scared the pants off of me and almost made me yell at them. I logged on to my site only to see the message "You have 0 stories published, you have 0 reviews" Geesh I couldn't concentrate on school practically the whole day. has taken my stories down in the past even though all of it WAS MY OWN WORK!!!!!!!!!!! But that afternoon, I found it to be back up and I only ask to warn me before that happens. I'M NOT A BLOODY PLAGERIST!!!

With that being said and off of my system, I'm going to try to write and finish this chapter at night. Geesh, it's almost like nobody wants me on the computer anymore.

PLEASE NO FLAMERS, my stupidity on DA already gives me enough of those.

Please read and review and I will be most happy. Also, I will try my best to make chapters longer for everyone here. And if you want to make it easier on yourselves, I'll try one of those email-you-to-inform-you-that-I-updated things. If not and you just want to put this story on one of your recommended readings, the number to this fic is 18408

It took a lot of courage for me to come back to after what happened in the past, to the point where I pretty much gave up writing, but I'm back.

Thanks to everybody who reviewed, I feel so loved and welcomed. *hugs everyone*

Now, please sit back and relax.

Chapter 4: Restless soul; Awaken in the Demon Lord's Embrace.

***Kagome's dream***

Kagome was running, she didn't know why or when she started running, all she knew was she had to be somewhere. The place was utter darkness, the only light was below her pounding feet, it took the shape of the path. 'The light' she thought, somehow she knew she needing to follow this path, no matter where it led.

It was so cold here, the scenery, everything was dark and depressing. A pang in her chest told her to run faster, she couldn't stop if she wanted. She ran faster than she thought she could run.

'Escape' she thought, escape from what? She heard the pounding of feet following her, or was it feet?

She ran faster, as fast as she could in her kimono. 'Kimono?!?! Since when was I wearing a kimono? Last time I checked it was my school uniform' Kagome looked down, and sure enough it was a kimono, though it was a rare and very old kimono. It was more elegant than anything she had seen in her life, even more elegant than the richest of the rich ladies of high class. It was also two layers, with a very modest and simple design, though it seemed like it was over 20 layers, just because of the beauty of it.

A demonic roar that sounded like a dragon's, woke her out of her thoughts. She was tempted to look behind her, but something inside her told her not to look back. Instead it insisted she run faster, but her legs were sore and tired.

So why not use her wings? 'Wings?!?' Kagome thought, 'Why would I have wings? I'm ningen!' Yet something inside her said she wasn't, and when she looked behind her, sure enough, there were wings. The down feathers (the inside of her wings) were a beautiful light sky blue, while the long feathers, (the outside of her wings), were colored a glorious yellow gold. She took to the sky, flapping faster and faster, getting further than when she was running.

The pounding feet she could here behind her stopped, only to be replaced with the sound of murderous, thunder wings. Another roar from her mysterious follower sent shivers up and down her spine, making her fear worsen, more so than it already was. She flew faster.

'Run!' It was the only thing on her mind, and it left her with so many questions. 'Fly away, fly faster, ESCAPE!' The voice was getting louder and louder in her head, it was as if it were pushing her forward, demanding that she get away.

'I can't see anything, just my way out, and I can hear you, you're getting closer' she thought, wait a minute, she knew who was following her?!? Why? She hasn't seen him yet.

He was gaining on her, his vicious wings sending waves of power that echoed into the sky and hitting a barrier of utter darkness and chaos.

The barrier, it gave her more fear that she couldn't escape. She lashed out at it, then flew quickly away, and lashed out at it from a different spot, trying her hardest to get free.

She heard a maniacal laugh from behind her seconds before she was grabbed out of the air and slammed hard to the ground.

She couldn't the demon that pinned her down because she was pinned so she was lying on her stomach. She could, however, see the demon evil, serrated deadly claws that had a hold of her breast and were squeezing really, really hard. She could also feel something very hard being rubbed against the middle of her butt.

'Oh kami, he's trying to…' Realization hit her, and it hit her hard. She slammed herself against him, sending waves of powerful holy energy causing him to cry out in twisted pain mixed with a carnivorous anger. She knew this power wasn't hers, but at the moment she didn't care, she knew she had to use whatever it took to shake him off of her and escape. She would fight him to the very end, even if it meant her very life.

She got up and stood on her feet. He was laughing now, his charcoal black lips saying something, but she couldn't here it. She did hear 'MINE' and 'DIE' and by the way he was using them, she didn't like it, she didn't like it one bit.

A sword of great-heaven-holy-magic appeared in her right hand, and she wielded it like she had been using a sword forever. The sword itself was beautiful, bedazzled. It seemed to be woven of elfin magic and Holy Grail. The very beauty and purity of it reflected heaven itself. It had ancient writing on it, inscribed in ancient Latin. Celtic circles were woven around the base of the sword, were the hilt met the blade, and were the blade met the handle. The design was slender, yet firm. Sharp, yet gentle. It was a sword of purity, of gentleness, of power and wisdom. It was, like a medieval conquistador sword, yet strong and gentle at the same time. Without even looking at its inscription, she already knew what the name was. How she knew she had no idea, but at that very moment the word "Alexandria" left her lips.

She watched him pull out a sword to, this one the completely exact opposite of her holy sword. This sword was one completely of hell. His was Daemon, the sword that killed over thousands of humans and demons alike. This sword also had killed angels to, corrupting them so their bodies turned into soulless demons with lifeless eyes. He'd slain them after raping them of their once beautiful and peaceful lives. He smiled on an unseen face; it was as if she was trying not to remember his face. His grin, his evil grin, she didn't like it at all.

He attacked her with Daemon, the sword of hell. She easily blocked him with Alexandria.

The night wore on, two very different gods fighting, one for survival, the other for dominance. The night was filled with demonic and holy energy.

Her strength was being depleted quickly, while he seemed to be healing by the night, his strength vastly increasing.

Suddenly he had her pinned beneath him. He was trying to tear apart her clothes with his claws. She screamed.

"LET GO LET GO!!" He almost had her first layer torn off.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!" She screamed as her first layer of clothes was torn off.

She knew what he was going to do, he was going to rape her body, she could see the harsh lust in his eyes, and he wasn't going to be gentle about it. She reached deep within herself, summoning the last of her strength. Chanting an ancient incantation, she released the last of her powers, summoning a vortex of iridescent light. Finally she hurled it at Lucious, who was just about to enter her now nude form. The blast sent him hurling very, very far from her. And then, everything went blank. Alexandria lay what seemed lifeless near her frozen body.

***End of Kagome's Dream***

"NO!" Kagome screamed as she woke up, only to be embraced tightly by something, or rather someone very warm. Still not fully awake, she pushed against the offending, yet comforting warmth.

"Silence, be still." The voice was more commanding that it was comforting, but it was still comforting none the less.

Kagome struggled in whatever held her, the nightmarish dream still in her head, it seemed so real. 'Was it a dream?' She thought.

Whatever held her, tightened its grip, a low growl finally woke her up fully.

She stilled, ceasing all her movement. Yet she was breathing very hard, a side-effect of that horrible, horrible dream. She clutched whatever was holding her, and snuggled further in its warmth. She didn't care who or what was holding her at the moment, but she allowed its warmth and even breathing calm her. She felt the hold loosen, almost as if at loss for what to do. Suddenly she started crying in the chest of whatever held her, blinded by tears and crying her hard out, she whispered one word before falling asleep.

* * * * * * * *

Sesshomaru was litterly stunned as to what to do. He was mad at himself, but he was also confused as to why he felt this way. He didn't like it. This was all too new. But at the same time he was also curious and somehow, protective, over this damn miko. Why, he had no idea but he hated it. Yet, he couldn't ignore the feeling of her in his arms, it felt… He tried to think of the words but nothing came.

'My sweet boy, you just hate not understanding what you are feeling right now, but soon you will learn, and your heart won't ask how. Forgive me my sweet child, but you hold a girl who is born to be wild. Don't confine her, let her run. And soon the both of you shall learn again, the very meaning of the word fun' A voice in his head spoke

"Who addresses this Sesshomaru?" Sesshomaru asked. However, the voice was gone.

He looked down at the sleeping miko he now held in his arms and couldn't help but remember the nerve-racking events that just happened a few moments ago.


Sesshomaru had just entered his castle with two bundles in his arms. One was his brother's woman-child the other was Rin, the girl whom he aloud to follow him.

He gave Rin to Tsuaei, a tigress demoness who was also a servant in his household. Not much was known about her except she was found one night by one of his shoulders asleep under the sun and brought back here. She was already marked, but by whom it was a mystery. In early days, back when she was still new to this castle, her mark didn't stop some foolish male youth from trying. They mysteriously disappeared and where never seen or heard from again. The only other aspect about her, besides her friendly and calmness attitude, was that she was often found basking and sleeping in the sun whenever she got the chance.

Bowing deeply, and with a smile on her face, Tsuaei took Rin off to bed.

Now alone with the miko, he decided for her to have a room near his. He brought her to a spare room adjacent to his, separated by only one door. He placed her in the bed of the adjacent room that was built to hold his future mate. Usually he had no use for the place because he wasn't interested in any of those power-crazed-gold diggers of demoness who he basically named whores to begin with. The room was usually well locked and he never had any use of the place, not any until now.

Windows with shades aligned the north side of the room, where a balcony was also present. The fireplace automatically turned itself on when Sesshomaru came in and growled. The room seemed to spring to life, the spirit of it seemed to be happy now that someone was actually going to use it. Even though he never used it, Sesshomaru wasn't one that liked things to be dirty, especially when it was really close to him. So he always had one of the many servants in his castle come in and clean up this room, which would explain why it was immaculate instead of dusty, as most rooms were if they would have been left in someone else's care.

He placed the miko on the bed, and became hypnotized by her exotic, angelic, sleeping face. He listened to her breathing and watched her sleep soundlessly. He would have stayed there in that spot all night, frozen in place just watching her. At the moment he didn't curse himself, and was actually feeling at peace in her beauty.

He was about to fall asleep until she began stirring.

She was shaking, turning her head this way and that, sweating. He realized she was running in her sleep by something. He was about to lightly shake her to wake up when suddenly she sprang out of the bed and was running out through the adjacent door, through his room, and down the hall, at an extremely fast past.

Growling he followed after her, using his demonic speed to catch up.

He was about to catch her when suddenly she dashed ahead, picking up speed from an unknown source. Her run was way too fast, it wasn't human.

He would have smiled and relished the chase; it was rare for him to find something fast enough for him to have a good chase. However, he didn't, not when he smelled fear radiated off her sleep-running body.

He growled and sped up his pace determined to catch her.

He hid his shock by his emotionless face; however his eyes betrayed him for a minor moment when he noticed she was no longer running, but flying.

And she was flying very, very fast, faster than when she had been running, a stronger smell of fear that what she was previously wearing assaulted his nose.

She flew straight to the Grand Halls, and began pounding on the walls and locked doors. She was frantically looking for an exit of some sort.

He growled again before running to grab her, to calm her down and possibly wake her up. Big mistake, he realized all too late.

She flung him off of her, with an unseen and unexpected strength, tossing Sesshomaru six whole feet from her.

Even though he didn't land that far from her, the fact that this girl, sleeping, could actually throw him, Sesshomaru, was surprising.

He was instantly back on his feet and watched as she got back up on hers. She turned facing him; a sword out of nowhere appeared in her right hand. Straightening herself, and though still asleep, she opened her eyes. They were white and filled with tears, an expression of betrayal, hurt, confusion, and anger clouded them. The word "Alexandria" left her lips just before she rushed in to attack him.

He was actually stunned, and quickly pulled out Toujikin at the very moment her blade hit his. 'Those eyes, they're not the miko's bright brown ones. That voice, definitely not hers' He thought as he blocked her every attack.

She held the sword like it was natural; she would have already hit him if her eyes weren't blinded by her darker emotions. However, she lagged, as if she had just woken up and hadn't been practicing in over one thousand years.

Suddenly, by chance, she tripped over him right after she broke his armor off. The blade fell from her hands at the very moment she almost hit the ground.

Sesshomaru caught her in time but then pinned her to the ground.

The very instant he did so she began shouting, screaming for him to get off of her. He, however, with his only one hand held her two together. Suddenly she became utterly quite and closed her clearly possessed eyes.

Sesshomaru tensed and readied for an attack, reading Toujikin to block it. Not a moment to soon that he did that he was met full force by a devastating holy attack. He was pushed and slammed to a wall; the whole room blindly glowed with pure white light.

When it finally faded, Sesshomaru noticed Kagome was unconscious on the floor.

His whole demon senses were still a little on edge after that attack, which was stronger than even Midoriko, the ancient miko of whom the Shikon no Tama sprouted from.

His senses soon faded and he deemed it safe before he approached her. Walking towards her, he was about to bend over and pick her up before she shouted "NO!" and shot up off the floor, straight into his arms.

He held her tightly, unsure of why he was doing so, but came to the conclusion that it was because he didn't want anything further to happen.

She began to push against him, still not fully awake. "Silence, be still." He growled at her, though it was more of a command than of comforting words.

She stilled all movements before beginning to breathe very hard, the direct after affects of the nightmare she was now awakened from. He growled again, this time tightening his hold on her and causing her to awaken fully.

Suddenly he felt her lash out and hold him tightly when he began to loosen his hold. She began crying and then whispered "Don't let go" before she cried herself to sleep.

***End Flashback***

He brought her sleeping form back to the room where they originally started from. Placing her back on the bed and covering her up, he fought the urge to kiss her pretty forehead.

As Sesshomaru left, he couldn't help but think. 'I only held her and watched her sleep. Yet when I tried to awaken her from her nightmare, as one would do, she lashed out at me. Yet it wasn't out of violence, just out of fear, pure overwhelming fear. And her chi was large and in anger and hurt, as if her soul had suffered a great betrayal. If she didn't awaken when she did, and if Toujikin hadn't protected be, she would not only have killed me, but the miko and herself as well.'

It was official, he knew, for in his late father's castle now deemed his, was Kagome, his brother's miko. Within her was Eclypsia, the very being he watched possessed Kagome and heard her name from her lips. Eclypsia, though very mysterious, was a very powerful and very restless soul.

His face indifferent, he looked to his right shoulder, where a salty tear stain remained. Looking at it, he couldn't help but remember how she felt against him.

Shaking it off as a weakness, like it was nothing, he disappeared down the halls. "Eclypsia," he spoke to no one in particular, "Tomorrow I will learn more about you, and Kagome as well."

* * * * * *

He roared at the very picture, yet he smiled a serrated tooth smile from charcoal black lips. He watched the beautiful girl through a pink and gold mirror, at the sleeping miko. He had seen when she woke up, had heard when she woke up. And, thanks to this beautiful and glorious mirror, he had felt her very attacks when she un-knowingly attacked the great Taiyoukai.

"So my sweet," He said in a very low voice, "You finally awoke after one thousand years, perhaps now I can finally learn you name, it has been lost to me forever so long."

Anger instantly filled his pleasant mood when an un-earthly servant knocked on the door. "YES?" He more than commanded when a servant opened the door.

"Master," It said in a voice much creepier than Kanna's whisper, "Lord Ryuukokuyen has failed, he is just outside the temple, awaiting your punishment." He then awaited his master's reply.

The being smirked, 'So little one, you still retain your strength after so many years of slumber, very well, I'll let you train more before I come for you, this time your very own soul will be mine, along with your body that no longer exists.'

"Have Ryuukokuyen brought to the chamber of Klamor, there, chain him so that he is forced to look at the very image he fears, the image that comes from my Black Cauldron." He said in a voice twisted with so much evil.

"Yes Master" and with that the servant was gone, disappeared into the dark, nothingness.

With that the being smirked and went to change for the "Occasion" and was gone.

End of Chapter 4

Authors Note: Muhahaha, an evil, evil cliffhanger with so many unanswered questions. Sorry, but I can't answer them all at once, though they will be answered shortly. Hmm, Sesshomaru can actually say the goddess's very name, and he spoke Kagome's as well. And who is this mysterious female voice that spoke to Sesshomaru in a rhyming riddle? And what of this mysterious, yet scary "Master" with charcoal black lips? Well until next time.

Hey, if you all would like to be part of the mailing list, just give me an email anytime and I will try to get back to all your addresses, for updates of course.

Well, since this chapter is 8 pages long, please review what you think. This took me two days to write. Oh, and I'm super sorry about the cliffhanger, it's just, well, it happened at I couldn't resist. Hey, it's how most Inuyasha episodes are. Thank you, thank you for those glorious reviews. *runs away before she is hit by food and boo's * MUJAJAJAJA *unokitsune disappears into the night *

This chapter was originally started on Saturday, February 7, 2004, and was finished on February 8, 2004 at 9:14 p.m.