InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ookami no Rei ❯ Chapter 6: Friend or Foe; demon lord vs. archangel ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ookami no Rei

By Unokitsune

Disclaimer: Inuyasha, and friends, do not; I repeat, DO NOT belong to me. They belong to their respected creator, Rumiko Takahashi. Eclypsia, Lucious, Manta, Wolf, Morgan, Ryuukokuyen, and future others do belong to me. There is another character coming into play soon, a crane youkai that belongs to Chillkat who allowed me the privilege to use him in my story. As soon as I can remember his name, (I know it starts with a k I think, it's somewhere in my notes and email) I'll post it up (Geesh I suck at remembering names, can't even remember some of my friends names, isn't that sad?)

A/N: Ok people, this is NC-17, but as of the moment, I can't think of anything. I'm writing cuz I'm bored and I WANT REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't make this a/n extra long, so be happy. I don't know when I want Inuyasha and company to come into play, maybe a bit after this chapter, hmm? The fight with Naraku, well, it's going to be non-existent, I'll explain later. Oh, should I revive Kikyou and then kill her again? Or should I throw in everybody's favorite character of last story, (she's hyper, annoying, and hilariously funny!!! Inuyasha is scared of her) that's right, KAIRI! ^^ I'll explain more about her too. Right now, I want some sappy, mushy, lime stuff from sessy. Hopefully it's not OOC. ^^

QUESTION: Is it Tenyo or Tenchi that is an angel/goddess?

Anyways, relax, and enjoy.

Chapter 6: Friend or Foe; Demon Lord Sesshomaru vs. Archangel/Goddess Eclypsia

Sesshomaru used a clawed hand to move Kagome's now pink hair away from her face. While sleeping, both her and the tenchi's souls had intertwined, sharing each others strengths and nearly erasing all weaknesses. However, Sesshomaru knew that a few weaknesses still existed. And somehow they always had something to do with the heart, something he would learn how to fix. Yet at the moment, his feelings for his brother's wench and the being that dwelled inside her were like protectiveness. He couldn't explain why he felt the need to protect her, both of them. To feel her trust, to earn it and keep it, to feel her love…why, why was he feeling this way?

The feelings were similar to what he felt for Rin, though it was in a highly different way. It was more than parental feelings it was almost like….Sesshomaru cut his thoughts off from there. For him, the Great Lord of the Western Lands didn't like getting confused. He hardly ever got confused, and if he did, the source would lose his/her head. There was just one other time, long ago, when he felt this confused…

He looked at the sleeping miko again. Her black hair was now the color of sakura, a light pink cherry blossom color with very light highlights, almost white. Her skin tone had lightened, but it was not sickly white. A bright pinkish purple starburst was found resting in the middle of her head. Her nails lengthened a bit, not much. Her ears still resembled human ears, but Sesshomaru knew better, he knew they could hear just as well as any demon, perhaps on the same level if not better than a dog demon's ears. Her chest had increased a few cups, she was taller, and her body was now more formed. She had a wolf tail growing from the bottom of her back, just above her butt. It was a darker pink than her hair with a bit of purple here and there. The lips on her face seemed to become pinker and redder than any rose could get. She now had wings, they were between transparent, white, and a very, very light purple. She was no longer a human, but an angel, a highly powerful one at that. Her miko power, he, Sesshomaru, knew had increased even beyond Kikyou and perhaps even Midoriko.

Her silent, even breathing, was a soothing sound to Sesshomaru. He was tempted to lean down and kiss her forehead. But he didn't know how she would react. He caught himself just as he was about to kiss her. This woman-child hadn't even been in his presence that long and already she was affecting him in ways he couldn't comprehend and at the moment, did and didn't want to learn what they were.

She sleeps in a melancholy sleep

A tune sad in song

Her heart shattered in pieces

Her life ever so long…

'It's that voice,' Sesshomaru thought then growled. That very same voice he heard before the angel, Eclypsia, had awoken in a nightmarish dream. "Reveal yourself!" Sesshomaru barked. The voice sounding so familiar, yet Sesshomaru couldn't fathom why.

Under the sun she sleeps

A silent lullaby

Under the moon she awakens

A horrid, painful cry

'That voice…why do I recognize it?' Sesshomaru thought. He allowed a low, warning growl to escape his throat. He readied Toujikan, unsure of the whole situation.

My dear child,

I will not harm you

All of you have suffered

Even you, Sesshomaru

"So, you know who I am, it would be immodest and impolite that I wouldn't know the name of whom addresses me." Sesshomaru said, he then added, "How can one suffer when they know not of petty, human, emotions?"

You lie to yourself my child

Somewhere inside you lies a heart

Reframe from being untruthful

For it tears so many lives apart

My dear child, son of Inutaisho,

Quell my young angel's fears

For along with the young miko,

Her soul cries a million unsheathed tears

Deep in your heart, you know who I am

And you'll see me in your dreams if you're bold

Then, and only then

Can more of this story be told

Then the voice disappeared, vanished into thin air, just like when it first appeared. A shifting of movement caught Sesshomaru's ears, awakening him out of his reverie. Sesshomaru looked towards the bed, where he assumed the young miko had shifted and moved in her sleep. The scene that greeting him however, was something far from what he expected.

She sat there, straight up in his mother's bed. Silver, light blue eyes looked right at his own, locking them in dead stare. Her long, golden tresses cascaded down her shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing her beautiful face which held beautiful, crimson lips; fuller and more beautiful than that of the reddest rose. Her wings behind her were that of an enchanted, powerful being, locked away and surviving in a once human female's body; a body that held not one, but two souls that entangled and gave each other her power, surviving off the other. Her long tail wrapped around her body, it was a tail belonging to that of a wolf, though it was longer and much fluffier. Her delicate, slender arms held the blanket closer to her body, a poster and body saying how vulnerable she felt. What amazed Sesshomaru the most is when he looked back in her eyes; they each belonged to a different soul. Her right eye was silver-blue, it belonged to the angel Eclypsia, and the other orb was a pink hue with a purple sun-like shape highlight and a white pupil, the miko Kagome. Both of them were watching Sesshomaru with two eyes in one body. Both eyes seemed to dart around, looking for escape, yet at the same time, they kept focus on Sesshomaru's every move.

Unconsciously he took a step towards her, temporarily stopping when he heard her growl at him. Unaffected, he continued, her growls becoming louder the closer he got. She shifted uncomfortably, her hair starting to rise up, giving him her last warning. "Stay back!" she barked. He didn't.

* * * * * * * *

Kagome had been in uncertainty along with Eclypsia. Both were very cautious for each step the Youkai Lord took towards them in her body. During the dream, Kagome had received a chance to get to know the young goddess better. Within this unconscious vision, not quite like R.E.M. sleep (I'll explain about this later if you don't know what it is), Kagome could see and here everything, she even remembered it later.

~Flashback~ ~Dream~

Kagome was running, she knew not what from, only she had to keep running. Suddenly she took flight, like the dream she had last time. Suddenly the view changed, and she saw it was not her, but Eclypsia, the angel within her body, running. She saw Eclypsia take flight, pure genuine fear in her eyes. Suddenly she took flight, her wings lifting her form into the sky. Kagome tried running, to save her new friend. However, she couldn't move, the scene pinned her like chains bonding a prisoner. She tried moving her arms and legs; however they felt so heavy that they were hardly mobile. Tears formed in her orbs as she witnessed the sight, or rather, the memory. She saw how a demon grabbed the young goddess, her fear replacing by anger. She saw how Eclypsia tried to defend herself, her power waning fast while the demon grew strong. She fought him gallantly, but soon was pinned beneath him. Kagome tried to cover her eyes but failed, and was forced to watch the demon strip Eclypsia naked. As a last resort, Eclypsia wove a spell and escaped through her soul and was locked in a tree. The moon and her power hurled the demon who just managed to take her body's purity, which no longer held her still-pure soul. By the time the blast was over, the demon and Eclypsia's body were gone, leaving only a strong, holy barrier, a young tree in the center, where Eclypsia's soul would lie dormant for the next thousand years.

Kagome found she could move her arms and legs again and she ran towards the barrier. She got there, to the barrier, but it seemed years before she reached it. Reaching it, she was amazed. She saw herself shielding Rin from the attack Ryuukokuyen had sent. Suddenly she was under a spell, and walked into the barrier, the dragon's attack bouncing right off, not even a flicker of a scratch. Then the scene changed. Kagome was in the center of the barrier now; she looked around and saw the tree. There was Eclypsia, standing vertical to the tree, her face looking down into a crystal-clear, pure pond, like a small lake.

"Kagome," Eclypsia spoke, "Atlas we meet each other, though not in person, here at least our souls can have a form."

"You've been expecting me?" Kagome asked.

"Yes, fate is made it so." Eclypsia said.

"Eclypsia, those images back there…were those…memories?" Kagome asked.

It took her some time, her face got dark, remembering those horrid events, "Hai (yes) they were…and they're ones I'll never forget"

"I was able to see them, and, it felt so real. It felt like…I was you." Kagome said, she hugged herself, trying hard not to cry. She too knew how it felt…the horrible pain of being betrayed…knowing the betrayer was still walking this earth, uncaring and selfish, always looking out for oneself and possession.

"As I was your memories, even though I already knew about them as I slept. I know about your excursions through the well, your travels with the hanyou, and your love always forgotten and placed on a shelf, stored away and forgotten. I've seen your hardships, Kagome, and I've seen your triumphs. Your life along with the young girl, Rin, holds much similarity to my own. Betrayal, trust, life, death, and rebirth, all of it has happened to all three of us, yet what makes us so similar is we each still hold our purity, our souls untainted by hardships that could ruin a normal man. But we're not normal, we're special, Rin too." Eclypsia spoke.

"You know all about that, even my time and the well?" Kagome gasped, not realizing Eclypsia had that kind of power.

"Hai, Lady Kagome, Miko to the Shikon and successor to Lady Midoriko; for it was we, Lady Midoriko and myself, Eclypsia hime, who brought you here. It was her who aided your development in your miko powers quickly. And it was I who watched over you. Together, we aided you, through peril and merry times. We protected you, knowing that soon you would awaken us."

"Awaken us? But Midoriko died shortly after you. And when you spoke of Rin, you seemed to be saying something." Kagome asked. Every question that was answered to her, two more seemed to take its place. Kagome easily got confused, and it got worse each question that was answered, because each answer held a meaning.

Eclypsia smiled. "Yes, Midoriko died shortly after me, but not before placing an enchanted curse upon the jewel which sprang out of her very body. For it was he, that very devil you saw earlier, who sent all the demons battle her for seven days and seven nights, before finally succeeding in killing her. For you see, Midoriko reminded him of me, her purity and ability to purify anything scared him. He killed her in a way, because he could not approach her himself. Two curses were upon him that day; one from me, the other, from Midoriko. She made it so he could not touch the Shikon; he would have to earn power his own way. Trying to do so would be suicide, for within it still held purity that could condemn him in his weekend state; I'll get to that later though. But, Midoriko also placed another curse and spell upon the jewel. Because so many evil sought power, powers which both of us were killed for, the Jewel would become a source of insanity and sure death to those who would abuse it. Yet, however, within the Miko who guards it, the jewel would be put to rest, purified and could no longer be of harm. Her body had been laid to rest and cast to stone, forever a reminder. Her grave was the cave, which a barrier protected, cast by her, even in death. Shortly after death, her soul somehow found my own, and emerged itself within the tree that held me while I slept. We waited for you to be born again; you were the next Midoriko, her successor. When you freed me, you also freed her. Her power is merged with yours, and in being so, you have evolved with aid from my soul. You're both powerful miko's, true guardians of the sacred jewel, and, upon my awakening, your souls were able to combine and transform." Eclypsia allowed Kagome a moment to digest what she had said, allowing Kagome to get a new, full look at herself; her body was no longer human but instead, was an angel. "As for Rin," Eclypsia continued, "She is still a human, however, soon fate and heaven will smile on her, and upon my fated death, before my true rebirth, she'll become one of us, an immortal angel, a child of heaven. However, this will have to wait."

Kagome noticed Eclypsia had paused; it was just long enough for Kagome to ask one more question. "Is him the demon who I saw earlier?" She asked.

"Yes." Eclypsia said, she didn't need to tell Kagome verbally that his name lost all honor, so it needn't be spoken. Kagome knew this, somehow. And somehow she knew his name, but did not speak it. "I'm afraid we can no longer speak like this, I'm afraid our meeting has expired. For the demon lord is now focusing his attention once more on us, I'm sorry, but at the moment, I request usage of your body at the moment. Do not fear, however, soon my power will regain, and I can take a form of my own, even if I no longer have a body."

Kagome nodded, and soon Eclypsia awoken temporarily, but allowed Kagome to know what exactly was happening.

~End of Dream~

(A/N: I'm still in the flashback, just F.Y.I., anyways, the dream has ended, and it's going to take place in Eclypsia's P.O.V.)

Eclypsia watched Sesshomaru; she watched how he seemed to be looking at her, seeing her. She watched as somehow his eyes locked with her own, before traveling down her body. She clutched the blanket closer to herself, wrapping her tail around her body as she did so; her very being felt vulnerable under his gaze. She felt little comfort knowing that she could not fly in this confined space, the canopy above the bed even prevented her from flying, yet her wings were still out none the less. Her golden silk hair had framed her face.

'He's starring, and he is approaching!' Eclypsia mind-spoke to Kagome; she shifted nervously, her eyes darting for a place to run.

Kagome could literally feel and smell Eclypsia's fear. This was how she was betrayed, and Kagome wondered if the betrayal she suffered when with Inuyasha was worse, or just a calm stream compared to this. 'Shhh… it's alright, allow me to share, allow me to see with you.' Kagome mentally replied to her new friend. She felt her friend's nodded approval, and her sight was now on the left eye, her eye.

~End Flashback~

Sesshomaru was approaching; at first it was unconsciously, then it was deliberately. Kagome heard Eclypsia growl and growl, louder and louder it became for each step the Youkai Lord took towards them. Kagome and Eclypsia were both trying to keep their eyes on Sesshomaru, but at the same time were looking for an escape of some sort. It was getting harder and harder to share the control of her body with Eclypsia, who was constantly getting more upset and trying to keep her angel beast form in check. She was a wolf, she chose the Ookami (wolf) spirit (in Japanese it is Rei) for her earthen form. It was the perfect choice, for Eclypsia was like an archangel, and this was proven to what Eclypsia unexpectedly did next. And Kagome would see all of this, through Eclypsia's eyes, the eyes of a betrayed archangel.

'Forgive me, but I have no choice, I must fight him, for he is too close. Forgive me, Lady Kagome, my friend. For what I'm about to do, will hurt you, but just for a moment; this pain is something you never experienced before.' Kagome heard Eclypsia say, and then screamed in pain. Eclypsia took control of Kagome's body once more. She knew that Kagome didn't scream in pain because of Eclypsia's sudden control over her body, it was the fact that Eclypsia had pulled a sword, her sword out Kagome's back, in between the wings. It was the holy sword that was buried with her soul, it was Alexandria.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sesshomaru, hearing Kagome's scream, sprinted, and within seconds, had Eclypsia pinned down beneath him. That was a mistake.

Her eyes got wide; both were pure silver, glowing. She roared, and with sudden, unknown strength, she lifted him off of her and kicked him into the wall.

Within seconds, Sesshomaru was on his feet and was about to strangle the angel, unsure if she was friend or foe. He wasn't going to hurt her that much, just enough to put her back into conscious. Little did he know it was going to be much harder than he thought.

Using his demon speed, he rushed to her. However, she was faster. She jumped up when Sesshomaru was inches from the bed, the white blur she could see quite clearly. She landed her right elbow into his back, sending him slamming hard in the bed, before flipping out of the way. She landed sixteen feet from him. Though the room was not tall enough for her to take flight, it was still big enough for such a jump to be made.

Sesshomaru pulled himself out of the sheets and the ruined bed, he knew now he would have to calm her down, and to do that, he would have to face her, he would have to fight her. He couldn't kill her, much as his demon blood told him, because another part of him, his instinct and that voice, told him that she needed to live.

Yet, Eclypsia had suffered a great betrayal, a kind of betrayal that wasn't easily forgiven. Sesshomaru readied Tokijin; this would be his second mistake. He watched as she eyed him, and then at the sword, the sword that reminded her so much of Daemon, the sword of hell, belonging to him.

Sesshomaru, using his demon speed, swung the sword to the left of her. It was meant to startle her a little, to gain her attention. Imagine his surprise when she blocked it, with a sword of her own. Sesshomaru saw it only after he hit the normally invisible blade to a demon's eye. Now that it was awake, Alexandria wouldn't let loose.

Using Alexandria, Eclypsia flung Sesshomaru back, on a collision course with the wall that led outside to the gardens. A large hole was made and Eclypsia shortly followed. Sesshomaru made contact with one of the falling bricks, (these were imported or traded, pick one because it is how I know of castles to be made:-P) , and jumped up into the air, away from the falling bricks and the holy sword.

Toujikin started to cry out in pain. "Toujikin, it cries?!" Sesshomaru said, "What is her sword?"

End of Chapter 6

A/N: hey, look, cliffhanger! Whoops, sorry. Hmm, I wonder what's going to happy to sessy now, hmm? Anyways, please read and review. La, la, la see yah laterz.