InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Eyes: Sequel to Lightening Assassin ❯ Open Eyes ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I make any profit from writing this fanfiction. So, please don't sue.
Open Eyes: Sequel to The Lightening Assassin/ Assassins and Plots
Chapter 1
Rin back-flipped to avoid a blow from Sesshoumaru's whip.
“ Rin, you should never be afraid of your opponent. Know that you are a powerful fighter who can predict her opponent's next move. Now, come.” Sesshoumaru commanded
Rin dashed towards Sesshoumaru unsheathing her katana at the same time. She sliced side ways and Sesshoumaru used his youkai speed to avoid the attack. He then unsheathed Toukijin and sent it clashing down upon her katana. The sword burst with energy, which pushed Rin back several feet and then sent her toppling over. In mid roll she used her left hand to flip up into a crouching stance. Sesshoumaru saw that she wasn't completely stable and raced forward ready to strike her. Rin quickly raised her own weapon and blocked the attack and forced her katana upward pushing Sesshoumaru back harshly. At that moment she decided to take advantage of the counter and used her left hand to hold up her body as she kicked him in the face with both feet. Sesshoumaru was taken back by this new technique and almost smiled. She's gotten better. But, it's time to end this. Sesshoumaru jumped into the air and then seemed to disappear. Rin looked around confused. Where did he go?! She was almost caught off guard when Sesshoumaru appeared behind her. Out of pure instinct, a bolt of black lightening exploded from her body. The bolt singed his hakama as he dodged to the right. He lashed out with is right palm, hitting Rin in the shoulder. Although he didn't hit her hard enough to hurt her, he sent her twirling to the ground. Once Rin hit the ground she moved to get up, but found Toukijin at her throat.
“This spar has been beneficial. I see you've improved a great deal since our last training session.”
“Arigatou Sesshoumaru-sama.” Rin bowed
“You are dismissed.”
Rin bowed once more and retreated to the hot springs. She was sweaty and tired, the adrenaline she seemed to have had a few minutes ago had left her body and now all she wanted to do was take a hot bath. As Rin removed her armor she took notice of her body. She had changed quite a bit since she started training with Sesshoumaru. She was seven years old then, and now eleven years later she was a woman.
She had never really had an interest in her own body till she started bleeding. Rin had thought she was dying until Sesshoumaru explained to her what was happening. Ever since then she's been examining herself before every bath, searching for the new developments that Sesshoumaru promised would take place. Although over time it seemed that there were no changes, she knew and felt there were. And that alone gave her reason to believe she had truly become a woman. That aside from the love she now held in her heart for her lord.
At first it was a child's love for a parent, but then quickly developed into a mature love. The kind that brought about dreams of naked bodies tangled together in sweet passion. And those bodies always belonged to herself and her Lord. She sighed as she sunk into the hot spring. Day after day she conjured plans and fantasies of how she would get him to realize that she was a woman, and had womanly desires. But by the end of her daydreaming she returned to same old Rin. She hated being his apprentice and only that. Rin let her mind wander a little further before she final decided to bathe and get out.
Back in her room in the palace Rin dressed herself in a dark green kimono and made her way to the dining hall. There she found her Lord and his loyal servant Jaken. She took her seat gracefully and set her eyes on Sesshoumaru. He looked back at her and motioned for the servants to begin serving the food. They ate quietly at first, then Sesshoumaru cleared his throat.
“Hai my Lord.”
“In enlightenment of our spar today, I have decided that you are now ready to ascend the ladder of responsibility. You will no longer be at my side as I travel. I feel that you are more than capable of protecting yourself and our home. Therefore, when I leave in two days, you will stay and protect the palace.”
She couldn't speak at first. Part of her felt proud and an even bigger part felt sad. Now she will definitely loose her Sesshoumaru-sama. Horrible thoughts concocted inside her mind. He would find some demoness to mate and she would be cast out. Or…
“Rin?” Sesshoumaru eyed her closely
“My Lord…it is a great honor but…”
“But?” His eyebrow lifted in curiosity
“What about the guards that are at the palace now?”
“You will have command of them.”
All Rin could do was nod. She didn't know what else to do. She couldn't defy her Lord, sitting there sulking was enough. But to flat out tell him no…she would definitely find herself cast out then. She finished her meal and quickly went to her room. Tears slid down her eyes as she lay on her futon.
Is that all he sees of me? Just a simple guard and servant? Why can't I still travel with him? Especially since I can defend myself. He won't have to worry about me. Why do you do this to me Sesshoumaru-sama…my love? She buried her head down in her futon and cried some more. She knew she'd have to stop her tears quickly. Her Lord would be able to smell them and come to investigate. And he'll find me crying about being left behind like a child. How foolish I am to think that he would ever love me. I will never have the love I want and need. She sighed and at that particular moment a thought came to her mind. I could run away. To a ningen village, and there I can make a life for myself. I may not have Sesshoumaru-sama's love, but I'm sure I'll have someone's. She quickly began to gather a few simple belongings. A blue and red kimono, a comb, her armor, and katana. I certainly hope he won't be angry with me for taking these. She bundled everything up and quietly made her way past the guards and out of the palace.
She walked the dark forest in the direction of the east. She knew there was a ningen village a few miles that way and hopefully Sesshoumaru wouldn't come looking for her. He might even be happy…that I'm gone. The tears started once more but she pressed on. She was ready for a new life, a life that promised love.