InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Open Moon ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Everything was dark. It was cold and prickly in the void, unwelcome. It all felt light and fuzzy. He looked around, until he spotted a thin line of white light.
`So Familiar…' he thought.
His heart was pounding. He needed to go to the light, and, he didn't know why, but something told him it would lead him to the truth, whatever that meant. He slowly walked towards the light, and it soon became apparent that this light was coming from a wooden door. He was scared, and he didn't like it. He reached up to the handle, his hand shak-
“Inuyasha! Wake up!”
`Someone's yelling at me…'
“Inuyasha, please, come on, there's a storm out there, we really need your help!”
`……whatever, I'll fix your thing later…'
Inuyasha heard someone give a frustrated sigh before he felt his blanket being pulled away from him and cold surrounding him. He returned the sigh with a low growl.
“Alright, alright,” he said, sitting up and tugging his shirt on from the bedside table drawer. “But if I fall asleep out there and fall overboard and drown, it's all on you, Miroku.”
“The storm's pretty bad out there, worst we've had in a while. The captain's a little worried.” Miroku stated, ignoring Inuyasha's last remark as Inuyasha tied up his boots. He could tell that his hanyou friend wasn't in the mood for an insult battle at the moment. When Inuyasha was finally dressed they hurried out of the cabin into the wet night, running to wherever someone needed help.
The ship was really in trouble this time.
“Miss Higurashi, they're ready for you now.”
Kagome sighed. Another fancy dinner party to attend to. Whoopee.
She got up from her seat at the vanity and thanked the maid who informed her of this wonderful news, before walking to her bed and sitting down to put her painful shoes on. “ Oh yeah, this is the life.” She said sarcastically to herself as she squeezed into her high-heeled laced boots.
She could barley breath in the dress she was wearing, and her hair felt tight and pressured in the French bun her maidens had put it in. Not even after 15 years of living this way was Kagome Higurashi used to these painful, but apparently proper, ways of dressing, and living. But of coarse, this was England, she was a lady, and ladies were supposed to dress like this, so there was really nothing she could do about it.
But she wished, oh how she wished that there was something she could do about it.
Kagome got up from her bed and walked to her opened bedroom door, where the maid was seconds ago. She walked out into the corridor, heading for the stairs, hearing the sounds of polite chatter and the light clinks of glasses and wine bottles from downstairs.
The girl sighed again.
`I wish I could be free…'
But she knew that that wish could never come true. This was the real world, and in the real world no life is perfect, and Kagome was no exception.
“Lady Kagome, how lovely it is to see you again…”
“Good day, Miss Higurashi, looking lovely, as usual…”
“My lady, what a pleasure it is to see you in such fine conditions…”
Kagome ground her teeth together to keep from screaming her head off, and quickly cracked smiles at the smug strangers that greeted her in such a formal way. “My damn name is Kagome!” Her mind was crying, but no words came from her mouth as she continued to force a smile to all the guests as she walked through the cleared space.
She spotted her father talking briskly to a tall silver-haired man in a rich dark purple and white uniform. Kagome turned and headed for the large balcony, not keen on speaking with her father, but the length of this strange man's hair had definitely caught her attention.
The winds were slightly harsher than usual, but it was a beautiful day non-the less. Kagome didn't ever bother taking an umbrella with her like the rest of the ladies did. “It's not even raining!” She couldn't help but think every time she saw the strange sight.
Kagome's house, or mansion as her father called it, was located right next to the sea of England, and you could see just about everything that wasn't caged up in this balcony, all you could see was the open ocean. It was around late morning, and the gulls were circling around different areas in search of food. The sun was a pale, but still bright, yellow and was situated high up above Kagome's head.
When there wasn't a flock of smug snobs out here drinking and talking, Kagome would come out here and take in all the freedom she could never completely have. It was sad, but at least it was something. She liked it most out here at night, when the pale moon was bright and the stars were welcoming. But right now, there were too many people out here keeping Kagome from her greatest and most secret wish.
So she settled for just enjoying what she could at the moment, and leaned on the stone fence that lined the balcony. The breeze sent small drizzles of ocean mist in Kagome's thankful face, putting a small, but this time true, smile on her face.
“That storm was…” Miroku gasped out as he sank heavily down in his hammock.
“Hell, I know.” Breathed Inuyasha, settling down in his own hammock.
They were both soaked to the bone, and they tried to recover themselves as they watched the rest of the crew clamber into the small cabin and get into their own hammocks.
It was true, the storm was hell. They'd almost lost a few crew members when that huge wave had blown across the starboard end just moments after Inuyasha and Miroku had came out into the heavy rain.
It was finally over, but a soft clap of lightning or a swift roll of thunder could still be heard outside the cabin.
“Well, them winds have died down, where do you think the cap'n'll want to be headin' next?” a thick man with a bald head asked nobody in particular.
Miroku sighed and rubbed his head, staring into space.
“I thought I heard him talking about going to England, but I'm not sure,” he said calmly.
“Maybe he wants another raid, and I've heard that England is one of the richest countries in the world, so…”
“Were probably going to England, then.” Replied a short, longhaired man from somewhere in the back of the room. A murmur of agreement rippled across the small, tired group of men.
Inuyasha didn't say anything. His half-brother was last heard of in England. If that bastard is there, I won't be able to control my actions…. he thought, mentally narrowing his eyes. The last time he saw Sesshomaru he was dodging the punches being thrown at him. They weren't exactly what you would call close.
Just then, a crewmember named Kouga walked in, still wet from the previous storm and looking rather grumpy. Everyone went silent as he cleared his throat, looking round at them all.
“Well,” he said. “Good job on the storm, guys, the captain's pleased, so we can all sleep soundly tonight.” Inuyasha and the rest of the crew exchanged knowing glances. When the job was done right, the captain was satisfied. When the job wasn't done right…well…
“But I'm not here to give out sappy thank you's, the captain has given me orders to inform you that we will be heading for London, England next,”
-“Told you so.” Miroku whispered to the thick bald man. -
“So, get a good night's sleep, cause tomorrow's gonna be hell.” Kouga said before sighing and bidding the crew goodnight and heading off to his own cabin.
Everyone began settling into their hammocks, an air of excitement surrounding them. Inuyasha wasn't all that excited. After all, his half-brother might be there, and Inuyasha wasn't excited about that at all. `But maybe London will be worth it.' He thought, before drifting back off into sleep, hoping to return to his unanswered dreams.
“Kagome, you have to!”
“No, I won't do it, and that's that!”
“You must understand-“
“No, father, I will not marry some stranger I've only met like twice!” Kagome said disbeleivingly. Her father had just come up to her room, acted as if everything was normal, and then simply told her that she was to marry some rich idiot named Houjo Tashi. This was not her morning.
“Kagome he is a very nice young man, you would get along fine-“
“Father, I can't just marry someone because we would get along, I need to marry someone who loves me, and who I love! And I'm only 15! I can't-“
Kagome was on the verge of tears. She took in a shaky breath, and slowly let it out.
“Sweetheart, that's not the reason I am making these arrangements. We need the money, the Tashi's have that money, and they are willing to marry you and Houjo. We lost almost everything on our ship that sank last week, so if we don't do something were going to end up on the streets.”
Her father pleaded desperately. Kagome sniffed. She couldn't…she just couldn't throw her life away…
But she knew now that she had to, to save her family from their worst nightmare. She could never forgive herself if she let down the only people who loved her. But right now, she needed to breathe, to take in this information and slowly and calmly process it.
“I'm going to go for a walk out in the garden. I need some air.” Kagome said quietly and steadily. Her father nodded, and she headed out of her bedroom.
She was thankful that she didn't put those horrible boots on that she had worn yesterday to the dinner, because when she swung open the back door, she broke into a run. The gardens were large and had winding paths with hedges and magnificent flowers dotting here and there. Kagome turned a left and headed out in the direction towards the sea, letting her sadness and dread be blown from her as the wind bellowed across her features.
She slowed down, and panted slightly, rubbing a stitch in her side. Kagome finally grew more tired, so she slowed it down even further to a walk. She could see the high cliff she was walking towards, where a small patch of grass surrounded by baby's breath was situated close to the edge of the steep drop-off. She had reached her favorite destination.
A content sigh escaped her lips as she sat with her chin resting on her knees and her arms wrapped tightly around ther legs. This was where she came to think. Everything was moving way too fast. “This is not what I wanted…I want to be free, I always have…why can't my wish come true?” Kagome thought sadly. She watched an eagle swoop down and take a thrashing fish from the sea water, and Kagome smiled slightly.
“If only someone could rescue me…”
They would be arriving in London soon. The sun was beginning to set, and the captain had announced that they would be arriving be nightfall. Inuyasha tightened his grip on the sail rope as he thought of his damned brother.
“Pull harder, lads, it's getting too much slack!” he heard Kouga yell from a distance.
Inuyasha pulled with all his might, pretending to be pulling off a lock of Sesshomaru's stupid hair. “Good, Good, that looks like enough! Tie it back down, and get back to your usual jobs.” Kouga yelled, sounding satisfied with the helping crewmembers. Inuyasha and the others exhaled and one of the men went to tie the sail back down, when Miroku pulled Inuyasha away from the others and looked at him calmly. Inuyasha sighed and rubbed the sweat of his forehead before asking Miroku what the problem was.
“Are you feeling alright? You've been acting a little distant for a while. Something troubling you, my friend?” Miroku asked in his monkish manner.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Nothings wrong, doctor, I'm fine.” He said irritably before turning and heading back to the cabin. Miroku followed, not asking anymore questions until they were alone inside.
“I am not that easy to fool, so just tell me, Inuyasha. What is it that troubles you?” he asked again, prepared for whatever Inuyasha could throw at him, physically or verbally.
But Inuyasha didn't throw anything at him. He took a small breath, paused, and said simply, “My asshole of a brother might be in England.”
Miroku blinked and nodded, a look of understanding on his face. “That would explain your bad mood for the past day and a half,” He stated matter of factly. “I mean badder than usual.” He added, before narrowly dodging a pillow.
“Badder isn't a word, dumbass.” Inuyasha said as he opened a drawer in behind his hammock. He pulled out a small leather book, and tossed it over to Miroku. Miroku opened it and peered at the photo inside.
“This must be your brother, is it not?” he asked, eyeing the long hair of the man in the picture. “I can tell he is mostly because of his resemblance to you, but the little holes all over this photo give it away a little bit. What did you use, pins?” Miroku added, highly amused.
“Darts, actually.” Inuyasha said, smiling slyly. Miroku laughed and closed the small book, tossing it back to Inuyasha. Inuyasha re-opened it and glared daggers at the photo. He closed it again after a moment, and put it back into the drawer. Miroku suddenly looked slightly confused, and that was a rare thing.
“If you hate you're brother so much, why do you keep a picture of him?” he asked questioningly. Inuyasha looked slightly flushed. “I-I don't know! It's not like I secretly do love my brother or anything! I-I use it for the darts, nothing more. I DON'T like Sesshomaru, Miroku. You know I don't.” Inuyasha growled. Miroku nodded vigorously, trying not to laugh. “Of coarse I do…” he said under his breath.
This time, he didn't dodge quickly enough for Inuyasha.
Sesshomaru walked past all the inquisitive looks, his face blank and emotionless. He needed to see her, after all these years he needed to see how she was, who she became…if she still loved him…
He was walking down one of the smaller streets of London, and people were looking at him strangely, but he knew why, and he didn't care. The love of his life had no idea he was even in London, and he knew she might not forgive him after what he'd done, after he'd left her.
And for the first time in a long time, he felt his heart sink, but his face stayed emotionless as he walked on. “What if…she's found someone else?” he thought. Sesshomaru didn't know if his already broken cold heart would be able to take it if he knocked on the door and a man answered. He would probably kill him, yes, he would try and control himself, but he would probably kill him. “No,” He thought. “If she is with another man, then that makes her happy. If you kill him, that probably won't make her very happy.”
Sesshomaru spotted the door to her house straight ahead, and hoped that she still lived there. For the first time EVER in his life, he was afraid. “Just a little bit.” He mentally told himself firmly. Sesshomaru stopped in front of the door. Nobody was around, they were all a little further back, so he thought that, well, at least she could yell at him in private.
Sesshomaru knocked twice on the door, trying to maintain his emotionless stature.
“This is it.” He said out loud to himself.
The door slowly swung open, revealing a woman with long dark hair and calm eyes, until she saw the man at her door, that is. Sesshomaru took a deep breath.
“Hello, Rin.”