InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: INUCRIME ❯ Anarchy X and Revolution Calling ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Operation : InuCrime
Disclaimer: Although I am of the Inu Tashio Clan, I do not own Inu Yasha , Kags, Sess, Mir, Sango < Shippo , Kirara , Jaken or Rin . I don't own Operation: Mind Crime either. Damn shame huh? I need cash!
A/N: Ok i wanna say Konnichiwa to my Inu nee chan Penpaninu . Shes got some cool fic on AFF so if you haven't checked them out you're really missing out.
Inu: " Oi Skye.Your friend she does write some killer lemons"
Kags: " Uh huh ... I truly enjoyed them. Psst... skye you should learn ne?"
Me: " Yash, go play with my bokken or something, I'm busy here. Take Kags with you."
Inu: " Keh. How about I play with Ka-go-me?"
Me: " Fine just learn those lyrics, so I can write about them in the next chappy."
Kags: "That's a cool album you picked Skye-chan."
Me: "Thanks, Kagome.... now make sure he learns the words will ya."
Inu: "Learn the words nah nah nah keh ... slave driver."
Kags: "Inu Yasha... Osuwari!"
Me : " Peace and Quiet."
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Chapter Two: Anarchy X and Revolution Calling
Anarchy X:
The young hanyou walked the streets of the big city, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his silver locks caressed by the soft night breeze.
Inu Yasha had just arrived on the bus that afternoon and had decided to explore his surroundings and find some distractions for the evening.
He had come to New York to visit his friend Miroku , who ha been studying philosophy at a local college.
They had both graduated high school three years earlier, but Inu Yasha being the way he was had not decided to stop partying.
His mentality was a Hanyou had a long life he had forever to figure out what he was going to do. All he wanted now was to score a hit or two of his fix and enjoy the night.
He rounded a corner and saw a group of people in an alley. Not smelling any Youkai he decided to go check it out.
A dark haired man approached from behind his voice was raspy "Hey, kid... I got what you looking for."
InuYasha turned to face him, then his golden eyes became wide as he saw what the man held " Keh , how much?" The man responded "Twenty is good. You must not be with that gang huh?" he motioned towards the mob.
Yash shook his head no. The man informed him "Thought you weren't cuz they get good shit for free."
Yash stuck the plastic baggie in his pants and headed to where the crowd was gathered, little did he know the drug dealer was a servant of the gang leader.
His job was solely to recruit young boys like Yash. The man chuckled as he watched the young boy walk right into his trap.
Revolution Calling:
Yash walked up to the group, he noticed a young boy trying to make his way into the crowd only to be pushed back by the taller teenagers.
"What is going on?" Yash asked.
The pint sized punk turned and in a voice trying to sound tougher than what he looked responded " Naraku , he's our leader he's going to speak so shut the hell up."
Yash picked the delinquent up by his collar, "Who the fuck is Naraku?"
A female from the crowd turned to face them; the hanyou sat the kid back on his feet. "Yo, I'm Kagura, you must be new here. Naraku is the leader of our ga... uh group. He's awesome. There's a party afterwards if you'd like to hang out, lots of good shit if you get me."
Yash thought he had hit pay dirt , free shit , women , alcohol party hell yeah he'd stay and listen to this Naraku dude.
A few minutes later a dark haired man in a nice suit made his way towards the front of the group. The once loud voices of the teens came to a silence as he started to talk. Kagura elbowed Yash telling him to be quiet.
The man started to speak " You all know me I am Naraku ... DR X is my street name, I am your leader!!! I have good things to speak of ......... It's the coming of what you have all been waiting for ITS THE REVOLUTION!!!!"
The crowd cheered. Inu Yasha noticed that Naraku's voice sounded like a snake tempting but with an underlying evil. He was mesmerized, his youkai was taken over, he knew there hat he had to join.
These people had all the drugs he could ever need. The one substance he needed in unlimited supply so he could drown the pain of the loss ... of....
of... Kikyo.
She had died two years earlier in an accident. He was in the backseat of the car with her when sped down the highway.
His drunken friend at the wheel failed to keep the car in the lane and they hit a truck, sending the car hurdling across the pavement. Yash being a hanyou had suffered a few broken bones but nothing that would kill him.
The bloody woman in his arms and two of his friends however didn't make it out. This haunted him, and had driven him to slowly kill his soul drowning in alcohol and drugs.
Kagura nudged him out of his daze...." So, whats your name?" He slowly looked at her"Um InuYasha, but you can call me Yash, everyone does." She smiled at him "Cool Yash let me tell you all about our group."
She pulled him to a small back door that opened to reveal a large private dance club.
He could still hear Naraku speaking to the crowd outside, he was relieved to be away from the noise , he didn't think his sensitive ears could take much more .
She sat them down at a table and poured them a shot of Jagermeister. She began to speak
" For a price I'd do about anything except pull the trigger For that I'd need a pretty good cause. Then I heard of Dr. X, the man with the cure just watch the television... Yeah, you'll see there's something going on. Got no love for politicians, or that crazy scene in D.C. it's just a power mad town. But the time is ripe for changes, there's a growing feeling that taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due. I used to trust the media to tell me the truth, tell us the truth but now I've seen the payoffs everywhere I look who do you trust when everyone's a crook? I'm tired of all this bullshit they keep selling me on T.V. About the communist plan And all the shady preachers begging for my cash Swiss bank accounts while giving their secretaries the slam They're all in Penthouse now or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell I guess Warhol wasn't wrong fame fifteen minutes long Everyone's using everybody, making the sale used to think that only America's way, way was right But now the holy dollar rules everybody's lives gotta make a million doesn't matter who dies, That's the Revolution and it's calling you it needs you Yasha , would you help us?"
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A/N : Hope you all liked this one please Review tell me what you like and what you dont. BTW I have some Anime and Inu videos on my site if you'd like to check em out
heres the link: