InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: INUCRIME ❯ Speak ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Operation : InuCrime
Disclaimer: Although I am of the Inu Tashio Clan, I do not own Inu Yasha , Kags, Sess, Miroku, Sango ,Shippo , Kirara , Jaken or Rin .
They belong to Takahashi -sama. I don't own Operation: Mind Crime either.
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Inu: "Oi InuSkye! You've been lazy ne? You haven't updated this story for like a week"
Me: "Yash, its called thanksgiving, I had to cook 2 turkeys."
Inu: "Turkeys huh? Did u save me some?"
Kags: "Yeah did u save us some."
Me: "No, it's gone gomen ne?"
Kags: "Fuck, no turkey and I'm hungry.".
Inu: "Keh, that's messed up. Oi Kags did u just cuss??"
Kags: "Um, well I learned it from you and um.....well I'm hungry!!!!"
Inu: "Come on let's go get some ramen and let her write."
Me: "I have no obligation to feed you, I just use you in my story ya know."
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Chapter 4: Operation: Speak!
Several months had passed since the night Yash had been taken in by the gang. He was now Naraku's top assassin, his "colleague" and he was called.
Bankotsu, pushed the door open to his friends room and slowly and walked in. He was worried about Yash since he hadn't left his room in 4 days.
What he saw frightened him and he stopped dead in his tracks, unable to speak.
The hanyou sat in his dark room, the only light coming from the muted T.V. on the opposite side of the room.
He was obviously high, his eyes fixed on the wall. Several empty bottles of liquor littered the floor. He was twirling the loaded gun Naraku had given him
on one finger as if were a plastic toy.
"Hey Yash I know your a hanyou and all, but dude, your not invincible to hollow points ", Bankotsu said trying to play it off as nothing. He didn't want to start a fight, not with his friend in his present state.
He reached down, took the gun from his hands and set it on the bedside table.
Glazed golden eyes looked up; the red streaks in them sent a shiver down Bankotsu's spine. Then came a laugh, so insane and evil, it emanated from Yash's mouth and filled the quiet room.
Bankotsu was bewildered.He wasn't one for being at a loss of words, but he was scared of Yash.
For the first time in his life, he had no idea what his best friend had changed into.
"What the Fuck are you staring at? If you got something to say Bank say it already." Inuyasha said standing up.
Bankotsu knew to be careful when people or hanyou's for that fact, were blitzed out of there mind.
His father had been a binge drinker and had put their family though hell during his upbringing.
He made his resolve then and there when Yash sobered up he was going to ask him to get help or kick him out. He was not going to go though this again.
He was not going to have to listen to late night fits of rage. Things people work so hard to get broken or the cops coming over at 4 AM with complaints from angry neighbors. Oh no, not again. Never.
But, for now he decided to play it safe. He took a deep breath then said "Just wanted to know if you wanted some food, I ordered a pizza dude."
Yash sensed his friends fear, he could smell the human tremble in his shoes.
"Why are you all of a sudden afraid of me Bank, I'm your best friend." He rolled his eyes. "Well...answer me ... SPEAK!!!!"
Bankotsu was at a loss, he didn't know what to say or do. So, he just turned around and walked out closing the door behind him.
He knew Yash had been in that room consuming Kami knows what for days, and was defiantly not in his right mind.
The hanyou crashed back down into his bed, he stared blankly again at the T.V. as images of a war in some distant land flashed on the nightly news.
Just then his phone rang...
"Hello Yash its Sango, wanna come over to the club? We got some new kids today and we are throwing a bash.
Bash... Yash, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it." she said laughing.
Inuyasha grinned, " Hell yeah Sango I'll be right there."
He hung up the phone, went in the bathroom and took a shower, then put on a pair of jeans and a red silk buttoned down shirt. He threw his hair into a ponytail, grabbed the gun and concealed it under his shirt.
He walked out without saying a word to his friend; he just slammed the door. Bankotsu breathed a sigh of relief.
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Inuyasha sat talking to the new kids with his arm around Sango, drinking shots of liquid cocaine.
He was feeling on top of the world almost megalomaniacal, his youki raging. He was the boss's right hand man and he backed the cause. He was so brain washed, he assumed he could single handedly manipulate he outcome of it.
"Hey, hey, listen to me!" he said pounding the shot glass on the table. The alcohol and heroine in his blood was making him inflated with power.
Sango knew Yash could convince these kids to stay and give their life to
the gang.
He looked at the boys across the table the giggling from them subsided and they got serious as the hanyou's word came forth.
" They've given me a mission, I don't really know the game yet. I'm bent on submission. Religion is to blame. I'm the new messiah the Death Angel with a gun. I'm dangerous in my silence and deadly to my cause."
He pulled the gun out and set it on the table as Sango lit 2 joints and gave one to Yash and the other to the boys.
Yash took a long hit and another drink, then he continued.
"I've given my life to become what I am .I'll preach the new beginning and make you understand. To reach some point of order Utopia in mind, you've got to learn
to sacrifice, to leave what's now behind."
Naraku listened from his office with an evil grin curling his lips. He knew this killer he had made from a simple drug addict teenager would do anything he asked for.
Inuyasha proceeded in his haze," The rich control the government, the media the law .To make some kind of difference then everyone must know .Eradicate the fascists, the Revolution will grow. The system we learn says we're equal under law. But the streets are reality; the weak and poor will fall. Let's tip the power balance and tear down their crown and we will burn them all down!"
Sango looked at Yash and then kissed him hard, "Yes, you're so right we must speak. Speak the word of Revolution .The word is all of us." she whispered.
The party continued well into the night.......
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Next chapter: "Spreading the disease" If you are all wondering when kags is showing up, well she's in the next chappy!
So for all you Inu/Kag lemon fans its coming.
A/N For those who don't know what the shot liquid cocaine is : 1 shot of Rumplemintz, 1 shot of Goldslagger and 1 shot of Jagermeister all together.