InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: INUCRIME ❯ Spreading The Disease ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Operation : InuCrimeDisclaimer: Although I am of the Inu Tashio Clan, I do not own Inu Yasha , Kags, Sess, Miroku, Sango ,Shippo , Kirara, Jaken or Rin .They belong to Takahashi -sama. I don't own Operation: Mind Crime either. *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** ***************Kags: "I'm gonna play a what?!?!?!?!?!?!."Inu: * rolling on the floor laughing hysterically*Me: "Shhhh, don't spoil it!"Kags: "What the fuck are you laughing at dog boy." *flames shooting up around her*Me: "It's just acting Kagome"Kags: "Inu .....Yashaaaaaaaaaaaa SIT!!!!!!!.".Inu: *from hole in the ground* "Owe wench what was that for!!!!!"Kags: "You know what that was for!!!!"Me: "Ok Kagome I'll level with you, I wanna announce to everyone: Kagome is just acting for this part so don't think she's really like described in this story."Inu: "Kagome, I'll make it up to you."Kags: " Oh yeah." *wraps arms around Inu*Me: "Are you sure you both aren't rabbit demons geez." *rolls eyes*______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________Chapter 5: Spreading the Disease **************************************************************** Sixteen and on the run from home:*****************************Cold rain... no where to go... hunger...The 16 year old girl walked slowly though the streets, seeking shelter from the night rain. She finally found a place in an alley way as she crouched under an rusted old awning.She had fled from a home she could no longer live in. A home, that's something it wasn't. She never felt safe that damned run down house. Everybody there was so loud! They were always fighting, yelling, bickering, there was never peace.

Her father was a disgusting drunk. His wretched form reeked of Jack Daniels and Camel cigarettes.
From the age of 11 she had caught him standing in the doorway of her room peeking at her while she was getting dressed or taking a shower.Her mother knew all about it but never did anything to stop him. Kagome would cry out to her mother for help, the one person that should protect her.
But the woman would merely look the other way and chose to ignore the problem rather than do anything to help her daughter.Frequently he would beat her when he had a bad day at work down at the dock, or he lost a bet on a football game and her mom would have to go out and wait tables at the local bar. That's when she hated him the most, when they were alone.Anything would be better than staying with them! Even if it meant the cold rain and nothing to eat.

"Hey", a male voice jarred her from her thoughts. "You look hungry. My club is around the corner wanna make a few bucks.""Club?" she responded looking up from under her wet bangs. "Yeah, well get you a hot shower some food and you can sleep in one of the girls rooms if you'd like."Kagome knew what kind of club the man was talking about , but the hunger pains she was feeling and the cold rain chilling her bones made her mind up before she could think.
She slowly got up and followed him.Spreading the diseaseEverybody needsBut no one wants to seeEnd Flashback.Religion and sex are power playsManipulate the people for the money they paySelling skin, selling GodThe numbers look the same on their credit cards"The Savior" Father Miroku:**********************(6 months later)She wipes the filth awayAnd it's back on the streets again......
Kagome decided that morning would be good to take a walk and get some breakfast downtown. She had workedthe last 9 nights without a break and had made very good money.She stepped out of the side door, the bright sun of the morning casting its rays though the tall buildings made her squint. It felt good to be out of the smoke and the darkness that was the club.
The whores there were just full of problems. They fought each other over customers, boyfriends, make-up and clothes.
But, it was still better than her home, at least they weren't fighting her. Kagome kept to herself and theytook her in as their "little sister." But, she would continue to look for something better...Kagome's thoughts trailed off as the birds in the park sang in the trees over head. She went into a corner coffeeshop and ordered a latte to go and made her way outside to enjoy the morning...She was deep in her thoughts when she saw out of the corner of her eye a dark figure sit beside her on the bench.
She turned to look... it was only a priest who smiled at her softly. He looked rather young, she guessed about 21.He was dressed in purple and black robes and his eyes were a warm shade of brown. She returned the friendly gesture and went back to watching the birds."Beautiful morning isn't it.", the priest said. Kagome sighed, "Oh yes, it is."
"I'm Father Miroku; I work at the convent across the park." Kagome merely nodded.Miroku could tell she was one of the girls that worked at the sleazy club he passed when he headed towards the subway entrance.He turned and smiled "My child, if you need help with your life, we can help you at St. Mary of the Bleeding Heart.You should come by.""Thank you father, but I'm fine", Kagome responded as she took another sip her coffee."There is no need for you to be ashamed child, we will not judge you. As a matter of fact, we do have a position open that would be more fitting for a young girl as yourself", he said softly.
Kagome was now interested; she had been looking for something better. But with her background she found it was hard to land a job that was respectable. "I would love to check it out", she said.Miroku stood up," Come then, the sisters have just made a delicious breakfast. Lets say we get you some and we talk some more."They both made their way across the park....He takes her once a weekOn the altar like a sacrificeSome months had passed since Kagome had started working at the convent. Something's she had noticed didn'tseem quite right though. Father Miroku would go out very late and come back kind of tipsy and laughing, sometimes even making lewdcomments. She brushed this off, thinking maybe it was because he was so young.
That evening Kagome was cleaning locking up after the evening mass when she saw father Miroku stumble and almost fall to the ground.She hurried to help him he was sweating and out of breath. He was about to pass out. She led him to sit on the step by the Altar."Father, are you alright?" she asked.He shook his head and motioned her to come closer. "I have something for you hold out your hand."Kagome held her arm; he then grabbed her and held her down. She felt a sharp pain as he injected her with aneedle in her vein. The warm liquid flowed in her like fire as the panic gave way to swooning.She felt him lay her on the Altar. Her thoughts were clouded, skipping in between reality and hallucination. She could hear Miroku panting above her. "You're so beautiful Kagome." He said kissing her as he tugged at her clothes.He pulled her white panties off and tossed them aside on top of his already discarded robes. He made a mental note to keep them.She wanted to scream as she felt two of his fingers push inside her. She wanted him to stop, but she was powerless under the effects of the heroine he had given her. She was never able to voice her panic.He then pulled himself on top and opened her legs to enter her. "So wet and tight", he moaned as her buried himself deep in her.Even though it seemed like hours to Kagome, the whole act had taken only five minutes. The priest then calmly put his robes back on and stuffed her panties in his pocket. "I'll have to thank Dr. X for that, he told me that should subdue you."He then carried her back to her room, laid her on her bed and then made his way back to his quarters.Kagome had been betrayed by every man she had ever trusted, her father, the club owner and now father Miroku.... she would become cold to every one after that night.********************************************************************* *************************************************************************** *************************************************************************** *********************Ok I want to say before I get flamed that I do not condone rape or any sexual violation of a human or demon in anyway. This was merely the plot; sorry it had to be this way.Next chapter: "The Mission" Please leave feedback I like to know what you like or dislike.