InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Why a Hanyou Should Never get Drunk ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authors Note: I'm Back ^_^
All my loyal fans, I have an announcement. I have already emailed some of you with this information but I have a feeling all of you would like to know. After much deliberation I have decided to edit/rewrite Operation Sex. I will also finish it out at roughly sixty chapters.
I'm not exactly sure how long it will be but I can promise you that it will be finish by the end of this year lol. I hope that all of you will reread what I have edited and give me comment on it. I would like to know if my English has improved and if my writing has improved.
Remember, this version will have new scenes, new adventures, and way better spelling. I have a computer with spell check now! (Thank good) And I took an actual English high school class, which taught me a lot about sentence structure (As I hope this author's note is demonstrating). I still don't have a beta reader but if anyone is willing to volunteer please email me.
Thank you, this is the first edited chapter, enjoy.
Disclaimer: The next time you think of anything religious, ask your god for me (No matter if you're Buddhist, atheist, Catholic, or some other religion.) ask him to give me InuYasha, so I can clone him and bring joy to every girl in the world…and some guys to…
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Chapter 1: Why a Hanyou Should Never get Drunk
InuYasha was doing the only thing that anyone who knew him, would think was normal behavior. He was sitting in the god's tree! Really this isn't that amazing of a feat. Then we can go on and explain yet another amazing, unyielding act of nature. For you see, can you guess who he was waiting? I bet you can't! For it was the most unobvious person ever. What am I kidding? It was Kagome!
Yep, that's what he was doing, waiting in his usual mood. Which in effect meant he wasn't all that happy about being stuck waiting for her, without permission to go and get her back from the screwed up time she lived in. That messed up world with those stupid tests things that he wanted to kill. Yep, he could remember what she had said and for some reason he had gotten the idea that she would really carry out her threat if and when he decided to disobey her.
~3 days before hand~
"InuYasha for the last time I will not stay here! I'm going home, going to school, taking a test and if I feel up to it come here afterwards. It will only take two days that's and guess what that's how long I'm going to be gone. So please just let me go already?" Poor InuYasha, he had it coming when he did the stupidest thing he had ever done. Well he does a lot of stupid things, and it is hard to say which is the stupidest. In my opinion though this was by far the worst. For you see he used the thing in-between his ears. Well under his ears.
Now for most people this is a good thing, but InuYasha forgot the most important rule about using your brain. He forget that after you accomplish this daring act that you're suppose to put the information you learned to good use. Needless to say the poor cute eared hanyou didn't have a chance. Nope he didn't have a snowball's chance in hell or a very good brain for that matter.
"No way, Kagome! I'm not letting you go to that damn good for nothing time of yours to take one of those fucked up test!" Kagome was just about ready to lose control. She didn't want to say what came to her mind but she had to. If she didn't pass her next exam she would never in a million years make it into high school. To sum it all up if she didn't take and pass this exam she would either be schooling with Souta or living with InuYasha for all eternity. And at the moment the later didn't sound too appealing. Yep only one chose.
"Sit!" She sprinted to the well while the wonderful Rosary worked it's magic making gravity fell like it was doing a damn good job at it's, well job! While the poor stupid hanyou meet up with his very familiar friend whom he liked to kiss hello every so often, dirt!
"Now listen carefully, InuYasha. If you even think about coming to my time and I find out you will be sat the entire way to `Kingdom Come' on the other side of the earth.” He opened his mouth to protest the idea but her slender finger in front of his eyes stopped the comeback. “And if that isn't good enough try this. I won't give you any Ramen for a whole week. You understand dog-boy?!" The spell wore off and the poor thing looked at her. His gold orbs focused on hers but instead of meeting beautiful grey-blue he can in contact with the fires of Hell.
Normally he wouldn't have cared about a threat coming from Kagome. After all once you have been sat this many times it becomes rather natural to the body. But then again this wasn't a normal situation. Since usually she didn't threaten him with the fact that she could and would take away the only thing that kept him content with the world sometimes. Ramen the food of the gods, the orgasm you need when you have no sex or a hand! That is however, beside the point. The point was that he, the almighty InuYasha had only one weakness. (Besides Kagome) And that was a small packaged food that only requires the adding of water to be made. Fascinating.
"Fine go and be back soon! Got it you damn bitch!" The brain is truly an amazing body part. It helps you one minute and the next it laughs and grows arms so that is finger can point at you. So to end this rambling I leave you with one thought, why does InuYasha always get a French style hello when he meets dirt?
~Back to present! Well 500 years in the past, present. Does that make sense? ~
The Hanyou scratched his head and sighed. Yep, the safest course of action was to do as she said. That conclusion had been well written in the Hanyou's mind. Yet there was still one thing that pledged the boy. Why did his brain decide to work all the sudden, why not when dirt and he were getting to know each other too intimately?
Another sigh caressed his lips, as he eyed the clouds through the trees branches. He knew the answer to his question. It was simple Kagome. The poor stupid teen had a brain that went out of whack every time the bitch got to close. She was just too amazing; to pretty, well not pretty. She was more than pretty she was full out gorgeous! Bloody hell, she was beyond that if there was such a thing to man or a Hanyou! If only there was something that could make him tell her just how extraordinary she was.
"Yea that's what I need. Potions that will make me have the guts to tell Kagome that I love her. Like such things exist and if it did how would I ever find it?! Gods, Kami even the devil himself could find a better why to tell her than me, stupid self." In the bushes nearby a figure stood listening to the hanyou mutter to himself. Or more over a cancelled thing stood right out in the open. The `cancelled' thing could easily make out the younger humid type things words and almost smiled. If it was even possible for such a thing to smile.
"Just how stupid can you get? Don't worry though young one I will give you the help you need, to get the girl you want."
And with that the thing left without even the slightest indication of ever being there in the first place. Not even the sensitive ears of the hanyou in the tree could have heard it move away. Yet it was kind of funny because even if he didn't here it he should have seen it. And that is exactly why he was still talking to himself.
~To a girl in Du dun dunnnnnn a bad situation...what did you think I was going to say in love or something sheesh...~
"That horrible good for nothing hanyou! Who dose he think I am? I'm not going over there until he comes and apologizes! I mean he is so intolerable it isn't fare at all. The way he treats me, the way he looks at me with those golden eyes, the way he sometimes smiles at me. Wait what am I saying? I'm going to start those fantasies again if I think like this. I better just lie down for a second and think this though.”
With a yawn, which she held back with her hand, Kagome laid down on her bed. Her eyes became heavy and a small smile became large. As she drifted off she whispered something that sounded suspiciously like, “His ears are so fuzzy...”
~the dream~ (If you don't like lemon, don't read lemon, simple as one two three A B C! So don't blame me just read and see...) (that rhymed!) ^_^
She was lying in the grass next to the well; her eyes closed enjoying the warmth of the sun. The skin of her thighs being tickled by the elegant blades of grass beneath her. The moment of contentment was broken when the warmth was blocked from her face and the grass leaned into someone else. A certain someone who had formed above her.
"Are you ever going to wake up bitch?" Somehow the gruff voice wasn't harsh sounding but almost playful.
"Leave me alone InuYasha I'm tired..."
"I don't think so MY Kagome..." He stressed the word MY a lot! His lips smacking together with the effort to enhance the sounds. Her eyes popped opened to discover his own gold ones upon her bearing into her soul.
"What did you say? I'm yours..."
"Yep! You have been for a year already. Don't tell me you forgot?" He sat down next to her and smiled. His eyes were as InuYasha's at least in color because the man behind the eyes was not. It was another dream. Yep Kagome you're in another one of your InuYasha lust dreams. She bit her lip to keep from laughing but then swallowed hard at her next idea. Better make the most of it...
"No, I didn't! I just wanted to hear you say it that's all..." He smiled and leaned forward kissing her on the lips gently then he moved her to ware she was in his lap. Her arms holding him close around his neck and his own tightly around her. His lips retreated backwards slowly as his eyes reopened to take her in.
"So you want to now or wait for home?" In all her dreams he had said this but she always thought there was a hidden meaning to the statement. Something that you can't ever seem to touch let alone grasp.
"Here, anywhere it doesn't matter, InuYasha. Just as long as it happens, take me away..." He smiled and laid her down on the ground as he began to take her cloths off. His clawed hands hesitated at the first bottom before lowering then to his sides away from her. He looked her over and then sighed heavily. "What's wrong InuYasha?"
"There's something I want to do but I don't know if you'll like it or not..." She smiled at his hidden question, she smiled at his ears dropping, and lastly she smiled at his pouting lips. It was a dream so he could do what he liked. After all when she woke up it would no longer matter at all, ever again.
"Do what ever you like, I promise I won't complain." He lowered her gently and then ripped her close of with a sweep of his mighty claws leaving her naked. She gasped from the feel of a claw grazing her skin and from the sound the now torn clothing had made.
He began to kiss her body all over with fire seeming to burn from his lips onto her skin with every press and release. His hand touched her everywhere, his body moved in ways that seemed real yet impossible. He looked at her plumped breast and started to lick it with his ruff tongue, sweetly he kissed it before his mouth opened to suck hard and long. His free hand moved down to her sweet center and he rubbed within the sanctuary of her curls. Seeming to silently tell her what his next move was.
He slipped one finger into her causing a cry to ring in his ears; a shrill moan of desire that had somehow managed to escape her throat. His ears twitched from the sound, trying to pick up all traces of it into his ear. Another finger established itself inside her and another into somehow he managed three inside her passage.
His fingers began a fast paced movement to make her come the way he liked it. The way she liked it even if it was a dream she had to have the feeling. That amazing sensation of her body exploding from with in her core of pleasure. She wanted to see the fireworks behind her eyes and feel the clamping of her muscle on him. Violently her body jerked as she came suddenly.
InuYasha's fingers stayed within her as her muscles danced around them, his eyes turned to study her face, then moved to watch the raising and falling of her breast. Slowly he removed his fingers from her but before she could mourn the lost pleasure she felt a hot tongue lick her in her sensitive area. This had never happened before even in her wildest dreams, her greatest fantasies. He was licking her juices as they flooded out of her. It was such a feeling of pleasure, to be eaten out by a rough tongued demon.
His tongue pushed her into another wave of delight, another river of passion. Enough that she screamed with agony as she waited for what was sure to come. His hands moved to hold her hips in place as she bucked under him. Relentlessly his tongue disobeyed. She knew what he wanted, he wanted to taste her. Even if it was a dream InuYasha still would not back down until he got what he wanted. He was like a stubborn mule, even if the only similarity was that they could both be called an ass with no objections. With a half sigh, half moan she let herself go into his mouth. So he would be happy and let her have all of him!
He drank the fluid heartily before emerging from between her legs. He made a path down her body nibbling under her breast and kissed her nipples before taking them in-between his teeth and harassing them further. He then moved to kiss her neck then made a trail to her ears, detouring to her forehead. His silky lips kissed the bridge of her nose, before gliding down to her cheeks making sure to not touch her lips even slightly. She let him torment her but got feed up when he passed her lips for the fifth time.
"Kiss me damn it InuYasha or I'll never let you touch me again." He smiled and kissed her letting her tongue come into his mouth so she could taste herself, all of herself. She let out a groan as she reached up and stripped him of his clothing.
`It was such a nuisance to ware cloths, all they ever did was make you late for dates and get in the way of the 'after date' rituals.' She blushed lightly at the thought remembering that she had never had one of these rituals for real. She shook her head before moving back to the topic of cloths. `Why bother wearing them anyway?' She thought once more as she help InuYasha take off his cloths. The all too familiar hardness of his manhood came into contact with her thigh as he teased her. Her response was a bucking of the hips and a deep scowl on her face. A whimper tore through her throat when he smirked and backed away. At that moment she hated him as much as she had ever loved him. She needed him right now, no matter if it was a dream or not.
He let her win sense even a dreamed up person can have lust, can have love. So gently he glided into her and began moving ever so slowly within her depths, then faster and harder. He would go in as fare as he could causing her to bring her legs up around his waist then would come out all the way till his tip was just barely nudging her entrance. Over and over it went like this as the two moved together crying out in ecstasy and want. Both saying the others name loud and long, as if to tell the world that there lover was the name there lips indulged.
Finally in one last move both let go of reality as they came and went. There arms tight around the other, there voices riding out the names of there lovers as well as there bodies. Not that the rest of the sane world didn't know already about this pair, but even if they didn't the cries pf endearment and of lust were loud enough for all. InuYasha moved into her three last times making sure his seed was well released and his burden gone from his loins.
He pulled out of her slowly ceasing their warm connection of love for the other. And right before the most important part was said, right before truth became reality. She awoke. And in the recess of her mind she heard faint words sounded in a contented voice. "I,” It whispered, “Love...” It drawled, “You..." It faded and left. It seemed that she always woke up when he got to that part, the one part she wanted to hear the most.
~back to the world of awake people, with Kagome of course! The others just aren't that interesting right now. Except for Miroku (village+girls+no husbands= happy Miroku; mad Sango. But that's for another time…) ~
"Wow that one was a vivid one all right!” she stated as she bolted up in bed, she looked over herself and noticed that her white night shirt now look like something out of a Victoria secret Catalog. “Man I am all sweaty."
Every time one of those dreams accrued she had that problem. The one time she had been in the same room as InuYasha it had been by far much worst but still she was sticky.
Her eyes scanned the room as she remembered that one time. He had awoken to her moans and thinking that it was from pain came over to her bed to wake her. She could remember his look then; his eyes had been soft, gentle looking even; his body stiff, ready to save her; all his features had been in her interest, except for one. Her eyes smiled as she remembered his concern and her embarrassment when he asked what she had dreamed. When she turned away from him and said nothing he had gotten worried. She still remembered the embrace, the feeling of being drawn into his lap and comforted. Little did he know that when he did that it was only making matters worst because she got the urge to rip his shirt off. Not that it was that much of a bad thing to began with but he may not like it all too much.
She leaned back into her pillow some more and waited for sleep but it never came. Her body relaxed as she sat counting sheep until the sheep became was ways InuYasha could pleasure her. Her shoulders became tense then, and her legs drew together even with the urge to spread them in her mind. It was then that she jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom; reaching for the shower knobs and turning them on to cold.
~To the poor Hanyou's friends. And no Miroku and Sango are done with the village unwed girls. Not that Sango was groping them or anything~
"He's been like this for three days can't you hit him or something Miroku?" Miroku looked at the Youki in the tree. He was roughly twenty feet away downwind. Even with the helpfulness of Mother Nature, the monk had his sincere doubts that just the wind would save them.
"Shippo, I'm not sure that's a good idea right now. He might kill and/or maim me."
"You say it like it's a bad thing, pervert! While he's at it I'll help him castrate you! Now remove your hand or I'll do it for you!"
"Sorry lady Sango my deepest apologies I assure you."
"If you're so assuring, then why don't I believe you?" He thought for a moment before smiling a little too big and a little too perverted like. The exterminator's eyes squeezed shut as her fist balled tightly above her head. Moments later the sound of fist hitting head and head hitting ground echoed throughout the forest greenery.
"Maybe one day, my lady Sango, you will understand the reason I act as I do..." He said under his breath but just loud enough for her to hear.
"I would never ever in a thousand years let myself be degraded to your level of lechery! Wait I take that back..."
"Really!" He said hopefully smiling at her bigger.
"I would never in five billion trillion cagillion years!" With that she started to watch her only Youki friend ever again, well that could talk not meow and wasn't an adolescent.
"Well you're sinning, now aren't you?"
"What makes you say that leech?" She didn't even look at him which hurt the poor perverted monk a little.
"Lying is a sin." She looked at him his normal smile returned and then left as she hit him knocking him unconscious with her abnormally large boomerang.
~In the tree~
"Man I want to see her real, real bad but I don't want her to get mad at me any more! If she gets mad I is either going to kiss dirt or Roman goodbye! What the hell am I supposed to do?" He jumped out of the tree and started to walk towards his hiding friends, unknowingly. The friends themselves were now focused on the monk seemingly forgetting dog boy. InuYasha was almost five feet away when he heard them, well he heard Sango, first.
"I think he might have brain damage..." This made the hanyou mad not the brain damage but instead the fact he now knew they were spying on him, again!
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Yelled InuYasha his face red with something between anger and embarrassment. His eyes shifted back and fourth hastily taking in the sight before him. Sango and Shippo were gathered around a swirl eyed monk who had been, from the looks of it, knocked out by a relentless Sango.
"We were doing..." Started Sango...
"Nothing!!!" Yelled Shippo covering her mouth with his small ineffective hands.
"You dirty little liar!" He reached down and grabbed the little kitsune by the tail bringing him level with his eyes! "I'll ask you one more time which means you got one more chance to tell me the truth and I might not hurt you. Now, why are you here?!"
"We're just trying to find a way to get you,” At this point the young cub pointed his finger at InuYasha. InuYasha crossed his eyes trying to make out the offending object before listening once again to the deplorable child's rant, “To get your ass in gear and go apologies to Kagome that's all!" The poor thing wiggled in his grasp to get away but that wasn't happening anytime soon.
"You good for nothing little wimp of a Youki! How dare you fucking tell me to go and make up with that bitch?" It was then that the poor monk decided to wake up and join in on the conversation. Much to the displeasure of a certain demon exterminator.
"Excuse me InuYasha but you should go. I have a feeling that she wants you to come..." InuYasha looked at the monk pervert who was his only male friend ever.
"No way! It's going to be a cold day in hell, the day I give into her!" Everyone sighed heavily thinking the same thing. 'He'll never learn...'
"InuYasha listen to me! Lady Kagome is angry with you so you must ask for forgiveness, if you want her to be nice again. You started the argument with her so as a man you must finish it..."
"By her begging for me to forgive her?" InuYasha interrupted the monk.
"What then?"
"You will go and forgive her!" With a snort of disgust InuYasha threw Shippo to the ground so he could cross his arms and 'Feh'
"No way!" the monk was out of ideas so he did the only logical thing he could think of.
"Come on my friend; let's discuss this over a drink." The hanyou thought this through for all of two seconds before agreeing.
"OK that sounds fine but it's a waste of time I'm not backing down!" They all sighed as the monk and hanyou went to get some sake and 'talk'.
~In the present, as in the here and now where you and me live + a few years or for the dumper readers Kagome's time! ~
"I can't take it anymore! I'm going back over there and giving that good for nothing a peace of my mind!" Yelled a frustrated Kagome as she stood up from her school desk.
"Miss, what do you think your doing?!" The short tempered teacher made his way to her desk while pushing his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose with his index finger.
"I was,” she hesitated, “I was, doing nothing sir! Please forgive me!" She said bowing her head low to where it was almost touching the text book laying open on the desk.
"Are there problems we need to discuss Miss.?"
"No, no Gomen."
"Then I suggest you go in the hall and recuperate from your outburst while doing some extra work!" He handed her the assignment as she groaned and stepped into the hall way. As she closed the door she noticed an opened window. She vaguely recalled a similar opened window that she had stood at and gazed out of at a similar time. She walked over to it almost hoping to see her hanyou waiting in a tree for her to get out of school but no such luck. No InuYasha to greet her and take her away from this terrible day that he had caused in the first place.
"Better get to work on this assignment,” she sighed while looking down at the paper, her hands coming up to brush on the symbols that made the instructions. “I wish I could see him."
~later that day~
"Kagome!!!!" All her friends from this era came running up to her yelling her name together like always. She had to admit it was kind of creepy that they always seemed to be attached at the hip.
"Hello!" She said putting on her very fake I-don't-want-to-be-here smile.
"Is it true?" they cried out together while forming a circle around her, allowing for no escape.
"Is what true?"
"You broke up with Hojo!"
~earlier that morning~
"Hey Kagome!" Oh no, screamed her mind, her comes my favorite person in the world. My fake smile's on and I'm ready to die!
"Hello Hojo, how are you this morning?"
"I'm fine how about you?!" She could have sworn that his smile reflected light into some random guy's eyes causing him to shriek.
"Fine" It'd be better if you would leave me alone. "I'm glad to see you there's something I wanted to talk about with you."
"Oh, why don't we discuss it over dinner...?" she sighed and looked at the ground.
"Hojo I need to be honest with you!"
"About what?"
"About us" She sighed this was the hardest thing she had ever had to do but it needed to be done and the sooner the better.
"What about us"
"Well you see Hojo-kun; it's just that there's..."
"There's what?" Dose he have to repeat everything I say or is it just me?
"There's someone else. Now, don't get me wrong you are great and all but you're not what I'm looking for in a guy. I'm sorry Hojo." At first I thought he might cry well he did cry later in the boy's locker room. I credit this bit of information to his best friend. The point is he didn't cry right then.
"I,” he stuttered “I understand I'll just be going now..." With that he had walked off and after the guilt wore off she did a happy dance to finally be rid of the annoying, too perfect Hojo once and for all.
~back to the present conversation~
"Yes I sure did!" She said with her now genuine smile on her face.
"Why? How? He was perfect for you!"
"That's the thing he was to perfect, I want a challenge in a guy. I want to be able to mold him until he is what I want!" She made compressing motions with her hands while sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth; she looked positively sinister.
"But Hojo is what you need!" she shook her head from side to side.
"No, he was what I needed to get writ of. He was just too great a guy I guess. Why doesn't one of you take him? I'm fine where I am." They all looked at her and then to each other before saying at the same time.
"You left him for that good for nothing, selfish, two timing, and bastard-of-a-guy didn't you!"
"Yes and his names InuYasha!!!"
"But Kagome he's no good for you. This InuYasha guy we've never even met him and he sounds like a stupid guy to begin with!"
"Take that back I love him and nothing's going to change that! Got it? Now I'm going home!" With that she marched off leaving all her friends speechless and dumbfounded! The strange thing was that her brain didn't seem to even register that she had just admitted her love for InuYasha, out loud to someone besides herself, for the very first time.
~At home in the well house~
"I'm going to give that hanyou a piece of my mind and he's going to regret that his father ever fell in love!" She jumped into the well and started back to where she would get that good for nothing good!!
~meanwhile with the good for nothing~ (this part has to have bad spelling HAHAHA I have an excuse)
"Old Mac Donald had a farm he I he I OOOOO and on that farm he had a girl...with a hump-hump here and a hump-hump there here she humped and there she humped!" Sang Miroku and a very drunk InuYasha in a bar in the village. Once they had finish the song a second time the Hanyou got an idea!
"What,” Hiccupped out an intoxicated Miroku. “InuYashie..."
"I think,” His speech slurred uncontrollably and the gibberish he called Japanese became barely understandable. “…Mayssbe's I's better's go tell's Kagome's that's I's a being in love's with her's now's!!!'
"That's sounds like's a good's idea." And with that a drunk hanyou and the drunk monk. (Drunk monk that rhymes!) Went on a collision course with a mad Kagome!
“Hell hath no fury like a women's scorn”
A lot of guys say that, who knows who said it first…it could have been a woman for all we know…