InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ so very very close and yet so very very far away ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclamier: I just noticed that on the last chappie i didn't put one so here it gose...I don't own InuYasha and co. to bad there's so much i want to do with him so please review for me and enjoy!

Chapter 2: So very close to it and yet so very very very fare away!!!!!!

Kagome was mad when Sango found her wait I forgot to exenterate! She was what I like to call kill-and-don't-ask-question's-mad!!!! or better yet fire-for-eyes-and-hair-mad. So neat less to say when Sango first saw her she wanted to run and hide but she knew that she had to stay and help her friend despite the DIEART consequences if you know what i mean.

"Kagome are you OK?" the flaming girl looked at her and then suddenly her face softened. Her eyes grew child like big as anime style tears formed on her checks.

"He's so mean to me!!!!!!" All Sango could do was ^_^! or sweet drop...

"Kagome don't cry...!!!!" She pleaded with the younger girl but much to her dismay she was about to learn how InuYasha felt every day...

"I'm not crying over that no good Baka. I'm crying over no one! Got it!!!!" Damn Sango thought...what's wrong with her did she have a clue that she had come up saying 'HE'S so mean.' what he was she talking about in the first place! Oh no she looks mad again. "i mean who in there right mind would cry over a stupid mean ugly Hanyou like him he's such a jerk!!!!"

"Is this a matter of lord InuYasha Lady Kagome?" Said a flee who had lost his knack for showing up at the right time right then and there.

"No NONONONONONONONONONO I hate him that stupid hansom golden eyed NONONONONONONO he's not hansom at all just a stupid jerk who's mean to me well not all the time but hey Myouga what in the name of the seven hells are you doing here!!!!" the flee was gone by the time she was finished with the statement wow the only one with half a brain in the group at the moment was a flee that says a lot!!!!

"Kagome...I know your upset but..." she never got to finish...

"I'm not upset over something so petty as that good for nothing what's his name...!!!"

"InuYasha..." Wrong thing to say at this moment...welcome to bakaville population Sango!

"Inu...Inu...InuYasha!!!!!" And with that she started to do nothing else but take a guess place your bets!!!!! She...(building suspense!!!!)...hit a tree...!!!!! Just kidding she cried like the little girl she was!!!! Well little teenager she in this time, but that's beside the point!

"It's Ok Kagome i got something to tell you..."

"what? *sniff*"

"He's been real worried and well his usual angry that-I-can't-go-get-her-self. I think he even missed you."

"Really? *sniff*" Sango smiled at the girl in front of her so young was she in her time when here she should be with child and husband by now and should have already gone threw this. The funny thing was so should she...

"Well no telling where Miroku took him to get a drink..."

"you mean drink as in Sake?!?!?!"

"Yes I think Miroku's trying to get InuYasha would you say it...drown his troubles in a glass..."

"All this over me?" Sango nodded as she saw a smile on Kagome lips form. "Sango can I tell you something?" Sango nodded again. "I think...I'm falling for him..."

"For InuYasha?" there was no shock in her voice.


"what makes you think that?!" Sango was more than curious now.

"Well every time I see him I smile and every time I'm near him i fell so safe and yet so lost...his laughs make my heart flutter and some times when me and him are alone he acts different around me in a way that makes me fell I don't I'm flying threw the sky and no one can stop me."

"Kagome want to know what I think?"

"Sure go ahead."

"I think you just found out the meaning of love...true love." Kagome looked at Sango and smiled.

"You know what Sango maybe your right." both looked at the sky and smiled in there thoughts. "Hey Sango there's only one more thing we have to do now..."

"What's that?"

"Get you to admit you like Miroku!!!!" Sango admit ally went on the defensive.

"I don't like Miroku!!!! He's a leecher for crying out loud!!!!!"

"Miroku and Sango sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!!" Kagome started to run toward Keade's singing the song as loud as she could!

"Kagome stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sango yelled but her call was on deaf ears.

~back to the two drunks~

"Miroku are's we's at's Keade's-baba's hut's yettttes?"

"Almost's hey's beies very's carfully or you's a going to be's a running into people's!" Both were holding onto the other for saport as they walk down the streets together towards Keade's.

3 hit and run drunk walkers later they arrived right as Kagome got there with Sango...

Keade sat and watched the drunks as they came up looking like they were hugging each other to the hut.

"Oh my dear god!!!!!" Yelled Kagome and Sango together! "there Gay!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"whta's she's a being talking's about's?"

"I's ssssure's a don't know's InuYashie!!!'

"there drunk!" Keade said a look of alarm on her face as Shippo reappeared on her shoulder.

"What's so bad about that?" He asked.

"Well when a youki gets drunk it dose weird things to them..."

"Like what?" Kagome asked as she watched to two try to get over all the way to the hut without falling.

"they tend to tell the whole truth of them self's..."

"like what truths..." Kagome was getting nervous.

"Like if they are deeply in love with someone or who there real friends are if they truly do think of someone as there pack or family type thing...we better get them in the hut."

"Were's are's we's Miroku's?"

"Were back at the hut InuYasha..." Everyone stared at the monk who a moment before had been drunk.

"Wait no one get's sober that fast!" Yelled Kagome.

"I was never drunk in the first place it was all a ploy to get InuYasha here drunk enough to tell us his true feeling's." Everyone stared with jaws to ground...some times that monk was just to good. "Let's get him in and let the confessions begin!!!!!!"

they got the poor unsuspecting hanyou into the room and decided to take advantage of his state even if it was cruel. And so let the Question and answer round begin.

"let's start small and work are way up to the biggest questions ok." Everyone nodded and Miroku began with his first small question. "InuYasha what do you think of Keade...?"

"She's a's good friend's like's a Grand's mother or something to me's she gives good's advice and is's nice's I like's her..." Everyone smiled at this side of the hanyou even Keade so InuYasha didn't hate here that was good.

"Next question anybody got one!!!" Shippo jumped up out of no where with his hand's rasied.

"me next me please!!!!"

"ok go ahead Shippo!" Shippo looked at the laughing Hanyou who had found trying to catch his own ears amusing.



"what do you think of me?" The Hanyou smiled and nodded at the pup thoughtfully.

"you's like's my's own son's sometimes's yea's I like's you to's even thought's you's can's make me's mad I's would misses you's a whole bunkes." He moved his arms wide to show his point almost like he was a child. "If's you's ever's lefted!"

"I knew it!!!!" Shippo grinned and jumped into the Hanyou's lap were the poor hanyou let him sit as Sango's turn came next!

"All right InuYasha what do you think of me!?" He hugged shippo and looked at her with innocence dancing in his drunken eyes.

"You are's like's my's sister Sango's that's I've's a never's been a having and's that's be's a making you special!" Sango and everyone were touched by this. "So is Miroku he's the's brother's Ive's never been's a having's before!!!"

they all smiled as it was Kagome's turn. "InuYasha what do you think of me." He looked at her and smiled as wide as he could reviling fangs on either side of his mouth.

"you's are's the reason's I wake's up every's morning's Kagome's. Your's the most gorgouse person's I've ever seen's. Your's laugh is's like's heaven must've been's like your's eye's are's like a river's of Passion's that's are's a burning into my's very soul. You make me happies with's your's very presence. and your's voice's is softed and light's like's the morning's birds song's. Yea's your's perfect Kagome's and I's a been a loving you's for a long's time's." Everyone had tears in there eyes what he had said any girl would give anything for coming from a man with such passion and innocence to his words. The gods themself couldn't of said it better "there's a only's one problem..."

"And what's that InuYasha?" She asked with love in her voice as happiness overwhelmed her.

"I'ms unworthy to's a be a having's such a prize as's you's you could's do so muches better's than me's."

"no Inu-chan I love you to." Everyone smiled as the hanyou's ears perked up and he looked at her unbelieving.

"you's a meaning that's?!"

"Yes!" he looked at her and smiled before he passed out into a drunken sleep!

~The next morning!~

InuYasha wanted to kill the sun his head was hurting and his neck ached his stomach hurt and all the sun was doing was making it all a whole lot worst! But unluckily for him he didn't know what he had said last night to the other's.

"Good morning InuYasha!" A very cheery Kagome said from somewhere behind him. "Your not feeling well are you?" No da! "Well that's to bad you got to get up it's a wonderful morning!" there is one thing the hanyou had always wanted to do and that was this...

Kill all the morning people in the world burn the bodies and then go to sleep forever!!! Because you know what he really hated morning people a whole lot! "leave me alone I got a head ache like you wouldn't believe!"

"that's because you got a hang over to much sake last night!" He growled out his annoyance before it turned into a whimper of pain. "Wait I know what will help that headache of yours!" she went into her backpack and got out a small bottle of medicine called Aspirin then went back to the hanyou took out two tablets and some water. Helped him sit up and take the medicine then let him sleep some more.

~three hours later~

You know it's strange several times the rest of the gang had taken Aspirin but never one of the youki's so it never crossed her mind that it might have a strange effect on them at all. Well it did a very bad strange effect!!!

Currently InuYasha was running in circle saying something about how all the trees of the earth were about to attack and must be killed for that one reason. Tetsieaga was seen slashing at poor unsuspecting trees killing them before the people of Ramenville were killed and his long lost princess of the realm of Ramen Kagome was murdered!

Everyone one else including all of the villager were watching as Kagome the princess was trying to no avail to get him to leave the poor trees alone.

"ha ha I InuYasha have killed another unworthy tree!!!! All the trees must die!!!!"

"InuYasha stop this right now!!!!"

"Fear not Princess Kagome I will single handedly defeat all the deadly trees just watch!!!" another poor innocent tree fell to the ground. Now Kagome had two choices keep yelling at the guy pent on total tree destruction or say sit and hope he doesn't land on his sword. Well option one would be the best but the only problem was we needed trees to live!!!! Option two would work to but...we needed InuYasha because he was cute and if that sword hurt him he could get killed after all that was one bad ass sword. In the long run neither seemed like a good idea at all but she had made a dissension!


"Wait lady Kagome you can't sit him it's to risky!!" Yelled a good for nothing monk.

"I know but he can't kill all the tree's! you got a better idea?!"

"well yes I do lady Kagome!"

"What is it..." She looked at the monk he looked at her they looked at each other and smiled.

"We just sit back and watch the show!" She turned red then crimson then purple then blue then that went to violet and ended up a deep, deep shade of pinkish bluish purplish deadly angry color!

"WE CAN'T DO THAT WE HAVE TO STOP HIM FROM KILLING ALL THE TREES OR..." everyone waited for the or statement to come but it never did instead she turned around look at InuYasha and walked towards him. No one knew what to do or what would come next so they all watch as she went up and stood next to him. He stopped the tree killing and looked at her she looked back a wicked smile on her face. Then she leaned over to him and did the one thing no one would ever thought she was capable of...

She kissed him!!!! right on the lips his sword untransformed and hit the ground in shock! She pulled away gently and looked into his eyes. He had a slight smile in then they seemed to be doing a little happy dance. Then with no reason he looked at Miroku and shouted... "Miroku i know why you try in grop girls and kiss them now!!! They taste great!!!" Kagome decided now was the time to make the hanyou sweet a little by bring on the rest of her plain to save the trees and score in the process.

"InuYasha..." Her voice was full of temptation which was making the poor hanyou sweet with fear and arousal just like she had plained. "Will you stop cutting down the trees for me?" She moved her finger in a circle on his chest as she used her sexiest voice. Every man in the village was lost at the site and already sending there best regards to the hanyou who at the moment was shacking his head up and down slowly. "Good now give me the sword." He did as he was told and was rewarded by another kiss to his lips only this time it lasted longer and was deeper as her tongue took advantage of his state and explored for a minute. She walked away from him after parting the kiss causing a low whine to come form the hanyou and he started to follow like a lost puppy. "Come on my InuYasha come with me." She said kind of like a hooker on a movie or something. Well InuYasha was trapped he had to follow her, it was his duty no matter what to keep his princess Kagome safe right?... but the trees still needed killing so the village wouldn't be destroyed...well the village can die I found something more fun to do!!! Got to love the way a males mind works!!!! Save the world or get a girl...? Hard choice for a guy right no!!! Give me the girl!!! That has to be what every guy would choose!!!

She mad her way to Miroku and smiled at his dumbfounded look. "See Miroku there is always more than one way to get a guy to do your bidding!!!" He nodded his jaw on the ground...right then a sick thought crossed her mind and she leaned down and looked him in the eyes. "Miroku give me all your cedie!" He handed her his purse and she stood graving InuYasha by his shirt and walked to Keade's hut with him following without so much as a whimper of protest. A laugh came into her throat as she thought of what she had just done. She had gotten InuYasha and Miroku both to do what she wanted just because she had used her own sexiness to her advantage! And the worst part was that they had fallen for it. She opened Miroku's purse and looked inside a smile forming on her make the day even better she was know 7 cedie's richer!!!!

~At the hut!~ (sorry this part is not going to be a lemon right now more of sick humor though!)

She pulled InuYasha into the hut and sat him down in front of her. He watched as she got a burner out from her bag and started to make the funny stuff called Coffee that he had always refused to drink before. She looked at him with tempting eyes and smiled boldly as she moved to sit next to him. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes prying that she would make a move and fast!

Kagome looked at him and smiled even bolder than before as she got a cup and poured the black liquid into it. Handed it to InuYasha she licked her lips suggestively giving him an incredible urge to touch himself but he stopped by taking a sip of coffee before he got the chance. The warm chalk rock like liquid went down smoothly leaving a burning trail of desire on it's way. He sat the cup down and looked at her she was running her fingers threw her hair...

"Is there something wrong Kagome?" Her smile told him that nothing at all was wrong to her but the way he was starting to sweat and fidget told him other wise.

"nothing InuYasha can I ask you a question?" He gulped and nodded dumbly. "Do you mind if I do this?" She reached out and took his hand bring it to her face and kissed the tips of his fingers then licked them. He looked at her a lump forming in his throat of fear but not the bad kind the very good kind. She smiled at him as she slowly released his finger from the binds of her mouth licking it carefully. Now this moment would have escalated a lot farther had there not been a resident to the hut watching the seen...

"Excuse me InuYasha and Kagome but would you like me to leave you to too whatever you are going to do?" Keade said a hint of help-me-this-isn't-something-I-want-to-see in her voice. Kagome and InuYasha looked at the old women then at each other then at the old women flowing into both there faces.

"NONONONO were sorry Keade we better leave it is your hut after all!" Said Kagome throwing her hands in front of her face to block out the blush to no avail.

"Yea BaBa we better be leaving right now let's go Kagome!!!" He stood and for some strange reason or another graved the coffee cup and drowned the rest of the liquid quickly!

"Yes we'll just be leaving now!!!!" And out the door they went little did Kagome know that she was about to face the scariest thing in the world...besides the idea of Keade in a bikini!!!! (my boyfriend told me that one day!!!!! EWWWWWW)(Wonder what InuYasha would look like in a speado!?!?!?!!? *hits away all fan girls with a bat* I love my steel bat!!!)

A/N:There you have it the most wonderful chappie in the world! So do what you like now but come back for more later will you!