InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ that doesn't phase me at all ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

and here is the next fun filled chappie and if you have a complant about my spelling and grammer you can do one of 2 to my Inu clone...or you can read the A/N from a couple of chappies ago and that will explain all and if you have any questions about what the thing i am talking about is...fell free to e-mail me and i will get back to you....and remember the deal 5 reviews= one chappie!!!!!

chapter 23: this doesn't phase me at all.

They were both sleeping soundly...comfortable in there precisions...and not aware of the women...there mother standing looking at the 2 naked bodies in shock...they had done it in her living room!!!...Well...she thought smiling's camera time!!!!(yes there is a point to all these camera moments!!!) She went over to the table in the middle of the room and got another of her many randomly placed camera's...

"this is what they get for having sex in my living room..." she thought as she got them in the center of the shot...well Inu's ass was the center... along with one of Kagome's breast...(try in image how there laying!!!) "1...2...3!!!" and the flash and click came and woke up both hanyou's who say there mother standing there with a camera smiling....

"MOM!!!!!!" yelled Kagome as she started to run after her mother to get the camera away from her. Souta came into the room screaming something about...

"I've seen my sister naked...I'm scared for life!!!!" He walked over to Inu and looked at him funny...

"Hey nii-chan...why are you naked in the living room?" Inu looked at his new kid brother and sighed as he fell back on the floor.

"It's a really really long story that I don't think you will want to hear..."

"Really my boy..." Inu shot straight up and looked into his new jii-chans face..."Let me guess you and my granddaughter had a little fun...?" Inu looked at the old man and the boy and then to his mate that was chasing his mother in law in circles yelling give me the camera...he sighed and looked up to the ceiling as if looking for a sign...and what he saw surprised him...there was a picture on the mantel that caught his him being him he looked at was a picture of the perfect couple kissing...both were hanyou and looked so happy...the women's mysterious black hair with moon highlights was mixing with the man's silver was beautiful and made him feel happy...he looked back to his mate and new family and sighed...

" my life..." He said and fell back onto the floor took in a deep breath...not caring that he was naked or anything all he wanted to do was just let the world pass him by...

~20 minutes later...~

Kagome was giving up...there was no way that she could get the camera of Hell!!! Her mother was just to fast to get at...she was beginning to think that maybe her mother was a youki or something of the like. but no that was an impossible thing!

So finally not being able to take anymore of this running in circles after her mother she went over to lay down with Inu...and that's when she noticed...

"SINCE WHEN DID WE BECOME NUDESS INU!!!!!" She yelled at him and looked over his naked and PERFECT body...

"Well since about last night..."he said sarcastically she looked at him like she was about to explode and then all the sudden she calmed down...

"Well then if were going to be that way..." She smiled at him in an evil way with flames and everything forming around her..."YOU CAN SLEEP ON YOUR OWN FOR A WEEK!!!!" *click* "What the hell?" said Kagome as she turned around to see her mother and the camera of hell taking yet another picture of her and Inu who were still naked...

"You should watch your temper Kagome sweetie that's not good for my grand babies at all..." Inu looked at the women mouthing your dead...

" think this is temper wait till i get my hands on that god damned good for nothing CAMERA!!!!!!!!!!" She said and began to run after her mother again...hands out in front of her like she was going to strangle mom. Inu looked at the 2 women and stood grabbing his cloths and FINALLY GETTING DRESSED!!!! When he was done he looked at the 2 women again and new what he had to do...

"KAGOME!" he yelled...and to the shock of the whole world she stopped and whimpered before coming back to him...

"yes Inu-san?"

"SAN!!!" Said everyone in the house but Inu and Kagome.

"Will you stop this and get dressed for me please?" he asked as he looked at her in the eyes lovingly...

"Hai!" She said in s cheerful way and got her cloths putting them on quickly...

"God girl..." souta looked at Kagome it was so strange she never listened to anyone in this time like that...

"Man nii-chan has so much control over nee-chan!!!!"

"Hai hai she dose!!!!" Said mom with a happy smile on her face..."You know what souta...?"

"No, what mom?" Mom looked at souta and smiled as she pent down and whispered in his ear.

" He'll make one hell of a father..." she then preceded to take yet another picture of her hanyou's this one was of Kagome bowing her head to Inu like she had just been spanked because at that moment the hanyou InuYasha was scolding her for acting so immature...which was...really ironic...for at any other tome it would have been the other way around...

~A little later after lunch~

"Mom where are you?" called Kagome...she and Inu were going to go back to there era for a little while to visit there friends and she really wanted to tell her mother...but at the time...her mother was no where around...her nose was telling her that she was in the house but unfortunately for Kagome...her nose wasn't good enough to find the location of the scent. So she did the one thing that she could think of in a time like this...

"MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she cried out as she let fact tears run down her cheeks...and in a flash there was her mom and coming from the other direction was her mate and then Souta and then jii-chan..."Man that works better than I thought it would...."

"Kagome what's wrong...?" Said her mom looking her stomach over for anything...worrying about her grand babies and there mommy was her top priority!

"Nothing I couldn't find you and that always worked when I was little..." She said smiling as she saw Inu sigh in relief...

"what is it then hanyou baby?"

"Well I want to go back home with inu for a little while to see are friends and stuff and that way you can plan the quest list for the wedding and stuff and have it ready for me to approve in about a week when we'll be back!" Her mother took sometime to processes all this new Information.

" 2 can have fun but be back in a week!!!!" Kagome took Inu by the hand disregarding the fact that he was still dressed in cloths from her time...and they went to the well...

~on the other side~

Everyone was sitting in Keade's hut waiting for there friends to come back. By now they had come to the conclusion that Kagome's parents had excepted Inu as there son in law...or they had killed Inu and were torturing Kagome for letting herself be taken in such a way with a demon hanyou thingie...

" you smell that?" asked Miroku...

"Smell what monkie?" Miroku shuddered ever since Inu and Kagome had gone to there time she had called him that monkie...

"that's InuYasha and kagome's smells!!!' Said Shippo as he jumped out of the hut with the rest (Sango Miroku/monkie and Keade...) in tow.

They were at the well when tell saw the site they would never forget...there was Inu and Kagome kissing each other with white butterfly fluttering around them and the sun shinning brightly...Shippo mad a mental painting of the 2 that he would have to have some fun with later and ran up to his 'parents'

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!!!" Yelled Shippo as he jumped into there arms...even Inu seemed to not mind the whole daddy thing at all...they even saw a flicker of a small smile on his lips at the mention of the new name for him...

"How did they take it Kagome?" asked Sango as she walked over to her hanyou friends...her own hanyou ness quit easy to her ears went this way and that...

"They were fine with it!!!!" Said Kagome happily as she gave Shippo over to Inu so she could hug Sango...Inu smiled sweetly at the 2 girls of his pack and walked over to the old one...

"Hello InuYasha..." Said Keade with a friendly smile...

"Hello Keade-baba..." He said as he stood beside her and Miroku...

"So her family didn't kill you?" Stated Miroku as he looked Inu over...

"Nope isn't that obvious!" Miroku laughed

"Guess so..."

"How are you guys doing as fare as being new hanyou's goes?"

"I love it!!!" Said Sango as she ran up to Inu and hugged him for the first time in her life...Inu looked very surprised along with the rest of the group...

"I'm glad Sango...but could you let go?" Said Inu hugging her back for a moment and then releasing her so she could get embarrassed and blush a lot...which for some reason InuYasha wasn't...

"Inu your not embarrassed about her hugging you...?" Asked Keade as her one good eye met the eyes of a hanyou...the only one that had pure gold ones to see her with...

"Well...let me see" he said in a sarcastic voice..."in the past like 3 days...Kagome's mom has kissed me on the cheek played with my ears seen me naked and not cared...and called me her hanyou baby of a son...nope this doesn't phase me at all." He said walking away from them to the village...once he was out of ear shoot Kagome looked at all of them and smiled...

"It's a little strange but in the past couple of days...I've seen a new side of InuYasha...I guess you could call it the daddy side...but you know what you guys?"

"What Kagome-chan?" They all asked...

"In these couple of days...he's showed me what a perfect father he really will be..." They all looked at her like she was a nut and began to follow the hanyou's foot prints back to the village...all was quite and still...and then they all seemed to hear it at the same time...

"I wonder what it would be like if non of this would ever of happened...If I never meet Miroku Sango or Shippo...If Kikyo would have never died and...if i would have never meet my Kagome..." they looked ahead of them to the hanyou who was talking to himself..."Whatever would have happened...i know now that it could never compare to this!!!!! Got to love OPERATION SEX!!!!!!!!" Miroku ran up to Inu and they both began to sing a song as loud as they could...a song that was stuck in the girls head for the rest of the day...a song that confused poor Shippo...and a song that made Keade smile knowing like...and this is how it went....(say the letters in sex one at a time and yes this is my very own song and it is called SEX!!!)

OHHHHHH S-E-X you got to love it!

S-E-X I want more of it!!!!

Come on now get your sprit up...

And have some fun doing S-E-X!!!!!

So remember this little song...

I'll give you all the words...

and if you want to sing the Chorus

Just repeat this simple word...


And the rest of the world sweat dropped and anime fell!

And remeber the S_E_X song is mine and there are more words than just that...If you want the inter song e-mail me or put it in a review and i will post it....and remember this IS MY SONG!!!!! I MADE IT UP WHEN I WAS DRUNK IT IS COPY WRITED SO DON'T TAKE IT WITHOUT MY PROMISSION!!!!!!!! got it well remmeber 5 reviews= 1 chappie! keep up the reviews!!!!! And yes a lot of people have been asking me this and yes my reall name just so happens to be Japan...i also have an American name that is Becky...but most people call me becky...and this may be werid but i was odopted in Japan by an Japanise guy that i go and visit in Germany every so often and he gave me the Japanise name Kagome...about 8 years is a legal name too as is my other name becky...on my birth certificate it now reads Becky Kagome Maria...that is my name but around a lot of my friends I am called Kagome...and then teachers and such call me becky and it's hard to understand...