InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ so much pain but for a good cause ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

hello every one my name is Jas and today I will be your...whatever you call doing this is...i am your writers faince and am her to annoce that your writter Kagome...well she has the flu...this is the last chappie she wrote before she got sick...and she told me that i should post it so all her loyal reviewers would not get mad...Kagome has been sick for the past week and has never had the flu in her please this is hard for her...and I am the only person taking care of her right now...she told me to write 5 reviews=next chappie...(why do you people call it a chappie...instead of a chapter?) anyway thank you for supporting my fiance!

37: so much pain...but for a good cause...

A month had come and gone quit quickly and there they where...standing outside of Keade's hut watching InuYasha...who was passing back and forth in front of them...every once in a while there was the sound of a cry...a women yelling in a pain...and as that cry came there was another shutter from Inu...

It had been three hours since it started...and now it was 7 in the morning...and even though every had woken at 4 they were all wide awake...very wide awake...

~at four in the morning...~

Faint snores could be heard in the hut...and the sound of a moan every once in a while coming from a certain monk and demon exterminator...Shippo was kicking Nikki in his sleep and mumbling something about a giant container of Ramen attacking...

for the past month Shippo and Nikki had started to sleep on there own because Kagome...well...she was having some weird mood changes and wanted the 2 to not sleep with only Inu slept with her now...not that he

Inu was holding on to Kagome with a gentle smile on his face...Kagome herself wasn't looking like she was having a peaceful sleep at all...she was sweating and would have been tossing and turning if Inu wasn't holding her as tight as he was...she moaned in pain...and then she....she....she....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Inu let go of Kagome and looked at her in horror as she curled into herself(as best she could with the stomach...)

"Kagome? Are you ok?" Inu was right next to her rubbing her back and saying comforting words....and he would have kept doing that but at that moment before he could stop it...he was being shoved out of the way by Sango(who was barley dressed...) Keade...(in her Yukata...scary) Celesta (in a very sexy outfit...hehehe...Sesshi really liked it) and last but not least Anmye...(who somehow was still dressed...we wonder) and so Inu was shoved out of the hut along with all the other men...and all InuYasha could say is the catch phrase of a guy that isn't even born his time...

"Oro...?" (Watch Rurouni Kenshin...)

~back to the here and now...~

So all the men were standing sitting and laying around watching Inu make a bigger and bigger hole in the ground...a bigger scream than normal came from the hut...and then...there was quite...until...a very small...very gentle...cry was heard...Inu's ears perked up and he looked almost confused...then Kagome's cry's came back to there ears and Anmye walked threw the door of the hut carrying a small bundle in her arms...Everyone Ran to her and made a little circle...

"Is it a boy or a girl...?"

"What color are the eyes...?"

"what about the hair...?"

"Is it healthy?" all sorts of questions were asked and all Anmye did was smile...she turned to Inu and looked him in the eye...

"Inu-chan...I believe you have the right to hold your first born daughter first..." Everyone gasped...and watched as Inu walked over to Anmye and looked at the bundle...he almost looked he didn't want to even attempt to hold the child in fear of hurting it...

slowly he reached out and took the baby...being careful not to hurt or drop the infant...he drew the baby girl to his face and smelled her...he smiled...even as a new born she had a fresh and gentle scent like her mother...then he moved the blanket away from her face and studied her...her hair was black like midnight with no moon but it seemed that the very tips of her hair where silver...what hair there was to tell from anyway...her small ears where black as well with silver tips...small claws were on her hands and as she opened her eyes Inu saw the greatest of all her traits...her eyes...were deep and golden...displaying the dept of wisdom and gentleness of InuYasha but at the same time the stubbornness of both her parents...

"young one..." said InuYasha in a small voice..."I have a feeling that when you are of age I will have to chase off many men...such beauty..." he picked up a small hand and study the already tanned skin...only a little lighter than his own...small fingers rapped around his own finger and squeezed..."Man you sure have a tight grip for a girl..." all the other men around and Shippo and Nikki study the child and touched her hair and ears, from her place in Inu's strong fatherly arms...that is until they heard another cry...this one louder and stronger...the sound of a small warrior being who would defy the world...

Inu looked up and then back to the small girl in his arms...she was whimpering...he bent down and kissed her forehead...urging the tears to stay away from her perfect face...a few minutes passed and Kagome's screams of pain returned...and out came Celeste holding another bundle...Anmye took the little girl into her arms as Inu was handed his next child...although he seemed a little reluctant to let HIS BABY GIRL go...

he smelled the small bundle first and smiled as the scent of power came to him...the smell of newness and strength of the trees and the earth...this one had his scent...he moved the cloth and was greeted by a child that he would stay forever proud of...gentle silver gray hair was seen by all that were standing there...and determined brown gold eyes...2 fuzzy of black and the other silver...on his head...truly he would be a powerful warrior one day...a strong yet small hand came up to InuYasha's cheek and patted it...the young boy looked confused for a moment before moving his small hands over Inu's lips and nose...he stretched his little arms as far as he could until he touched Inu's eye lids that were now closed...Inu reached up taking the little child's hands into his much larger worked ones and smiled...

And then right as Inu was about to say last cry was heard from Kagome...and one more child's cry came into the world that day...but this one was different than the other 2's...this one was gentle yet wise beyond it's not yet inquired years...Kagome's breathing came to all their ears...a fast panting that sounded like she was trying to keep her heart from giving out...that is...until...until it became calm and all could tell she had fallen asleep...

Sango appeared in the doorway holding the 3rd and final child...slowly Celeste took the first born boy from InuYasha...even at the sounds of protest from both child and father...and Sango came over...putting the last child in his awaiting arms...

As before Inu took in the scent of the was soft and gentle...but wise beyond any number of years...there was a power in that scent that he had never known was the power of a person of the miko...carefully he moved the blanket...and took his first looks at his youngest son...golden purple ones...that held a golden sliver of light...those eyes were the eyes of a man not an infant...they processed wisdom and knowledge that even the gods had no clue about...they were the eyes of a genius...eyes that Inu never had thought a pup of his could ever have...but then again...Kagome was his pups mother...and she was definitely smarter than him...unless she was pregnant....but that was in another category interiorly...

Inu looked to the boys head and saw black ears with fire in the formof a silver inferno gracing there tips...and silver hair with streaks of gold in it...but then something caught his eyes...on the boys forehead was a star...a star that looked like the one on the locket he had given Kagome...after they were married...and that star...that star on his little boys forehead told him something...that one day...he would be getting lessons from his son...and that there was something behind it that he didn't understand...but come on Inu didn't really even understand some of the things that Kagome said half the time...

"I don't know what to say..." whispered InuYasha...his eyes moved from child to child and as they moved his smile grew...until they came to rest back on the youngest of the children..."Anmye...?"

"Yes Inu-chan?"

"Do you know what today is...?" Anmye smiled and looked down at the little girl she was holding...the day...such a simple question...but for Inu...and Kagome...and these three children...this day meant a hell of a lot...

"the 9th...the 9th of May..." Inu smiled and moved towards the hut...he walked in and looked at the mess...towels and water everywhere...blood from the birth on a number of towels...a fire that was almost out...rags, cloths, blankets...and a very tired old women and young hanyou women asleep...Inu walked over to where Kagome was laying...her face looked peaceful and happy...most likely because she had her little babies out of her and was more comfortable now...dried sweat and blood messed up her features...but to Inu she was the most beautiful...finally not pregnant anymore the world...he smiled and laid the small boy down next to him...then taking The girl from Anmye set her next to the boy and finally he took the other boy from Celeste and put him next to the girl...Shippo and Nikki...came over and looked at there new brothers and sisters...delight on their young faces...all the rest of the group gathered around...whispers were heard...and all were good...either saying something about the children's beauty of how lucky Inu was...

Kagome's stirred and looked to Inu..."Where are the babies Inu-chan...? Have you seen them...?" he smiled and pointed between them...

"there right there..." she smiled and set up looking at all the little ones and ran her finger tips over the closest(the girl) face...she giggled when the baby yawned showing off little fangs with no other teeth around them...

"there all so very perfect..." everyone nodded in agreement...

"Mama are we going to name them?" asked Nikki in a gentle voice as she stroked one of the boys ears...causing him to purr...which in turn caused Nikki and all the women to giggle...

"Well we know the girl's name...she is Sakura...and I beleive that name is perfect for her by the way...but which boy name to give to who...?" Inu solved the problem quickly and picked up the second born child...his first son...

"He will be Inu-Riku..." he said smiling..."And the one...that looks like he would make a powerful Miko type thing but i hope not a monk!" Miroku glared at him in a brotherly way when he said that "...will be Hououza...the phoenix..." Kagome nodded and smiled...

"He makes a good the other two fit there names as well..." she reached and took Sakura into her arms smiling..."My babies...may nothing ever happen to you...and may you always know that your parents love you very much..." Inu looked at the little girl and said a silent pray...

'may she be beautiful...and I hope she won't mind when I beat up boys for looking at her...and may Miroku's children not take after him...for then they might grope her...and I don't want to be responsible for my nephews deaths...' he then turned to one of the boys...Inu-Riku...'may you be strong like your father and proud...may you love your sister enough to help me kill all boys with in a ten ft radius...and may you be able to smile like your mother can and laugh and cry and grow up to be the best man you can be...' and finally he turned to Hououza and thought hard on how to world what he wanted to say...'My youngest son...I do not know what to wish for you...only...that you will be happy...with what ever road you want to lead...that even if you travel down a path that few have walked or non have even tried to walk on...that you will know...that I will no matter what you for who you are...not who you can powerful my son...'

the babies started to cry then...needing there mother to nurse them...with a growl from InuYasha everyone left and the babies began to feed but not before...

"Wow...Kagome's breast are way bigger than Sango's..."

"MIROKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Poor monk that had to hurt...for at that moment he meet abnormally large boomeranged Inu fist and fox fire...Sesshi fist Celeste kick to head...Anmye slap...and last but not least a Rin spanking...

well it's still me Jas...thank you for reading this chappie! Got to go...wish Kagome the best of luck if you will...maybe she'll get over her flu faster!

the fiance of InuYasha loves me/ Jason Jas for short!