InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ people shaped holes in the walls... ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry it has taken so long but first off there where not enough reviews second off there is nt enough time since I have to work 5 jobs to go to school and thrid off i was getting ingaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes reviews I will be getting married sometime in May or June...and I will be going to Germany to get married!!!! I will become Kagome Yarbrough....interesting last name right...!!!!!!! But I promise you this fan flick will keep on going even if I'm married although we might take out time for a honey moon...YEA...I will remain a soruce of perverted intertainment and my leomn's might get better...more realistic...alothough they should be pretty good starting about a week ago...*read between the lines there* but the law still stands even though I'm in a good mood 5 reviews=1 chappie extra long =1 chappie and thanks to Bre AKA Sukura we have a little more written than explected...thanks and enjoy...

Disclamier: as an almost married women I can't say I want to fuck Inu anymore...nut I can husband to be is inu and that if I fuck him I will be fucking Inu...does that make since...I thought not...ohh well another day i will go not owning InuYasha...*sigh*

chapter 36: people shaped holes in the walls

Well there is no way to start this chapter...isn't that interesting....because there is one of 2 ways i can do it....but I'm not sure which way would be this is how it began...the next form of chaos something...that even the author cringes at...the thought ohh yes the very thought of the honey moon ending and children let me start this chapter in month 4 of Kagome's pregnancy in month 3 of Sango's and in month no week no day 1 of let me also remind you that Kagome is due in a month Sango in a month and Celeste in to sum it all up...the whole point of my little paragraph is this...Inu is still screwed for a month Miroku is stilled screwed for a month and Sesshi...well he's just doomed...

the author has spoken written typed oh hell I did something didn't I...? *everyone reading nods* good I'm still useful and now on with the show...story...written thing...what do you call it a book? this is more than a book...this is...MY STORY.....*dramatic music playing as the world anime falls*

~the author is done and now that you are all caught up the story began...well it already started but anyway...~

Sesshi was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a long time...not even Rin or his sister could make him feel this safe and useful...he opened his eyes slowly and looked at the goddess in his arms...the women that was caring his child...his first child...but no that wasn't true...he did have Rin and she would forever be his child...even if she was human...even if she would die...

Sesshi sighed and ran a hand threw Celeste's hair with a sad smile...he loved her even if he had just meet her...but he was the one who knew her name and the one who had taken her virginity...right...that said something...if a women who had stayed a true virgin till her adult life let you take her virginity it meant something...and if that women had known that it would have caused her to bare you child afterwards and she let it happen that had to mean that the women in question really did love you and trust you enough to have such a honor...or at least that is what Sesshi thought...

"Sesshi-kun...?" the women in his arms whispered....her golden eyes looking into his own...

"-Kun?" he repeated her with a smile...

"Yes -Kun..."

"Why?" she smiled and kissed him on the forehead where his moon lay...

"You are my mate and my love...I will call you with every kind of endearment I can think of...that is my way of showing my love for you..." he smiled happily and looked into her eyes...

"thank you my love..." she smiled back with the sun helping her...slowly she moved and laid on top of him letting her lips fall to his with love he was sure he had never none before...her hands come to his chest and traced one of his abs...there nakedness touched each other and there bodies reacted to it...but before anything could lead to the bliss they were waiting for and wanting...a little girl ran into the clearing yelling...

"DADDY!!!" and thus there was Rin...she ran over to Sesshi not even seeming to notice the fact that he was naked or the women either...

"RIN?!" said Sesshi as he set up still holding Celeste to him...

"you were gone all night and almost all of yesterday...Rin thought that something had happened to you and the pretty lady..." said Rin as she tried not to cry for her Daddy and the pretty lady next to him that was smiling...

"nothing happened Rin-chan we're both fine...and very happy..." said Celeste...

"Are you sure...?"

"Hai..." said Celeste smiling happily...

"Ok...did daddy find out your name...?"

"Yes he did..."

"And what is it..?" asked the small girl with a big hopeful smile on her face...

"my name is Celeste but you can call me mom...if you like..." Rin had tears in her eyes as she pressed her small body to Celeste in a hug...

"i would lave to call you mommy...and does that mean that you and Daddy are married now...?"

"Something like that..." said the new mother back to Rin...Celeste looked over to Sesshi only to be greeted by nothing...she looked around her...or a least where she could see...until she felt strong arms that came around her ad Rin from behind..."Sesshi..." she whispered and held Rin tighter...

"BROTHER...BROTHER WHERE ARE YOU?" Sesshi didn't want to let go and he knew that even if his sister saw them naked it wouldn't matter...she was his twin after all...and youki twins...were inseparable in most as far as twins went...her seeing him naked once in his adult life was a given...

"We're over her Anmye-chan..." he said loud enough for her to hear it...a few minutes passed and then Anmye formed from the bush to their right...she didn't even seemed phased the least that she was seeing her brother naked...

"You 2 it's almost should get dressed and ready to go back to the village...and by the was congratulations..."

"For what...?"

"Being hear all over the village...nice growling was so deep had to have been the way what is the name of my sister in law...?"

"Celeste..." said the poor women in small voice...

"that is so pretty...well I'm glad I'm going to be an aunt all around...first my little brother now my older brother...oh joy! now get dressed you to...oh and Sesshi do you think I'll make a better Auntie Anmye or Aunt Anmye...i like Auntie how about you?" she stopped and looked at her brother and his mate...both looked like stone statues..."Well then..." she walked over...well all around the clearing till she had all there cloths and then came back to Sesshi and Celeste handing them the cloths...after a minute she bent down and kissed her brother forehead hoping to bring him out of shock...she then kissed Celeste and smiled...

"I know it's shocking but don't worry Kagome-nee-chan took care of it..." this brought Sesshi out of his thoughts and Celeste...

"good we'll get dressed now..." said Sesshi as he and Celeste began to dress and all Rin did was wonder why they had had no cloths on in the first place...

~with Inu and Kagome...~

they had been sitting there for a while now...inside the hut in each others arms happy and grinning from ear to one had come home...well to the hut last night...Miroku and Sango had slept somewhere who knows where and Keade had been on an emergency call with Rin Anmye and Keiya

And all though nothing exciting worth telling had happened between the 2...they were happy mainly because there babies had kicked for them...and they had been able to share the moment happily...and even now every once in a while the babies would kick again for them...Inu smiled even bigger when he felt another movement inside of the pups was moving around again and thus the mommy and daddy could feel it...which in turn made the mommy and daddy happier than they were before...

" it just me or is it kind of scary...?"

"Is what scary...?" asked Inu back as he nuzzled her neck and bit it lightly...

"knowing that...the little kick we feel is our pups...our flesh and blood as one..." Inu looked at her for a moment...

"when you put it that way it is really scary..." he said and held her tighter but not enough to hurt..."to think that I created them with you...that I'm going to be responsible for them...that I'm going to be a father..." it was then that it hit Inu hard realization finally came to him..."Kagome what if they don't like me...what if I'm to mean to them...what if I do something wrong and they leave what if..." he never finished because right then a slender finger meet his lips...

"Inu they will love you...just like I do...just as you are my husband and I am your are there father and they are your they will love you just as I have...even when you mess up sometimes..." she let her finger fall then and kissed him lightly...his hand came to meet her stomach and that hand was greeted by a little kick...he smiled at her stomach before lowering his ear to it...

"What is it Inu?" she asked but all she got for answer was a...

"shh..." Inu's ear moved a little before he set up and looked at her with a smile...

"what...What is it?" he turned and put his back to the hut and set her in his lap...

"I can hear there heartbeats Kagome...their all strong...and powerful..." he said in a proud tone...

"Your going to make a wonderful father InuYasha..."

"What makes you say that...?"

"well their not even born yet and already your proud of them..."

"specking of being a you think we should go get Nikki and Shippo..."

"no...I think mom can use the torture..."



"i don't think it's your mom who would be getting money is on our pups..."

"Your properly right...but then again what doesn't kill you will always make you stronger right?"

"You sound more and more like me every day..."

"feh..." with that feh both of them began hysterical laughing...

~with the pups ^_^~

"ok so an organism is where the..." all jii-chan and mama could do was nod and tell all about was becoming rather hard...the question were getting worst..."male releases his sperm into the female...but what does the female release...?" said Nikki

"Well she to put this...well..."

~need I say more...poor Jii-chan...poor mama...good Nikki...~

~to Sango and Miroku~

"Man Inu and Kagome got to feel there baby move and so do we..." said Miroku as he fingered Sango's bigger stomach...

"Yea...are they still kicking..." he only nodded..."think of it Miroku in a month we'll be parents...isn't it great...!"

"it sure is..." Miroku smiled and patted Sango's stomach receiving another kick..."we better go back to the looks like it might rain soon..." she looked up at the sky and saw the smoky clouds coming their way...

"Your right lets go..."

~with the Sesshi group...that's Celeste Rin Sesshi of course Anmye and Keiya~

"I think it's going to rain soon..." said Celeste...Sesshi looked to the sky and nodded...

"i think your right...let's go back to the hut Rin let's go..." Rin nodded and took hold of Sesshi's hand with her own and then took hold of Celeste's as well...Anmye smiled as she watch her brothers little family walk was going to get bigger soon...with a new addition...but only one...from what she could tell anyway...taking her daughters hand she began to follow them back to the hut...

~with Inu and Kagome...have I got a surprise for all you readers...~

"hey Inu-baby...i was wondering where are we going to live now...we can't live with Keade there's not enough room...we are having three pups and all..." Inu thought for a moment and then remembered something...something that he knew was important...

"i think I know just the place's big enough for me you our children and Miroku Sango and there's to live in...and close enough to Sesshi's castle in the western lands that we can visit him anytime..."

"and what is this mysterious big mystery place..." he smiled big at his new found knowledge...

"My Castle...." he whispered in her ear causing it to flick...her eyes grew huge and her month hung open...

"YOU OWN A CASTLE AD YOU NEVER TOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone came running threw the door then and saw a very interesting sight...there was Kagome straddling Inu's hips....her face inches away from his...her eyes flaming and her big stomach keeping her from getting any closer to him...while Inu on the other hand was neat less to say on his back looking up at her with fear in his eyes...his hands where stuck to his side and his legs were perfectly straight...

"What's going on?" Kagome looked at them and smiled nigger than big before getting up as quickly as she could and running over to them...

"Inu just told me that he owns a Castle in the western lands that's big enough for us all to live in...!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Brother what part of the western lands is it in?"

"the one right on the edge of my forest here...about 4 miles that way..." he said pointing past them in the direction of the well..." everyone looked at Kagome who was chanting something about 'fairy tales do exist...'

"Wow so when do we move to the western lands..."

"I don't know maybe after the pups are born...?" Kagome shock her head vigorously...

"than as soon Sango and Kagome's pups are born I will have my hut back...thank god..." they all turned and saw a minor wet Keade in the door way..."then I will be able to move around naked again..." the old women looked up at where all the 'children' had been and found no one...but as she turned and looked out the people shaped holes....she saw a whole lot of people running in terror...

hope you like where I have this heading I do...and the thruth is I have no idea where it is going in the first place...ahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhah but got to go and I hope you will wish me luck with my whole school marriage thing...

Ja ne

my real name...Kagome-chan...strange ain't it...the name i normally use... just made up...she is my America...well I live in america too...but get the point she's an american...true as the color blue...

InuYasha loves me