InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ and her name was.... ( Chapter 35 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry that i haven't up dated in a while...I am having some collage scholar ship has fallen threw and now I have to pay for my collage with all my own mney...which means i have to five jobs and remember 5 reviews=1 chappie extra long=extra long chappie and thank you for all the reviews and commints...and yes if anyone wants to e-mail me and talk to me i would be more than happy to have an e-mail chat...ok I got to stop reading shakes spear...

chapter 35: And her name is...

~well here we are who knows will I start with the name or with the family of InuYasha...well you know how hard it is to be evil...but here we go~

Inu point of view...suckers...

We were there in the well house...I looked down and saw my family there in my arms...Nikki Shippo and Kagome...sighing in relief I jump out of the well and went up the small shrine's stairs and out it's door...

i set everyone down and we all begin to walk to the house...i can't help but smile at the looks on my children's faces...their eyes are really big and there jaws are on the ground...Nikki is the biggest...most likely because she has never even seen anything from this time...and because of that she is now holding on to my leg for dear life...I don't think I will ever get used to that...(hey i don't think i have misspelled anything so far...the grammar...i have no idea...) Shippo on the other hand is on Kag-chan's shoulder and is oohing and awing at anything that moves...even the leaf that just my pup he sure is an idiot...right, i think he's just as good as his father...what was that!...oh nothing now stop talking to yourself and watch out, mother-in-law 12 o'clock...Right...

"It's my hanyou babies..." said a woman who was at the moment heading for them with her arms opened wide and a smile bigger than the sun itself on her face...but then she stops and the twinkle in her eyes gets bigger..."and who are...the to kawii little babies with you...?" she is right in front of us now and has already hugged and kissed my mate...and me for that matter...i wonder about her sometimes...and now she is looking at Nikki's little ears with stars in her eyes and is eyeing Shippo's tail with pure happiness...

"Mom I would like you to meet Shippo and Nikki..." says my mate smiling happily..."They are mine and Inu's...adopted son and daughter..." that did it the woman explodes with happiness it's kind of scary...

"You mean there my HANYOU GRANDBABIES...!!!!!" she yells causing all of us to cover our ears...

"Well mom Nikki is a hanyou but Shippo is a youki..." her mother gets a happier look if that is even possible...

"You mean i have a YOUKI GRANDBABY AND A HANYOU GRANDBABY!!!!???? double KAWII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" has happened after all the years of getting yelled at by various people...listening to explosions and other loud noises this woman finally did it...she made me go deaf...and as for my poor children...they have this lost look on there know the one...they sweat drop, jaw drop, eyes get big with small pupils? that's what they looked a 'T'...^_^ I'd feel sorry for them least she's not trying to yank my ears off of my head like she is trying to do Nikki's right now...poor baby...I better save her...but I'm not doing that...but this is my baby we are talking about...maybe not my flesh and blood but she sleeps with me and my therefore I must help her...

"Hey know I really want my ears rubbed..." can't believe I just did that...she better be happy that her ears are free...*sigh* this will be painful...

And thus she grabbed my ears and began to torture them...but them again it's not that's just she...can't do it like Kagome can...with her soft hands and the gentle enticing motions of her fingers at the base...the way she reaches up and tweaks the tip before she licks it to entice me it fells so good...Kagome really can rub ears

Without realizing it i close my eyes and begin to purr loud her mother smiles and says something to my mate...

"I'll watch my grandbabies for a while and we'll have some grandma to grandbabies time...while you and your husband have some...alone's that sound...?" I swear i heard that but for some reason i didn't register it...

"sounds great mom thanks..."

"so tell me one thing before you give your husband attention..." at this my mate blushes and i smile..."do these two sleep with you and him...?" my mate nods yes...

"No wonder...sexual tension...that's why he gets so turned on from ear rubs..." I hear my mate gasp and I can feel her eyes on my man hood...which I just noticed has become erected...

"mommy..." one of my pups the way it sounds...the girl...Nikki tends to drag the 'OM' out and the 'MY' when she says mOMMY...on my name daddy its the 'AD' and the 'DY' and on Shippo its...well she just calls him Ship for some reason...

"Yes sweetheart...?"

"What is sexual tension?" I hear my mate gulp and I poor little bad for her...she has to explain the birds and the bees to Nikki...and all our girl on the other hand...I'll take the boys...all I have to do is send them to uncle long as he doesn't teach them...what i like to call the wandering hand law...which is...and i quote...'If my hand shell wander and just so happens to find residence on a females be it...the pain is worth it' there's one thing I can't remember about that law...if Miroku was drunk when he said it or sober...somehow i get the feeling he was sober...

"oh...that...well it's..." Kagome starts but her mother interrupts...

"It's when a mommy and a daddy...want to go out without there babies for a little while and have some fun..."

"what kind of fun..." asked Nikki...another brilliant question from my baby girl...

"It's a secret Nikki...and you can't know until till your grown up..." my little girl frowns and sticks out her bottom lip in a turn...

"Nikki...?" I ask the little girl she turns to me a little confused...

"Yes daddy?" I bend down and pick her up...

"You want to know what kind of fun it is..." mom and Kagome looked shocked that I'm going to tell the girl...i love doing that to them...

"It's were mommy and daddy kiss a lot..." I said as I bent down and kissed her on the noise...

"Eww..." she said in her child like voice..."that's gross..." Everyone smiles at my brilliance but Shippo that is...

"But daddy...Uncle Miroku said...that that's when you..." Kagome covers his mouth fast and speaks fast as well...

"Shippo never listen to Uncle Miroku...and if you do never repeat anything that he does say to you..." he nods and Kagome lets him go and i put Nikki down...

"Well mom we're going to leave them here and go to the other side of the well..." before she could finish...Shippo was making kiss noises and Nikki was gagging...

"Alright that's fine I'll watch my grandbabies..."

"Bye-Bye mommy and daddy.." our pups say as they head with there grandmother into the house...and we go to the well...for some 'fun' of our own if you know what i mean...and the last thing i hear from our children as we are leaving is...

"I think mommy and daddy were lying grandma..." it's Nikki

"About what sweetie..."

"about that sexual tension stuff..."

"why's that...?"

"Because Uncle Miroku babies...and women carry them...i should be pregnant by now..."

"How so..."

"I kiss daddy and uncle Miroku and mommy and Shippo and..." that was all I heard and great...we did really good now our daughter thinks you can get pregnant by kissing...but there is a silver lining to all of least now...I will never have to chase boys off our property for kissing her...there's just one problem with that theory...besides the fact that i don't own any land...wait a minute...I do own that...maybe we could live my...

"Hey Inu?" my train of thought is cut off...oh well

"Yes Kagome?"

"Let's go have some fun...!" i smile well smirk at her before pouncing on her...careful of the pups...and start to kiss her with a passion that i have been holding in for a long time...when all the sudden we're stopped by the sound of an old man clearing his throat...

"Excuse me but I'd like to sweep the well house....without the sound of skin slapping skin and moans...please find a different spot..."

"Wow jii-chan didn't know you knew so much about sex...i mean it has been a while since you got some or even an erection right?" now for those of you that think I said that...your wrong...that was Kagome...but man I wish i would have thought of it...when we saw him start to turn purple we got up and jumped into the well...and all we heard from him while he was blowing up was...

"I HAVE SEX EVERY WEDNESDAY WITH MRS. SMITH FROM NEXT DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!" and jii-chan...that's not something i will pride myself in knowing...

~here we is finally time to here the name...will it be right will Sesshi get the girl...who knows?...even i don't it all depends on how I feel at the time...but her it goes...the name...~ there will be a sesshi/ mystery lady lemon even if you don't like sesshi lemons i encourage you to read is one of my best and shortest...

"Let me see is it..." Sesshi though he knew what the name was...the moon on her forehead made it come to him...the women himself made him think of it...the moon and the stars..."Celeste...?

her eyes grew big and her lip quivered...tears began to form and all she could do was say one thing in a small voice...a voice that he would never forget...or would she for that matter...for the voice was happy...truly happy...which is something Sesshi had always dreamed of...

" name is Celeste and I am your soul mate your life mate...your love" she looked down...away from his far away as she could get...her breath caught in her throat when she felt the 2 strong arms come around her and held her tight...

"do me...?" asked Sesshi

"I do...and do you love me...?" Sesshi lifted her chin and kissed her gently on the was only a simple kiss and the only thing that Celeste could do was moan...Sesshi gently came away from her and smiled...

"You are the first and only women I have fallen in love with..." she smiled and looked him in the eyes...

"you once were different were you were once a very cold person why the change...?" he smiled and kissed her almost violently...which made her moan even louder...and as her mouth opened from it he let his tongue enter her mouth...tasting her and praying that the moment would never end...he then moved his mouth from hers and kissed her neck...sucking on it lightly then nipping hard...almost enough to drawl blood...between nips he answered her question...

"I am him and I am someone else...I can be gentle...and i can be cold...but for you...I will unleash my passion and fire that no one has ever seen..." she growled deep in her throat and pulled him away snarling with pleasure...she then pushed him to the ground onto his back...

"and I will do the same for you..." she snarled again when he smirked and tried to get back up...

He growled back at her and snarled telling her that he should be dominant...but she didn't listen instead she bent her head and kissed him hard and with a hunger like no other...causing Sesshi to growl into her mouth and nip at her lips...she snarled when he drew blood from her and backed up a bit letting her guard down and giving Sesshi time enough to throw her on her back and begin kissing her neck and removing her cloths none to gently...

With a swipe of his claws her beautiful Kimono fell opened...revealing her bound breast...the binding having somehow escaped his claws...he angrily snarled and swiped again ripping her breast binding to shreds...a pleased smile came to his face as he lowered his mouth to Celeste breast...

taking one into his mouth he began his torture...he began to sucking hard and nipping the soft flesh with his sharp canines...he felt the copper taste of blood fill his mouth when one of his fangs just so happened to sink into her flesh...his ears were filled with the sounds of her moans and cry's of pain pleasure...once he was satisfied with that breast he moved to the other drawling her blood again and sucking it into his mouth...

"Oh gods Sesshomura...please take me now..." she cried out in bliss as his tongue caused her nipple to become tighter still..."Please no more floor play just...let me taste you lover..." She moaned out and finished with a scream as he bit into her breast fully leaving a scar that would never heal...

he moved his body above her and looked her over...her eyes were glazed with passion and her lips red with his abuse...her breast had blood on them and wet trails that showed his passion...his eyes traveled down to her toned stomach and then came to see her flower...her sex...

Slowly he removed his cloths...watching as she came back to reality and stared at him with fire in her that he had never seen in the eyes of any women or any man who faced him in any way...once all his cloths had been thrown into oblivion...he lower his body completely over her smaller one and them by the light of the warm noon sun he entered her and went to heaven...

He heard her cry's of virgin pain and loved them...he loved the tears that flowed from her eyes...and the eyes themselves...the eyes that showed none of that pain...golden eyes with specks of brown...eyes that saw his soul...and he let them see it...he let those eyes know it's taste it's feel and it's love...

after a minute of her relaxing and adjusting he began to move...powerful thrust went into her body...causing her to moan like she had never before...and causing him to let his instinct take he growled and snarled as he slammed into her...he let his body move and only move...his mind went blank and his passion grew with every thrust with every moan with every scream...until he felt her body contract around him...and he felt her body tense then release in ecstasy...he in turn looked to the sun and howled in joy as his body finally let go...and he...and he...found the other half to his moon...

~in the village...^_^~

"What is with all the snarling coming from the woods...?" asked a random villager...

"Yes...and the growls and moans...?" said a small women whom Miroku had tried to grope 132 times and got hit for it 635 times...he got hit more than once sometimes...

"Do you think lady Kagome and InuYasha are having sex again...?"

"No when we heard them it was different...they were more of the gentle love making type than these 2 are..." all the sudden they heard a howl of pleasure coming from where the moans were...

"Man that must have been a powerful climax..." all the random villagers nodded in agreement...

"If that was InuYasha and Lady Kagome we would have heard names...they always say the others it can't be them can it...?"

"Do you think they'll turn around and see us standing here anytime soon?" asked a person who wasn't a random villager but instead...much to the villagers misfortune....A pregnant women...with Miko powers and a mate who was afraid of her...Kagome...

"I think they just did..." said Inu in a small voice...that had a hint of fear in it...this was mainly because at the moment Kagome had a little vein getting ready to pop on her forehead...

"WHO ARE YOU TO TALK ABOUT ME AND INUYASHA HAVING SEX...IT'S NOT LIKE THIS IS ANY OF YOUR CONCERN I MEAN COME ON WHY IS IT THAT EVERYONE HAS A FASINATION WITH TAKING PICTURES OF ME AND INU-BABY SLEEPING NAKED OR TALKING ABOUT THE KIND OF MOANS WE MAKE WHEN WE'RE HAVING SEX...WELL...ANSWER ME DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone was silent in the one was moving and all breathing had stopped...but one brave or perhaps stupid person came up to Kagome and asked the question they we're all wanting to...

"Lady Kagome what is a Pik-tu-ere?(picture)" she looked angry very angry...and at that moment...InuYasha was glad he was not the villager...

"THAT'S IT I'M GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING IN A TEN MILE RASIUS...SO EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T AT LEAST 11 MILE...wait a minute what was that...?" said Kagome...she put a hand on her larger stomach and felt..."Inu come here..." Inu slowly came up to her as did the rest of the village and Sango and Miroku...

"What is it Kagome..." the said girl reached out and took Inu's hand placing it on her stomach...

"Do you feel that...?" she said with a small smile playing on her lips...

"I that the babies...kicking...?" he asked in a small voice...

"Yes...yes it is..." she said back in an equally small voice...

"can I feel?" asked Sango who had appeared out of the blue with Miroku a minute ago...

"Yea sure just put your hand where Inu's is..." Sango did so and Inu reluctantly allowed it...Miroku came over and pressed his hand to Kagome's stomach as well smiling in a none perverted way...

"man that kid is still kicking he must take after Inu already..."

"Hey you say it like it's a bad thing...!!!!"

"It is..." with that the boys went off chasing each other and laughing happily...

"how long until the babies are born lady Kagome?" Kagome smiled and rubbed her stomach...

"In 2 months May...that will be the month they're born in..."Sakura...Hououza...and Inu-Riku...that will be my children's names...and I hope that they will have there fathers will and might...there mothers gentleness...and I pray that they have there parents...hearts..."

"Let us also pray that they don't get there father's temper..."

"Or his bad mouth..."

"Or his bad manners..."

"Or his evil looks..." and so the list went of things that they child shouldn't inherit from InuYasha...

but as Kagome stood there feeling her children moving inside of her she knew that no matter what she did or how hard she tried her children would be and act like there father in many ways...and in all truth...that didn't bother her at all...and besides the world needed more violent cruel mean selfish hardheaded ruthless unmerciful and sweet people like her mate InuYasha...

~meanwhile at Grandma's house...~

"So sex is where mommy's and daddy make babies by touching each other a lot and kissing...?" said little Nikki...

"Well yes..." said grandpa...well great grandpa or GG as Nikki and Shippo called him...

"But what kind of touching? Is it like shaking hands or sleeping next to someone?"

"Well kind of but no...?"

"What kind then...?" GG was scared and that was putting it lightly...all he was told to do was watch the 2 while mama went out to pick up Souta from school...not explain the birds and the bees to a 10 year old...and in a lot of ways he doubted she was ten...

"Well private touching..."

"What is private touching...?"

"Well it's when..." and so GG became a victim of the saying stuck between a rock and a hard sad...

~With sesshi and Celeste~

they were now laying back to chest...with Celeste's back to Sesshi's chest...gentle smiles danced on their faces and happiness did a waltz in their eyes...


"Yes Sesshi...?" he smiled at her and kissed her forehead...

"I love you...and I want to continue making love with you for the rest of my life..." she giggled lightly and turned in his arms kissing him...

"Silly make your nose useful...there is something new in the air today...that once born completely will make us stay together for the rest of our life's..." his eyes grew big and a dopey smile came to his face...he sniffed the air and them bent down capturing her lips in his own...

"I love you...and I will love the new life we have created...forever..." she smiled at him and said..."the child will be born in 5 months..."

Sesshi smiled to himself...a five minute time...he would make it 12...

here we are that's it for now...see you all later and hope you liked it...remember if you want to be in the can and there are spots for sesshi's and celeste's children and Miroku's and Sango's...up to you...if you want them send it in a review...

InuYasha loves me...and i dream about hm a lot and they are really great dreams...