InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ sesshi's got a challenge ( Chapter 34 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I know it has been awhile since I up dated but I have been on vacation with my boyfriend in sorry...hope you like the chappie and the old rules stand firm...5 review=1 chappie....extra long=extra long chappie...and to the amasing reviewer that is insane like me...i love you your the best so great...if you were a guy which i think your not...i would totally marry boyfriend is looking ta me funny again...oh well...and yes send me the stuff and be Sukura in my story...however you want her personality...currently in my story Kagome is only 2 months in about 5 chappies we will have puppies hope you like that!!!!!!! Love you and send me the info. Chaosti you are my new Sakura...and by the way...all the perverted chappies that i have written so far are because of caffine...mainly coffee types...but...i did not have a caffine high when I wrote this is leading up to the almightly perverted chappie and funny chappie you'll understand why when you read it have fun and one more thing...Miroku and Sango's children need names...if you want to be one of there children tell me...and give me the name...

for the hell of it Disclaimer: I do not will never nor want to own inuYasha...I think it would be better if he was the dominant one and owned me after all my real name is Kagome...but then why do I use becky all the time it's not my I have confused my self again...WAAAAAAA...^_^ ohhh the possiabilities....

chapter 34: Sesshi's found a challenge

Inu was asleep...that was putting it simply...he was asleep...yea...but anyway...there Inu was his mate curled up to him snoring in a girlish way...beside him was little Nikki...who was in turn curled to Shippo her adopted brother...but in the long run just to get my point across...Inu was sleeping...

All was quit in the hut Sesshi and his sister...pup and niece were asleep as well...Sesshi leaning on the wall of the hut with Rin asleep on the fluffy thing...his sister curled to his side with a smile on her face...and little Keiya in her mothers arms....and to put it simply Sesshi was asleep...

In another room of the hut there lay Miroku and Sango...who just so happened to be sleeping naked...but they could do that easier than anyone else...because well Inu and Kagome had 2 kids...there were not because of there time and pleasure....Sesshi had no mate...Anmye's mate was dead and the rest were either to old or Miroku and Sango were the only mating pair that could lay naked like this...Sango being underneath Miroku who had his cheek resting in the valley of her breast...but to prove that all mightly point again...they were asleep...(and yes there will be a reason for the sleeping thing...At least I think there is...)

But in this house/hut thing there was one person who was not who was awake with the dawn and standing outside looking at the sun rise...a wise old woman with many years under her belt or obi...(can't spell in English)...she was watching the village as it woke...and saying a silent prayer that one day there wouldn't be an inter family of youki in her house...not that she didn't like them...but damn youki snored...and they snored loud...she just couldn't sleep...and old women like herself....didn't need the stress that all these 'youngsters' just wasn't healthy...but until they decided to get huts of there own...nearby of course, after all, all the children that were going to be born will be like her own grandchildren...she would let them stay...

So anyway...there Keade as fate would have it she was the first one to see the goddess like creator walk into the took her breath away just to look at the graceful, beautiful and Keade did the only natural thing that anyone with as much age experience as her would do...she fainted...

~now keep in mind that everyone is asleep~ this will be for the sake of confusion in sesshi's point of view...well his dreams point of in other words this is sesshi's dream...yea that is a lot ^_^

'where am i...' said sesshi...he was floating in the air white surrounding him engulfing him...there before him in the endless sea of white there stood a beauty...the likes of which he had never seem before in his life...she was a youki angle with hair and eyes that shined...

'hello Sesshomaru' he voice was as beautiful and sexy as her body...all sesshi could think to do was...pray...that this goddess would be his...'sesshomaru...i am looking, that i am...for a man who can love me...not lust...if you...are that man...then please give me my true name...until that day...know me as...the goddess...'

'the goddess...' he whispered back and looked at her...'All i have to do is tell you your name...?'

'yes...if you love me not lust for will know my name...and if you can tell it to me...i will give myself to you...that is what the curse commands...'

'a curse what is this curse...?'

'the curse of beauty...all men of this world will think they love long as that man has not sworn himself to another...but only one man will truly love me...says so the curse...if i can find this man...the world will let me and my beauty be...and I will live happily with I have been destined to go and find all youki men whom can love...and give them this test...the test the curse has told me will determined there are the next to take this now wake up...and fall in love with me...' with those last words the world around sesshi was destroyed in a pit of fire and for the first time in his life...well his adult life...hell his teenage life...and maybe pre teens...sesshi woke up screaming...

~with the rest of the sleeping world and yes this is where the whole sleeping in the beginning comes in...and so lets start with Inu...and his dream...~

There Inu was standing in a field of flowers...nearby him was Kagome standing in front of a small fire...naked...she turned and looked at him...a sexy smile on her face...

" you want some of this..." her hands motioned to things unseen...

"Ohh...yes please give me some...just a taste...?" he came over to her and became naked all the sudden...

"Do you really want some?" her sexy velvet voice came to his ears....

" please give it now...I need it...i have to have it..." before he knew what was happing he was on the ground flat on his back...

"you need it do you...beg for it..." she then ground her hips to his making the friction in the air greater...

"Please give me some I need it i want it right now...last time you didn't leave me satisfied...i'm still hungry for more...please let me taste that sweet nectar you make...ohh i need it please...!!!!" she smiled and straddled his waste...

"then you will have some...she reached down and pushed herself if she was going to lower her lower regions to his face to drink...but..."Inu what flavor would you like...?"


"ok..." and with that she went to the fire and started to make the Ramen...(the world may never know...)

but before he could even get one taste...something happened...

~now on with the scream fest...that was just for laughs...~


"Sesshi-chan what happened...?" said Anmye as she took her brother into her arms...he was saying something...but it was all incomprehensible babbling..."there, there now...shhh...." everyone else in the hut and Keade who had been out longer unconscious now....came into the room and stood in utter shock as the powerful stern faced sesshi....sat in his sisters arms scared to death..."sesshi-chan it's Ok..." whispered Anmye...

"uncle sesshi...? what's wrong...?" said little Keiya as she patted sesshi's cheek...

"papa..." everyone turned to little Rin who had spoken...even sesshi..."are you Ok?" sesshi looked at Rin and all the fear in his eyes left...he reached for Rin and picked her up...

"I'm fine..." he said a little this conversation would have gone on but at that moment Keade gasped...

"It's her..." there in the doorway stood a women with long silver hair to her waist and golden eyes with specks of purple...a puzzled like moon on her forehead that would fit with sesshi's...her slender slips came into a she looked at sesshi...

"the goddess..." whispered sesshi...

"Yes...I am the goddess and now the test begins..." her voice was laced with promise and mystery...and to ruin the moment Inu spoke up...

"What the hell is going on...?" everyone looked at him with death glares but it was Kagome that was the worst...

"Inu...?" she said while gritting her teeth...

"Yes...Kagome..." he was trembling in fear now...he knew his mate...and she was mean when he messed up...but to be pregnant...he prayed he lived..."what is it?" now he would have liked it better if she had hit him or something but when the sweet and innocent smile came onto her face he began to worry...

"3 weeks..." she said and picked up her children walked into her room and slammed the door behind her...

"damn..." was all InuYasha said before walking by the goddess and turning to look at all of them before leaving..."I would like you all to promise me something...?

"What is it?" everyone asked...

"Promise me...the next time i think about getting her pregnant that you'll put me in a little box and send me to the's safer there...even though Kagome told me i would die up there...i would properly die quicker my wife...and she doesn't even have to touch me...just that simple how ever many weeks i can't sleep with her..." but before the ranting was complete Kagome came back out and yawned...

"Inu it's to cold in there with out you...come on back to bed..." she then walked back into there room...and all she heard as she laid down was....

"I"LL NEVER UNDERSTAND HER EVEN IF YOU PAID ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she smiled and thought to herself one last thing...before the formilar body heat came to her and she fell asleep...

'sometimes...just messing with his head is better than punishing him...!' with that last thought she fell asleep and so did Inu and there pups...while the rest of the world on the other hand...just stood dumbfounded and left it be...

"So who are you?" asked Miroku to the goddess lady...

"I am that I am..." she said and sat down next to Anmye and Sesshi...

"What the hell is that deposit to mean..." said Sesshi...

"The boy..." said the goddess...

"What boy...?" asked Sesshi...

"The one that looks a bit like you and the women, Sesshomaru...the hanyou..."

"That is my baby brother..." he replied still staring at her...

"then she is your sister is she not...your twin..." the goddess answered him while pointing at Anmye...

"Yes she is Anmye and the hanyou is InuYasha the women giving him problems is his mate..." the goddess smiled and looked at sesshi...

"I think you might be the one to pass the challenge and break the curse..." sesshi nodded and smiled a rare smile that none had ever seen on him before...

"I think you might be right..." Rin looked at the lady goddess and walked over to her smiling...

"Hello I'm Rin..." she said while holding up her arms to be picked up...which to everyone's surprise the goddess did..."what is your name....?"

"Call me the goddess...for now young one..."

"Is that your real name?"

"No it is not...if Sesshomaru came name my real name then you can know it..." Rin smiled as the young women sat her down...


"Sesshomaru...please come with me..." she said and walked out of the hut...

"As you wish..." with that sesshi stood and followed the woman out of the hut little Rin ran after him...

"papa!!!!" she said surprising everyone...sesshi turned and looked at her smiling...


"Where you going?" sesshi smiled and walked over to her picking her up...the goddess looked at them with a bright to die for smile...

"Me and the goddess are just going for a walk...I want you to stay here with your aunts and uncles..." Rin smiled and nodded at him...kissed him on the cheek before he let her down and then ran over to her uncle Miroku...

"bye bye papa!!!" she called and watched as sesshi and the goddess walked away and out of the village...

~With Inu and Kagome a little while later after everyone had gotten up...~

"Hey Inu I was thinking..." said Kagome...she was currently sitting in his lap in a high tree branch that over looked a field that there children and nieces where playing in...

"About what..." said Inu as his eyes moved from Nikki to Shippo...

"Do you think that because Shippo and Nikki are our pups now that maybe they can go threw the well...?" Inu turned and looked into her eyes smiling...

"they might just be able to...and I think your mom would love to met her adopted grandchildren...don't you think....?" she smiled and kissed him...but had to break it quickly because a new weight came to her left shoulder...

"hey mom...we're bored..." said Shippo from Kagome's shoulder...

"Yea..." agreed Nikki from InuYasha's shoulder...

"Well...maybe we should try now if there so bored..." said Kagome smiling...

"Try what...?" asked little Nikki while she tried to get a hold of one of her fathers ears...

"to see if you to can met grandma..." said Kagome with a huge smile...

"Grandma...?" they both asked excited..."We have a grandma!!!!!!"

"Yep and i think it is about time that the both of you got to met her..."

"But how are we going to do that...?" asked Shippo.." we can't go through the well..."

"I think you can Shippo and it's worth a try..." InuYasha said as he picked up his mate into his arms and his two pups went onto one shoulder a piece...with that Inu went up to Sango and Miroku..."hey you 2 me Kagome and the pups are going to her time fro a little while ok?" he didn't even give them time to answer before he went off to the well....

~with Sesshi and the goddess...~

"So where are we going...goddess...?" said Sesshi from where he walked beside her...


"then why are we walking...?"

"for the sake of walking..."

"Oh..." silence grew between the two now...but for some reason this silence wasn't unwelcome...but to the two of them...comforting in a way that neither had ever known before...they came to a small river soon...that had a tiny waterfall...supplying it with water...the goddess bent down and drank the water after gathering it into her hand...all Sesshi did was watch her do so with a slight smile...

"the waters cool...very nice..." she said standing and looking at him..."tell me Sesshomaru..."

"Please call me Sesshi like the rest of the world dose..." she smiled

"Sesshi...tell me that young girl what is she to you..."

"she is my daughter...adopted my younger brother has adopted pups..."

"i see and your looking for a mate to be her mother..."

"yes that's it..." Sesshi smiled and looked at the young woman that was a mystery to him...

"Is that the only reason that you want a mate?" she asked

"no...there is....well...I'm lonely..."

"So am I..." she whispered...

"then maybe...we could..." he said in a small voice...

"Tell me my name and we'll see..." she said with an evil smile on her face...

"Great your evil aren't you...?" she smiled even bigger but less evil and started to walk away...

"Only when I'm in love..." she whispered but Sesshi still heard it...

"You love me...?" he whispered back...she turned and looked at him with a fire in her eyes that Sesshi had never seen in a woman...that was looking at him anyway...

"Yes but the question you love me enough to know my name....?" he looked at her and smiled...

"let me see...? is it..."

~author going to be evil and leave them be now back to Inu Kagome Nikki and Shippo~

"Are you sure this will work...?" asked Nikki... "i mean this is a well your telling me to jump into..."

"Well trust me little one..." said Inu as he took her off his shoulder...

" are my new daddy now..." Inu smiled and picked up Shippo..."Ready Kagome?"

"Yes lets go and see...hehehe...grandma...."

"YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said the little ones...Inu took Kagome into his arms and Shippo and Nikki went into Kagome's...with one last deep breath they jumped into the well...

Do you know how hard it is to keep a name a reviews that a extra long and have a name for her in that you know about her personality or some of might be easier to give her a name...remember it is up to you and how long your review is...