InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ the world threw the eyes of many ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

next chappie ready to be read focks...well anyway rules still stand and to miss. Nikki i hope you like the way i have put you in my story and i hope you like how i am doing that....hououza you will come fully into the story in about 3 or 4 chappies...that is a hint as to when I will do a time jumo people....

but anyway you know the drill 5 reviews=1 chappie long review your in the story and please...READ THE NOTE AT THE BOTTOM!!!!!!!

chapter 33: the world threw the eyes of many

after the boys had stopped with the death threats and chasing each other...they had all sat down to talk...It hadn't been all that long into the conversation when the sound of running and shouting came to there ears...

"GET HER SHE IS THE DEVIL!!!!" A random villager yelled...they all walked out side and saw for the first time the next strangely incorporated character of my story...

She was most definitely by her looks either hanyou or youki...firstly because of the bright red hair and secondly because of the claws...but what made her a no pure youki was the 2 bright red fox ears on her head...what made them fox ears was the fact that they were to pointed to be dog and to tall to be a there fore they were foxes...

she had tears falling down her face as she ran...behind her a long red fox like tail flew...all that she ware were rags and were falling from her skinny body...

"I didn't do anything please leave me alone..." she cried...and they thought she might have said more but at that moment she tripped and fell...

"She has fallen lets get her..." no if this would have been any other village the girl on the ground would be dead...but then again there is something called a hanyou named InuYasha who at the moment was going into his daddy phase...and this girl was like I have said a girl...little girl...her age being no more than 10...which meant all of InuYasha's daddy instinct told him to protect her....and so he did.

with one leap Inu was in front of the small girl and growling..."What has this child done to make you want her dead...?" he questioned with his fangs bared and claws flexing...

"N...n...nothing..." the Villagers backed away slowly fear clearly written on there faces...

"then run BEFORE I LOSE MY TEMPER!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled at them causing all of then to drop there weapons and run for dear life...

The girl laid on the ground behind Inu her heart had long ago stopped and she wanted to curl into herself and he did...

Inu turned and looked at the small ball of red behind him...her cute ears had gone all the way to her skull and she was whimpering...with a smile Inu bent down and picked her up into his arms...he released a small purring noise from with in his chest...slowly he bent down and licked her ears one at a time till they stood back up...

"Little one it's all right nothings going to bodies going to hurt you..." she looked up to Inu with big icy blue green eyes...

"hanyou?" she said in a small voice...

"hai...hanyou...too?" he asked back with a gentle father like smile...

"hai..." she said and smiled back snuggling to him and purring...

"Where are your parents...?" he asked hoping it wouldn't up set her...

"I don't have any..." she whispered and looked up at him...

"What's your name...?"

"Nikki..." she whispered while sitting up in his arms and smiling softly..."Who are you?"

"I'm InuYasha...why don't you come and meet my family...?" her smile widened...

"there are more hanyou?" she asked with her eyes glowing at the fact she might have just found a place that was of people like her...

"there are...There is Miroku...Sango his mate...and Kagome my mate..." she looked at the people he had pointed and named...then her eyes moved down to Shippo whom was a fox...

"He is like me...?"

"Yes but he is demon..." said Inu...he then pointed to Keade.."as the old one is human..." she looked at him puzzled...

"and the tall women and man..." she asked...

"they are demon my brother and sister..."

"but how can you be hanyou and them not..."

"there mother was demon my mother was human but are father was the same person..." she smiled and nodded although they knew she didn't understand....(smile and nod it's your best weapon)

"Can I stay here...?" she asked in her small child voice...Inu looked at everyone and sighed...

"Another mouth to feed..." he said as everyone came around him in a circle and talk to the little girl...

~her we go...Rin has returned...bawahahhahahahahahahahahahah~this is in Rin's point of view for fun...I'm bored...with the all around point of view...

I was standing there trying to keep quite like lord sesshi had told me to...but that was getting harder by the minute fro Rin...

The little girl that is here now is really cool looking...I want red hair and tail and the green and blue eyes there cool to...I think sesshi likes her...he's smiling...ever since we started to live closer to Uncle Inu he has been acting like this...and with Aunt Anmye around he doesn't seem to threaten things as much....i wonder why...

But all I know right now is that my papa...although I have never called him that to his face...I wish I could...i want him to be my new papa...he already takes care of me like my old papa did...I even sleep with him like I did my old papa...

but anyway...all I know is that he told Rin to be quite for him and so I am being quite for him...but I really want to talk to the new girl her name is Nikki that's a pretty name but i like mine better...and the baby names are great to...for uncle Inu and aunt Kagome's kids...Hououza is the bestest....(sucking up to reviews like you review

What am I going to do...I really want to talk...sesshi is coming over to me now...i wish he would hold me...wait I know....

So I reach my arms up in the sign for pick me up and just like any other papa he dose so...he is really great to sleep on...his fluffy thing makes a great I do what comes natural i snuggle into the fluffy thing on his shoulder and start to take a nap...there's nothing better to do since i am after all, not allowed to talk....and right before I go to sleep I mutter "My papa...sesshi"

~now for the hell of it in sesshi's point of view...~

Did she just call me her papa...she's asleep now on my tail...but she did she called me her papa...I kind of like that papa...has a nice ring to it coming from her...Man I must be getting soft...

I look around at all the people I am starting to think of as family...there's my brother and sister of course...and then my brothers mate and my sisters pup and my new brother according to InuYasha...and his mate the old one who is like a grandmother....and the little fox Shippo who is my nephew not by blood though...and now the newest one Nikki i will just call another niece...I think she is going to become another one of my brothers adopted pups...hell she's already clinging to his leg and asking to sleep with him and his mate and pup...might as well make her apart of the extended family too...

Not that i really mind but this brings me back to my point...she called me papa...

~To a normal everyone point of view like always~

InuYasha looked at his brother...true brother...sesshi...who was at the moment studying the girl Rin in his arms very close...he got the funny feeling that he would either take her as a mate one day or as a daughter...for some reason it was looking more like a daughter every day...the new little girl had taken to him fast and was hanging on to him for dear life...

'great' he though to himself...'another pup I didn't get the pleasure of making in my family...' he picked up the now sleeping Kagome...realizing for the first time how late it had gotten...Shippo jumped onto his shoulder but the little girl Nikki hesitated...with a sigh he did the only thing he could do...

" name to you from now on is dad...just like Shippo calls me...and the girl in my arms can be your mom...she is my get on my shoulder and let's go to 2 pups..." he said and waited a brief moment before a weight came to his other shoulder that Shippo wasn't occupying...he then walked to the back room of the hut only to be stopped by his older sister...

"Inu...can I ask you a question?" he nodded the go ahead and she asked a simple sweat sisterly question that the 2 young foxes didn't understand..."How are you and your ate ever going to have fun with 2 pups...around to ask questions...?" Inu blushed enough colors for the crayon people to get another billion dollars...and then replied with the first smart remake he had ever used...

"that's what single older sisters and brothers are for..."

"hey...?" said Anmye

"Hey...?" said sesshi...

"that was cold...Inu and good..." said Miroku from the door to his and Sango's room...

"your point...?" Miroku looked dumb founded but smiled...

"Well my brother it seems you have another small child to take charge of...?" said sesshi while pointing at the slowly falling asleep nikki...

"I don't mind...she's 10...and all I was at her age...and if i can help it...she will never have to go threw what i did at her age..." everyone smiled and turned for here rooms..."Hey sesshi can I saw one thing before you go off to bed...?"

"Yea sure what is it...?"

"I though it was considered really perverted to want to have sex with your daughter...?"

"What do you mean?"

"You told me you wanted to mate with Rin but it seems that she is more of a daughter than a mate...I even hear her call you papa sometimes..."

"Your right guess I'll never have a mate then..."

"One day you will brother...but for right now I've got to put this girl down with all the extra weight on her I can't keep holding her arms are tired...good night..."

"Good night..." sesshi watched as his brother disappeared into his room with mate and pups in hand...

he moved to Rin and laid down next to her...soon his sister came into the room and sat next to him...

"Brother what are you thinking about?" he looked up at his sister and smiled...

"Over the past couple of weeks I have started to want a mate more and more...but i have no idea how to find one..." she smiled and curled up next to him...

"You will find one one day my brother..." Keiya walked over to the 2 and curled like her mother to sesshi and Rin..."Good night brother and sweet dreams..."

"Good night sister...Keiya and my little Rin..." Whispered sesshi when he was sure they were asleep...he bent down and kissed all three women's foreheads..."i love you all and one day I will find a mate..." with that he settled in and fell asleep with a slight smile on his face...

~somewhere not to far away...maybe even over the rainbow~

A beautiful god like creature was sitting on a rock...she had long silver hair to her back and golden eyes with a hint of purple...she was lean and had full breast...a hard muscular stomach and a slender face...on her forehead was a little under a full moon...looking like it would fit with sesshi to make a full one...her eyes turned towards the village that lay under her...from where she set...

"i am looking for a mate...a strong and gentle man...who will heal my soul...where to find such a man like this...where to find...?"

ok here is the note that i need all reviews to read...The the last segment of the chappie is in need of a name...if you send me a review and tell me what you want her name to be I will put it in the story there is only one has to be the longest review....which ever review writed the longest review with a suggestion for her name will have there name put into the story...this contest last till i get 5 reviews...or leave on vaction...which will be on december 26....for one week...the sooner you get reviews in means you might get a chappie before the hoildays...HEED THIS A/N AND DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!!!!

InuYasha loves me