InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ the final's about time...(NOT end of story...just end of segment) ( Chapter 32 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

WEll here we go and thanl you my wonderful reviews...mainly HOUOUZA and will be put onto my story and thank you miss.nikki for those spelling tips and you Hououza for that wonderful 400 word review...because of this I give you my next chappie early and also because of all the other people who ahev been reviewing to do this quick bye

Chapter 32: the final's about time!

"Mommy!!!!!!" yelled the little girl after Inu had had his outburst...she ran over to her mommy(Anmye) Sesshi looked on as the mother took her daughter into her hands and started to cry with relief...the rest of the Inu-gang...just looked on with sweat drops...and big eyes...

" baby...I see you found your uncle Inu to protect you..." The little girl looked at her mommy a little bit confused...

"Uncle Inu...i thought I only had and Uncle Sesshi...?" the young women smiled and brought her child to her landing a kiss on her forehead...

"Well you might not know it but you do...and he is the guy laying on the ground asleep..." Anmye giggled when one of Inu's ears twitched at the mention of guy on ground...who just so happened to be him...

"Cool..." Keiya then noticed the tall silvered hair man beside her mommy..."Uncle Sesshi!!!!!!! Your here too..." she reached out her hands to him in the universal sign for pick me up/take me...(not in a perverted way...a child like way) Sesshi complied with the little girls request and took hold of her...gently he brought her to his face and kissed her forehead like her mother had...he then nuzzled her fondly and gave her back to her mother...

"Hello there Keiya-chan..." he said in his normal i hate the world and all it's creators voice...Keiya smiled and then looked down at Inu her newest uncle...a smile came over her think the nice man who had let her sleep with him and his mate and pup was really her uncle...

"So he is my uncle Inu...?" Anmye nodded and set the little girl the sleeping InuYasha...Keiya moved over towards Inu and set by his face looking at his closed eyes that showed he was dead to the world(not literally...)she smiled a smile that only a small child could and moved her hand to one ear...she heard a few girlish giggles coming from more than one person...well women behind her...

Her fingered extended out and touched the tip of one ear...which in returned flicked...

"His ears are like mine..." she said in her innocent voice...her own white ears flickering in enjoyment...

"they sure do..." said Kagome walking over to the pup...Anmye looked at Kagome and smiled...she turned to Sesshi and spoke in Inu-Youki language...

"Iun dio min Ki sudo mi doue?" Everyone looked to Kagome who had looked up at Anmye and smiled...

"Dio...Kagome...Kin ne ki so ue InuYasha..." Anmye smiled and bent down beside Kagome...

"Diee ne in canzo Kin InuYasha ani Sesshi..." and it was at that moment that Miroku and Sango finally understood inu-youki language...

"Sango...i think I understand what there saying..." Miroku whispered to his mate...

"I think I do to...something about is that InuYasha's mate?"

"and then something about...yes i name is Kagome mate of InuYasha..."

"And then something like...I am Anmye sister of InuYasha and sesshi..." both turned and smiled at the other before kissing and hugging..."Finally we understand what's going on!!!!!" everyone else in the group was now looking at then like they were complete idiots...which in a sense they were...

"Well you are my little brothers mate Kagome..." Kagome nodded and smiled at her sister on law...

"yes i am and that would mean...that this little cutie is mine and Inu's niece...?" Anmye smiled and nodded before turning to her littler brother...

"How do you wake him up?" she asked with a small smile on her lips as she watched her daughter try in catch her uncles ears...

"Oh...that's easy...there's one of two ways..." everyone was now standing around the youki's and once hanyou...looking at InuYasha...

"Ok which one works better...?" A blush came to Kagome's face then..."let me guess the mate one? that you don't do around others?" the girl nodded and blushed bigger..."then do the other..." Kagome nodded and bent down so she could whisper something into Inu's ear that wasn't being captured by his niece...

"Inu..." she cooed into his ear causing a visible shutter to go threw the hanyou..."the Raman's done..." Everyone anime fell and then sweat dropped when Inu jumped to his feet and shouted 'where'...

~a little while later...~

Everyone was in the hut now gathered around before the fire...waiting to her why Inu had no idea that this women existed...

"'s good to know the littlest of the Inu-Rekiu family is well and going to be a father soon...I love babies..." Said the youki women as her eyes lit up and stars seemed to form around her...

"Ok..." said sesshi backing away from his twin sister..."I'm not related to you anymore..." the stars fell from her eyes and she glared at him sticking out her bottom lip and sniffing...

"You'" she looked at him as the tears formed..."Don't love me anymore..." with that a whole lot of tears started to fall from her eyes and she turned away from the almighty Fluff Butt..."My own big brother doesn't love me...!!!!"

Sesshi stood...well...sat still and looked at her...he hated it when his baby sister cried...but if he did what he normally would have in this situation...well let's just say it would be very more tears fell and his niece even tried to get her mommy to stop he swallowed his pride grimly and did the brotherly thing to do...

he moved closer to his sister much to everyone's surprise and took her into his this would be sick and wrong if it wasn't for the fact that youki Twins developed a bound so stronger that it was common for some not to take mates just to be with there the looks of it they were doing very the separation thing...

He let a purr rumble from deep with in his chest before nudging her a little to make her look at him...he then kissed her forehead and said something very simple in Inu-youki language...trying to keep a decent reputation but he forgot that everyone in the room but Shippo the old women and the fire cat...spoke it...

"Kino amo labera" which is so simple to translate I'll let you do it...(wait...there are stupid people out there i better do it let me think Latin...Amo is Latin for love so I love you...very simple...whether or not that is in Latin or not i have no idea...)

She smiled and hugged him...her tears completely gone..."Isn't he a great big brother..." she climbed out of his lap letting the ever quite Rin take her place and then took her own daughter into her own lap and smiled at all the confused faces...

"AS you all know I am Anmye Inu-chan's and sesshi-chan's sister...and this is my daughter Keiya." they all nodded..."by the way Inu-chan thank you for taking good care of her while she was lost...i hope she was good..."

"She was..."

"Why the confused face my dear baby brother...?" Inu looked at her then smiled gently...

"I just found out I had a sister..." she smiled and looked him in the eye...

"Inu i may have known you for a long time but that doesn't mean that i haven't been waiting just like you to meet someone i never knew...and to think I found you with mate and pups on the way..." she smiled and then turned her attention to Kagome...

" are miko...are you not?"

"I am..." she smiled in a strange way...

"But your weren't always miko hanyou this happened recently as it did for most of you?" She smiled along with Sango and Miroku..

"yes..." A smile came onto the women's face as she hugged her daughter closer...

"You drank the water didn't you...?" Kagome looked at her surprised and nodded..."If there's one thing you should have learned it's this young one..."

"Yes what is it?" they all questioned in Unison...(someone get me a better catch phrase!!!!!!!!! PLEASE)

"Never drink the water when a bush gives it to you..." everyone fell over as Kagome pushed her fingers together blushing...

"yes that's a good idea...but wait how did you know about that?!" the women smiled and said in a gentle yet funny tone...

"The bush is a friend of mine related to the gods tree i believe...or at least they come from the same family..." Inu snorted and fell back onto the floor...

"Let me guess the gods tree is really alive...?" She smiled at the naive statement of her little brother...

"Inu...if you speak tree like me everything is alive..." Everyone looked at the women like she had four heads..."And by the way...the tree told me you where a pain and to never again upset a miko with's painful for him too..."

"mommy...?" asked little Keiya...

"Yes my baby?"

"I think they all pasted out..." Anmye looked at all the people who had been sitting around them...everyone was now laying on the ground looking exasperated...

"It's not my fault they never meet a person who specks tree before..." she said plainly then looked at her brother who was giving her a wary glance..."WHAT!!!!"

"I worry about you sometimes...i don't think your right in the head..." she looked at him angry for a second and then let it fade...

"Brother I remember when you were still really little that you were scared of the dark..."

"Was not...!!!" She smiled evilly...She had found her soft spot to pock at...

"and then there was the thing with monsters in the closet..."

"NO WAY THAT WAS YOU..." he said as he stood with an unsesshi blush on his cheeks...

"No i thought it was you and then you wetted the bed till you were like 12...and you slept with dad and mom because you said monsters were going to eat you in your sleep..."
"Liar!!!!'" he cried and stood pointing at the blush grew...

"But you know I have never lied a day in my life sesshi..."

"But what about the time you stole the rice cake from me...?" said Sesshi looking for vengeance...

"i remember and you ran crying to Daddy...what a Daddies boy you were...always crying for him every time i breathed wrong..."

"well what about you...mommies little girl always saying i hit you when I didn't...!" and so the brotherly sisterly love finely hit a peak as the rest of the group set there listening to the embarrassing moments between siblings...and Inu couldn't help but wonder...what it would be have grown up with those two...but then again he might not be here now if he had...determining this from the fact that sesshi was now relating an incident where Anmye had thrown him in the fire place...

~finally after they learned every childhood insentient about sesshi and Anmye~

"Man how embarrassing..." said inu as the last comments were made between his older siblings...something about sesshi having a fear of water so he didn't take baths when he was little...making him smell as Kagome would the inside of a shoe...

"Your telling me...?" said Miroku looking over at Inu..."If I had a sister who did that to me I would die..."

"To bad you don't have a sister..." Said Sango from he place on Miroku's lap...

"Do you want me to die...?"


"then why?"

"Because then I'd know a thing or two about your childhood..."

"Good point..." Inu smiled at his siblings but he couldn't help but want to hear them talk about something he did when he was little and low and behold there was something that he didn't even remember...

"but what about the things Inu-chan did...?" Said his evil smile on her face...

"Yea...what was it he used to do...when...?" replied sesshi leaving the sentence dangling in the air waiting for Inu to remember the embarrassing memory...

"I have no idea what your talking think I remember something that happened when i was little...I didn't even know I had a sister till like Five minutes ago!!!!!"

"35..." said Kagome as she got off of his lap and walked outside...Everyone just looked at her a little funny...

"What's with your mate?" asked sesshi...

"I have no idea..." it was at that moment that Anmye got up and followed her...a gentle smile playing on her face...

~Outside with two female youki's~

"Dear sister-in-law...are you all right?" Kagome turned a little startled by the appearance of her sister-in-law...

"I don't know..."

"what do you mean should know if something is troubling you..." Kagome smiled at the women half heartily...

"It's just you know...all these memories you have of your brothers...and I missed a lot of those with my own while I was traveling with my friends..." The women smiled knowingly...

"I know the feeling..."

"what do you mean...?" Anmye set down on a log and motioned for Kagome to sit beside her...which she did...

"Kagome...I might have a these memories of sesshi-chan...but do you know...the only memories i have of Inu-chan is that he liked his ears rubbed when he was a small little baby...before he could talk or even walk..." Kagome smiled at that but at the same time seemed to frown..."I left to travel with my father shortly after Inu's birth...sesshi had to stay behind...being the only man in the family who wasn't extremely small...Kagome.." Anmye put an arm around Kagome and pulled her to her..."That was the last time I saw him...and a month later...i saw my father die..."


"but what?" Kagome felt small all the sudden...

"Why didn't you do back...?" Anmye sighed and held Kagome tighter...

"Because...Sesshi-chan looked like my father...I thought that if I saw him I might cry and then it occurred to me that when Inu grew up he might look like him I left and went off on my own...sesshi thought I dead...and it wasn't till about 30 years ago that I decided to see them both again...when i went to see sesshi-chan he told me of our brothers misfortune..."

"then why didn't you find us when he was unsealed..."

"Me and sesshi thought it best that he not know of me...and there was the fact that every time I tried he got mad at me...he didn't want me to be kind to Inu...he was Inu-chan's fault that I left..." she traveled of her sentence then and looked at the ground tears in her eyes...

"But..." The sister that Kagome never had smiled down at her and kissed her forehead in a motherly way...

"Let me tell you something Kagome...youki's have a special way of saying to there family..." with that she bent down and kissed Kagome's forehead again and then left cheek and then right cheek..."Hello for the first time baby sister..."

Kagome smiled and kissed her new sister back in the same way..."Hello to you too..."

~Back in the hut...~

"What the hell is going on out there..." said Inu growling at the fact that his brother wouldn't let him go to his mate...

"Come down Inu..." said Sango...

"Yes please brother..." Said Miroku as he pushed Inu to the ground by his shoulders...

"Brother...?" said Sesshi raising an eyebrow...

"Yea...his my brother too...well the brother I never had..."

"what do you mean by that you little!!!!!!" Said sesshi and that's when it happened brotherly love finally came and the 2 playfully chased each other out of the hut and by there sister and Inu's mate...Miroku behind then and Shippo as well...Sango walked out of the hut and sat next to Anmye and Kagome...

"Hey Kagome..." Said Anmye...


"As you know my daughter is Hanyou and her father died...there is a favor I would like to ask of you...?" Kagome nodded...

"Could you name one of your pups after him?"

"But I already got names for the 2 of them..."

"there's 3...Kagome...2 males and a female..." Her eyes glittered...

"Inu said there might be three...!!!!!!" Anmye smiled...

"Would you name the third male after him...?"

"sure what was his name..."

"Hououza it means Phoenix..."

"i will..." with that they turned and watched the men and pup run in circles trying to kill each other...

really quike thank you hope you like your new rule Hououza...miss.Nikki I will be putting you in it next time....!

InuYahsa loves me...