InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Back to mom's house...we are so gonna die ( Chapter 39 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry that I haven't been around in a while...I had so much stuff to catch up on in school...that I had to study non stop for the last...however long it's been...I'm tired...but anyway...hope you like where the fan fic is going now...and thank you for all the reviews...they are great and made me feel much butter when I felt like shit for 2 weeks...and to the review who thought that my fiance doing this once was funny because he sounded like he didn't want to be doing it...he really didn't...he said that it was embarrissing...which I just spelled wrong...but remember 5 reviews=1 chappie...long =extra long chappie

chapter 38: Back to mom's house...we are going to die...

morning came and the sun rose high into the sky, it's rays meeting the still swirled eyes of Miroku and a small hut that was filled with the sounds of snoring...well...those sounds would have kept going on...but at that moment...something stopped the entire village from sleeping anymore...and it woke Miroku up from his pain inflicted nap on the ground...

"WAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Inu set up with a start and looked in all directions trying to find were the horrible crying was coming from...but then daddy instinct kicked in and he started to purr deep in his throat and he looked down...there was little Sakura...her small face was covered in tears and her month was opened wide in her screaming/crying fit...

Kagome who had at the same time as Inu shoot up out of her sleep and tried to find the noise looked down...Kagome bent down and took the little girl to her holding her and purring along with Inu...

While the rest of the hanyou's/youki's gathered around and watched...slowly Sakura stopped crying and looked up at all the people around her (besides her parents) her little ears perked up and her small eyes grew almost fighting style courageous...she reached out with one of her small hands with it's pitiful claws on it and swiped...

"Man feisty isn't she?" said Sesshi in a small voice...

"she is..." replied Inu as he moved away from her and looked at her 2 brothers whom were somehow still asleep..."lucky..." he mumbled and bent down to their level and sniffed... by now their natural scent had kicked in...Inu-Riku's scent was a lot like his own...he already smelled heavily of the forest and earth...but as he smelled Hououza it got more complicated...his smell was deeper in the forest...smelling more like the trees after it had rained...or flowers right before dawn when the dew still clung to there petals from the night...yes it was a complicated smell and one that he never wanted to forget...

Little Nikki, who had awoken because of the crying, came over to her father and sat in his lap...

That was when Inu remembered...he had 5 children now...and had only been mated/married for less than a much stamina...or...what I like to call a youki thing....

"Hey Inu..." Inu's train of thought shattered as he looked up into his sisters eyes...over the past month he had started to get closer to the women...finding that she was just about as insane as most of his blood family was....he liked her...even if she did have an obsession with his ears and did try and braid his hair once or twice...or maybe ten times...

"Yes what is it?"

"When are you going to that nice mother in law I'm always hearing her....her grandbabies...." Inu's face feel dramatically into a frown...Grandma...yes that was her name from now on...ever since Nikki and Shippo had been taken to that world they started to call her Grandma...even Inu did...well he called her mom to some of the time...

he looked down at the 3 small babies...Sakura was asleep now in her mother's arms...the 2 boys were on the other hand...awake at the moment...and staring up at InuYasha...

slowly Inu picked up the 2 boys into his arms...Inu-Riku looked up at his father and lifted a claw...trying unsuccessfully to get a hold of one of Inu's forelocks of hair...Hououza on the other hand stared...his dark purple eyes unblinking...there was something about those eyes that mad Inu almost shutter...but he didn't...only stared back...until Hououza's eyes closed and he yawned a fanged tooth yawn...and Inu-Riku was still trying to pull his father's hair...

"I guess we'll have to do it sometime..." he looked outside..."still dark...but around 8 i guess we'll go ahead and go to see Kagome's mother..."

"You mean we're going to go and see grandma?!" asked Nikki with a big dopey smile...

"Yes we are going to go see grandma..." Shippo looked at Nikki and Nikki looked at Shippo...both there faces twisted into evil smiles that didn't soot young faces...

"and that means that we are going to get to see GG again right?"

"yes..." said Inu slowly...he was starting to get afraid...the looks the young ones were giving...well let's just say they scared the shit out f him...

Both of the oldest of InuYasha...children *cough cough*...looked over at him and smiled...but not the same evil ones but innocent looking ones...that made you wonder what they were going to do...

"So we'll get to play with GG...?" the innocent smiles became scarier than the evil ones right then...

"Yes..." answered Kagome...who was just about as scared as Inu...


"Yes Nikki..."

"We get to PLAY with GG" she smiled evil again..."won't that be fun...?"

"Oh yes it will..." and thus the two walked off to plan there next stream of questions for GG...this seasons topic...what are condoms for...? are doomed...



"do you think that we should not let then near GG..." she nodded..."I have a bad feeling about this..."

"So do I..."

"Maybe we should just go back to sleep...

"that's what we are going to do..." said she sat her baby girl next to her...Sakura snuggled with her mom for a moment...before yawning and falling asleep...mean while Inu had taken the 2 boys and laid them down next to him and Sakura...(he was mad that he wasn't right next to kagome)...Slowly 4 of them fell asleep...all except InuYasha that is...he stayed up for nearly another hour thinking along the lines of this...

How can I be so can I get all these great things...when...I'm just a filthy half...

a though stuck him then...something he had never thought of before...he looked over to Kagome and smiled as the thought circled his mind...

If he was filthy for being a half breed...then so was his beautiful amazing were his perfect was cute scary little Nikki...and his niece...and so many other people who could name...but at the moment he was very tired...

his eye lids dropped slowly...his mind went blank and the comforts of sleep finally came to him....

~three hours later~

Everyone was standing next to the well seeing InuYasha and Kagome and there Family off...and Inu looked really nervous....for some reason...

"What's with the look Inu...?" asked Miroku as he walked over to the young man in question.

"It's just that...I still get the feeling that this women is going to kill me for some unexplained reason..." everyone nodded in agreement...from what they had heard of the women she was...strange and camera happy...and they had learned about camera's from Kagome...when she had showed them the album that Kagome's mom put together for them...

"It's ok...I'm sure she won't...kill you...the least she can do is hurt you badly...!" said Sango cheerfully...InuYasha just gave her a dry look...and muttered thanks under his breath...

"Your welcome..." she replied with her strange smile that was kind of crapping him out...

"Let's get going Kagome..." said Inu...he turned and looked at his wife...she was holding only Sakura...and was neat less to say....petting the little miniature Hanyou's ears...and...Sakura...she was purring happily...

He walked over to his sister and took the 2 boys that she was holding..."Shippo...Nikki...let's go..." he walked to the well with Kagome and handed her the boys....after a few minutes of juggling she finally was able to hold them all...Nikki and Shippo went to either one of Inu's shoulders....Inu himself carefully put an arm around Kagome and with one final wave disappeared into the well...

~in the future~

Inu jumped out of the well house and set Kagome down...then took the 2 boys from her and started out of the house...

the first thing that either saw was Souta...he came running over to him with his soccer ball...

"InuYasha-no-nii-chan!!!!! Kagome-nii-chan!!!!!!" it was then that he noticed to 3 babies in their arms...he got a smile that made the sun jealous on his face..."Are those...the babies that you were going to have!?"

"Yes Souta these are your nephews and this is your niece..." she said while pointing back from Inu to herself...

"WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES!!!!!????" almost all of the youki were going deaf by now...

"The boys are Hououza and Inu-Riku and the girl is Sakura..." he smiled happily and moved over to them...

" niece and nephews?" Both Inu and Kagome smiled...and nodded...

"Did someone say something about niece and nephews as in baby ones...?" And there she was...the one women that Inu feared more than Kagome...and that was because she had camera's that were hidden at random...and she had seen him naked and not cared...she kissed him on the cheek...and a lot of other things that the author is to lazy to write...

"Grandma..." said Kagome with an odd smile...

"Why are you calling me grandma like that Kagome-chan...?" it was then that she saw the little babies...and it was then that grandma mood came into play...and it was then that InuYasha wanted to run the most...and very fast and far away..."KAWII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and now the hanyou's were officially deaf..."Oh my god how old are they when were they's to boys and a girl right...what are there names...ohhh they all have puppy ears don't they...this on looks a lot like InuYasha...ohh..." and the only thing that 2 parents could say was...

"Yea...sure...what ever you"

"well come inside those perfect little...Hanyou grandbabies....can't be catching cold now...come on come on..." Inu was about to say something about Hanyou's can't get colds when his little son finally succeeded in getting a hold of one of his forelocks and pulling it....

"Oww..." he chanted as he walked towards the house...not being about to get his little scamp of a son to let go of his hair...manly because he didn't have an extra hand...

They came into the house and all went to the living room out of habit...and it just so happened that GG was sitting there reading his newspaper...and when he saw little Nikki and Shippo looking at him evilly...his youth returned and he ran for his life as far away from then as Nikki and Shippo did the only natural thing...they chased there GG...and disappeared...

All the rest left in the house just stood there and stared for a moment before sitting down....

"So...there cutie pies are how old...?"

"A day mom..." Grandma's eyes light up and became all sparkly...

"DOUBLE KAWII!!!!!!!!!!! there really little hanyou babies...!!!!!" Inu and Kagome would have been busy covering there own ears but for some reason instinct told them to protect there young ones hearing there they were going death while there babies were getting the easy way out...

"Yea...that's right mom....really little hanyou babies..." said Kagome in pain...

"What's wrong dear...?" she looked at her mother and smiled...

"Oh nothing really I'm just going deaf because you keep on yelling really loud and...I have really sensitive hearing now!!!" Grandma smiled bigger and moved over to Kagome...she reached up and rubbed her ears...

"better?" Kagome nodded..."well what is the cute little girl in your arms named...?"

"Sakura..." said Kagome as she brought the little one up to her mothers face so she could look...

"she is so" Kagome nodded and motioned her mother to Inu..."and what are the boys names...?"

"Inu-Riku..." said Inu as he motioned by moving his arms slightly up to the said boy..."and Hououza..." he said motioning in the same way...

"wow..." she whispered and took in the sight of the small ones in front of her..."I just knew your children would be the cutest things ever to walk the face of the earth...!!!!!!" Kagome and Inu smiled...and as the touchy feely moment went on...there in the back ground you could her an old man and 2 fox children yelling something about....

"ARE THERE FLAVORED CONDOMS TOO!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!"

well thank you a lot...I'm going to go to bed now...thank god...and it's only very tired...hope you like see you later and review!!!!!

Kagome-chan.../InuYasha Loves Me