InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ beware...for I am GRANDMA ( Chapter 40 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry for the happens you know...but thank you for all the reviews...and i will be getting married in 10 days...then I will go on a honeymoon...(it will be a week long) and come back to the world of writing fan fictiuon married....sorry about that but i WANT TO GET MARRIED...and besides I really need to now...because on August 28...I will become a mommy!!!!! yes i will be having my first baby in a little over 9 months...and don't worry i'll be 25 by them...plenty old enough...and I will be married to the father of teh child so it's ok...and as you all must know no...i am no longer a virgin fan fiction writer...and to all you people who want a lemon...give it 2 more chappies and there will be another lemon...haven't decided which characters yet...but a lemon no the less...right!?

39: Beware...for i am Grandma

Inu looked at his mother in law and the moment she was having to save GG for the 2 condom on the mind kitsune's....the last thing that had left the young ones mouths (after the flavored condom thing) was are they made in chocolate flavor and if the 2 can have a demonstration on how to use them properly...which of course had been refused...

"Inu?" Inu looked over to his mate and smiled even bigger when he saw the horror in her eyes...he didn't understand why he did he just for some reason...found it funny...


"Should we stop the two of them they are our children after all..." he shook his head no and laughed lightly...

"GG needs the exercise..." he then looked back at the old man who was still running for his life...

"Don't you feel even a little bit sorry for him?" he looked at her before looking down at the girl in her arms...the baby in question was cooing and releasing little baby laughs as her GG feel over and got bombarded with questions....

"'s making my puppies happy so I don't care one bit..." she smiled at the term was kind of odd...calling them puppies when when you think of puppies you see fuzzy little golden retrievers running around...not somewhat human looking babies...

She was about to ask Inu why he still called them puppies even when he had human blood when...all the happened...

GG yelled at the top of his lungs....

"STOPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!" the babies started to cry and inu and Kagome's ears flattened to their heads..."Will you to leave me the hell alone...ask your parents about it!!!!!! For goodness sake!!!!!!"

Nikki looked at GG and then over to Inu and Kagome...big anime tears were building in her eyes...and her little fox like ears were pressed back to her skull...she took one big breath before she looked right at Inu and cried threw big anime tears..."DADDY HE:S BEING MEAN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

All GG could do was anime style fall and then watch as Inu walked over to the little crying girl...

"There now it's ok sweetie....he's just a big meanie that's all!" GG after just having found his feet again fell...

"but he...*sob* he *sob* yelled at me!!!!! *bigger sob and big tears*" Inu had handed his boys to Grandma when he had went over to Nikki so it was easy for him to take her in his arms and rub her back in a gentle daddy way of comforting...

"i know baby...but it's ok...Daddies here..." Kagome did her mother as they both turned to each other and said...

"I/You found one hell of a daddy!!!" both women smiled and took the babies back in Inu took his oldest little girl into his arms patting her bottom in a comforting not perverted jester...whispering daddy type soothing words in her ears....and Shippo looked at GG and GG looked at angry/evil smile came onto Shippo's face as he ran after GG yelling...


~2 days...20 GG beatings by Shippo...and Inu-Riku is still trying to pull his daddies hair...~

Kagome was asleep in her old bed with her husband and her 3 new babies...Shippo Nikki and GG had fallen asleep during a Question/answer round on the couch...and Grandma...the world my never know...but if your reading this you will!

The creature was moving almost silently down the hall...holding it's weapon in it's hand close to it's chest...and evil smile was curling up words on it's lips...

it was coming closer and closer to the door of Kagome's bedroom...closer to it's goal...slowly it maneuvered it's weapon into precision and opened the door allowing a small squeak of the un oiled hinges to enter the room along with the creature itself...

Inu opened one eye at the sound of the door opening and looked to wear the figure stood weapon at the ready light flooding in behind it from the hall way light...before he knew what had happened he was blinded by a flash of white light....and was seeing little dots of every color in front of his flash after flash came...and before he knew was over...the creature had gone and the door had closed...and the light that came under the closed door disappeared...

he blinked slightly and looked down at his sleeping mate and children...none of which had been disturbed by the intrusion...

shrugging his shoulders he closed his eyes yawned a toothy type of yawn and went back to sleep...

The creature was at it again...slowly moving unnoticed threw the quite noises were made by it...except the occasional squeak of a stubborn floor moved into the living room and took its weapon back into place...before moving towards the 3 sleeping figures on the reached over to the light switch and flicked the bottom up...which caused the 3 figures to wake...which allowed it time to make it's strike...taking it's weapon into place it began....

Nikki and Shippo had awoken to the sounds of a light switch turning on as well as GG...and all they could see in the overly bright room was the outline of a figure...and then all they could see were little blue/purple dots...because the figure had somehow managed to blind them with a flashing white light...before all was dark again and because the human/youki/hanyou/old person mind didn't like to dwell on the unnatural and unexplainable...they all 3 went to sleep...

AS for the had gone back up the stairs and into a slightly larger bed room than the rest...where it undressed and put on night cloths...then set it's weapon down on a small night stand by a larger bed...

A gentle smile came to it's face and the last words it muttered before going to sleep was this..."Beware...for I am...GRANDMA!!!!!!!!"

~that morning~

kagome had long ago woken up and walked downstairs with inu and there babies...which at the moment were getting there morning meal...from there mother no less...which made this just the most utterly perfect time for GG and Souta to walk in right...?

Inu was holding on to little Sakura...for some reason that no one could explain...she refused to eat with either one of her the boys had to eat and than Kagome had to feed Sakura...which Kagome didn't seem to mind at all...but still Sakura thou almost 4 days old now...was really picky...her brothers on the other hand...could care less as long as they got feed...

"Inu hand me Sakura now..." said Kagome when both boys were done...and it was then that the best grand interest ever was made...

Souta came running in yelling something about "I'm to young to know anything about condoms..." before he stopped dead in his tracks...and GG came running right into him...along with...Nikki and Shippo...and for some reason that the author doesn't even understand...all 3 of Kagome's friends from this time...

Kagome was so red...that they couldn't find a tomatoes or apple to match her face...

There set Kagome with no shirt on (it was easier to just take it off) and her little baby girl sucking on her breast trying to get the much desired milk...and to make matters even worst for Kagome...her bra size now would have to be a triple E with the pregnancy breast and hanyou stuff and really had to look a bad way...

The first to react was Souta...who ran off to the bathroom yelling..."MY EYES THEY BURN!!!!!!!!!!" then GG ran after him yelling..."SHE'S MY GRANDDAUGHTER FOR GOODNESS SAKES...!!!!!!!" (think about that) her three friends on the other hand shrugged and walked over to the table and sat down...turning their eyes to Kagome's face which at the moment...was the shade of purple...and Shippo/Nikki...they didn't even understand what the bid deal was...all she was doing was feeding her pup...and there was nothing wrong with that right?...oh Miroku would have had a field day with this one...

"Kagome...?" said Grandma happily...almost to happily...

"Yes mama...?" Kagome looked up just in time to see the light go off and hear her mother say...


~after Kagome's face turned to a healthier color~

"i have never been so embarrassed in all my life..." said Kagome for the tenth one minute...

she had finished feeding her little girl and was now rocking her softly to sleep...without even noticing she was doing it...(such a good little mommy) inu on the other hand was sitting there eating away...he had long ago given the 2 boys to the human girls who were fusing over them now...both boy pups didn't seem to mind at all...although inu-Riku was still trying to pull someone's hair...and right now he was trying for one of Kagome's friends...

Hououza on the other hand was just watching everything that was happening around him and taking mental notes...even as a baby he knew that something had upset the balance of the world around him...what it was he didn't know...all he did know is that it had made his mommy get all red in the face...but now she was ok...which made him relax and look over to his daddy...who was at the moment eating everything he could get a hold of...which in turn made Hououza hungry again...but he was starting to like the three girls fusing over was kind of nice...he looked over to his older brother...he was trying at the moment to get a hold of something on the table...what it was he couldn't tell...but as he looked over at the table to try in see...he noticed something that interested him...

he looked around the room for some means of obtaining the desired object...but found none...he then looked back at the object and tried to guess at what it was...

the contraption was mostly black in color with silver around had what looked like a snout made of what looked to be black medal...and some kind of ear like thing on top of it...that looked to be able to a light...there was a bottom on the opposite side of the flashy ear thing...and he wanted to push it and see what was just to click the little bottom he reached out and...

Kagome and her friends were having a discussion about what kind of dippers would be better in the federal era...cloth...or store bought...Kagome wanted cloth...sense mainly she could wash them in the stream and reuse them...the girls...wanted her to get the store kind because...well...they were cute...

It was in the middle of this heart to heart the girls were having...that all of the sudden there was a flash and another flash...and the sounds of a baby laughing...

"What the hell was that!" said Inu as he looked around...the flashing had stopped and he could hear one of his pups whimper in unhappiness...he turned and looked to where the sound had come from...there was Hououza...he was looking at the small object on the table that had fallen over a minute was...the dreaded camera of doom!!!!!!! the boy must of pressed the bottom over and over until the camera fell over and was out of his reach....

Inu smiled and took the boy from his mates friends..."What do you think your doing playing with Grandma's camera...?" it was then that the idea struck Inu and the little candle above his head found a match..."wait a second..." he reached over and took hold of the camera...then handed it to the small baby who started to play with it instantly..."If you brake it...then that means no more grandma pictures...and you can't get yelled at because your a little baby and don't know better!"

this would have been just fine and dandy...if not for one fact that Kagome just had to point out...

"You do know Inu-kun...that mom has like 50 camera's on the ready at all times right?" Inu looked at her and got a child like frown on his face...before he handed the little boy to the girls again...

"I know..." he whispered as he saw the women herself walk into the room...with a camera in her hand saying...

"Smile for the birdie!!!" and there in her hand...was actually...a stuffed birdie...

i hope that you enjoyed the took me a little over 2 hours to write!!!! That's a long time for me!!!! usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour....but any way...have fun and remember 5 reviews=1 chappie and because I have been really bad about up dating latly...1 long review =2 new chappies have fun!!!!

inuyahsa loves me!!!! soon to be married!