InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Pray to the gods for more than one reason.. ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

here you go...this is my next up's really longer than normal for all you guys out there who are mad at me for not up dating...anyway...this is a full reason husband and i are expecting (YEA) and there is a lot of work involuved trying to prepare for a mother-in-law sad to say...just a car crash 1 week ago...collage is very hard right now with the mid terms and the fact that i missed 2 days...and the 2 weeks i was husband needs a lot of 'moral' support *cough sex cough* because he has a form of depression that makes him think the world hates him sometimes...(he just got fired)...and well...i work at a phscology study clinet place for 40 hours a week and i also work at *cough* grocery *cough* store the rest of the I try to get this is in...but if for months at a time i don't up date...and i don't say it's the end just wait and remember those things...hope you like our latest chappie and thank you all you people who are still supporting me...there are a lot of you...and one day I will somehow give all of you credit..but not know...

Chapter 40: pray to the gods...for more than one reason...

2 hours passed and a ton of camera attacks from Grandma before either Kagome and InuYasha had decided it would be good for everyone's heath for them to get away from the crazy women...and quickly...

so here they were outside hiding in the well house with a lot of food and...2 babies bent on tugging someone's hair and one that was fast asleep...

"Sakura is definitely the most active of your children isn't she?" asked one of Kagome's no named friends...

"she is..." replied Kagome as she watched the young girl having a growling match with her father...and one of her younger brothers Inu-Riku...but Hououza on the other hand was fast asleep in his mothers arms...

"why is your husband growling at them?" asked another of the nameless friends...while pointing at Inu who was growling at the small babies...

"i don't know?" replied Kagome as she watched Inu...a smile came on her the moment he was holding Sakura to his face and purring for her...she was, in return, just laughing and enjoying the treatment...her small hand reached up and patted his check...she cooed again and laughed...Inu-Riku on the other hand whimpered from being left alone by his father so Inu, being the person that he has become, took the child in the nock of his other arm and purred louder...

All three girls laughed and smiled bigger than before...but then when the perfect moment couldn't get any better they heard...

"PLEASE ENOUGH ABOUT THE CONDOMS!!!!!!!! ASK YOUR FATHER HE'LL TELL YOU!!!!!!" poor poor GG...but then again there is Inu to fell sorry for...because right then...unfortunately for Inu the 2 pups decided that asking there father was a good idea...

"daddy!!!" a girls voice

"DADDY!!!" a louder girls voice...

"daddy" a boys voice...

"DADDY" and the girls voice got louder...(thought you could predict it couldn't you!!)

"Oh crap..." and that was Inu's voice ...the 2 pups ran into the mini shrine and went straight to Inu...

" do you use condoms...?" Inu couldn't speck at the moment...all the adult girls were laughing...and as for Nikki and Shippo...they were looking at Inu in the eye waiting for him to answer...

" see...they's...well..." there was no way he could answer...without killing there virgin ears...but then again...well...there had to be a get out of this...

"Come on daddy why don't you just show us...?" at this...Inu nearly died...

"NO I CAN'T..." Nikki's eyes started to water and Shippo started to whimper...

"But how will we ever learn...?" Kagome was enjoying watching Inu sweat...but she had to stop it before her children learned the truth behind condoms....

"Pups!" Kagome said in her mother voice...

"Yes mom...?" she looked at the 2 children who where looking at her with guilty eyes...

"Do you really want to know what they are?"


"Do you really really want to know what they are...?"




"sorry you can't know until your at least 15 years old..." said Kagome with a smile...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WE CAN NEVER WIN!!!!!!" At this Inu nearly feel over but didn't because of the 2 small bundles in his arms. Both Nikki and Shippo turned to look at their father with big anime eyes....

"Daddy please tell us!" they said in unison!!!!!(the unison people have come to hunt us once again!)

"Sorry but you should listen to your mother on this one...she is always right...!" he said looking over at Kagome with loving eyes...and thankful ones....

"I'll remember that the next time you tell me I'm wrong..." said Kagome while looking down at the small boy in her arms, who was at the moment yawning...his little fangs showing..."Inu, i think Sango's child will be born soon..."

"Why you think that all the sudden...?" he asked back while watching Nikki and Shippo-chan eat everything in site...

"it's just a feeling..." she held Hououza out at arms length and smiled..."maybe we should go back and check on them?"

"Sounds like a good idea...ouch" he replied as Sakura finally pulled his hair...

"Maybe you should Kagome-chan" nameless friends "i mean your friend helped you with your birth, right?"


"So you should help her with hers..." Kagome nodded to her nameless friend and stood...

"then i think we better be going now...guys would you do me a favor?"

"Sure..." Said nameless friends...

"Take this stuff in and give it to mama...tell her we had an emergency..." the three nameless girls nodded and gathered up all the trash in the well house...

"bye and see you later..." said Kagome as Inu put an arm around her waist while she held the three small bundles and Shippo and Nikki perched on there fathers shoulders....Then all together they jumped into the well...

"That's amazing..." said a nameless friend to the other 2 nameless friends...

"Your telling me..." said Kagome's mother with a smile and a camera in had..."to believe I got a picture of it!" all three nameless friends fell to the ground with sweat drops...

~back in the federal era...warring states era...among other things that the world calls it...I call it the youki place...~

After getting out of the well Inu and Kagome and their kids started to the village...soon enough though they were met by Anmye and Sesshi and Celeste...

"Brother!!!!!!" Yelled Anmye as she ran over to the family..."Sango-chan is in labor and cussing out everything that comes in ten feet of her..."

"Along with a certain hanyou women who isn't there helping her..." Mumbled sesshi to no in particular...

"WHAT!!!!" yelled Kagome she started to run to the village but stopped in front of Celeste and handed her the baby s in her arms..."I've got to go hear watch him...!!!!" with that she was gone leaving a confused Celeste holding Hououza and Inu-Riku...

"that was weird..." said Sesshi with a smile..."your mate seems...what would you say brother...?"

"Strange...just strange...."

"Is that what you call it...?" Celeste smiled at her husband/ mate thing and walked over to him...still holding the 2 small boys...

"Here take one...!" she said and handed him Hououza...

"what...but i don't want to..." he took hold of the child anyway...and looked down at him..."InuYasha?"


"this child is different..."

"i know..." Sesshi looked up at Inu in confusion...

"He seems to hold an understanding of the world that i can not comprehend...myself..."

"Neither can I...he will be a fine young man one day..." said Inu walking over to his brother..." but till then he is my little son..."

"Although this is a sweat moment and all....we really do need to go and give the poor monk moral support...he was after all cussing out InuYasha for not being there..." Said Celeste

"Ohhh I get to make fun of the monk!!!!!!! On ward to the village!!!!!" said Inu as he began running with everyone else following behind him sweat dropping and trying to figure out where the whole 'on ward' thing came from...

~at the hut~

Keiya was sitting watching her Uncle Miroku pass back and forth in front of her...she could smell the sweat coming off of him from anxiety...along with the blood from Sango and her sweat of exhaustion...she had been quite ever since Sango had gone into labor earlier in the morning...and now that she thought about it she was glad that she did...

~that morning~

She was asleep with her mother and uncle and Aunt...the birds were just about ready to wake up and sing there little wake up songs to the world...there was only one problem...someone beat them to it...

The sound of a women in serious pain woke up the house, not to mention the village...that women was Sango and from the sounds of it...she wasn't all that happy about it...neither was the rest of the world...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Keade being the old hag that she was went and drug Sango out of her and the perverted ones room and into the main room, which was the same place that Kagome had given birth earlier...

And tne reason young keiya had kept quite during this period of time was what sango had started to chat the second she was laid on the mat...


But believe it or not...Sango didn't stop there...luckily she moved on to other people instead of the poor monk..."AND YOU! YES YOU, YOU OLD HAG YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING BUT YOU DON'T...YOUR JUST A STUPID OLD LADY...IF YOU REALLY KNEW EVERYTHING AND WERE WISE YOU WOULD HAVE FOUND A WAY TO GET RITE OF THIS PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!" Surprisingly that hadn't phased Keade in the least...she actually laughed at it...and continued on with her work...but Sango on the other hand kept on being a pain in the old ass..."ALL OF YOU PEOPLE CAN GO TO HELL MAINLY KAGOME BECAUSE SHES NOT HERE FOR MY BIRTH WHILE I WAS AT HERS...I EVEN HELD HER HAND WHILE IT TURNED BLUE FROM HER SQUEEZING IT SO HARD...THAT LITTLE BITCH...IF SHE HAD BALLS LIKE MIROKU I'D CASTRATE HER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

~back to the present~

Yep that was the main reason Keiya-chan was quite...from fear of what might happen if she drew attention to herself...the women was after all increasingly scary...let alone a lunatic at the moment...

So she set quietly and watched her uncle Miroku make a nice whole in the ground...but before she could get all that bored doing so she smelled her Aunt Kagome coming towards the hut...looking over to her left, along with her Uncle Miroku, she squinted until she could make out the figure of a fast approaching Kagome...

"Miroku where's Sango!!!!!" yelled Kagome even though she was right in front of his face...

"She's in the hut..."

"thanks..." said Kagome before she ran into the hut...

~in the hut...~

Sango was breathing hard and still trying to cuss, everything that moved, out...but when she saw Kagome all hell broke lose...


"Sango-chan you have to calm down..."


"yea I do...I gave birth to 3 babies before too, didn't i...?" Sango stopped for a minute and thought...

"SO!!!!!" all Kagome did was sigh and sit next to Sango and took her hand while Sango yelled something to the effect of...

"If you were a guy I would so castrate you!!!!!!"


Inu, Sesshi, Celeste, and Anmye were all sitting outside of the hut watching...well listening to Sango yell at Kagome...and watching the monk make a bigger hole in the ground...not to mention that Keiya was still sitting being silent...along with Shippo and Nikki...

"Miroku...?" asked Inu in a steady voice


"nothing..." not so steady voice...everyone stayed silent...until...Hououza who was still being held by Sesshi...started to whimper...everyone, including Miroku, looked at him...

The small boy was stretching his arms out to Miroku and whimpering...acting as if he wanted Miroku to take him into his arms...

Slowly Miroku came over to the small boy and took hold of him..."There, there little's ok..." Miroku walked over to the stump that Keiya was sitting on and set down himself..."what is it that you want form me?" Hououza reached up one small hand and patted his uncles check before cooing sweetly and smiling...

"i think..." said Celeste in a small motherly voice..."he wants to cheer you up..." Miroku turned to her for a moment then back to the small boy...

"Really...? Is that what your trying to do...?" he smiled and lifted the boy into the air..."Why thank you so very much are truly a sweet boy..." bring the laughing boy back down to his face Miroku smiled...and looked to Inu..."you have one strange son here, you know...?"

"Yes I do..." at that moment Sango let out a cry of pain that could have made Sesshi turn and run....and even though Sesshi didn't turn and run he still looked like her wanted to...

Silence engulfed the entire village...not even the birds sang...nor did the wind move threw the trees...and it seemed that even the leaves had obtained a silence...for neither did there rustle or move...even the slightest...

the silence sent a surge of dread threw Miroku and all the others that stood outside...Celeste and Anmye looked at each other and nodded...they began to walk to the door of the small hut...there foot steeps although audible...still not heard by the monk, who was holding the small baby in his arms if, he were to let go...the silence would break for the worst of out comes to be sounded...

The 2 women disappeared into the hut...and minutes began to pass...Every man and women in the village stood there in front of Keade's hut...all of them were pale faced and sweating uncontrollably...Inu held his small daughter closer to him and started to say a silent prayer even though he had never in his life believe in a god...Slowly the silence Sango's cries of pain and anguish reached their ears...Kagome came threw the door of the her arms a small bundle of white cloth was settled...her normally happy eyes were lined with a sadness that neither suited her or belonged there...

"Miroku..." she whispered in a small voice..."I'm sorry..." she stood before him and removed the white blanket to let way for a face...a small and girlish face...that held no life at all...not a breath can or went from the lips that the perfect little face held...not a whimper or movement passed over it's features...the child was clearly dead...

A small cry came from Miroku of true sadness...and for once the monk began to cry...along with Kagome...but all at once both of them stopped the tears from falling down there checks...

Hououza had reached out his little hand and let it touch the small child's face...a light came over Kagome and Miroku...but almost solely the babies...

"What's happening...?" whispered Miroku breathlessly...

"I not sure..." replied Kagome just as breathless...the light disappeared and Hououza cooed happily...his small yet intense purple gold eyes lite with happiness...

Both Kagome and Miroku looked at the young baby girl in Kagome's arms...slowly the babies birthing came...and then small silver eyes opened...the young girl yawned showing fangs that were as sharp as a knife...her small hands came up and reached to Miroku...where they can into contact with his check...a giggled thus emerged from her now life filled lips of pink...and all that Miroku could do was cry with happiness...along with Kagome...

Slowly Kagome turned and started running into the yelling all the while..."SHE'S ALIVE!!!! OHH SANGO SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!" inside the hut cheers were heard...and out side equally loud ones rang...

Miroku looked at Hououza and threw happy tears said..."i don't know what you did and neither do i care...!!! thank the heavens and every god that rest there that you were born!!!!" InuYasha came up to Miroku and hugged him and Hououza...

His golden eyes traveled down to look at the small boy he had fathered..."I don't you can do thee things but somehow...and thank the Gods you can do something I can't!!!!!!!!" Both men danced around in a circle holding the child between them...Inu took Hououza from Miroku when Kagome came back out with the small girl and handed her to Miroku...

"Sango told me, while she wasn't screaming, that the baby's name will be Furia..."

"why that?" asked a confused Miroku...

"Because of the Fury she was in when she gave birth to her!!!!" this caused everyone to laugh happily(A/N Furia is a name that comes out of Latin and happens to be a good friend of mines name who wanted to be in the Fan fic...)

Another scream came from Sango and a baby's cry came along with it...this caused all the commotion to everyone looked to the hut...slowly the form of Keade emerged and motioned for Miroku to come in...said Monk gulped and walked into the small hut...

Inside rages and blood seemed to coat the floor...buckets of water set in odd places...and a pot of hot water hung over the fire...and there in the middle of the inter mess laid Sango...sweat glistened off of her bloody body...and there between her breast lay another of the small bundles of white...with the occasional smidge of red staining it...

He moved over to the white bundle and set himself down next to the women on which it laid...reaching out slowly he removed the top of the white so that he could see the face with in it...A little plump face came into his sight...small eyes of pure blue looked at him with a sense of being unfocused...with a yawn the child seemed to dismiss the figure in front of it...and go back to sleep...

Miroku took the small bundle into his arms and moved the bottom aside...and when he did his jaw dropped..."A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sango's own eyes flew opened and looked at Miroku..."What's wrong...?"

"all this time I've been wanting a son...and...I got 2 little girls..." he started to laugh then and snuggle his 2nd born daughter...

Sango smiled at her monk as did the rest of the group that had just entered the hut...along with laughing...

"what shell her name be?" whispered Sango to Miroku, who was snuggling with her now...

"well...Miroka?" he asked with a smile...

"Why that!?" she exclaimed loudly...

"I always wanted to name my son with my name and since she was born a girl...I thought my name Miroku with an 'A' instead of 'U' would work just fine!!!" they all sweat dropped and then broke out laughing...

"Her name is Miroka then..." said Sango

"I just hope for one thing..." said inu as he entered the hut...

"and what's that?"

"That she doesn't take after her father!" and once again everyone laughed...

i tried to make that longer than normal hope you liked it...Review for me please...and thank you for getting me over a 2 hundred reviews...when we get to 2 hundred and 10 I will give you a speacial surprise!

Inuyasha loves me