InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ What bottles are really for? ( Chapter 43 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ok people not much time...but i would like to annonce one thing in this authors note!...I LOVE YOU ALL FOR ALL THE REVIEWS I GET...BUT I AM A REVIEW HUNGRY AUTHOR AND NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think of it this way...the more reviews i get the longer a chappie...and i dont have that much baby inside me isnt to happy when i sit in front of the computer for some reason...and i get i can only stay in front of the computer for about 10 minutes a day...and there are a lot of other things besides writing this that i have to do on the home work and term papers...but as soon as summer comes around and i get out of school for a while...there will be a lot more stuff...if i can stomach the computer scene...which for some reason i cant right to go! LOVE YOU ALL

42: What bottles are used for!

Everyone was sitting around the fire in the small hut. Miroku and Sango's children were fast asleep along with the slightly older ones who belonged to Inu and Kagome.

The group was quiet and yet in a comfortable silence that all of them enjoyed. The thoughts that were going threw all there heads were of the same thing. What to do know, where to go, and how to live? They couldn't live in Keade's forever, the poor old women needed to get rite of them! She was going to go insane with all the teenagers/parents and there children around!

Kagome's eyes traveled over to the old one in question and sighed. Despite how much she loved the old women, she still wanted to leave. There was no way on earth she wanted to be under this roof forever!!!!!! Living with an old women who's only hobby was grinding herbs...was not really her idea of having a good life, nope not at all!

Kagome's mind kept along this train of thought, as she glanced around at all the people whom had become her family...a rather large strange extended family that is...filled with 5 babies...a lot of demons...old people...and...well in reality there was only one human left! Yep a very odd dysfunctional family...but a family non the less!

When Kagome's eyes turned to her mate a thought came to her mind...something from a conversation that she vaguely remembered...about something that was really important!

*flashback...!!!!!! HEHEHEHE I GET TO DO A FLASHBACK!!!!!*

"hey Inu-baby...i was wondering where are we going to live now...we can't live with Keade there's not enough room...we are having three pups and all..." Inu thought for a moment and then remembered something...something that he knew was important...

"i think I know just the place's big enough for me you our children and Miroku Sango and theirs to live in...and close enough to Sesshi's castle in the western lands that we can visit him anytime..."

"and what is this mysterious big mystery place..." he smiled big at his new found knowledge...

"My Castle...." he whispered in her ear causing it to flick...her eyes grew huge and her month hung open...

"YOU OWN A CASTLE AD YOU NEVER TOLD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone came running threw the door then and saw a very interesting sight...there was Kagome straddling Inu's hips....her face inches away from his...her eyes flaming and her big stomach keeping her from getting any closer to him...while Inu on the other hand was neat less to say on his back looking up at her with fear in his eyes...his hands where stuck to his side and his legs were perfectly straight...

*end of flashback....hehehehehe can you see where this is going? If not your stupid!....well...*cough couch* all reality i have no idea what's going on either!!!!!*

"Hey i just had a thought!!!!!!" said Kagome, out of the blue, which in turn scared almost everyone who was sitting there...

"What is it?" said Inu, in a rather startled voice...

"do you remember when you told me you owned the castle and we could all live there?!?!?!?!?" he looked at her for a moment and then said in a small voice....

"...Yes..." but truthfully...he...had no idea what she was talking about...he knew about the castle and everything...but for the life of him he had no idea what the hell she was talking about...he had never told her least he thought he hadn't...

"why don't we move there!!!!" everyone looked at Kagome like she was insane...but then they remembered something...they remember walking into to people whom an awkward precision...but...if you want to hear that story go back a couple chappies and do it on your own time...

"That's a great idea!!!!" yelled the oldest member of the group...well oldest looking anyway...not in age...if that were would be a tie between...well all the youki! Anyway it was Keade who said it!

Miroku looked over at Sango and smiled...."We get to move with them remember?" Sango smiled back even bigger and nodded her head yes...

"We can raise all these children together..." a sly smile came onto Miroku's face...

"Oh yes we can, think of it...dump the kids on the other set of parents and go out...or..." there is no way to explain in words how evil/perverted Miroku's face looked then..."HaVe SoMe FuN...."

"...Miroku?" said Kagome in a cheerful and overly happy voice...."That goes both ways...!" Miroku's perverted/evil smile faltered before he stopped and looked at Kagome....

"thank you for pointing that out Kagome..." he said dryly...

"Your quite welcomed!" she said in her sing song voice..."well Inu do you think we can move now!!!!!!!!" her eyes got all big and happy...with those little sparkle things that scare you!

"ahhhhh...yes..." he said...he's expression telling all of them that he was scared for his life...after all it wasn't everyday that Kagome used those eyes...and he knew what they meant when she did...and that was...if he said no...he would die!

"We should go there now!!!!!" all anyone in the hut could do was look at her blankly...

"but Kagome..." said Sango in a small voice..."I'm to tired to go now...FOR CRYING OUT LOUD I JUST GAVE BIRTH!!!!!!!!!" By the end of the statement Sango had started to sound like a raving lunatic...causing the babies to wake up...and start to cry...and causing the adults to run for their life's...besides Kagome...that is

"I didn't mean right this second!" She paused for a second as if she was in deep thought...If this were InuYasha i would be scared...but at the moment all Inu could think about...was...Ramen...anyway back to Kagome "I know!!!! You and Miroku can stay her while me and Inu-kun go and check out this 'castle'! How's that sound?"

"Would you be taking your 'children' with you?" Said Sango as she eyed the little ones...all 5 of them...who were all awake and still crying...

"No...." Kagome said in a small voice...

"then there's no way! I am not staying her and breast feeding your children along with mine! And I refuse to answer any of the older twos strange questions!" In a huff Sango got up and walked over to her babies picking both girls up into her arms...

"Sango you don't understand!!!" cried out Kagome as she moved to her own children...

"What's there to understand!" Sango turned and looked at Kagome...about to vent all of her frustration out on her friend...when she saw something she thought she never would have in a million years seen...

There in the direction she had been looking was InuYasha...holding his three pups in his arms...well 2 in his arms and 1 in his lap...anyway...he was softly purring for all 3 children...who had in turn stopped crying from their rude awakening...and were now cooing at their father in happiness...

Slowly everyone in the hut watched as InuYasha moved his face closer to his little girl Sakura and started to nuzzle her with his nose...they watched as he inhaled his daughters scent...and they heard him when he whispered..."I will always protect you..." The baby herself smiled and cooed to her father once more before showing off her own fangs in a yawn...her eye lids fell lightly shut and she yawned once more before falling asleep in her fathers arms...

"Sango?" Whispered InuYasha...


"Please, i want you to watch them...I don't want to take my pups with me and Kagome, not because i want to get rite of them...but because i want to protect them...i can't grantee their safety out there but in here i can...I trust you are my children's aunt...and i know that if anything ever happen to would take care of them...right?" His expression then was one that seemed to scream...i-am-a-little-child-and-need-your-help-so-help-me...

There was nothing Sango could do...there was no way on heaven earth or hell that she could say no...not after such a speech coming from the speech impaired was unheard of for him to talk in such a anyone but Kagome...that is..."i'll watch them...for your sake InuYasha...and Kagome's...but there's just one thing...."

"And what is that?" asked Kagome in a child like voice

"I REFUSE TO BREAST FEED THEM!!!!!!!!" Kagome laughed till there were tears in her eyes...Keade fell over...Inu growled because Sango ruined the moment...Shippo and Nikki asked everything there was to ask about breast feeding...Sesshi walked out of the room claming it to be 'HOT' and that he needed to get some fresh air...Celeste soon followed claiming that she had to follow her mate for no reason what's-so-ever...Rin asked what breast feeding was and if she could try...Anmye laughed at little Rin and took her outside to explain...Miroku smiled at his mate and nodded his head in approval...Keiya looked at everyone said something about them being insane and left, to make sure she didn't lose her own valuable sanity...and as for the pups...both Sango's and Kagome's...they all just yawned and went to sleep...

"Well i think i have a solution to that problem Sango...!!!!!!" Kagome moved over to the long forgotten yellow bag, that i bet the readers forgot existed in this fan fiction and began to rummage around for something...after a minute or so of throwing all objects, that weren't the object she was looking for, behind her and hitting someone with them...she found what she found the desired object...which was a baby bottle and baby formula!

"What's that?" asked Sango as she moved closer to Kagome to get a better look...While her mate, Miroku formally known as The Pervert, came up behind her and looked at the object in Kagome's hand that reminded him and soft things...that he had oh so much fun playing with!

"Kagome?" he asked in a small voice...


"Is a women's breast?" everyone remaining in the room, that hadn't left to try in maintain there sanity, hit the poor person formally known as The Pervert...except, that is, Kagome...

"You guys...?" said Kagome in her oops-didn't-mean-for-that-to-happen voice...

"What is it Kagome?" Everyone said in...UNISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE HORRIABLE UNISON PEOPLE HAVE COME FOR REVENGE BECAUSE...well...i made their king my sex slave and they got mad...but that's another story all together!

"He's right...." everyone's jaws hit the ground and stared at her...

"What do you mean?" asked Sango...

"you take this stuff called formula and mix it with water...then you put it in the bottle and it well...serves as the mother..." everyone looked dazed...

"you mean it makes mother milk?" asked the old women in the corner who was at the moment playing with her herbs again...

"YES!!!!!!! All you have to do is put some warm water in with it and there you go...babies feed...and these things on the bottle..." her she played with the little nub, that was the nipple, on the baby bottle to show what the hell she was talking about at the moment..."are like the mothers....well...breast are and let the baby feed in the same way it would off the mother..." her explanation complete Kagome turned around and tried to hide the fact that she was over 50 different shades of red...

"WOW!!!!!" yelled out Sango..."No more little fangs biting nipples!!!!!"

"But Sango, my love, you like it when i bit on your..." he didn't get much farther because well...Sango had hit him on the head and which in turn made him...go into the land of unconscious people....that poor monk...

~this is your bonus other words...because I haven't written in a get a longer chapie!~

~three hours later~

The monk was still unconscious on the ground and looking like he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon...

Inu and Kagome were finished packing for their trip and about to leave...after much deliberation it had been decided that Sesshi and his mate would come along...the main reason being...that Sesshi couldn't stand living in a human village anymore and wanted to get back home...and his child...AKA Rin...wanted to go with matter what...and as you noticed in the above I left her out when i said who was coming with...and believe me...she wasn't happy at all when she found out she couldn't go...she had even fought with him to get to go...


"Rin!" Called out Sesshi...he had to tell her that he was going to be leaving with her uncle...or she would be mad...very mad...if he left without her...she was going to kill him...but he couldn't take her with him...not at the moment at least...he would take her back with him...after some...time alone...with his...mate...*cough cough*

"Yes!" the little girl in question came running out of the hut at top speed..."What is it Daddy?"

He couldn't help it...he smiled...there was something about the little girl...that made him smile...and the fact that she called him Daddy..."Me and...Your mother will be leaving you here for a couple of days..." He closed his eyes then and awaited what was undoubtedly going to come of it...

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" came..."you can't leave Rin...!!!!" Tears formed in the little girls she cloches her fist into tight balls...and yells at the top of her lungs..."YOUR RINS DADDY AND YOUR NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE RIN ALONE LIKE HER LAST DADDY DID!!!!!!!!! YOU GOING TO STAY WITH RIN LIKE YOU ARE SUPPOST TO!" With that the little girl ran over to him and began to beat his legs in fury....

"Rin listen to me...we'll be coming back...!"

"No you won't!"

"Yes i will believe me!!!!!" the poor all powerful youki couldn't do anything...this one little human girl, who called him father...was...literally...killing him...or at least trying to...

"NO YOU WON'T!!!!!!!!" she cried even harder...."EVERYONE ALWAYS SAYS THAT!!!!"

"RIN!!!!!" Everyone in the whole village turned at looked at the 2 then...never in the history of the world had Sesshi yelled at RIN!

The said girl went quite and her tears she looked up at her father figure...Silence filled the village...not even the birds dared to defy Sesshi...

"Rin..." he said in an overly calm voice...for a man who had just yelled at the top of his lungs..."I promise you, that i will always come back to you. No matter how far i am...and no matter where i have gone to...i will always you understand?"

The small girl looked into his eyes and saw the truth he held in them...the love and caring...he held in them for her...and the dedication...the undying devotion...that told her...he would always return!

" you understand?"

"Yes...i understand..." she her lips quivered and she looked at the dirt underneath her feet..."So is that a promise...father?" she looked up at him...her deep brown eyes...seeming to search for his very soul...

" is..." her eye shown brightly as she did a little dance around Sesshi...and then ran back into the hut acting as if nothing had happened...\

~end of flash back~

Even after this slight little fight...they were on time and ready to about 11 minutes past noon...

Kagome and Sango stood outside the hut now...talking about how Sango was going to take care of the babies, Nikki, and Shippo...Anmye was sitting in the shade of a nearby tree with her daughter in her lap...Miroku and Inu where playing with the little babies...and acting almost totally out of character...Sesshi and his mate were sitting in the tree above Anmye watching Inu and Miroku play with there children...

"Ok...Sango do you understand everything?" Sango nodded..."About the dippers you can use...?" another nod..."And the bottles and the formula?" and yet another nod..."ohhhh...and when you put them to sleep...make sure Sakura is in the middle...or they get fussy!" another nod..."And whatever you do...don't put the boys next to each other when they nap...they hate that!" Sango is having a nodding fit! "and make sure there blanket is really soft...they don't like the scratchy kind!" the nodding won't stop..."and..."

But before she could finish Inu stpped in front of her...put his hands on her shoulders and said..."It's going to be ok Kagome...they'll be fine...don't worry...Their in good hands..." said mother sighed and nodded...

"I know...but their my babies and i have every right to be worried!" he smiled down at her and laughed lightly

"i worry too...but that doesn't mean i stand her and tell a women with children of her own how to raise one..." Kagome smiled and motioned for Sesshi and Celeste to come down from the tree...

"Then i guess we better get in our way..." said Celeste in a happy tone...her already rounding stomach...there for all to see...

"Sounds like a plan..." whispered Kagome as she walked over to all of her children...the babies who were sitting on a little blanket with Sango and Miroku's girls...and to Shippo and Nikki whom were sitting on the grass next to the blanket..."Ok pups...were going to be leaving...and hopefully will come back in a week or so to get you..." Shippo and Nikki nodded while hugging Kagome...and while there said mother wasn't looking gave the remaining adult figures looks that the young mother bent down and kissed her three babies on the head..."ok you three be good for aunt Sango while me and daddy are gone ok?" she looked at the babies and Sakura cooed...and Inu-Riku seemed to take on a look that said he would...while Hououza on the other hand looked up at his mother with gentle yet firm eyes....eyes that held an intelligence that no baby, by any standard, could of had at his age...suddenly a feeling of great calm came over Kagome...just by looking in those eyes...she knew that her babies would be all right...but no matter how hard she tried...she couldn't help but feel...that there was something strange about her younger baby boy...and his actions

InuYasha walked over to his mate and pups slowly...watching the expressions that went across Kagome's face...first concern...the wonder...and finally complete peace...he moved next to his young mate and looked at his pups...he smiled at the 2 whom cooed for him and reached up small hands...with even tinier claws...his eyes then moved to the youngest...who laid there on his back his head tilted to the side in wonder of his father's face...slowly he brought one clawed finger to Inu's face and moved it along his check...before cooing in a way that could have passed as a happy growl...or even purr...

slowly Inu bent down and kissed all of his pups on the forehead...before taking Shippo and Nikki into his arms and hugging them..."be good...and no funny questions...or you'll have me to answer to..." he whispered in the both pups ears before placing them back on the ground and sanding up...bringing Kagome with him...

"ok Kagome...lets go..." he said as he walked over to his brother..."you and your mate ready...?" Sesshi nodded and looked over at Rin who was now standing next to Shippo and Nikki..."Rin?"

"Yes Dad?" Sesshi let out a sigh and motioned for the young girl to come over to him...which she in turn...did...he bent down and picked her up, the second she reached him...and brought her to his face...were he slowly planted a kiss on her forehead before sating her on the ground...

"Be good...Ok?" she nodded threw her smile and ran back over to the slightly younger children of her aunt and uncle...

With that last statement Sesshi turned to leave with Celeste in the direction that was exactly west of the hut...with a slight nod and hug to her friends...Kagome followed after then...but stopped when she noticed Inu not coming..."INU WHAT'S WRONG!!!!"

"NOTHING!" with one last look in the direction of his smallest and yet smartest child...Inu started to walk away...slowly...and reluctantly...


"YES FLUFF BUTT!!!!!!" After a slight cringe at the mentioned name Sesshi replied back...


"WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled back and with one quick glance at Hououza...started to follow his mate, brother, and sister-in-law

well thats it for this only motivation is mroe please review!

InuYasha loves me!