InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ we're off to see the castle of Inu the wonderful DOG ( Chapter 44 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I AM SO VERY SORRY!!!!!!....plez forgive me *random people throw things* I have my reason's!!!!!!! *they keep throwing things...* ok I get the point...well I have been having trouble with my pregnancy...morning sickness bites!!!!!!!! and my body hasn't been letting me look at the computer for very long at a time...well that has finally past...and I have become a very fat pregnant lady!!!!! I have gained 10 pounds all ready *cries* but I cant help it...I will try my hardest to always get to you guys and write new chapters...look this one is really long!!!! *more random stuff is thrown* thank you for your sympathy *glares* hopeful now that my morning sickness and stuff has passed I will be up dating more!!!! but please remember...Pregnancy is unpredictable and there might be times that I am gone for long periods...(when pregnant you don't have periods...bwhahaha I save money on pads!) if I am gone for a long time...I hope you will have the sense to know I AM NOT DEAD...and thank you that final reviewer...but I am not review hungry...for the past couple of months I have had no appetite for anything, thank you lol...and if you are wondering why this paragraph looks like it was half decently husband is watching me type and telling me mistakes...some of which i am ignoring to get at him!!! Well have fun!!!!!!!! AND REVIEW...

Chapter 43: WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE...CASTLE...OF INU THE WONDERFUL DOG!!!!!!!! (because because because...he is so fucking hot and stuff!)

They had been traveling for almost 3 days when they arrived at the border of the western lands...the ocean. There on this coast where the waves crashed with the force of Inu-Riku the 1st(fluff butt and Inu daddy) was the castle of the western lands. Well Inu's castle at least.

All the people whom had made the journey there slowly approached the castle. Mostly they did this because there feet hurt from running so long, and the other reason was...well that was the only reason really...

"Do you think it's safe?" whispered Kagome as she gazed up at the castle in front of her. The castle itself had to be over 20 stories high and was done in a Japanese type of way...with the rice walls and all the bamboo...but what made it so tall was the fact that millions of rocks had been used to make a gigantic platform for it to sit on...with one trail leading up to the palace of the western lands. Well, once again, Inu's Palace at least...

"Don't worry I will protect you..." Now this is a sweet statement...or would have been if Inu had said it and not Sesshi...but it still was sweet...just not to Inu...

"She's mine to protect brother!" Sesshi looked over his shoulder at InuYasha and snorted...

"She is my sister and i protect my siblings." All Inu could do was stare in shock...well until he could speck that is....

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PROTECT YOUR SIBLINGS!!!! YOU TRIED TO KILL ME HOW MANY TIMES!!!!!" the man in question shrugged and kept walking while calling over his shoulder...

"That was different!"

"How was it different!"

"It just is."

"That's not a good answer...!" right before Sesshi could reply his very pregnant mate came walking up to them...

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP AND COME ON ALREADY!!!!!!!" both men clamped there mouths shut with an audible shut...and followed her. Inu because he was scared of her....and Sesshi followed because at the moment she was holding on to his ear and dragging him up the path to the entrance of the castle...poor fluff butt...

~at the entrance~ ohhh the possibilities

They all stood in front of huge, humorously large, was made of fine wood and had carvings of every famous Inu there was...(by that i mean...demon...lassie, wish bone, the cute dog from Fraser called Eddie, or old yeller are not in the door ^___^;;) But in the center of the door, there was the biggest of them all...a dog that was bigger than any sky scrapper...than any building or tree...

"The Inu-Youki in the middle...he is so big...!!!!" said Kagome her face lighting up in aw...

"That youki, my dear sister, is your mate and mine's father..." both Celeste and Kagome stared with wide eyes at the Inu-Youki...

"That's...That's...INU-RIKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" both women yelled in can you guess...? UNISON...the unison people have come to kill us again...anyway back to the story...

Before InuYasha or Sesshi could reply to the 2 aww struck girls...another voice answered "yes...the great lord of the western lands...Inu-Riku the 1st" Everyone spun around and looked at the person whom had just appeared...

He was a tall man, but hunched with age. His eyes ,they could tell, had once been bright green and yet were now old and faded. Wrinkles lined his face and bags appeared under his old eyes. But what caught there attention, was that his ears were neither like Inu's nor Sesshi's...they were like a and pointed, ready to turn at any minute should a sound arrive to them.

He smiled fondly and walked over to them, he's deem eyes sparkling momentarily when he looked at Inu. "It has been awhile young master." he then bowed to the ground, right in front of InuYasha. "We have been waiting for your return all these years."

"My...return?" the old man nodded his head and pointed to the castle doors.

"OPEN THE DOOR'S IT IS I, NYOKA!!!! AND THE YOUNG MASTER INUYASHA!!!!!!" the large doors opened with a creak and loud hiss of old wood...very old wood..."Please follow me lords," at this he bowed to Inu and Sesshi. "And ladies..." at this he bowed at Celeste and Kagome. "of the western lands." After finishing his bowing he began to walk at a slow and creeping pace that only old people can walk at...into the castle.

~Inside the Castle~ now we get to know who the old slow guy is!!!!!!

As they walked in they were greeted by at least 100 youki and humans. All were wearing some form of attire they gave the look of a servant. The women were dressed in old Kimono's that were either gray or brown in color...while the men dressed in yukata's of poor quality or hamika's of even less quality that were in more or less the same color scheme as the kimono's...

But even in such poor clothing the servant type people still smiled and welcomed them...some women carrying babies or toddlers on there hips...some with multiple children hanging of there legs...and at any rate...Kagome and Celeste were glad that they didn't have that to deal with...or at least at the moment...but they still had to admit that some of the little ones, were beyond any definition of cute!

Suddenly they came to a stop in front of a rice wall...which was the entrance to the main part of the castle, or at least that is what they thought at the time and...they where right...

"My lords and ladies..." Said Nyoku with a low and graceful bow... "Let me be the first to welcome you back to your home!" he lifted his head and slowly opened the screen...revealing the most beautiful site that any of them had ever seen...

In front of them was the court yard/entry way of the of all varieties and shapes lined the walk ways, ranging from pink/ lavender to yellow/oranges. Birds in humongous cages hung from lamps...small trees lined it providing shade...benches sat next to the a pond filled with fish in the center....and sand had been laid along the paths to the many doors that lead to the marvelous garden...

"Holy shit" was the only thing that anyone said...that was until Kagome said...

"That will be another week..."

"WHAT DID I DO!!!!" he yelled and turned to look her in the face...

"You ruined a perfect move..." she walked off ahead following the slow man down the path to another rice wall, her nose held high in the air, and her arms crossed under her a very InuYasha like pose...

InuYasha stood there for a minute grumbling about stupid mates and their problems with him even breathing, or he was doing that...until he realized they had left him behind and he was standing in a garden with a whole lot of beadie little bird eyes watching his every a little more than freaked out he ran as fast as he could to catch up with them...all the while yelling. "KAGOME THE BIRD'S ARE LOOKING AT ME FUNNY, MAKE THEM STOP!!!!!!"

And one random old servant stood there watching him...shaking his head back and forth slowly..."If this is the future of these lands...i am glad I'm going to be dead before he takes the thrown..." with that the random servant guy walked away complaining about young wiper snappers being stupid and relying to much on women...(remember i am a that comment is meant to be funny not Yankee Doodle in the second verse last line..."and let the girls be handy!!!!" That's an insult *random guy coughs in back ground* oops sorry (~8 )

~lets see how Sango and Miroku are doing...~ BWHAHAHAHHA

Sango and her husband/mate/thing were sitting side by side...each holding a baby...and watching 3 other babies that were laying asleep on the ground...after a few mishaps with the bottles Sango had given up and gone to nursing both her and Kagome's children...and by god she was tired...she had just nursed all of them...all 5 and damn was that a lot...a whole lot...

The other more marture (i use that term lightly) children were at the moment playing tag...inside the hut...even though Sango had tried to get them to go outside the hut and play...they had insisted that it was much to cold outside to play...even though in was 80* outside and in the hut it was about 90*...

Anmye sat in a corner of the hut watching in slight fascination as the two slightly younger parents tried to calm done the children.

She smiled as she looked at her own child...who was at the moment making life hell for them all...young Keiya was in on the game of delinquent tag...which let me remind you...was being played in a very very exceedingly small hut...that was packed with a lot of people already...mainly babies...

She began laughing when one of the babies started to cry, thus leading the other 4 to cry...and Sango and Miroku didn't have enough hands to hold all of them and comfort all of them...and the other 4 slightly older and mature (still using that word loosely) children kept running in circles trying to catch each other...and Miroku/Sango were slowly starting to loose all patients...which she could tell from the little veins appearing on there foreheads...

And right as Miroku was about to explode...right as Keade was about to lose all her hearing...right as Shippo and Nikki were about to catch Keiya...and right as Rin was about to happened...

All the babies kept on crying except one...Hououza had stopped and was looking around him in was as if he was searching for something...something that no one could see...only him...he let out a small whimper...which caused all the other babies to stop crying...and caused all the parents in the room to become extremely alert...the older more mature children (still loosely) stopped there game...which in turn stopped Rin from falling and Keiya from being captured and tagged...

The same boy began to whimper and thrash around...his small hands reached up and grabbed at nothing...crocodile tears feel from his eyes, but no sobs joined them...only soft whimpers of discomfort...not even pain...

But then as suddenly as it had started it stopped...and he cooed in contempt once more...his small arms moving over to Miroku as if asking his uncle to pick him up...

The monk looked at him and slowly set his daughter in his mates arms to take the boy...raising Hououza up to eye level he stared at the small boy...who in turn stared back and smiled as he reached out a small clawed hand to his face and patted his cheek...

"i wonder what that was all about..." Whispered Sango as she looked her nephew over for any injuries...

"I'm not sure but he seems fine now..."

"I hope he is...if Inu and Kagome came back and their sun wasn't fine and dandy...I don't even want to know what they will do to us..." A picture of Inu with giant red eyes staring at them with an intent to kill, and Kagome standing behind him encouraging him to kill them, came into both their heads...

Shaking their heads and looking back at the young baby boy in Miroku's arms they sighed...

"What is it with this child?"

"That is a good question..." said Keade as she walked over to the couple..."He is strange almost seems...he has a power we can't even begin to comprehend..." All the adults nodded slowly...

"WELL DUH!!!!!" All the adults turned their heads...(what will all the adults do next time...don't touch that remote because it's coming on right after this commercial brake!!! *random guy coughs again...* oops wait this isn't TV)

"Shippo?" said Miroku in a shaking voice

"OF COURSE HE HAS A GREAT POWER!!!" the young boy stood as high as he could as he spoke..."he is Kagome and InuYasha's child...and they are the strongest most amazing people I know!" Miroku smiled and nodded...

"Hey Shippo?" said Nikki from behind him...

"Yea what's up?" she walked up to him and whispered something in his ear...which he kept on nodding and nodding about..."well shell we ask?"

"Lets...!!!" Miroku and Sango both gulped and tried to move away...but then they noticed that they had to many small children that they had to stay close to at all times to move...

"OHHH Uncle Miroku..." said Shippo with an evil smile

"OHHH Aunt Sango..." said Nikki with an equally evil grin on her face...

"We have a question for you!!!!" both people in question visibly gulped...

"yes what is it...young, innocent, nice, good, un-perverted children?"

"Do you know what condoms are used for yet?" both Miroku and Sango sighed...not knowing what a condom was they had no free of the particular item yet...

"no we don't..." they said in UNISON...(random guy holds up a small flag and waves it around...A- is that all you got? A little flag...? RG- yep i need more pay if you want more... A- *gives him more money RG- *shots of fire works and rockets, throws streamer's, waves tons of flags then stops* A- why did you stop? RG- if you want more i need more pay... A- *glares at him* your fired!!!!! RG-*runs away screaming* I'm free!!! I'm free!!!! A-anyway back to our show type thingie)

"Ohhh so you don't know what a condom is...?" they all shock their heads up and down yes...

Evil glares passed back and forth between the 2 youngsters without the adult figures noticing..."well then...let us teach you..."

I leave the rest to your imagination BWHAHAHA ~back in the castle~

They had been walking for a very long time threw the castle...going down hall way after hall way...passage after passage...Slowly Kagome reside her hand in the air and waved it around until Nyoku asked her...

"Is there a reason you are waving your hand around like that me lady...?" said woman hit herself over the head and nodded..."then please by all means tell me what it is?"

"I would like to know where the hell we are going!!!!!!" Nyoku looked at her in shock but slowly shook his head and turned back to watch the walk way so he would not trip...

"We are going to the living chambers...they are located on the other side of the castle...which is closer to the sea..." Everyone nodded and then all got the same question into there mind...

"Sir?" questioned Celeste...

"Please my lady there is no need to call me me Nyoku if you will..."

"I will on one condition!"

"And what is that my lady?"

"DON'T CALL ME YOUR LADY AGAIN!!!!!!!!" the old man shrank back at her statement and nodded...

"Yes my la..." her cold glare stopped him..." Celeste what is your question?"

"how big is this castle thing?" he sighed and looked back ahead of him...

"I am not sure, but it is said that the great demon lord himself, wasn't as big as his castle..." Everyone in the group, besides Sesshi who really didn't look all that surprised, stopped walking and stared at the old man with there jaws on the ground...

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR KIDDING!!!!!!!!" they yelled in UNISON (and since I fired my unison random guy...there is no pun or joke to this unison...or is there *runs away and laughs menacingly* BWHAHAHAHAHA I AM THE AUTHOR FEAR ME)

The old man shook his head again..." That is what they say...and i have seen the castle from above before...and it stretches all the way along the western coast..." they all nodded dumbly, besides Sesshi that is, he looked very bored with the whole thing...

Suddenly, as if out of no where, they arrived in front of another very eloquent and beautifully carved door...

"We have arrived...this is the family part of the castle...and the part that my young master InuYasha and all his family will be able to stay..." He thus bowed and reached to open the slightly smaller door from the one outside...

Well I left it as a cliffy on purpose...this way...I have to up date...because even I don't know what is going to happen...I kind of just write whatever comes to planning no nothing...and I really want to know...what I am going to do with this scene...well anyway plez review...I would like them a lot!!!!! -_- Even if i don't deserve them!!!! Please Review!!!!!!!! Till next time!