InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposite Attracts I ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok, I know this one is short... But it is a beginning of a new series of one-shot lemons I am going to do..

Opposites attracts I

Kaede was cleaning plants, picking old leafs away when the door to her flower shop flung open. She looked and saw a tall white haired man stand in the door way. "A demon?" she thought when she saw the pointy ears and the markings in his face. "So this is Sesshoumaru, the one that is responsible for Sango's heart ache and condition…" She went over to him and he stared at her with cold yellow eyes.

- May I help you sir? asked Kaede with her polite voice.

- Where is Sango? he asked and looked around in the small shop.

- Who?

Kaede played innocent, not knowing who he was talking about.

- Don't be stupid old woman, I can smell her even if the flowers in here cover her scent pretty well, but not good enough, snarled the demon and showed his fangs.

- She is not here today sir, it is her day off, lied Kaede.

Sesshoumaru growled deep in his throat and pushed the old woman away and walked over to the door that marked the entrance to the green house area. She was lying, he could smell it. His mate was here, he could feel it in his soul. He opened the door and was met by a wall of moist air and tons of smells coming from all the flowers inside. "Fuck…" he wanted to sneeze but he willed the reflex away and walked into the heated area.

Kaede wondered if Sango have heard them because the demon cursed darkly. "I really hope so…" she thought and went back to her plants.

Sango was hidden behind a wall of green and big leaved plants. She had heard aunt Kaede argue with a male on the other side of the glass wall and she knew who the male was. It was the bastard that had flirted with her on a party six months ago; he had smooth talked her into bed. He had given her the most wonderful time of her life, but the morning after he was gone. The only thing he had left her was the proof of their love making, a child that was growing inside her womb. When she heard him curse just a few feet away from her she was about to faint. "Please Goddess, don't let him find me…" she prayed and closed her eyes as she bit her lip to prevent from screaming out how much she hated him.

- Sango-chan, I know you are in here, come out… said Sesshoumaru sternly.

"Please go away… go away…"she chanted inside her mind. "I don't want to see you again… please just go away…"

Sesshoumaru could smell her, the faint trace of her unique scent was blended with roses and jasmine. But there was something else, something that made his heart flutter and then stop. "No, that can not be possible…" he though as his golden eyes searched around the vast green house and inhaled more deeply, trying to get his mind to understand what his nose was telling him. "She is pregnant…? My mate is pregnant?" He wanted to curse his family when they had come bursting through the doors that early morning six months ago, they had drugged the female that was sleeping like a baby next to him and then they had drugged him and taken him away. His mating with a human was not acceptable. He had suffered all kinds of hell because he was away from his mate and he was sure that she had suffered as well, not to mention that she most likely thought that he had just fucked her and then left her. And she was pregnant… "Sango… come out… I need you…" he begged silently.

- Sango, please come out… I need to talk to you… "I need to see you, touch you…"

Sango's eyes was flooded with unshed tears. His voice, so pleading so begging… "No, I can not trust him. He only uses me and then leaves me with a aching heart again." but she could not help the small sob escaping her lips.

Sesshoumaru's ears immediately picked up the sound and he moved towards it. She was crying and she was distressed. He needed to comfort her; he needed to take care of her like a mate should. And then he saw her behind a green luscious wall of plants. She sat on her knees, her long black hair covered her face, but Sesshoumaru could see the wetness on the floor, she was crying rivers of tears. Then he saw her round belly, and a warm flow went through his stomach. He kneed in front of her and put a finger under her chin to tilt up her face, but his hand was slapped away. She looked up and he felt his heart contract in fear. She hated him..!

Sango felt the blinding rage fill every part of her being when she saw him sit in front of her. He had left her without a single word. He had no rights anymore.

- Get out of here Sess, I don't want to see you, she snarled with a voice filled with menace.

- Sango-chan… don't do this to us…

- I am not the one who have done anything Sess, you were. You left me!! screamed Sango.

- No, I didn't, not willingly. I made you my mate Sango, but my family refused to accept my choice. They came early that morning, they drugged us both and they moved me away from you. I never would have left you Sango. Now I am free and I have every intentions of taking you back, said Sesshoumaru.

- Shut up asshole, spat Sango and got up on her feet with a move worthy of a cat. She began walking away from Sesshoumaru but she was stopped when he grabbed her upper arm, pulling her back to him.

- You will not go anywhere until we have talked Sango.

- Let go of me you son of a bitch!!

- No, you are my mate Sango; I will never let you go.

Sesshoumaru let his eyes sweep over her pregnant body and he found her to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

- Let go of me or I will show you, despite of my pregnant state, what a descendent of the great demon slayers can do to a demon!

Her dark crimson eyes shot venomous looks at hit and Sesshoumaru involuntary took a step back, she was scary when she was angry, and simply gorgeous. She looked like an ancient warrior goddess, like Sekhmet or Hathor. She was the raw feminine power of nature. And she was his mate.

- Don't deny us Sango, I can still feel that you want me, said Sesshoumaru with his most gentle voice.

Sango closed her eyes, tears threatened to take over her world again. Then she shook her head, no, she was not going to get hurt again. But she knew he was right, she still wanted him, she still desired him, wanted him to touch her like he had done that special night. The emotions were too much for her and she suddenly fell into darkness.

Sesshoumaru saw that she weakened a bit, but he would never have dreamt of her fainting in front of his eyes. He caught her just before she fell to the ground. He sat down with her in his lap. He rested his back against a moist wall, he could feel the wetness seep through his shirt. He moved her to sit more comfortable, made her head rest against his shoulder. "My little mate, so strong and yet so fragile. I am sorry I have not been here for you during the first months of our pup's development. But I am here now, and I will never leave you again." he thought and brushed his palm over her swollen belly. He gasped silently when he felt a small kick against his hand. "She is carrying life in there… she really is.." he was amazed by the feeling.

Kaede saw the tender moment from a far and she decided it was time to close the shop and leave the two youngsters alone. She knew that Sango loved Sesshoumaru. She had heard the young woman go on for hours about how wonderful the young demon lord was.
And when she saw the same demon caress Sango's belly, she knew that he loved her young niece. This was going to turn out fine in the end, she was sure about it. She left them and locked the door behind her.

Sesshoumaru purred lightly to comfort the now sleeping woman in his arms. He could feel her nuzzle her face into the crook of his neck, unconsciously seeking comfort in him and that made him happy. Deep down she still wanted him.

- My little Sango, I am so sorry… I should have put up more of a fight when they took me away from you. But I promise you that I will always stay by your side from now on.

- Sess…? Sango's sleep drunken voice made him tense up a bit.

- I am here love… he whispered.

- I love you…

- I love you as well mate.

- Never leave me again, it will kill me.

- I will not leave you Sango.

- Good, because I will need someone close when I give birth to this little thing.

He looked into her eyes and he smiled, he put his hand back on her stomach.

- I know I look fat, but…

- Shh, you don't look fat Sango, you look simply beautiful. And you smell like mine, he said playfully.

- I am fat…

- Stop it…

And with that Sesshoumaru kissed his mate. Six months of being away from her was taking the best out of him and now he wanted to make up for the lost time. When she opened her mouth for him to explore he was lost. He grew eager to make her his once again. She had become a drug in his blood; she was the only thing he needed to go on every day. His hands moved to cup her face, tilting her head so he could taste her even deeper. He purred when he felt her hands sneak around his neck to hold him close. Her small fingers moved through his long silver hair and he shivered lightly.

Sango mewled low when one of his hands moved under her blouse and cupped her left breast. She pressed against his hand, coaxing him to touch her more. His claws teased her nipple to stand erect against the silky bra she wore. His breathing was harsh, panting. She looked into his amber pools and she knew that he was filled with desire for her, only her.

- I want you Sess… she whispered shyly and looked away.

Sesshoumaru moved her face back and he smiled softly and kissed her again. He had every intentions of taking her, he did not care that they were in a green house; he could not care less if anyone saw them either. He had gone to long without her and he would not take it anymore. With a quick move he had removed her blouse, exposing her bra covered breasts. She had filled out more since she was pregnant, but it only made her look more womanly. He removed the bra and saw that she had something inside them, something that showed a wet spot. He looked confused at her and she blushed darkly.

- I am leaking sometimes, she explained with a low voice.

- Leak?

- Milk… she whispered.

A smirk appeared on his face before he kissed her again, pushing his tongue into her dark depths. His hand moved back to her breast and he squeezed a bit, feeling something wet his palm. He moved away and before she could say anything his mouth was on her breast, suckled it just like his baby would do in a few months. He could taste that milky liquid and he was lost in it.

Sango was at first very embarrassed but when she felt his fangs gently graze over her sensitive areola she moaned and threw her head back in pleasure. He did the same thing to her other breast, leaving her panting with lust.

Sesshoumaru removed their clothes in a hurry and before she sat down in his lap again he turned around, so she had her back against him. Gently he guided his erection into her wet folds, pushing inside her warmth. He snarled as her inner silkiness caressed his shaft, he closed his eyes and was swept away by the feeling. He put his hands on her swelling mounds as she began to move up and down, riding his flesh with slow movements.

Sango was in a blaze of pleasure, his length filled her up just like he had that night six months ago, she could feel it brush against her sensitive nub and she screamed raggedly.

- SESS!!

- I am with my wonderful mate… ride me like you did that night… let me feel all of you, whispered Sesshoumaru and growled when her muscles tightened around him.

Sango was pushed over the edge and she fell back, breathing hard. When she came down she saw that her front was wet with milk and she wanted to sink through the ground. But she never got to do that, her lover turned her around in his lap and then placed her between his legs. He lowered his head and licked up every trace of her leaky breasts.

- Sesshoumaruuu, she whimpered when he lit another fire inside her body.

- Mmm, I will be very jealous of our pup later, said Sesshoumaru huskily as he laved his tongue over her hard nipple.

- Please…don't…

He sucked on the breast and was rewarded with a small gush of milk, something he swallowed with greed. Feeling a slight chill run over his erection he decided it was better to have back inside his mate and he pushed into her body once again. She arched her back with a moan and he knew he pleased his mate very well. He played her body like a fine tuned instrument, knowing where he could draw forth those wonderful sounds of her passion. Just to do it so she would contract her wet walls around him was more than motivation, it was need like no other. Her hands grabbed his biceps, trying to hold on to reality as he pounded harder and harder into her body. Her round stomach brushed over his and it was the most wonderful feeling.

Sango were gasping for air, he was going to erotically kill her, she was sure of it. She felt the heat wave wash over her and she felt him follow her over the edge this time, filling her with his hot seed.

Sesshoumaru pulled back, looking down on Sango. She was the image of pure bliss and satisfied woman. Gods, he loved her so much. He would go through the seven hells and back if she asked him.

- My mate, he purred and lowered his head and kissed her.

Sango answered his gentle kiss, her fingers tangled in his silver hair. Her mate, they were finally together again. This time forever.


So what ya all think??