InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposite Attracts II ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ok, here comes another one.

Opposites Attract II

Sesshoumaru was certain that his eyes deceived him, but it did not matter how many times he blinked, the figure was still there, dancing like a maniac in the thunder storm. Lightning crossed the skies, ripping it apart. The rain fell in heavy drops drained her, making her white sleeping kimono transparent. He knew who she was; she was the demon slayer his pathetic brother travelled with. She was human, but he had seen her take on demons and crushing them like small bugs. She was strong, the great dog demon admitted that much, but what the hell was she doing out in one of the worst thunderstorms he ever had witnessed?

Sesshoumaru saw her dance in the rain, twirling around with her hands reached to the sky. "She is going to get herself killed if she continues with this…" he thought when a deafening roar exploded in his ears. The lightning had struck in a nearby oak. "Fuck, I must do something." He used his demonic speed to get to her before she was killed by another flash.

Sango felt somebody take hold of her midriff and pull her up and she was flung over a strong shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Somebody was taking her away from the small hill she had taken as her own. Somebody dared to interrupt her sorrowful dance..!! She tried to see who it was, but all she saw was something white and it was very fluffy, it practically buried her face. She screamed in anger and despair. Who ever it was would indeed regret his doing.

Sesshoumaru growled when he felt her struggle against his hold, if she continued he would loose his grip and she would fall to the ground. He had to stop and let her go. He found a small cave and sat down. He released the taijya and was immediately punched in the face by a raging demon slayer.

- Bastard!!! she snarled. - How dare you?!!

But when the white hair and the fluffy thing were removed from the person's face she paled. She had punched the great Sesshoumaru on the nose. "Fuck - I'm dead!!"

But Sesshoumaru only rubbed the place where her fist had connected. She was strong without her weapons as well. If he had been human she would have knocked him out quite effectively. He turned to look at her and he wished that he didn't. Her long black hair lay slicked around her young face. Her dark eyes were like black fires. But it was her white dress that did him in. It was plastered like a second skin around her body. Her every curve showed him how powerful the female body was. It could bring down the most strongest of demons, including the great demon lord Sesshoumaru. But when he took a step closer he was once again hit by her hand, but this time she bitch slapped him, warning him to get any closer to him.

- Stay away from me demon!!

- Little slayer, you are earning yourself some serious spanking, snarled Sesshoumaru and followed through and took another step closer. She was about to hit him again when he caught her wrist with his one hand.

- Let me go!!

- Not until you tell me why the hell you were risking your life out there! Fuck, you could have been killed by lightning!

- That is none of your fucking business.

"I love it when she talks dirty…"Ok, so he was seriously deranged, he understood that now, but he blamed her see through garment.…

- Tell me taijya… This Sesshoumaru is curious.

- You are messed up aren't you?

Sesshoumaru raised a confused eyebrow.

- You are the great Sesshoumaru; you hate humans - why did you stop my dance of sorrow?

- Dance of sorrow? I don't understand…

- I had no intentions of surviving the storm dumb ass, said Sango and tried to pull back her wrist. The emotions were getting crowded inside her mind again, if she did not get away from him soon he was about to witness something very few had seen - her tears.

- Why?

- Is it not obvious to you oh great demon lord of the west, snorted Sango. - I have nothing left to live for, nothing!

- Your brother's demise… of course… He died during the last battle against Naraku.

"Shit, I am going to cry…"thought Sango and felt a panic wave course through her body. She hated to feel this weak, especially in front of Sesshoumaru. "And why did he save me…?" She looked up into his glowing golden eyes and she was confused. Did she really see emotions inside them? "Nahhh, couldn't be possible, could it?"

- Yes, so if you are through with poking your dog nose into other people business… I can be on my way to seeing my family again, said Sango with low but forceful voice.

- No…!

"No, the bastard said no?!!"She looked outside and realized that the thunder was moving away from her. If he did not let her go, the opportunity to go out with a flash was gone. The anger fed her strength and she grabbed his arm with her free right hand and with one foot on his stomach and she fell backwards, landing on her back but she skilfully threw the tall demon lord over her head. She heard him ooof heavily and the grip around her arm was released. She was free and with no second thought she ran out of the cave. She knew that she never could out run Sesshoumaru, but she sure as hell could try.

Sesshoumaru cursed and shot to his feet, the little vixen had over powered him, and he had lost his face in the incident. That was something he could not let her get away with. He followed her outside, her scent trail made it very easy for him to follow her. He soon find her running form and he snickered a bit before he plunged into her back, making sure that she fell to the ground without getting hurt. He used his only hand to hold her down, he had placed it between her shoulder blades, and the rest of his body covered hers. He wanted to curse again when he felt a certain part of him grow hard against her soft tush.

Sango gasped for air, he was heavy, and he was pushing her down into the forest floor every time he pushed his sword into her butt. But then it hit her… that… that was not his sword at all… She did the only thing she could - she panicked. She screamed loud, wildly bucking her body to get him off her.

- Get off me!! Let me go!!

- No, not until the storm has passed us. I will not let you end your life taijya, never, said Sesshoumaru with his emotionless voice.

Sango sobbed, tears flooded her eyes.

- Why won't you let me go? I am just a lousy human to you.

- No slayer you are not. Believe it or not, I care for you, said Sesshoumaru, surprising the hell out of himself as well.

- You are lying, you couldn't care shit about me when we fought against Naraku, you saw me fall, taking a lot of damage from his tentacles, but you did nothing then, why should I trust you now?

- This Sesshoumaru never lies… and as for the battle… I could not reach you in time, your brother did, thus saving you. Did you not know that your brother gave his life for you?

Sango shook her head; she had not known that… "Gods, please just let me die…" she cried silently. Sesshoumaru felt her relax a bit under his body but he did not let her go. He only eased the pressure a bit, without thinking about it he moved his face closer to the back of her head and breathed in her scent. She smelled of rain, thunder and something that was just woman.

- Don't cry taijya-san, it was his wish to save your life, I gave him the opportunity to be revived but he did not want it. He said that his memory was to painful, said Sesshoumaru with a soft voice, completely out of character for him.

- Just let me die… I have no reason to go on anymore… sobbed Sango, her chest constricted so she barely could breathe.

- No, I will give you a reason then, said Sesshoumaru and flipped her around with a fluid motion.

He straddled her stomach, her hands lay next to her head, she did not fight him, she just lay there, totally apathetic, no will to fight was left in her body. "I need to get her to snap out of this state, she will perish if she continues." thought Sesshoumaru and lowered his head and gently kissed her soft lips.

The whole kissing thing actually did what he was hoping for, but he had not expected her to respond so passionately. Her hands grabbed two fistfuls of his hair, holding his head in place while they were kissing. And he found himself drinking of everything she wanted to give him. His hand suddenly was cursed by a life of its own and it moved to untie her sleeping dress. Soon his palm was filled with soft flesh that reached up in a hard peak. His shaft pulsated with heat and he rubbed against her belly, trying to relieve himself of some of the ache. Gods, she felt so good under him, and before he knew it, she had in some mysterious way, managed to undress him, at least the upper part of his body. He felt her hands tug at the sash on his white trousers and he moved to stand up.

Sango was beyond rational thoughts now; all she wanted was to let him take her. She sat up on her knees in front of him and she used her teeth to untie the knot. She heard him growl softly and she looked up and pulled on the ribbon.

Sesshoumaru almost lost his patience, just to see her big dark eyes look at him with lust filled eyes like that. He had no time; he ripped off the pants and pushed her down on her back again. With a gentle move he placed himself between her legs. He grabbed his aching flesh with his hand and pushed the tip between her wet folds. He heard her moan when he rubbed up and down, stroking over her pleasure nub several times. She liked it, he decided and continued to do it until she screamed out for him to take her.

Sango bucked with her hips in her attempts to get his shaft into her wet hole. She felt him brush over her bundle of nerves once again and this time she was pushed over the edge. With all her strength she spilled her essences, lubricating his shaft without him being inside her. Only then he penetrated her passage, and he did it with force, filling her to the brim of madness.

Sesshoumaru howled darkly when he felt his shaft be surrounded by silky wetness. It was the most wonderful feeling he ever had experienced, and he vowed silently that this was something he would continue to do with the slayer. He would take her as his own, making sure that she had something to live for every day for the rest of eternity. He would make sure that her dark thoughts were chased away, he would give her a puppy to take care of, his baby, their offspring.

Sango moved her strong legs and encircled his waist with them, not letting him get away. As if the great demon lord had any plans of that… Hmpf… he was in pleasure heaven. One of her hands found a pointy ear and she rubbed it and was surprised to hear a dark purring sound coming from deep within the lord's throat. She decided she loved that sound so she did the same thing to his other ear as well.

- You are teasing me woman!! snarled Sesshoumaru and bared his fangs in the dark night and plunged into her body.

- Mmmm, moaned Sango as she arched her back to take him deeper inside.

- I will teach you not to dance around rainy nights alone… If you ever get the urge to do it again I will be there with you!!

And with that he picked up his pace, fiercely pounding his erection in and out of her wet warmth. He could feel her floating towards the sea of pleasure and he did his best to have her reached it before he spilled himself inside her womb.

- SESS!!she screamed his name when the orgasm shook her body to the core.

- SANGO!!!he howled out her name to the night and felt wave after wave of heated seed travel from his shaft into her body.

Before Sesshoumaru fell over and crushed her under his weight he managed to flip them around so lay on top of him, but he was still deep inside her. He could feel her breathe hard into his neck and he smiled contently. Her night had begun with the Dance of Sorrow, now they had danced the Dance of Life.

- Stay with me Sango? asked Sesshoumaru with his deep voice.

- I will Sess, I will…

Sesshoumaru nuzzled her forehead a bit and then closed his eyes. The storm had passed them and the stars began to glitter in the dark blue sky.


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