InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ So we meet again ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: So we meet again

She jumped carelessly on Inuyasha's back. While Miroku and Sango were riding on the back of Kirara with Shippou. She had sensed Jewel Shards around this area. "Inuyasha, turn around the up coming corner." Kagome yelled. "You don't have to yell! I can hear you already if you just talk." Inuyasha retorted. She forgot about his sensitive ears. They turned around the next corner. And she didn't expect who she saw.


"The next time you decide on harming that little girl, I suggest you think twice!" Sesshoumaru roared at the dragon youkai. He sunk his poison claws into the dragon's stomach. He was very pleased when he heard the moans of the beast.

He stalked off eager to get back to Rin when he felt a sharp pain at his side. He touched his wound and looked at the blood, as if he was surprised to see that it was his.

He looked behind him to see the dragon still alive. What the-? The idiotic creature should've been dead by now. No matter, he liked have a challenge. "You'll pay for doing that." He said in a deadly voice. He ran to the dragon youkai at full speed. He was about to give him another taste of his poison claws when he dodged it.

He then noticed 5 Jewell shards embedded into it's wing. No wonder the idiot was fast. He then felt another pain on his side. He looked down only to see more blood spilling out of his wound.


"Well, well, well. Looks like it's my lucky day today. I get to have 5 Jewell Shards, and I get to finish my brother off." Inuyasha said triumphantly. "Inuyasha concentrate at the task at hand!" Kagome shouted at him. Sesshoumaru looked up from where he was. The miko, he could only admit this to himself but she was lovely. To bad she was his brother's wench. "Kagome! Where the hell are those shards?" Inuyasha asked dodging the attacks that the dragon threw at him.

She looked over at the dragon. She saw them. "There on his wing." Kagome responded. She looked over at Sesshoumaru. He was badly injured. She started walking towards him when he sped off to attack the dragon. The dragon saw him coming and without effort sent Sesshoumaru flying.

Sesshoumaru moaned in pain. Kagome rushed to Sesshoumaru's aide. Inuyasha looked at them out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but feel jealous the way Kagome was feeling his brother. How dare he! He looked over at his brother, he was smiling. The jerk was enjoying being touched by her. He wanted to shove Tetsusaiga down his throat for touching what belongs to him.

He took his anger out on the dragon. He unsheathed Tetsusaiga and with one swing of the sword, the dragon was in half. He took the 5 Jewell Shards that were embedded in his wing. He turned towards Kagome to give to her.

"Here Kagome, the 5 Jewell Shards" He said handing her the shards. Kagome looked up, she took the shards from his hand. "Arrigato Inuyasha" She placed them with the other shards. The Jewell was almost complete. Therefore nearing the end of Naraku.

"Now, to finish you off Sesshoumaru." He swung Tetsusaiga over his head. He was about to bring it down when, he heard the word he dreaded most.


This was it then, he was going to die at the mercy of his stupid hanyou brother. "Sit Inuyasha!" -BOOM-

He smiled to himself. This wasn't the end of him yet.


"Bitch what did you do that for?" Inuyasha glared at Kagome. Good question. Why did she do that? Sesshoumaru was one of their worst and biggest enemies ever. "Why the fuck did you save his life for wench? Have you forgotten that he tried to kill you the first time you met him? Or do I have to remind you again?" Inuyasha was now glaring daggers at her. She could care less now.

"Watch your mouth Inuyasha!" She told the hanyou. "He's injured, he's going with us to camp so that I can aide him to get better. If you have a problem with that. Go find Kikyou. I'm sure she would just love to be next to you." She told the hanyou. She obviously was pissed off.

Inuyasha was just standing there shocked. "Well what are you standing there for? Are you going to help me or not?" She looked questioningly at him. "Feh" Inuyasha said annoyed with her. And partly hurt that she told him to go find Kikyou, when she knew he only wanted to be with her.

"Here Kagome-chan, let's put him on Kirara so we could take him to Kaede's village." Sango said. She looked up at her friend grateful. She and Sango had a bit of trouble trying to lift up Sesshoumaru. Boy he was heavy! It did help that he did try to walk to Kirara.

"Why are you helping me miko?" He asked once he was on Kirara's back. "Because you are injured Sesshoumaru-sama." She answered him. She started walking when she got tired. So she jumped on Kirara's back near where Sesshoumaru was.

Once they got to the village, she started looking for herbs to aide Sesshoumaru. Once she gathered all the things she needed, and went back to Sesshoumaru he was already asleep. Poor thing, he must've been tired.

Whoa. Rewind, what did she just say? Was she being sympathetic to the taiyoukai who tried to kill her more then once? She couldn't be. She was only sympathetic towards him because he had been badly injured. Yeah, that's why she's being like this towards him.

Where are Rin and Jaken? They were usually with him. It didn't matter now, what mattered was him getting better.


Ow, why is my body in so much pain? He then recalled the events of last night. He remembered the miko who saved him from the clutches of his brother. He was thankful to her that she had stopped the stupid twit from killing him.

He touched his wound, and noticed that it has been bandage. The miko did this. He was in debt to her. He smelt something. The smell was tingling his nose. "Hey, your up." He looked up too see the miko smiling down at him sweetly.

"What is your name?" He asked her

"Kagome Higurashi." Kagome said uneasily.

"Kagome" The name just rolled off his tongue. He liked it

"The name suits you." He told her. He saw her blush.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama." She said.

He watched her get up from where she was sitting, and walk over to the others. He watch her take a bowl and fill up with some sort of substance. She then walked over to where he was. "Here try this Sesshoumaru-sama, you need to eat." Kagome told him. He looked at her, he took the bowl from her hands reluctantly. She giggled a bit. "Don't worry Sesshoumaru-sama, I'm not trying to poison you." She said quite amused by his antics. He sniffed the bowl, not smelling any poison. He ate it. Damn, this was good! He ate more. Kagome looked relieved. After he was done eating he gave Kagome the bowl. "What was that stuff that I ate?" He asked her curiously. "That 'stuff' is called Ramen." She told him

"Ramen?" He asked curiously. "Yupp, there noodles. There Inuyasha's favourite." She told him. There my half-brother's favourite? YUCK! And I just ate some of it too.


She saw the frown he made when she told him that Ramen was one of Inuyasha's favourite food. She laughed, of course he would think that. He disliked his brother. Though I think that it's quite odd that two people that are related to each other hated each other that much. Sure her and Souta fought, but she still loved her brother no matter what.

"Sesshoumaru-same, it's time for me to re-bandage your wound." She told him shyly. She had gotten Kaede to bandage him. And now Kaede was nowhere in sight to bandage the taiyoukai. So she had no choice but to bandage the Lord of the Western Lands herself. She sighed heavily. She took Sesshoumaru by the hand and led him to the hut to bandage him.

"Where are you taking him wench?" She flinched at the sound of the name that Inuyasha gave her. "To bandage him, you have a problem with that?" She asked the hanyou that was sitting on his favourite tree. The idiot had nerve. She led Sesshoumaru into the hut. Kaede wasn't going to be spending her nights her for a couple of days. She had to go help the neighbouring village with something. She did not remember what it was. She told Sesshoumaru to sit down. And to her surprise, he obeyed her by sitting down on her futon.

She carefully took off his armour. Dammit, this thing is heavy. Once she took it off she carefully placed it beside her. She then took off the top of his kimono. She saw his firmly built chest. She couldn't help but gasp. She so badly wanted to touch his abs, her hand reached out to touch it. Then she drew her hand back. Bad Kagome! You can't be falling for someone so soon after your heart break with Inuyasha! She looked over at Sesshoumaru. She couldn't help but notice the smirk that formed on his lips.

She took off the bloodstained bandages from his wound. She was really happy when she saw that he was healing quite nicely. She then forgot that he was taiyoukai. She got a cotton ball and some alcohol. She dabbed the alcohol onto the cotton ball. She then hesitated on rubbing his wounds with it. "Why are you stopping?" Sesshoumaru asked curiously. "This will sting a little bit." She said. "Nonsense, such a small thing like that won't hurt this Sesshoumaru." He said. "Okay." She said reluctantly. She rubbed the cotton ball on his wound. She looked up to see him wince in pain. She immediately quickened her pace on cleaning his wound. He was still wincing. He let out a low growl. "Gomen Sesshoumaru-sama, I didn't mean for it to hurt." She told him her head bowing.


She was sorry? Why would she be sorry? He nodded his head at her to show her that he wasn't mad at all. He saw her face brighten. But only to be brought back to a frown. She started touching his arm. Or where his arm once was. Thanks to Inuyasha it was only a stub. He wanted to get back at Inuyasha for it.

"Gomen for this too Sesshoumaru-sama" Kagome said, he could tell that she was sincere. "It's alright, it wasn't your fault." He told her. She smiled at him. He wasn't expecting her next action. She kissed him on his cheek. "Get well soon Sesshoumaru-sama. And make sure to get some rest now. I'll be back later, I have to help the others clean up okay?" He merely nodded. He saw her walk out of the hut. The kimono she was wearing was slightly odd. He wasn't complaining though. It showed her long slim legs. Not to mention she was really pretty. That helped her looks. Whoa. Where did that come from? He couldn't be talking about her like that. She was a HUMAN! Surely the Lord of the Western Lands could not mate with a human.


I could feel my blood boiling. She had kissed her brother on the cheek! Why did she? She knew that she belonged to him. Didn't that promise mean anything to her at all? I promised her something. And it obviously didn't mean anything to her. He saw her walk out of the hut. He jumped off the tree. He was going to have a talk with his ugh.. Hmm? Mate? Well whatever you call her at this point.

"Where are you going my friend?" Oh great! Just what I needed, a meddling monk. "What do you want Miroku?" He asked irritated. This was only going to slow him down from talking to Kagome. "I only came to talk to you about Kagome." Miroku said. Inuyasha looked at him, he looked serious. "Well I was going to go talk to her now before you so rudely butted in!" He exclaimed, he was getting annoyed. "Well you can talk to her later because I need to have a talk with you first, and it's very important." Miroku said sounding persistent. "Okay monk, what do you want from me?" He said giving up. "Well, Sango told me something about Kagome. Apparently she saw you and Kikyou together. She claims that you kissed Kikyou. And with her seeing you do this she says that you have broken her promise to her. Because you also promised Kikyou that you would go to hell with her did you not? And she feels that you have chosen Kikyou over her because you told Kikyou that you would surely go to hell with her." Miroku stated bluntly.

She saw me and Kikyou kissing? How could she, I would've smelt her scent. But wait, I did and I dismissed it because I didn't see her. No wonder! That's why she told me to go find Kikyou. "I have to go talk to her. I have to explain to her-" He was cut off by Miroku. "I'm afraid that's not possible my friend. For she has given up on you. She has endured to much pain from you my friend. All those times that she's seen you with Kikyou and I'm guessing this is the last straw. For if it wasn't, she wouldn't have told Sango that she has given up on you." Miroku told him.

"No, Miroku your wrong! She won't leave me now. Not after I made that promise to her." He said confidently. "Aaahh, but that does not matter to Kagome any more. Because to her you have already broken the promise to her. By still going to hell with Kikyou." Miroku said, his voice had sympathy in it. "NO! I have not broken the promise to her!" He said. He couldn't have, could he? "Yes my friend you did. Because you promised Kagome-chan that you would stay by her side forever, and never leave it to be with Kikyou. And that promise also meant that you couldn't go to hell with Kikyou." Miroku explained.

He felt like his whole world was plummeting down into the centre of the earth. How could he have been so stupid? He just lost the only person he cared about so much in the whole entire world.

"I'm not going to let that happen Miroku. I'm going to explain everything to her. And she won't ever leave me again." He told the monk. He ran off towards Kagome, where she and Sango were talking. "Kagome please forgive me, I didn't know that the promise also meant that I couldn't go to hell with Kikyou." he said with pleading eyes.


"Inuyasha please. Stop that whining. It's irritating. And you brought it upon yourself. Because if you actually took the time to understand what the promise meant, we wouldn't be having this conversation. It hurt me that you would choose someone who was barely even alive. You broke your promise Inuyasha." She stated blankly to him. It hurt her to say that. But she had to. She just couldn't say that it didn't matter to her and that he was forgiven. Though she did love him with all her heart, she didn't want him like this. She didn't want him anymore. She didn't want him anymore because he broke his promise to her. And the fact that he didn't understand it hurt her even more.

"I'm sorry Kagome, for breaking the promise. I didn't mean too. Honest!" Inuyasha looked at her with puppy dog eyes. "Please Inuyasha, I know where my place is. You obviously can't forget about her. I'm okay with it. I'm okay with you being with her. I've learned to accept it. Because I'm use to seeing you two together. After the first couple incidents, I began getting insecure if I was ever going to be with you. And I realize now that I'm never going to." She told him. "But Kagome, please I didn't mean it, I just-" She raised her hand signalling him to stop. "Inuyasha I have made a decision about something. Sango and I were just talking about it. Though she doesn't agree with my decision she's still letting me do it." She told him. Well then, here it goes. She was going to tell him. "I've decided to…" She started off.

[End Chapter 2]

HAHAHA! Cliffy (= Please R&R

Ja ne! ^-^