InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Away From You ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author Notes: Okay I got reviews from people saying that I'm a fool or that I'm stupid for ending "I want to be close". So in order to please you people, I will continue the story. I'll update the next chapter after I'm done with this chapter. Also I'm working on a new story called "Through time and Space". I'm not going to tell you the pairing because all of you will think that I have gone insane. Also, I'm working on another story called "The likes of you." Nope not telling the pairing. Enjoy this chapter. It's starting off with Inu's point of view.

Chapter 3: Away From You

"I'll tell you what I've decided in the morning Inuyasha. Because the decision I've made has not been confirmed." Kagome said to Inuyasha. "What? NO! I demand that you tell me right now!" He exclaimed. I can't wait that long. I have to know now. Or I will go insane tonight.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha. But you have to find out in the morning." Kagome told him. And with that, she walked away from him.


She couldn't tell Inuyasha now. Firstly she hasn't even asked Sesshoumaru yet. She didn't even know what the taiyokai would say. Let alone his reaction. Oh my gosh, how in the world did she get herself into this mess anyways? She wanted out, but knew she couldn't. She had to stay here, to at least to finish collecting the Shikon No Tama Jewel.

But she knew she couldn't do it with Inuyasha. She had to get away from him. She didn't want to collect the jewel shards with him, not right now anyways. She wasn't ready. She stepped into the hut, she looked over to where Sesshoumaru slept. He was sleeping peacefully. She smiled contently, he looked like an angel sleeping.

She went over to the futon next to him quietly, she didn't want to wake him up. She was going to ask him her question tomorrow morning. And her future, whether she wanted to believe it or not, rested with Sesshoumaru's answer. As she seated herself on the futon, she heard someone moving. She looked over to where Sesshoumaru was, she saw him sit up. "Sesshoumaru-sama, why are you up?" she asked him confused. He should be resting after the injury that he had. "I heard someone moving around the hut, I thought it was Inuyasha. But I saw you instead." Sesshoumaru said. "Oh." was all she said. She was blushing. Could I have been that noisy? She looked at Sesshoumaru lying back down on the futon. Maybe she should ask him the question now. Okay, she would ask him now.

"Sesshoumaru-sama could I ask you a question. Or rather a favour?" She asked him. "What do you want?" He said. She took a deep breath, it was now or never. She would ask him the question. And hopefully, he'll agree. Oh Kami please let him agree.


"Miko, you asked a question of me?" He asked again. He didn't like to be kept waiting. "Huh? Oh yeah the question." She said. Apparently she was deep in thought. "Sesshoumaru-sama, I can no longer continue my quest with Inuyasha to find the rest of the Shikon Jewel.-" "Why can you not continue your quest with Inuyasha? Did he not promise you that he would stay by your side?" Though he couldn't blame anyone for wanting to walk out on his stupid brother. "That's the thing, he broke his promise to me. I saw him with Kikyou, and he..well.." Kagome stopped. He could tell that she was hesitant on telling him.

He could clearly see that Inuyasha did something rash and stupid. He couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Her face in the moonlight looked so beautiful. He would've slapped himself for what he just thought. He couldn't think like that, especially since she's nothing but a mere HUMAN. "I see that you clearly don't want to tell me what happened. I can clearly see that my insolent brother did something rash for you to not want to continue your quest with him. So just ask your question miko." he told her bluntly. "Okay. Sesshoumaru-sama, since I can not continue my quest with Inuyasha, I was wondering…"


He was restless. He couldn't sleep, what was the decision she made? Please Kami, she can't leave me. Not now. But he wouldn't blame her if she did decide to leave him. He couldn't believe that he was that stupid. Fuck Kikyou, he didn't need her bullshit right now. He knew that if he saw her again, she would be fighting to be back in his arms. And he would give in once again. That would only happen if, if Kagome left him.

He wouldn't be able to stand himself she left his side. He looked through the hut, he could see Kagome and Sesshoumaru talking. He watched Kagome give Sesshoumaru a smile, and then a hug, and then a kiss on the cheek. He felt his blood boil. I'll be damned if she leaves with that idiot. She wouldn't leave him for his brother, not after he tried to kill her countless times. That satisfied him. If she did leave him, he knew very well that she wouldn't go for his brother. And with that thought he went to sleep.


"Sango my love, could you possibly tell me what Kagome's decision is?" Miroku asked. He was starting to get on her nerves. "No, for the hundredth time Miroku it is not my place to tell you." She answered exasperated. "Please love?" He asked once more but in a voice that was so cute. "No. Go to bed, you'll find out in the morning. For I do not know what her decision maybe." She answered. This was true. She did not know whether or not Sesshoumaru was going to accept Kagome's offer.

"How can you not know when you two were discussing it a few moments ago?" He asked curiously. This obviously confused him by the look on his face. "Go to bed Miroku, you'll find out in the morning." She got up to put out the fire. "Wait, Sango would you want to sleep outside? It's a very beautiful night." Miroku asked. She looked up above her. He was right, the stars were out shining ever so beautifully.

"Of course I would want to sleep outside." She told him. "But I still think it would be best to put out the fire."


She awoke to the sounds of the birds chirping. It was morning, and she had to give her decision to the rest of the group. She knew that they were going to be crushed by her decision. But before she told them, she had to go to her mother and tell her that plans have changed. And that she wasn't going to collect the rest of the jewel shards with Inuyasha. She got up, wrote a quick note on a piece of paper and left it by the entrance to the hut.

"Miko, where do you think your going?" She groaned. "Sesshoumaru-sama your up." She said uneasily. How could she tell him that she lived 500 years in the future? "Where do you think your off to?" He asked curiously. "Uhm, I'm going home to tell my mother about what we had discussed last night." She told him, hopefully he would buy it. Well he should. It was the truth anyways, well part of the truth. "Where's your village miko?" He asked again. Geeze, does he need to know everything. "I don't live in a village." Well, she at least told him the truth.

She saw him raise a brow at her. He looked cute when he did that. Whoa, Kagome stop right there. You can't be thinking like that, not after your heartbreak with Inuyasha. Or could she? "What do you mean you don't live in a village?" Sesshoumaru's icy cold voice broke through her thoughts. "Ugh.uhm…" She couldn't tell him. He would think she's weird or something. "Are you planning to stand there and stare at me miko or tell me what you meant by not living in a village?" He asked her. She saw him get up and move closer to her. "Well, Ilive500yearsaheadinthefuture" She said rushed, hoping that he wouldn't catch a word of what she had said. But she was sadly mistaken.

"I see. Well, you can tell your mother about the current events later because I can see that my brother is awake." He told her silently.


He could see the displeasured look on the miko's face and could tell that she wished that Inuyasha was sleeping. He moved closer to her and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up against him. He could smell her scent. Wild roses with a hint of Jasmine in them. She smelt beautifully. And it did help that she was beautiful as well. He felt himself press his lips against hers. He immediately pulled back.

That was a rash and stupid thing for him to do. She pulled away from his grip on her waste. "Come on Sesshoumaru-sama, I think it's time that I tell the other's my decision. And I suspect that Inuyasha will not be pleased about my decision." She said trying to forget about what had just happened. She was about to walk through the entrance of the hut when something stopped her. "Sesshoumaru-sama I forgot to change your bandages." She said. "It's okay miko, I'm fine." He said trying to reassure her that she did not need to change his bandages. "You most certainly are not Sesshoumaru-sama. Your bandages need to be changed." She said and she grabbed his hand and made him sit back down on the futon.

"Surely you are not stalling miko?" He asked her and a smirk appeared on his face. He saw her blush. He could see that she wasn't that ready to tell her friends what her decision was. He never had any real friends, she was lucky that she had a lot of people that cared about her. He never knew anyone that cared about him, besides his mother. He found himself being jealous of the miko, she had people that cared about her. He never had anyone care about him besides his mother. "Sesshoumaru-sama, when I tell my friends my decision can I hold your hand? It's not that I like you or anything, it's just that I'm a little bit scared telling them." She said uneasily. He saw her turn a couple shades of red. He ALMOST smiled at her antics. "Okay." He told her. Whoa. He actually let her? He did feel sorry for her, she has been through his half-brother's wrath. That would be a good enough reason he thought.


"Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama!" She said excitedly. "But before I tell them, I still have to re-bandage you." She said seriously. She took off the upper part of his kimono. She saw his well built abs. She wanted to touch them, her hand was almost near them, but then she stopped her self. Bad Kagome! Stay on the task at hand. She took out the bandages that she put on the night before. She took a look at them. She was glad to see that the wounds were healed. "Sesshoumaru-sama, your wounds are healed." She said with a giggle. "Well then, instead of stalling you better go and tell your friends what your decision is." He said. "Okay, but remember you said that I could hold your hand." She said happily.

She walked out of the hut with Sesshoumaru right behind her. She looked around and could see that Sango, and Miroku were still sleeping. She looked up at Inuyasha in his tree. He's still sleeping, good she didn't have to tell him now. "Sesshoumaru-sama, since the rest are still sleeping let's eat breakfast." She told him and went over to gather the things she needed to make breakfast.

She went back to where Sesshoumaru was sitting. "Here Sesshoumaru-sama, eat this." She said handing him a bowl of porridge she brought back from her time. He took the bowl from her and ate one spoonful. What he's thinking it's not poison. She guessed that he liked it because he kept eating more. She was happy that he liked it and sat beside him and ate her bowl of porridge. When they were done she saw Sango and Miroku get up and Inuyasha jump down from the tree. "Momma, are you gonna tell us your decision now?" Shippou asked her when he came running out of the bushes. "Yes I am going to tell you guys my decision now." She told him taking a deep breath and standing up. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sesshoumaru stand up. She quickly grabbed his hand and tangled her fingers with his.

"What is your decision Kagome?" Inuyasha asked her softly. "Inuyasha, I can no longer collect the Jewel Shards with you. You broke your promise to me, and that hurt. I told you time after time that I love you. And you said the same back. But obviously you didn't mean it if you went out and started kissing Kikyou.-" "But I do love you Ka-" She raised her hand that wasn't occupied by Sesshoumaru's to silence him. " I will still collect the rest of the Shikon Shards, but not with you. I've decided to take upon another guardian. One who I know won't break his promise." She said. Should she tell them that it was.. "Kagome, can you please tell us who your new guardian is?" Miroku asked curiously.

"My new guardian is Sesshoumaru." She said kind of softly hoping that no one heard her but she was sadly mistaken when she heard Inuyasha scream in frustration. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANT MY STUPID FUCKING BROTHER TO BE YOUR DAMN ASS GUARDIAN?" Inuyasha screamed his face all red. "Because I asked him to. Inuyasha if you didn't break the promise this wouldn't have happened. You put me through enough heartbreak since we met, and I can't take it anymore. I just need to get away from you. Sorry if I hurt you Inuyasha, but I for once need to do what is best for me. And what is best for me is to not be near you for a while. I don't need to be reminded of the heartbreak. You'll always have a place in my heart Inuyasha, but this has to end here. I'm sorry for leaving you like this." She said, she was near to tears. But she wouldn't cry, she cried enough tears for him. She didn't need to cry anymore.


He couldn't believe his ears. She was leaving him? For his BROTHER? She can't leave with Sesshoumaru. Can she? No! She can't leave me. "Please Kagome, don't leave! Kikyou doesn't mean anything to me! You mean more to me than she ever will! Please! Stay with me!" He said. She has to stay with me.

"I'm sorry Inuyasha, but the fact that you broke my promise it hurts. Not only that you said that you will go to hell with Kikyou. I didn't want to believe it when you said you would. But I had to. Reality has to come into play in this relationship sooner or later. And it's sooner rather then later. I knew I couldn't take the place of Kikyou. She still has your heart Inuyasha." Kagome said looking down at her feet. He noticed that her and Sesshoumaru were holding hands. He looked up at his brother. He had on his emotionless mask. But he didn't care right now. All he cared about was that Sesshoumaru was taking his Kagome away from him. The fucking bastard! How dare he? How dare he take away his Kagome?

"You bastard! Sesshoumaru! I bet you had something to do with this!" He raised his claws and was about to slice apart his brother's good for nothing face when Kagome stood in front of him. "NO INUYASHA! Sesshoumaru had nothing to do with my decision." She said her arms spread out protectively in front of him. "Inuyasha, it's pretty clear that I'm just a friend to you. And I don't want to be a fool chasing after you ever so often. I need to get away from all the pain that you caused me. And nothing you or anyone else says is going to stop me." She said. That last part hurt him. It hurt him bad. I got a taste of my own medicine.


"Momma, can you please take me with you." Shippou asked. She looked down at her 'son'. "Of course hon. I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come." She said. She looked over to Sesshoumaru giving him a 'please let him come with us' look, he nodded. She was about to give him a hug when Shippou jumped into arms. She hugged the little kitsune. He was the only reason for her happiness on this new journey with Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome-chan, please re-consider your decision" Sango pleaded her. It was already heartbreaking. "Sango, I can't. This is what I need to do. I'm sorry but please understand." Kagome said moving forward to give her friend a hug. "We'll see each other soon okay?" She said trying to comfort her friend. "Okay." Sango said giving her a smile. "Miroku, take care of Sango for me okay?" She said to the monk. He's been silent for quite a long time. "Okay Kagome-chan." He said giving her a smile as well. "Good-bye Inuyasha, please understand." She said giving him a smile. "Please Kagome…" He started off. "I'm sorry Inu-kun, I have to go." She said placing a kiss on his cheek. "Shippou let's go." She said looking around for him. She put him down to let him say good-bye to Kirara. She smiled as she saw him running towards her Kirara coming right behind. She bent down to say goodbye to the cat demon. "Good-bye Kirara. I'll see you sometime okay?" She said, nuzzling her. She got up and walked beside Sesshoumaru. But not before giving Sango half of the Jewel of the half that they have already collected. "Are you ready to go?" Sesshoumaru asked. That was the first thing he said since this whole ordeal started.

"Yup, all ready." She said as Shippou jumped into her awaiting arms. Before she knew it they were up in the clouds. On Sesshoumaru's little cloud thing. She didn't know what it was called. "Before we embark on this journey we have to gather Jaken and Rin. And I believe you wanted to tell your mother about the change of plans?" Sesshoumaru said to her. "Okay. So where are Rin and Jaken?" She asked curiously. "At my castle, on the Western Lands." He said. Oh Yeah, he was the Lord of the Western Lands. She had forgotten about it.

She looked past the tall trees and saw an enormous beautiful castle. She stared at it wide-eyed. Sesshoumaru seemed to notice it to because he smirked at her. "See that Kagome? That is my castle." He told her proudly.

[.End Chapter.]

Okay. Please review (= sorry if this chapter sucked but I got impatient with it.