InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Room Arrangements ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 5: Room Arrangements

"Sorry Sesshoumaru-sama, I will tell the servants right away to prepare a room for the little kitsune." Jaken squeaked. And as fast as Jaken's little legs could carry him he was off.

"Ugh, Sesshoumaru-sama? We're sharing a room?" Kagome whispered.

Sesshoumaru looked over to the shocked miko next to him. Without saying anything he walked down the hallway, only to be stopped by a loud scream. "SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!" Rin screamed latching herself onto his leg. Sesshoumaru mentally sighed to himself. 'What Kami wants to see me in hell?' he thought.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, Rin missed you so much," Rin said still hanging on to Sesshoumaru's leg as Kagome and Shippou made their way over to them.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, who is the little girl?" Kagome asked curiously. Looking at the little girl clinging on to Sesshoumaru's leg. Rin looked up to look at Kagome. 'She's pretty,' Rin thought.

"Hi! My name is Rin. Rin thinks that your pretty. Will you be-" "Rin, what have we talked about?" Sesshoumaru said looking at Rin as she let go of his leg. Rin thought hard before saying, "My name is Rin. Ri- I think your pretty. Will you be Rin's okaa-san?" Rin asked Kagome looking up with the cutest puppy eyes. "Rin," Sesshoumaru said looking at the girl.

"Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin asked. Then as if a light bulb went on in her head. "Will you be my okaa-san?" Rin asked again.

Kagome paled as Rin asked the question a second time. 'What if she's Sesshoumaru's child? Wait, she's human…' Kagome thought to herself before responding. "Hi Rin, I'm Kagome, Shippou's okaa-san," she said pointing to Shippou who was on her shoulder. "Why don't you two go play with Jaken, and when you two come back I'll have a surprise for the both of you," Kagome said putting Shippou down. 'First I have to find out why Sesshoumaru's making share a room with him,' she thought.

"Okay Kagome-nee-chan," Rin said grabbing Shippou's hand. "Bye okaa-san!" Shippou screamed as he and Rin ran off to find Jaken.

"Sesshoumaru-sama why are we--" Kagome stopped talking only to find that she was talking to herself. She looked up ahead only to find that Sesshoumaru was already turning the corner. 'What a JERK!' she thought before sprinting to catch up with him.

When she did, she walked in front of him and putting her hand out, as if telling him to stop. He did just that, while Kagome was catching her breath.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, what did you mean when you told Jaken that I was to sleep in your chambers?" She asked looking at him.

"Just what I meant, your sleeping in my chambers," Sesshoumaru said moving to keep on going. "WHAT?!?!" Kagome said outraged and maybe a bit too loud since Sesshoumaru winced. "Sorry for being loud Sesshoumaru-sama, but I can't sleep in your chambers!" Kagome said stomping her foot.

"And why not?" Sesshoumaru asked getting annoyed at the miko.

"Because, I'm not your mate! And I don't want to!" Kagome said frustrated at the taiyoukai.

"Trust me human, I don't want you to be my mate," Sesshoumaru said disgusted. 'Why would she bring that nasty thought up?' he mentally asked himself.

"Then why am I sleeping in your chambers?" Kagome demanded more then asked.

"Because as long as you under my protection your to be near me at ALL times," Sesshoumaru said.

"Well why isn't Rin sleeping in your chambers?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Rin sleeps in the room next to my chambers," Sesshoumaru stated.

"Well how come I can't sleep in my own room?" Kagome asked.

"In about one weeks time, I will permit you to sleep in your own chambers," Sesshoumaru said.

"Really? OH THANK YOU SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!" Kagome exclaimed giving the taiyoukai a hug. 'Now why am I hugging Sesshoumaru for?' she mentally asked herself. 'Oh well, he is pretty cute.'

"Human, release me this instant," Sesshoumaru demanded. 'Though I don't mind her scent,'

"Nope! Not until you say my name, and it's not 'miko' or 'human'," Kagome said annoyed still hanging on to Sesshoumaru's waist.

Sesshoumaru fought the urge to sigh. "Kagome, release me this instant," Sesshoumaru said again but replaced 'human' with 'Kagome'. This seemed to satisfy Kagome so she let go.

"Now that wasn't that hard now was it?" Kagome said teasing Sesshoumaru a little bit. All Sesshoumaru did was quirk an eyebrow.

"Miko, come," Sesshoumaru ordered. Calling Kagome 'miko' knowing that it would annoy her, smirking when he heard her sigh.

"My name is Kagome, Sesshoumaru-sama. Ka-go-me," She said as she followed him. "Sesshoumaru are you listening to me?" Kagome asked. Leaving out 'sama' because he wasn't paying attention to her.

"What is it Kagome?" Sesshoumaru said. Finally giving in as long as it can give him some piece and quiet. "Well, at least you can say my name now," Kagome retorted.

"Where am I going to sleep?" Kagome said looking around. 'Wow it's beautiful,' Kagome thought as she was looking around. Inside Sesshoumaru's room was a HUGE bed, that could probably hold his true form. His sheets were made of midnight blue silk. And their was a dog portrait above the bed. Followed by a portrait of a little Sesshoumaru and a woman with midnight blue tresses, and a male with silver hair that looked a bit like Sesshoumaru. 'Wow, they must be his parents,' Kagome thought.

"Sesshoumaru-sama!" Jaken called for his master as he slid the shoji door opened.

"What is it Jaken?" Sesshoumaru asked as he sat down on his bed.

"Ayah, has returned from the Eastern Lands," Jaken said. "Sorry Sesshoumaru-sama but I have to go now. Those children are chasing me," Jaken said before he ran off. "Jaken-sama! Where are you?! Rin and Shippou have a surprise for you!" Rin said running down the halls giggling with Shippou right beside her.

Sesshoumaru shook his head. 'Someday that toad will die because of Rin,' he thought to himself.

"Sesshoumaru, I have re- Oh, sorry Sesshoumaru I didn't know that you had company in here," a woman inu-youkai said at the front door. Kagome looked over to where the voice was coming from.

"Ayah, it's fine. Come inside," Sesshoumaru said beckoning Ayah to come forward.

"Kagome come here," Sesshoumaru said to Kagome who was still looking at Ayah.

Kagome walked over to where Sesshoumaru and Ayah were. "What do you want Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked annoyed that he didn't answer her question. Ayah had a shocked expression on his face. But his her smile. 'Maybe this woman, could melt Sesshoumaru's heart.'

"Kagome, this is Ayah, one of my generals. Ayah, this is Kagome, she is the wielder of the Shikon No Tama Jewel, and a miko," Sesshoumaru said. "Hi Ayah," Kagome said smiling at her. "Hi miko-sama, please to meet you," Ayah said bowing. "Please just call me Kagome and not that miko-sama stuff," Kagome said smiling and returning the bow.

"Alright," Ayah said looking over to Sesshoumaru for his look of approval. Sesshoumaru incline his head. "Sesshoumaru you still didn't answer my question!" Kagome exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest.

"Slide the shoji door on the left wall," Sesshoumaru answered with an annoyed look. Ayah just chuckled. 'Yes, I could see these two as a couple, though the name Kagome is slightly disturbing to me. I'll discuss this with Sesshoumaru.'

Kagome did as Sesshoumaru told her. She opened the shoji door on the left wall, and gasped when she saw the contents of the room. Ayah gasped too, 'Only Sesshoumaru's mate is suppose to sleep on the left shoji door.'

"Sesshoumaru is this where I'm to sleep?" Kagome asked looking over to Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru just nodded his head. Kagome squealed, earning glares from Ayah and Sesshoumaru. "Woops, that's right, your hearing is sensitive, sorry about that," Kagome said as she ran to give Sesshoumaru and Ayah a hug. "What was that for?" Sesshoumaru asked. "Well, the hug for you and Ayah was to say sorry for hurting your ears and this is for the room and being my new guardian," Kagome said as she kissed Sesshoumaru on the cheek, blushing when her lips came in contact with his skin.

She then went off to where her room is and closed the shoji door. "Well, it seems that you've got your work cut out for yourself," Ayah said chuckling. Sesshoumaru just raised an eyebrow.

"What happened in the Eastern Lands Ayah?" Sesshoumaru asked as he made his way to his desk. "Well, everything is the same. And Lord Aye is still the same. Moping around his castle, fingering pictures of his mate and daughter," Ayah said eyeing Sesshoumaru curiously.

"Sesshoumaru, do you find it a coincidence that Lord Aye's daughter's name is Kagome and the miko in your 'supposed mate's bedroom' has the same name," Ayah said. Sesshoumaru instantly looked up. "I never thought of that Ayah, I do not know what to make of that. But it couldn't be Lord Aye's daughter because she's from 500 years in the future," Sesshoumaru said.

Ayah's eyes went wide. "Lord Aye was telling me a story about that! He said that deep in Inuyasha's forest, there lay a well, and that well could take you 500 years in the future," Ayah said walking around Sesshoumaru's bedroom.

"Now this really is starting become a little strange," Sesshoumaru said thoughtfully. "Do you think Lady Maya possibly went down that well?" Sesshoumaru asked the female inu-youkai who was now pacing around his room.

"It is a possibility," Ayah said.

"No, I don't that Lord Aye is Kagome's father, because she told me that her father left when she was 3 years old. And she also said that her father walked out on them because he cheated on Kagome's mother," Sesshoumaru said.

"Now this really is a tizzy," Ayah replied.

"Hey you guys what are you talking about?" Kagome said as she came out of her room that attached to Sesshoumaru's.

"Kagome, what's your mother's name?" Ayah asked curiously.

"My mother's name is Maya," Kagome replied. At the sound of Kagome's mother's name Ayah paled and Sesshoumaru's eyes widened just a little and then changed back.

"And what is your father's name?" Ayah asked again. Kagome eyed Sesshoumaru and Ayah curiously. 'Why are they asking such strange questions?' Kagome asked herself. 'Oh well, maybe they just want to know out of curiosity,' Kagome thought.

"My father's name is Aye," Kagome said flopping herself onto Sesshoumaru's bed. Sesshoumaru growled. Kagome thought that he growled because she was on his bed. But that didn't stop Kagome from moving to the centre.

"Kagome, get off my bed," Sesshoumaru demanded. "No," came the instant reply. "It's soft, and comfy. I like it," Kagome said giggling.

Ayah was still processing the information Kagome gave her. 'Wait a minute, Lord Aye said that he had a son,' Ayah went back to pacing. 'Oh, what is his name again…that's it! It's Souta!' Ayah tapped into Sesshoumaru's thoughts.

'Lord Sesshoumaru!' Ayah said 'What is so important that you had to go into my head?' Sesshoumaru asked growling. 'Ask her if she has any siblings. If she has a brother, and his name is Souta. Then I'm positive that she could be Lord Aye's daughter!' Ayah exclaimed. 'Fine, but I'm only asking because Lord Aye is an ally.'

"Kagome, do you have any siblings?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"Yup!" came the reply of Kagome jumping on Sesshoumaru's bed, singing. "Up were bubbling up! Way up!"

"Stop that singing!" Sesshoumaru demanded. "What is your brother's name?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"His name is Souta!" Kagome said who was now singing, "I'm a little tea-pot short and stout, here is my handle here is my spout."

Ayah was giggling at Kagome's actions until she heard the name of Kagome's brother. 'Could she possibly be Lord Aye's daughter?'

Kagome stopped jumping. "I'm going to go check on the children! Oh and Sesshoumaru I was hoping maybe tomorrow we could go tell mamma about the changes?" Kagome asked.

"Okay Kagome. We'll see your mother tomorrow than," Sesshoumaru said as he made his way to the bed. "Sesshoumaru help me get down!" Kagome said as she made her way over to Sesshoumaru. "You can get down yourself," Sesshoumaru said standing at the foot of the bed. "Sesshou-kun, give me your hand," Kagome said. 'Is she on something?' Sesshoumaru asked himself.

"Sesshoumaru! I said give me your hand!" Kagome demanded stomping her feet as if she were a little child. Sesshoumaru gave in. He gave Kagome his clawed hand. Kagome took Sesshoumaru's hand, and jumped on him sending him to the ground at the unexpected impact.

Ayah was laughing her head off. 'Impressive, the little woman sent the tall, built, muscular tai to the ground.'

"Hah! That's what you get for making me wait, and for not answering my question the first time," Kagome said acting like a five year old.

"Any ways Sesshoumaru, I have to go give the children their surprise," She said giving Sesshoumaru a peck on the cheek and an Eskimo kiss before leaving. 'Chocolate's good!' Kagome thought as she exited the tai's bedroom.

Kagome was about half way down the hall when she realized that she gave Sesshoumaru a kiss on the cheek and an Eskimo kiss. 'Oh crap, what if he thinks I lost my sanity? I better go back and…wait a minute, how do I get back into my room? Do I go to Sesshoumaru's room and then to mine?' Kagome made her way back to Sesshoumaru's chambers.

Ayah was still laughing at the tai as he got up. "Well, that was interesting. I better make sure to tell Lords and Ladies of the other lands," Ayah said smirking at Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru was now glaring daggers at her.

"Sesshoumaru-sama," Kagome said as she poked her head through the door.

Sesshoumaru fought the urge to groan.

"What is it?" He asked her. "Is there any other way to enter my room besides the one way I know?" She asked him.

"No there is no other way," Sesshoumaru said. Kagome sighed. 'Figures.'

"Okay, bye Ayah, bye Sesshoumaru!" Kagome said as she made her way to the garden not before asking a servant where it was.

"Sesshoumaru, you two would be perfect mates," Ayah said smirking. Sesshoumaru just scowled at her.

"Do you think she can be Lord Aye's daughter?" Sesshoumaru asked changing the subject.

"It's a huge possibility," Ayah said. 'Maybe she can bring the Eastern Lord out of his depression, and maybe she can melt the icy heart of Lord Sesshoumaru.'

[End Chapter 5]

M1ss: Yay! We finished Chapter 5!

Tru: Whoopee!

Sesshou: I didn't appreciate the miko jumping on my bed.

Kagome: I sleep in his mate's room?

Tru: Don't worry, it's all part of the plot!

M1ss: Please R&R! And no flames (=

Ja Ne!