InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ The new You ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Tru: Kagome's not going to find out in this chapter. Try Chapter 10 I think..

Sesshou: Shutup and start it already!


Chapter 7: The new you

Kagome woke up, she seemed to be leaning against a very soft heated pillow. 'I'll ask Sesshoumaru if he can get more of these kinds of pillows.' Kagome thought to herself. She opened her eyes only to be staring at a pair of golden orbs. 'Sesshoumaru? What is he doing here?' Then she recalled what happened last night and how the demon lord had let her sleep with him in his bed. (A/N: not in a perverted way)

"Morning Sesshoumaru," Kagome said yawning.

"Good morning miko," Sesshoumaru said pulling her closer with his arm.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru,"


"For comforting me last night,"

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said looking at her sapphire eyes.

"I feel like I should repay you," Kagome said playing with the dagger necklace around her neck.

"Don't be a baka. You don't need to repay me," Sesshoumaru said looking at the dagger. 'Isn't that the symbol of the Eastern Lands?'

"But, I feel like I should," Kagome said looking at Sesshoumaru again.

"I already told you, you don't need to," Sesshoumaru said getting frustrated at her.

"Sesshoumaru, sit up," Kagome said getting out of Sesshoumaru's embrace and sitting on the bed.

"This Sesshoumaru, does not take any orders from anyone,"

"Sesshoumaru! Stop being a stubborn taiyoukai and sit up!" Kagome said crossing her arms over her chest. Sesshoumaru complied and sat up looking very cross at Kagome.

"Okay, close your eyes," Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome expressionless. 'She's not planning on taking advantage of me is she?' . Sesshoumaru closed his eyes hesitantly.

"Good little youkai," Kagome said teasing him. She got a growl from him. Kagome only chuckled, saying that he was kawaii whenever he did that. Sesshoumaru made a mental note never to growl in front of her ever again. Calling a taiyoukai 'a cute little youkai' was an insult to his pride.

Kagome looked at the stub on his right arm. She moved a little closer to him, so now she was currently sitting on his lap. Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow. 'What does she think she's doing?'

She placed both her hands 2 inches above the stub. She focused so that her miko powers would give him back what he deserved. She closed her eyes and started chanting an ancient spell. She read it from a stray scroll in Kaede's hut. She had memorized the spell. She kept on chanting until the spell was down. She looked down a the stub. But the stub wasn't a stub anymore, it was an arm.

"Okay Sesshou, open your eyes," Kagome said. Sesshoumaru opened his eyes. He had felt the power Kagome was spreading throughout his body. When he heard her chanting the spell, he immediately became confused. He looked at his body, everything was in it's place. His legs, his manhood, his head, his left arm, his right arm…wait RIGHT ARM?!?!?!?!? He looked over at Kagome who was smiling her ass off.

"Kagome, did you do this?" Sesshoumaru asked breathless.

"Yeah," Kagome said laughing.

"I am forever in your debt," Sesshoumaru said taking his left arm and touching his right, just to make sure his arm was really there. When it was, he did something that was so rare. He smiled. His first real smile in ages.

"Your welcome. And no you are not and my debt. And you should smile more often," Kagome said touching Sesshoumaru's arm as well.

"Yes, I am forever in your debt,"

"No your not,"

"Yes I am."


"Okay fine," Sesshoumaru gave up. But whatever Kagome said didn't change his mind. He knew that he would always be in her debt. He would have had to wait for 500 years for his arm to grow back. But he didn't need to, Kagome had preformed an ancient spell that granted him his arm. And he was so happy he never felt like this before.

"YA! I win" Kagome said as she gave Sesshoumaru a hug. Sesshoumaru was taken aback. But after a few seconds, he hugged her back, but this time. With his two arms. He couldn't believe it, this girl, this girl had turned his whole life upside down. And to repay that, she had given him his arm back. The one thing he wanted in his whole entire life. Well, that and his mother back.

They pulled away from each other. Sesshoumaru couldn't help getting lost in Kagome's sapphire eyes. And she got lost in the intensity of his amber orbs. They were slowly leaning in for a kiss. Their faces were millimetres away from each other. Kagome closed her eyes.

"SESSHOUMARU-SAMA! SESSHOUMARU-SAMA!" Jaken screamed as he opened Sesshoumaru's door. Kagome quickly got out of Sesshoumaru's lap and sat on his bed as if nothing happened.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! The Southern Lord-" Jaken started. Then started gawking at Sesshoumaru's arm.

"Milord! You have your arm back?" Jaken asked surprised and shocked.

"Yes," Sesshoumaru replied icily.

"Milord! I thought you would get it back in 500 years!" Jaken said.

"You can thank Kagome for giving me back my arm," Sesshoumaru replied standing up. 'Stupid toad.'

"Why would I thank a ningen?" Jaken scoffed.

"Jaken, is there anything else you want? Or did you just come here to insult my guest,"

"Oh yes milord! The Southern Lord and Lady are coming to visit in about one weeks time!" Jaken said.

"Is that all?"

"Yes milord,"

"Then leave," Sesshoumaru said really annoyed. Jaken quickly scurried out of the room. He didn't want to face the wrath of his master.

"Lord Sesshoumaru," Ayah said knocking on his door. When Ayah saw Kagome pulling the covers over herself she started laughing.

"Shall I come back later? Because it seems that you two are a busy," Ayah said winking at Kagome's shock face.

"No, Ayah if you wish to discuss something, you may talk now. And please take your mind out of the trash," Sesshoumaru said folding his arms.

"Sure, I just came to tell you that-" Ayah also noticed Sesshoumaru's arm was back.

"How the hell did you get that back?" Ayah asked pointing at Sesshoumaru's arm.

"Ask the miko," Sesshoumaru said sitting on the foot of his bed.

"Kagome you did this?" Ayah said lifting up Sesshoumaru's right arm.

"Yup! You like or not?" Kagome asked sitting up with the covers around her.

"Yeah! Now we're stronger!" Ayah said jumping up and down happily. She jumped on Kagome and gave her a huge bear hug.

"Please don't do that. I don't want my servants thinking that we did something last night. But then again, you two would make a lovely couple," Sesshoumaru said smirking.

"SESSHOUMARU! YOUR DEAD!" Kagome screamed and tried to jump on top of the tai but failed.

"Okay, my reason for being here is that the Eastern and Northern Lords and Lady heard that the Southern Lord and Lady are coming to visit. So there coming too," Ayah said making her way to the door.

"What?" Sesshoumaru said. "You can't be serious? Oh hell!"

"Not my problem it's yours," Ayah said closing the door behind her. Kagome took this opportunity to pounce on him since he was distracted.


"HAH! I GOT YOU!" Kagome cried happily. Her face was centimetres close to Sesshoumaru's. Kagome moved closer to him. Sesshoumaru took this opportunity to capture her lips in a kiss. Kagome was shocked to say the least. But then she started kissing him back.

Sesshoumaru didn't know that the little 'ningen' could kiss like that. His tongue licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. Kagome complied and opened her mouth. Sesshoumaru's tongue plunged in roaming around her mouth memorizing each detail. Soon their tongues started duelling.

"Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin said knocking on the door. Kagome pulled away from Sesshoumaru blushing. 'Just when things started getting better I get interrupted again.'

"What is it Rin?"

"Rin wants to know if Kagome nee-chan was up," Rin said.

"Rin I'm up sweetie!" Kagome said opening up the door to see Rin and Shippou. Shippou was smiling from ear to ear.

"Okaa-san, why do you smell like Sesshoumaru?" Shippou asked, though he already knew the answer.

"Uh, no reason," Kagome said.

"Tell me why you are here Rin," Sesshoumaru said.

"I wanted to Kagome-sama to come with Rin and Shippou to breakfast," Rin said smiling absolutely clueless to what she had just interrupted.

"Oh, is that all?" Kagome asked.

"Yes nee-chan," Rin said.

"Okay, I'll be down after I bathe," Kagome said.


Kagome started packing her stuff. Sesshoumaru had told her that they were only to stay in her time for only one night because of the visitors that were coming to greet him in a week. Kagome sighed. She remembered what happened at breakfast and really wanted to kill Ayah.


"Kagome, why do you smell like Sesshoumaru?" Shippou asked again.

"You smell like you two were having a real intense make-out session," Ayah said joking. Kagome turned two shades of red at what she just said. Ayah looked up at the red faced miko.

"Oh so you guys were?"

"N-no!" Kagome managed to get out.


--End Flashback--

Kagome sighed. 'Sesshoumaru's a really good kisser though,'

[.End Chapter 5.]

m1ss: Short I know. But I'm not really in the mood to write a long chapter

Tru: We promise you that when Kagome finds out. That it's going to be a long chapter.

Ja Ne!