InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Is It really You? ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

m1ss: New Chapter!

Tru: Here Sesshoumaru finds out what really happened 14 years ago when Aye left!

m1ss: But Kagome doesn't find out about becoming a demon until the next chapter. So yeah so wait, the time is coming soon!

Tru: This will be a long chapter!

m1ss: And also very dark. If you have a problem with 'rape', I advise you not to read chapter. I will mark it off for you so you could just skip it.

Tru: ***ß - those three stars will be shown when the "raping" begins. And it will show when it ends.

Chapter 8: Is it really you?

Kagome was waiting patiently for Sesshoumaru to come out of the room. They were scheduled to leave at 1:00 in the afternoon. But NO! Sesshoumaru decided that he had to train her in the dojo first. So that really didn't sit well with Kagome. She protested, but finally gave in. There was no way she could've won that fight with Sesshoumaru.

While she was gone back to her home, Shippou would be taking lessons with Rin. Shippou wasn't really happy about that fact, but agreed when Kagome threatened that she would send him back to Inuyasha. Kagome checked her watch for about the umpteenth time. The last time she checked it was 6:00, and now it was 6:05. 5 minutes had gone by, but it seemed like an eternity to Kagome. She turned around so the door was facing her back.

Sesshoumaru quietly came out of his room. He looked at Kagome's back. He could tell that she had been here waiting for him for at least 5 minuets. He heard her mutter something about how taiyoukai's get dressed as if they were a bunch of giddy school girls. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow. 'Giddy school girls?'

He walked past her, pretending not to notice her. Kagome watched as he passed by her. Without any recognition. 'The nerve!'

"Sesshoumaru! Where do you think your going?" Kagome asked annoyed. She ran up to catch up with him. He still pretended that he didn't notice her. So Kagome did the only thing she knew that would get his attention.

"SESSHOUMARU!" Kagome screamed. This definitely got the taiyoukai's attention. He winced. He hadn't expected her to do that. He looked at her, then continued walking.

"You know, a simple 'Let's go,' would have been nice," Kagome said trying to catch up with his strides.

"Since when have I ever been nice?"

"I…uh…you got a point there," Kagome said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said as they made their way out of the gates passing by the guards. Sesshoumaru's cloud formed around their feet and they were off. They landed near the well in about half an hour.

"Since the well only accepts my aura, and Inuyasha's your going have to stay extra close to me so that you can get through," Kagome said. Sesshoumaru inclined his head. He put his arms around Kagome's waist and pulled her closer to him. Kagome blushed, she really felt uncomfortable being around Sesshoumaru. And she did confront him on why he had kissed her that morning. He had told her that since he hadn't bedded a woman in 10 years, it was just natural for him. Kagome was a little bit hurt by what he said. But then she dismissed it because she knew that she couldn't possibly have feelings for the taiyoukai.


"Sesshoumaru, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Well, why did you kiss me this morning?" Kagome asked quietly hoping that he didn't hear her. But he did.

"It was natural for me. Since I haven't bedded a woman in over 10 years," Sesshoumaru said smirking. 'Was that really true?'

*End Flashback*

"Okay, now jump into the well," Kagome said. Sesshoumaru nodded and jumped into the well. Once their bodies were in the well, they were surrounded by blue magic. Then they were in Kagome's era. Sesshoumaru let go of Kagome once they were out of the well. Kagome opened the door of the shrine. Once they stepped foot outside. Sesshoumaru's hand flew to his nose.

"Sesshoumaru, what's wrong?" Kagome asked worried.

"It smells like ningen," Sesshoumaru said.

"Oh, yeah. I don't really think there are much youkai's in the present time," Kagome said. She made her way to her house. Sesshoumaru followed her. Making sure that he was near her. Her scent seemed to be better then anything else around. Once they entered the house it smelled fine. Like Kagome, but differently.

"MOM! GRANDPA! SOUTA! I'M HOME!" Kagome screamed. Sesshoumaru winced. He wasn't used to screaming.

"Oh, sorry Sesshoumaru. I forgot about your ears," Kagome said. Sesshoumaru nodded.

Maya heard her daughter's scream that she was home. Maya winced, she still wasn't used to the fact that her daughter screamed every now and then. She was surprised that it didn't hurt her ears. Maya came rushing downstairs. Her daughter was away for only 2 days. So something must be wrong.

"Hi honey. Grandpa and Souta aren't here right now," Maya said rushing over to her to hug her daughter, after she pulled away it was then did she notice Sesshoumaru. Maya was shocked. She hadn't expected to see him here.

"Oh, mom this is Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands. Sesshoumaru, this is Maya, my mother," Kagome said walking over to sit down on the couch.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Lord Sesshoumaru," Maya said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said. Maya quirked an eyebrow. She was sure that InuTaisho had raised him right. He should know better how to treat people who are older then he. But then, he didn't know that she was the Lady of the Eastern Lands. But sooner or later he would have recognised her, since she had spent a lot of time with him before she left. She had helped on raising him since his mother died.

*Ring Ring. The phone was ringing. Kagome answered it.



"Oh. Hi Eri!"


"Right now?"


"But I can't go!"


"I'm not going!"


"Eri? Eri? HELLO?" When no reply came back Kagome cried in frustration. "ARGH! THE NERVE OF THAT GIRL!" Kagome cried.

"Honey what's wrong?" Maya asked as she motioned for Sesshoumaru to sit on the couch.

"Eri wants me to meet her at the mall now. 'Weather I like it or not'," Kagome said.

"Well, I think it's good that you go," Maya said.

"Why?" Kagome asked.

"Well, you haven't seen them in a while," Maya said.

"But I need to stay here and watch Sesshoumaru," Kagome said.

"No, it's okay I can watch him. I'm sure that he has many questions about our time. So I will be happy to explain it to him. And don't say that you can explain it because you need to go out with Eri. Remember the last time you skipped out on the mall with her? She nearly chopped your head off," Maya said laughing. She was remembering what had happened that time. Kagome scowled at her.


"KAGOME!" Eri screamed. Thoroughly frustrated at her friend.

"What is it Eri?" Kagome asked.

"You know very well 'what it is'," Eri said glaring at her.

"Whatever do you mean?" Kagome asked 'innocently'


"Oh. I told you that I didn't want to go,"

"YOU DIDN'T WANT TO GO?" Eri screamed. Her eyes wide from all the anger.

"Yeah, I didn't want to go," Kagome said.

"KAGOME HIGURASHI THAT WILL CERTAINLY BE THE LAST THING THAT YOU SAY THIS WHOLE WEEK!" Eri cried frustrated. She ran towards Kagome, knocking her to the ground. Then everything went black.

Kagome woke up. She was in her room. At that moment Mrs. Higurashi came in.

"Oh, dear your finally awake," Maya said smiling.

"Yeah. What happened? My head kills,"

"Oh, Eri knocked you unconscious. You were out for a week,"

*End Flashback*

Kagome shuddered at the memory. She sure as hell didn't want to go through that again.

"Fine, I'm going," Kagome said. She marched upstairs to change. Maya had offered Sesshoumaru cookies while Kagome was on the phone and Sesshoumaru was enjoying himself.

"Don't you think it is a bit late for her to go?" Sesshoumaru asked finally speaking up.

"No, most likely they will see a movie and come back home. She should be home around 9 or so," Maya said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said finishing his cookie.

"Okay. I'm done!" Kagome said. As she came down the stairs.

"Okay, dear go have fun," Maya said giving her daughter a hug.

"Yeah. Bye Sesshoumaru. Be a good little 'pup'," Kagome said smiling patting Kagome on the head.

"I'm no PUP woman," Sesshoumaru growled.

"Well, here you are a 'pup'," Kagome said laughing, and ran out the door before Sesshoumaru could reply.


When Sesshoumaru was sure that Kagome was nowhere around. He stood up and moved towards Maya. He had a lot of questions to ask her. He really didn't like the fact that she had let Kagome wander around at that time. But she was her mother.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I know you have a lot of questions," Maya said moving towards the couch and sitting down. Sesshoumaru scowled.

"Yes, I do," Sesshoumaru said.

"Well, then, ask all you want," Maya said smiling. Sesshoumaru nodded and sat down across from her.

"Are you the Lady of the Eastern Lands?" Sesshoumaru asked. He wasn't going to beat around the bush that most people did.

"Yes I am," Maya said.

"Prove it," Sesshoumaru said. He already knew that she was the Lady of the Eastern Lands by her scent. But he needed proof before he would be able to believe her. Maya sighed. She really hadn't gone to her humanoid form for quite some time.

"If it pleases you," Maya said.

"Indeed," Sesshoumaru said. He watched as Maya released the sealing spell. He all but gasped. 'It is her!' Sesshoumaru cried in his mind. Maya had long flowing black tresses. On her forehead was a dagger, where Sesshoumaru's moon crescent would have been. She was in a simple yet elegant kimono. She was wearing the colours of the Eastern Land. Red, and Gold. And around her neck was a necklace and the pendant was a dagger. The same one that Kagome wore around her neck.

"Lady Maya! I thought I would never see you again," Sesshoumaru said. He was shock to say the least. The woman had raised him ever since his mother died. But that time, he turned cold and distant. But she still made effort, he still kept a little bit of his old self in him just for her. But when he found out that she left. He shut everyone out of his life. He became the cold demon that everyone knew and saw him as today.

"Oh Sesshou-kun, you know that I wouldn't keep anything from you! Especially since I raised you as my own son," Maya said embracing him in a hug. Sesshoumaru hesitantly hugged her back.

"Please tell me why you didn't go back to the feudal era with your mate Lord Aye," Sesshoumaru pleaded sitting down next to her.

"Well, I tried believe me I did, but I couldn't," Maya said.

"How?" Sesshoumaru asked confused.

"It's a long story," Maya said.

"Then I wish to hear this story," Sesshoumaru said.

"As you wish. You see, Aye and I had a fight. We were arguing about going back to the Eastern Lands. I didn't want to go because I grew fond of this place. But Aye insisted that we had to go back, since we were gone for about 3 months. On occasions we would have gone back to the palace. But I didn't want to. So in the morning, after our fight. Aye went back to the feudal era. I tried to go after him, but the well didn't let me pass. So I gave up hope that I would ever see him again. Then Kagome found out that she could back and forth to the feudal era. I was so happy that she could go through. So I tried going through the well, hoping that it would let me through. But it didn't. It turns out it only let's in Kagome and Inuyasha. So I tried working up the courage to tell her that she's the princess of the Eastern Lands. But I couldn't," Maya said, tears threatening to fall down her eyes.

"It's alright Lady Maya. But don't you think it's time you owe Kagome the truth? The whole truth?" Sesshoumaru asked gently.

"Yes, now since you know, but I was hoping maybe I could tell her later on," Maya said.

"It's not possible Lady Maya. For you see, Lord Aye wishes to visit my palace in a weeks time," Sesshoumaru said.

"Aye? He's going to be in your palace?" Maya asked.

"Yes, and since Kagome is his daughter. He will know, and most likely Kagome will recognize her father," Sesshoumaru said.

"Oh dear, I guess it is for the best that I tell her," Maya said.

"Yes it is. Perhaps you should tell her today," Sesshoumaru suggested.

"I think I should," Maya said smiling. "Maybe, I could sell the house today too. And go back to the feudal era with the two of you."

"If that is what you wish," Sesshoumaru said.

"Yes it is. I'm going to go make the arrangements now,"

"Wait, how can you make the arrangements right now? What happens if you come back from the feudal era. Won't someone be shocked to find you coming out of the well?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"No, I have a friend who knows about me and my family being demons," Maya said.

"I see," Sesshoumaru said. He watched as Maya phoned the woman who knew about her being a demon. He heard Maya say that she could move in within three days, and that she and her family would be packed by then. Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow at that. 'Could she really pack that quickly?' He thought. But then again she was a demon.

"Well, that's it. We're moving in three days, and I'm finally going to be able to go back to the feudal era and see my mate," Maya said dreamily. Sesshoumaru almost smiled.


Kagome was walking back home. She was thoroughly pissed off. She had never been that pissed off in her entire life. She had just had a little run in with some stupid gang after she had met Eri. They tried to RAPE her. They almost got away with it. But she didn't let them touch her. Oh no! Kagome wasn't going to let them do that. So she did what came to her mind first. 'Fight.' She was thankful to Sesshoumaru for teaching her basic training. But they almost took something very precious away from her. She was lucky Hojo saved her in the nick of time along with his gang. And she helped too.


"Well, Well, Well. Look who we have here," a strange teenaged boy said.

"Looks like we have a new toy," another said.

"I say let's play," another one said. They quickly surrounded Kagome. She didn't know what to do. She started to panic, when they pushed her against the wall. She let out a small yelp of pain. Then two of the boys held each arm, while the other was rubbing his hands together and licking his lips.

He was looking her over. He moved towards her and started to kiss her lips. Kagome didn't respond back. He figured so, so he moved towards her jaw, Kagome tried to scream but one hand was placed firmly over her mouth. His other hand was roaming her body. She also felt two more pair of hands roaming her body as well. She looked to see that the two other boys decided to have some 'fun' with her as well.

She felt someone's hand go down her panties. She didn't like this one bit. She was getting raped, and she had no idea what was going to happen next. She also didn't know what to do.

Kagome tried struggling but that didn't work. The boy's only gripped on her harder. Kagome's eyes went wide when she realised a hand touching her woman hood. She looked down to see that the third boy was hungrily lapping at her neck. She felt his fingers go in between her wet folds. She gasped. She hadn't expected that, but what she didn't expect was that she actually liked the feeling that it had ignited in her. But she couldn't go through with it.

She kicked him as hard as she could. The boy groaned. He looked at Kagome with anger in his eyes.

"Bitch! Do you think that you can just do that? Now your getting it!" He said. He opened his zipper, not listening to the protests to his friends saying that they didn't want to see his member. Kagome closed her eyes. She didn't know what to do. For all she knew this was how she was going to loose her virginity.

"Hey YOU! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TOUCHING MY BEST-FRIEND LIKE THAT!" Hojo screamed running over to aid Kagome. Lucky for Kagome that Hojo wasn't alone, he was with his 'gang' and they knew that she was his best-friend. 'Sometimes being friends with Hojo has it's perks.'

Then it all happened so fast. They were all beating up the three guys. One guy had escaped from their grasp and made his way over to Kagome, thinking that he could 'kidnap' her. But he thought wrong. She kicked his ass good for hurting her. Hojo and his crew were shocked and impressed.

*End Flashback*

Kagome opened the door to her house. What she was something she didn't expect. She saw her mom. Well, who she thought was her mom. She looked exactly like an inu-youkai.

"Mom?" Kagome asked shocked.

"Kagome, there's something I need to tell you," Maya said.

[.End Chapter.]

-m1ss: well you like?

-Tru: We will be updating the rest of our fics soon!. So don't fret!