InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ It's a Trap! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. But I would LOVE to own Sesshoumaru. But I don't. {::tear::}

A/N #2: This is all in Inuyasha's perspective. The thing with Kagome is going to come next chapter. Tru told you it would be chapter 10.

A/N # 3: Everything in bolded italic will be Inuyasha's thoughts.

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Chapter 9: It's a Trap

Inuyasha was sitting outside of Kaede's hut. He was thinking to himself. He tuned out Kaede and Kikyou's conversation that was preceding inside the hut. Kikyou had wanted him to take her to Kaede's hut to have a 'sister discussion' as she called it. Inuyasha was curious but didn't get around to asking why, because his thoughts were always filled with a certain miko.

Inuyasha punched the ground with his clenched fist. He was upset, no that was an understatement. He was pissed was more like it. He hated the fact that he left something that was his slip from under his fingers. HE hated the fact that Kagome had chosen Sesshoumaru his half-brother over him. He also hated the fact that Kagome hated him, and that he had caused her pain and he didn't know how to make it up to her.

Inuyasha cursed all the seven hells. He wanted to talk to Kagome so badly, he wanted to hold her, kiss her, tell her how idiotic his he was, tell her that he loves her. But something in the back of his mind told him that he couldn't just go up to Kagome and do all those things. He couldn't remember what. Suddenly he heard Kaede scream.

Then it hit him, Kikyou. He mentally cursed himself. He mated with Kikyou. What the hell happened to him to do such a thing? Inuyasha didn't want to be bothered with the two sisters, so he decided that he needed a little walk.

What the hell did I do? How can I be such an idiot? I let her slip through my fingers. But I guess I can't blame her, I treated her like shit. And paid more attention to Kikyou, even after the promise. I went off and started things again with Kikyou. What is wrong with me? Kouga is right, I'm nothing but a self-centred idiot.

Look what I got myself into. I'm mated to a corpse. If Sesshoumaru didn't hate me enough, he's going to hate me even more. I disgraced the Taisho name, and everything that goes along with it. I'm nothing but a fool. Falling for Kikyou, who betrayed me countless times to Naraku.

'But she promised this time that she loves you too much to betray you and loose you.' A little voice inside his head argued with him.

Who the fuck are you?

'The voice inside your head'

Then why the fuck do you sound like Naraku?

'I do not!'

Yes you do!

'Stop insulting me.'

Whatever. Even though Kikyou promised me, I can't help but think that she's going to betray me again.

'She won't. She proved it to you already didn't she?'

Can't you just fucking stay out of my head?

'Nope, sorry.'

Feh. Get out now. I'm not in the mood.

'Fine. I'll be back later you ignorant sour puss.'

What did you call me? HELLO?

Inuyasha realised that the voice left his head. The voice that strangely sounded like Naraku. But Inuyasha didn't have time to deal with it now. He just smelled Kagome's scent, along with Sesshoumaru's. He ran as fast he can to catch up to them. This was his chance to tell her how he really felt. But something in the back of his mind was nagging him.

'Are you an idiot? You can't go and tell Kagome how you feel! Your mated to Kikyou!'

Kikyou can go fuck herself right now.

'Tsk, tsk. Don't talk about your mate like that.'

Just shut up.

Inuyasha was getting pissed off at the stupid little voice inside his head. He really didn't like it right now. He got to the bone eater's well. But he was too late, blue magic had engulfed the demon lord and the miko. Inuyasha felt really stupid. He shouldn't have came. He had a mate now didn't he?

A mate that's a dead corpse. Snap out of it Inuyasha. You and Kikyou are happy together. You don't need Kagome to make you happy the way Kikyou does. Kikyou loves you, Kagome hates you.

'I knew you'd see it my way.'

I guess.

'Good. Well run along. Kikyou's calling you.'


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"Kaede I wish to speak to you," Kikyou said stepping into her sister's hut.

"Kikyou, I'm surprised to see you sister. What is it that you wish to speak to me about?" Kaede asked curiously. She didn't trust her sister one bit. Kikyou always told her about plans on getting Inuyasha back, and getting revenge. Kaede had always protested it, and it always led to a fight. It always did, and then Kikyou would always stomp out pissed off.

"Inuyasha," Kikyou said smiling.

"Kikyou, what have you done this time?" Kaede asked.

Kikyou pulled down her haori (A/N: spelled right?) halfway just to show her neck on her left side. There, low and behold, was a bite mark, no not any mark, a mate mark…Inuyasha's mark.

"Kikyou! I'm ashamed of you! How could you do that?!?! You took Inuyasha when he was at his most vulnerable state!" Kaede cried.

"I did what was planned for him sister," Kikyou said. She was trying to play it off cool. 'The old hag. I don't know why she hadn't told the other's my plans. Stupid idiot, Naraku will not be pleased.'

"What do you mean 'you did what was planned for him'?"

"He is under a very powerful potion, that will last for a week. The more he is under it, the longer it will stay," Kikyou said smirking. She knew that it was safe to tell Kaede, she had sensed that Inuyasha had left the presence of the hut already.

"How do you reverse it?" Kaede asked curiously.

"Why should I tell you sister? So that you can go and brew the counter potion and give it to him? No sister, I will not tell you," Kikyou said.

"Tell me sister, what does the potion do?" Kaede asked. She didn't like where this was heading.

"I thought you were never going to ask sister. The potion makes sure that Inuyasha is under my control. And my control only. But there is a side effect, if he is around other people, besides me. The potion will slowly wear off," Kikyou said.

"Why would that be a side affect?"

"Because I need him to be with me at all times, for the potion to work correctly," Kikyou said.

"That's confusing sister," Kaede said.

"It is, is it?" Kikyou smirked. She figured that it would confuse a person, when Naraku told her, it confused her at first. But then she got it. Inuyasha has to be near her at all times for the potion to work correctly, why? Because she needed to look at him whenever she made a command. Now that that was explained, it wasn't that difficult for her to understand.

"Yes, tell me, what do you mean by that?" Kaede asked. She needed to get this information out of Kikyou, and fast.

"No sister, that's what you shall have to do to figure it out on your own," Kikyou said.

"Alright. Tell me Kikyou, why must you seek revenge for Inuyasha?" Kaede asked. (A/N: I know, the sentence didn't make sense =S)

"Because he fell in love with my reincarnation. He could have fallen in love with anyone else, but he chose to fall in love with my reincarnation," Kikyou said angrily.

"He did not choose to fall in love with Kagome. His heart did," Kaede said gently.

"BULLSHIT KAEDE! He chose to fall in love with my reincarnation," Kikyou said angrily.

"She is not your reincarnation," Kaede said.

"What do you mean by that?" Kikyou asked.

"You shall find out soon enough Kikyou, now leave," Kaede said.

"No. Tell me what you meant!" Kikyou demanded.

"It is best ye leave, leave now," Kaede said pointing towards the entrance. Kikyou huffed and went out. Once she was out of the hut she called for Inuyasha. She saw him running towards her.

"Kikyou, what's wrong?" Inuyasha asked, he could smell her anger.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Kikyou said.

"If you say so," Inuyasha said.

"Inuyasha, let's leave now," Kikyou pleaded.

"Anything love," Inuyasha said. He picked her up, and carried her away.

[.End Chapter 9.]

m1s: Not what you were expecting huh?

Tru: GOOD!