InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Other Half ❯ Maya's Confession ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


#1: Late update I'm sorry. But oh well! I'm a teen and it's summer and I'M GOOD!

#2: I've been lacking reviews lately. Usually I would be getting around 10-15 each chapter. If I don't get the reviews I want, I seriously won't be updating and that's a promise.


Chapter 10: Maya's Confession

Maya looked at her daughter. 'How am I going to explain this to her?' Maya mentally thought to herself. Maya was looking uncomfortably at her daughter. Kagome was sitting next to Sesshoumaru, who was looking at her funny. Maya decided to tap into his thoughts.

'Why are you looking at my daughter like that?'

'Because she smells funny'

'Oh? How so?' Maya sniffed the air. Indeed she could smell her daughter, and some other kind of smell. Was that the smell of sex? Kagome was more responsible then that wasn't she? Wait. The smell didn't really smell that much of sex.

'She kind of smells like sex. But not really'

'I know what you mean. We'll ask her about that later,'


"Well, what do you want to talk to me about?" Kagome asked her mother. "And why do you look like an inu-youkai?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Maya said taking a seat next to her daughter. Sesshoumaru quirked an eyebrow at her. He knew that she was stalling, but why?

"Well?" Kagome asked looking impatient. 'Oh Kami-sama! Am I a demon like my mother is?'

"It's a long story, I hope your ready for it," Maya said. Kagome nodded her head.


"Hey Souta!" Hojo called . (A/n: I decided to let you wait a little bit more. {::smirks::})

"Hey Hojo what's up?" Souta asked stopping, waiting for Hojo to catch up.

"Tell your sister that the next time something happens to her to always keep a cell phone near her," Hojo said panting as he caught up to Souta.

"Why would she need to do that?" Souta asked confused.

"I guess she didn't tell you that huh?" Hojo asked.

"Nope, mind telling me what's it about?" Souta asked.

"I really don't know if I should tell you or not. Kagome will probably kill me if I tell you," Hojo said.

"Oh common Hojo, it's not like I'm not going to find out anyways," Souta said.

"That's true," Hojo said.

"See! So you can tell me," Souta said proud of himself that he convinced Hojo.

"Okay, well you see. Tonight, my friends and I were walking around the alleyway, and we heard screaming and it sounded like your sister. So we went to go check it out, turns out it was your sister. There were these three guys that almost raped her if it wasn't for us," Hojo said. He looked at Souta waiting for a reaction.

"SOMEONE ALMOST RAPED MY SISTER?!" Souta shouted. 'How could this have happened? He was going to kill whoever touched his sister that way without her consent,' Souta mentally thought to himself.

"Now easy there Souta, we took care of it," Hojo said patting Souta on the back trying to comfort the kid in some way.

"You don't get it do you? Someone almost touched my sister and I wasn't even there!" Souta said outraged. He started running, he just had to get home and find out how these guys looked like so he could kill them himself.

"Hey Souta! Where you going?" Hojo screamed after the running 15 year old kid.

"TO KILL SOMEONE!" Souta screamed back. Hojo sighed, another mess created by him. Kagome was going to kill him.


"Kagome, you're the princess of the Eastern Lands," Maya said. She had explained to Kagome about the fight, that had caused Aye to leave and never came back. She explained why she hadn't gone back. And Kagome just sat there awestruck, that wasn't helping Maya's self control. Because sooner or later she wanted to burst out crying because she hadn't seen her mate in 15 years. (A/N: So Kag would be like what 20 years old now? Did I mention in any of the early chapters that she was somewhat younger? If I did tell me.)

"So you haven't seen Daddy in 15 years?" Kagome finally found her voice.

"Yeah, I haven't seen your father in 15 years. Whenever Souta turns a year older then before, then I know that's how many years I haven't seen my mate," Maya said. She fought against inner-self, saying that she was strong, and that Aye wouldn't want to see her cry. But she cried anyways. Kagome looked at her mother who was sobbing uncontrollably. Kagome hugged her mother rubbing her back in circles, like she used to do to her when she was little. 'Wait did Sesshoumaru know about this?'

"Did you know about this Sesshoumaru?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Yes I did know about it," Sesshoumaru answered truthfully.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kagome asked quietly. 'He was supposed to look out for me. Isn't telling me the truth looking out for me also?'

"I did not tell you the first time because it was a hunch. And when you brought me here, and I met your mother, I knew that she was the Lady of the Eastern Lands the moment I laid my eyes on her," Sesshoumaru said. Kagome couldn't argue with him there. He probably didn't want her to get her hopes up. Right?

"Kagome, you can't possibly be mad at me for not telling you?" Sesshoumaru asked.

"No I'm not Sesshoumaru. Actually I'm glad you didn't tell me, or else I would've gotten my hopes up. Then if my mother denied that I wasn't the princess of the Eastern Lands then it all would have been for naught ne?"

"I suppose so," Sesshoumaru said.


"Souta why are you running like a mad man?" Koiichi asked.

"No time to talk Ji-chan, must find out who almost raped Kagome," Souta said. He was near the shrine, he couldn't stop to wait for a weak old man. He needed to know who touched his beloved sister. Koiichi stopped walking. 'Someone raped his granddaughter?' Koiichi started running, catching up to Souta in no time. Souta looked to his left to see his Ji-chan catching up to him. 'What the hell?' Souta thought.

"Ji-chan?" Souta asked bewildered.

"Come on you turtle!" Koiichi said pulling Souta towards the shrine.


"Wow okaa-san, I like this," Kagome said looking at her Kimono. It looked exactly like her mothers, but there were some changes. She wore a Kimono that was red with gold trimmings. (Think of Sesshoumaru's Kimono. You know how his is silver and purple? Well the Silver part is the red part for Kagome's and the purple part is the gold part for Kagome's you gets?) Kagome's Kimono had white prints of Sakura blossoms randomly scattered around her Kimono. She had a dagger on her forehead just like her mother. Maya had explained that it was the symbol of the royal family of the Eastern Lands. Instead of dark blue markings across her face like her mother had while Sesshoumaru had magenta, Kagome had baby pink markings on her face, wrists, and ankles.

"This looks so cool," Kagome squealed. She winced, not knowing that it would be so loud. Since she was a demon now, and Inu-Youkai at that, her hearing expanded immensely. As well as her sense of smell and sight. Her appearance also changed, on here face yes she had pink markings and dagger on her forehead. She also had a tear drop underneath her left ear but a little to the left. She still had her sapphire blue irises. Her hair which used to be 2 inches past her breasts, was now 2 inches before her waist. And it wasn't black anymore, it was midnight blue.

Sesshoumaru froze when he saw Kagome's hair. 'Midnight blue' just like his mother's. That wasn't the only thing that made Kagome look like his mother, the pink markings on her face. Sesshoumaru didn't like this at all, she looked a lot like his mother, maybe he shouldn't let her stay in castle because she reminded him to much of his mother? No, that would be stupid. And he did promise to be her guardian, and he was a man of his word.

"So can you tell me what is with these pink markings?" Kagome asked pointing to the markings on her face.

"That's to see what time of poison you have flowing through your body, there are 5 types. And you have the most dangerous one," Maya said.

"Well, what type of poison's are there?" Kagome asked. Just great! Now she had the most dangerous poison that an inu-youkai could have.

"Well, if you have magenta markings like Sesshoumaru, the poison is miasma, it travels through the blood lessening the white blood cells each second. And in minutes, the person is dead," Maya started. Kagome gasped. 'That's horrible.'

"If you have dark blue markings like I have, the poison is acidic. It can melt anything with a single drop, then you have Yellow, it also travels through the blood stream. This poison makes sure that it corrupts the small intestine, and within minutes the person is paralysed. And if the person affected by this poison doesn't take the necessary treatment within 2 hours he or she is dead. The next one is pastel green, it travels to the respiratory system, stopping the person able to take in the needed oxygen," Maya stated.

"And pink?" Kagome asked hesitantly, and this time Sesshoumaru answered.

"Pink, the poison makes sure that the opponent isn't able to move, then it travels towards the circulatory system, stopping the blood from circulating therefore creating seizures and the person is dead," Sesshoumaru stated. He watched the expression on Kagome's face change from shock, to bewilderment, to awe. Sesshoumaru wanted to laugh but bottled his emotions. After all, he had to keep up his reputation of being the 'Ice Man' as Rin claimed that she heard the village children talk about him.

(A/N: I do not own the explanation on the poison parts. Two or three explanations belong to Striking Falcon from the story called 'To Love A Prince' on a Single Spark. Read her explanations, after all that's what inspired me to write this poison part of this fic. You should read the story, though it's not complete. It's amazing!)

"I'm not liking the poison part of me," Kagome mumbled. Maya laughed at her daughter.

"It's okay dear. I don't like melting things, it makes to much of a smell," Maya said wrinkling her nose.

Sesshoumaru smirked. They didn't like their poisons, but Sesshoumaru did. It made him feel powerful. Though it really was sadistic of him to think of it that way. 'Now if they don't mind I seriously would like to ask Kagome why she smells the way she does.'


Souta and Koiichi ran up the steps towards the house. They couldn't believe that Kagome was raped tonight. Well almost raped, and they didn't care if they were making a big deal of things. Souta opened the door and spotted his sister, and his mom with a strange guy, looking like he came out of a samurai movie. Actually they all looked like they came out of a samurai movie. And what's up with all three of them having fluffy tails? Would he be allowed to touch them? Maybe later when he was done screaming at Kagome.

"KAGOME YOU GOT RAPED TONIGHT AND YOUR JUST THERE LAUGHING?!?!?" Souta cried. He couldn't believe this. There was sister laughing at something his mother said, without a care in the world and obviously not caring that she was touched in a wrong way.

"Souta!" Kagome cried outraged. 'How the hell does he know?'

"What?" Souta asked.

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW THAT?" Kagome cried putting her hands on her hips.

"FYI SIS! Hojo told me! He said the saved your butt from getting raped in the alleyway! He also said you did your own number with a guy that almost escaped," Souta said. Koiichi watched this whole thing transpire without even paying attention to what his grandchildren were saying. All he was focused on was the fact that Maya was in her humanoid form and there stood InuTaisho. Or what looked like InuTaisho.

"YOU CAN'T GO BARGING UP TO SOMEONE'S HOUSE WITH A RIFLE!" Kagome cried bringing Koiichi out of his musings. And causing 8 pairs of hands to fly to their ears on instinct.

"YES I CAN!" Souta cried outraged.


"I DON'T NEED TO! THEY WON'T ARREST ME! THEY'LL ARREST THE THREE STOOGES WHO TOUCHED YOU IN THE ALLEYWAY! GOD KAGOME! THEY ALMOST FUCKING RAPED YOU!" Souta cried. Sesshoumaru had enough, it was bad enough that these two knuckleheads were abusing their right of talking but the fact that Kagome had almost gotten herself raped nearly drove him over the edge. The more they kept talking, the more his eyes became bloodshot, the more he wanted to hunt the person down who dare touch something that was his. In a wrong way at that.

"ENOUGH THE BOTH OF YOU!" Maya roared. Kagome and Souta stopped their bickering looking at their mother in awe. They had never in their whole entire life had heard her scream. Koiichi looked at his daughter, this was the third time he had seen her this mad. Or at least her scream.

"Your abusing your privileges of talking! My ears have you forgotten about them?" Sesshoumaru said finally speaking. Kagome started giggling.

"Sorry about that Sesshou-kun," Kagome said apologetically. Apparently she hadn't notice her voice range.

"Sesshou-kun?" Souta asked snickering obviously forgetting what he was so worked up about.

"Shut up brat," Kagome snapped. Sesshoumaru watched in amusement.

"Will you two stop your bickering," Koiichi said stepping through the door.

"Souta we heard that your sister was almost raped you didn't have to go yelling it at the top of your lungs where the neighbours will hear you," Maya said.

"And why aren't you doing anything about this?" Souta asked.

"Because we don't have time, we only have three days left here before we move," Maya said calmly.

"We're moving?!?!" Souta, Kagome, and Koiichi asked.

"Good one Lady Maya," Sesshoumaru said.

"You mean, YOU KNEW?" Kagome exclaimed.

"Yes I did, though I expected the wise one over there to tell you before the little one got home," Sesshoumaru said.

"Hey I'm not little!" Souta said defensively.

"You know, that's not the way to talk to Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands," Maya said scolding her son.

"Yeah well…" Souta said drifting off of his sentence.

"Sesshoumaru shouldn't talk to the Prince of the Eastern Lands like that either," Kagome said defending her brother. Though it was family loyalty coming into play.

"Me? A Prince? Cool," Souta said.

"Don't flatter yourself twerp," Kagome muttered under her breath.

"Well I guess it's time to tell Souta now isn't it okaa-san?" Kagome asked her mother innocently.

"Yes, Souta, there's something you should know," Maya started.

"You're a demon and Prince of the Eastern Lands. And otou-san is in the feudal era ruling the Eastern Lands while we're stuck here in the future. And Ji-chan is a noble that's how okaa-san and otou-san got together. And the reason why we're here in the future is because the well wouldn't let okaa-san's aura through, only mine," Kagome finished.

"Kagome!" Maya exclaimed. Sesshoumaru inwardly smirked. 'Now this is real entertainment.' Sesshoumaru thought. Though he wouldn't admit it out loud. He watched these events unfold as Kagome and Souta started bickering again. To say that he and his half-brother Inuyasha didn't fight was an understatement. These two could compete against Inuyasha and himself on bickering.

"Ji-chan, what's your humanoid form?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Hey! What about me?" Souta asked.

"Brat stop being selfish," Kagome snapped.

"I'm not a brat, and I'm not selfish you female dog," Souta said not realising that it wasn't an insult.

"Why thank you," Kagome said. They watched in awe as Koiichi changed into his humanoid form. He didn't have his wrinkly skin anymore, infact he looked not a day old since he turned 25. He had white hair, with midnight blue streaks. Where as Kagome had pink markings, he had Yellow. And on his forehead was the teardrop. Sesshoumaru was shocked, this was the same man that banished the snake youkai that threatened all of Japan. Koiichi bowed to Sesshoumaru giving him a knowing smile. Sesshoumaru bowed in return.

"It is a honour to be in the presence of you Lord Koiichi Tanakashi," Sesshoumaru said.

"Nonsense," Koiichi said smiling.

"What is that all about?" Kagome asked confused.

"Your grandfather banished the snake youkai from Japan that threatened the country. He alone took on all of the snake youkai," Sesshoumaru said. Kagome and Souta were awestruck. Maya was looking proudly at her father.

"You're the one who banished them?" Kagome asked finally finding her voice.

"You betcha," Koiichi said.

"Wow," Souta said.

"So Souta, want to see how you look like without the concealing spell?" Maya asked her son. Souta nodded not trusting his voice. Maya murmured something and poof, there was Souta. But different. He had jet black hair that fell past his shoulders. On his forehead was the dagger and the teardrop underneath his left ear and a little to the right. His markings were pastel green, and his height was 2 inches greater then before. Instead of nails, he had claws he carelessly flicked his palm and blood drew instantly. He didn't even wince from the pain, well there was no pain actually. Souta ran his tongue over his teeth, once his tongue touched one of his fangs he tasted the coppery taste of blood.

"Wicked," Souta said.

"Well obviously," Kagome said.


Kagome was laying down on her bed, she had offered it to Sesshoumaru but he said that he didn't need sleep. So he was sitting on her computer chair admiring the computer, scanner, web cam, and digital camera. She taught him the online game of solitaire and there was the Lord of the Western Lands, playing solitaire on the Princess of the Eastern Lands' computer. Oh this was too good to be true. Sesshoumaru had agreed to stay in the future for three days to help with the move.

Kagome stood up and took her digital camera. She watched Sesshoumaru play the card game on her computer. He was so focused on the game that he didn't notice the little inu-miko taking snapshots of him. 'Oh this is going to be good black-mail one day.'

"Kagome what are you doing?" Sesshoumaru asked prying his face away from the computer.

"Oh just taking pictures of you while your face was glued onto the computer screen," Kagome said smirking.

"What? Hand that device over to me now!" Sesshoumaru said standing up.

"Oh? And what if I don't want to?" Kagome asked.

"Then run," Sesshoumaru said.

"Gladly," Kagome said quickly and ran out of her bedroom door Sesshoumaru following closely. 'Thank Kami that I'm a demon now!' Kagome mentally praised. After half an hour of running around the house and Souta screaming at them saying that it was rude to step in front of the television while someone was watching a Jackie Chan movie, and Maya saying that they'll end up being 'mates' if they keep it up, and Koiichi saying that he'll accept Sesshoumaru into the family whole heartedly if they don't stop running. Eventually what the other's said sank in and they were lying down on Kagome's bed with Kagome near the wall and Sesshoumaru next to her.

"Kagome? Kagome wake up!" Sesshoumaru whispered slightly shaking her. 'Great, just great.' Sesshoumaru didn't want to move for if he did, Kagome was sure to wake up. So he did what his manly instincts told him to do, he pulled her close to him. The last thought that entered his mind was 'I could get used to this.'

[.End Chapter 10.]


Chapter Preview

Chapter 11: Aye's Shock

Your alive!…My daughter! My son!…YOU'RE AN INU-YOUKAI!…GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY SISTER!…Prince and Princess of the Eastern Lands…So who's your potential mate Sesshoumaru?…I want you to seek the rest of shards of the Shikon No Tama Jewel…Kagome-sama is that you?

m1s: there you have it! The chapter! And the pre-view!

Tru: R&R!

Ja Ne!