InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Whoa! Talk About Drunk ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Whoa! Talk About Drunk

Kagome began to stir. She moaned as she found that she had a major headache. Kagome reached, searching for the lamp. She flipped the lamp on and screamed.

Inuyasha was jerked from his peaceful sleep by Kagome's screams. He looked at her and started to scream too. Kagome quickly climbed from the bed just a little too fast. Her hangover got the best of her and she tripped. falling to the floor.

Kagome and Inuyasha both held their heads in pain. “What are you doing here?” They both asked in unison.

Inuyasha was shirtless. "This is my room," He said defensively.

Kagome looked around to see that it really wasn't her room. Kagome looked down and noticed that she too was topless. She looked around for her top but only found her jacket. Kagome quickly pulled her jacket on and pulled it together. "I should be going," She said nervously. Kagome got to her feet and rushed from Inuyasha's room.

Inuyasha quickly got up and looked out his door but Kagome was nowhere to be found.


< /u>
Kagome wandered around the halls of the school looking for her dorm. She couldn't believe it. Had she and Inuyasha slept together? No, she wasn't that drunk. Kagome wandered for about ten minutes before she finally found her room. She unlocked the door and stepped into the room, only to hear heavy breathing. Kagome flipped on the lights and found Miroku and Sango in Sango's bed, making out.

They both jumped in surprise when the lights came on. "Kagome!" Sango cried out. Miroku fell to the floor in his rush to get up, he was only in his boxers. He grabbed his shirt and pants, nodded at Kagome then ran from the room. Sango pulled the cover up over her bare chest. "How everything going?" She asked nervously.

Kagome frowned. "It seems like we both had too much to drink."

Sango raised her eyebrows. "You had too much to drink"

Kagome nodded. A knock at the door interrupted them. Kagome buttoned her jacket and went over to the door. Sango made sure her body was well hidden and nodded. Kagome opened the door and there stood Inuyasha and Miroku. "What are you doing here?" Her question was directed to Inuyasha.

Miroku stepped by Kagome. He sat down on Sango's bed and received a bewildered stare from Sango. Inuyasha leaned against the door. He blushed. "Uh, you forgot this." He pulled Kagome's scarf-top from behind his back.

Sango and Miroku let out shocked gasps. Kagome quickly snatched her top from Inuyasha. "Thanks," She said nervously.

"Kagome, how could you?" Sango asked sarcastically.

Kagome turned around to Sango with a menacing look. "I know you aren't talking. You and Miroku were going at it not too long ago."

The two blushed. Inuyasha looked over at Miroku grinning. "Humph. It's about time. You two have been dancing around every since you met." He said with a smirk.

Miroku stood up. He walked over and picked up his tie off the lamp by Sango's bed. "I think I'll be on my way," He said calmly. "Goodnight ladies." Miroku gave Kagome a small smile as he passed.

Inuyasha cleared his throat. "I guess I should be going too." Kagome nodded. "'Night."

Inuyasha left and Kagome closed the door. She turned to face Sango. They looked at each other and began to laugh. They both changed into their pajamas. Kagome glanced over at the clock. "2:07, this has been a night. I doubt I'll ever drink again." Kagome thought as she got into bed.


< /u>
Kagome woke up with a loud groan. Her head was still killing her. She sat up slowly.

"Here, take this. It will help with that hangover." Sango said handing Kagome some pills and a glass of water.

Kagome nodded. She swallowed the pills with the help of the water. "I can't believe what I did last night." She said shaking her head.

"Well, neither can I."

Kagome smiled. She was already starting to feel better. "Hey, lets go get some breakfast." Sango nodded.

Minutes later, Sango and Kagome had gotten their food and were sitting at a table in the cafeteria, talking.

"He has a girlfriend," Kagome whined in protest as she played with her sausage.

Sango sighed once again. "Kagome, you're so stupid. I don't think Inuyasha even likes Kikyo, besides she's only with him for his money."

"Yeah, well too bad he can't realize that." Kagome thought.

Miroku came and sat down at their table. Sango and Miroku avoided looking at each other. "Morning ladies."

“Morning,” They said in unison.

Miroku whistled. "So, Kagome. I see you finally hooked up with Inuyasha."

“I didn’t hook up with him,” Kagome said defensively, “we both had too much to drink. Humph! The same could be said to you two." Kagome pointed her fork at Miroku. He and Sango blushed.

They all looked over when they heard a loud laugh. Inuyasha had walked in with a laughing Kikyo.

"See? Girlfriend." Kagome said. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome. They stared at each for a moment before he gave her a small smile. She returned it.


< /u>
Kagome led Sango down to the archery field. "So this is your extra circular activity, huh" Sango asked Kagome.

Kagome nodded. "Yeah. I'm coming to get some practice in." Kagome got a bow and some arrows from the guy at the equipment shop.

Sango leaned against the wall and watched Kagome notch her arrow and aim. "So how long have ya been into archery?"

Kagome carefully aimed for the bull's-eye that was pinned on a stack of hay in the distance. "Um," Kagome paused, "A little less than a year." Kagome released her hold on the arrow and watched as it sped towards the target. The arrow landed about two inches away from the center of the circle.

"Hey you're pretty good." Sango said.

Kagome smiled, embarrassed. "Thanks." Kagome gasped in surprise as an arrow came speeding past, inches from her face. It hit the center of her target. Kagome and Sango looked to see where the arrow came from.

Kikyo stood about twenty or thirty feet away with her bow held up. She walked over to Kagome with cocky smirk. "Well if it isn't the new girl," Kikyo said with a sneer.

Kagome looked at Kikyo defiantly. Over the last week she learned why Miroku and Sango weren't too fond of Kikyo; she definitely wasn't the nicest person. "My name is Kagome. Ka-go-me." Kagome said sarcastically, enunciating the syllables of name.

Kikyo rolled her eyes. "Look, Kagome. Stay away from Inuyasha."

Kagome looked at her confused. "What"

Kikyo sucked her teeth. "Inuyasha, stay away from him. I know you like him but he's mine. Besides he would never leave me for someone like you, I have him wrapped around my finger." She said. She gave Kagome a fake smile and walked away.

Kagome and Sango looked at each other and shared in a bewildered look.


< /u>
Miroku laughed. "I always said that bitch had issues."

They were sitting in one of the many recreational rooms that where all around the school. All the rooms had a big screen TV with satellite and a bunch of comfortable chairs. Sango had just told Miroku what happen between Kagome and Kikyo about an hour ago.

Sango nodded, agreeing with Miroku. She looked over Kagome, who was studying. "I told you, Kagome, she feels threatened."

Kagome looked up from behind her algebra book. "If you say so" Kagome said in disbelief. Kagome looked around the room. Usually the recreational rooms were packed with students, not to mention, it had a larger TV, stereo system and a pool table. "Hey guys, why isn't this room crowded like all the other ones?"

Miroku started to aimlessly channel surf. "It's reserved for the exclusive use of Inuyasha and his brother. Since the Taisho family has been making donations to the school since before Inuyasha was born, they still do. Naturally they would get certain privileges."

"So is that why the principal takes so much from Inuyasha?" Kagome asked recalling the numerous times she had seen Inuyasha and Ms. Kaede go at it.

Miroku snorted. “She suspended him a lot of times and constantly threatening to expel him but never does it. I doubt she ever will. Kaede is always saying he had raw potential but is too afraid to realize it."

Suddenly the door to the room opened. A young man walked in. He was wearing a white suit pants and a white dress shirt. He had his suit jacket hanging loosely off his shoulders. His black shoes looked to be made from leather. He had long silver hair; it came down to about mid-thigh and hid his ears from view. He also had some kind of tribal markings tattooed on his face; the most notice was a purple crescent in the middle of his forehead. He was beautiful, well for a guy. Kagome found him attractive while other girls would have probably treated him like a god.

He noticed them sitting there and stopped. He seemed surprised but the only thing that gave it away was his eyes, his expression had remained calm and cool. A young woman peered from behind him causing Miroku to started coughing. She wore a red top with blue jeans. She had a pair of plain tan sandals. Her black hair was tied into a high ponytail. She was shocked to find them there.

Miroku cleared his throat. "So Sesshomaru," Miroku started and Kagome eyes widened at the name, "Interesting to find you fraternizing with the enemy."

Sesshomaru squinted his eyes. "What you're tongue, pervert."

Miroku sighed sadly. "Will I ever rid myself of this despicable reputation," He whispered aloud.

Sango shook her head. "Sesshomaru, this is Kagome."

Kagome stood up and bowed to him. "Nice to meet you sir," She said politely.

Sesshomaru eyed her. His eyes were piercing her as if he was searching for something inside of her. "I like a certain amount of formalness but there is no need to be that formal. You may call me Sesshomaru." He sniffed lightly then smirked. "So you’re the one that has him so uptight."

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru, confused. “Who do I have uptight?”

Sesshomaru shook his head. "Never mind," He said.

Miroku stood. He patted Sesshomaru on the shoulder. "So Sesshomaru, interesting company."

Sesshomaru glared at Miroku. "Hands off and you can call me sir." He said bitterly. Miroku smiled nervously. Sango and Miroku snickered silently. The girl Sesshomaru was with stepped forward and nudged him in the ribs. "This is Kagura," Sesshomaru said.

Kagura smiled. "Hello."

Sesshomaru cleared his throat. "We should be going, Kagura." She nodded in agreement and they walked started walking from the room.

"What's wrong Sesshomaru? Too crowded?" Miroku asked with a smirk.

Sesshomaru glared at Miroku, which caused Kagome get goose bumps. Kagura smiled and dragged him off.

"Who was she?" Kagome asked Miroku.

Miroku sped off into an explanation. "She's Kagura. She's the daughter of the owner of a rival company. She's 17 and a junior. Inuyasha's not too fond of her either."

"And Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked.

"Well he owns half of the company. He's 18, you already know he's a senior. As you saw, he's proper and formal but can be extremely rude."

"You seem to know everything about everyone" Kagome said.

Miroku smiled. "Just about, it's a hobby."

"I wonder what Sesshomaru meant when he said I had someone uptight?" Kagome asked aloud. Sango snorted. "What?" She asked looking at Sango.

Sango started to whistle quietly. "Nothing," She said and continued whistling.
A/N: I do not own Inuyasha.
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