InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Afraid We Might Crash? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any part of the Inuyasha franchise. I do own Ougon Hoshi High.
Afraid We Might Crash?
It was mid-October. Almost a week from now the school would have a Halloween party, to be exact it was a costume party. So what they were in high school and dressing up for Halloween, it was going to be fun.
Kagome was in the library studying for her math test. She sighed. On her last test she had gotten a 'C', so she needed to study some more. "I can't think!" She yelled out.
The students around her stared in anger. The librarian eyed Kagome and shushed her. Kagome held her hands up and laughed nervously. "Sorry," She mouthed. Kagome gathered her things up and walked from the library. She made her way to her room. Kagome dropped her things off in room, which was empty, and wandered the halls of Ougon Hoshi High aimlessly.
After a month at Ougon Hoshi, Kagome was starting to adjust. She had learned her way around the campus; she could get to her room from anywhere without taking a lot of time. The high school held a few secrets. Sango had told her there were ways to sneak from the campus but Kagome had never tried. Plus, there were the rooms that had been abandoned long ago where the parties were held but ever since that night with Inuyasha, she didn't think about drinking.
Speaking of Inuyasha. Things with him were& well, they were& interesting, to say the least. Since that night with Inuyasha, there had been a lot of underlying tension between them. Sure they would say "hello," or sit down at the table together with the others, but other than that they hadn't much contact. Then there were the numerous glares Kikyo would give her. Kagome had to admit that this school was interesting, she doubted that something like this would happen at another high school.
Kagome stopped and looked around for the familiar voice. She saw Sango heading towards her. "Hey, Sango." Kagome said smiling. Sango grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Where are we going?"
"We're going to the city." Sango said as she rushed down the stairs, dragging Kagome with her.
"What? How?" Kagome asked bewildered.
"You'll find out," Sango said.
Sango dragged Kagome down into the basement, through many twists and turns. The halls of the basement where lined with dirt covered lamps that hung from the ceiling but the majority of them where busted. Sango let go off Kagome's hand and pushed open the door they came to.
The room behind the door was completely dark and the sound of water dripping echoed off the walls.
"Took you long enough, Sango."
Kagome and Sango both screamed and jumped. A lamp flickered on, revealing the amused faces of Inuyasha and Miroku. Sango's eyes became slits of fury. A loud clapping sound echoed around the room as Sango's hand came in contact with Miroku's face.
Kagome stared at Inuyasha nervously and he returned her gaze. "Hey," He said uneasily. Kagome smiled weakly and returned his greeting. "Alright let's getting going."
Sango and Miroku nodded, Kagome just stood there. She had no idea how they were getting out. Miroku sat the lamp down on the floor then he and Inuyasha pulled out flashlights. Inuyasha walked over to grate on the floor. He pulled up on it and wiggled it from its place in the floor. Inuyasha sat the grate off to the side and hopped into the hole now in the floor. Miroku followed and Sango motioned for Kagome to come.
Kagome dropped down in the hole. It was roughly a five or six-foot drop to the ground. Kagome landed with an odd and slightly unpleasant tingling sensation going through her legs. "Where are we?" She whispered. Kagome crouched down to avoid the low ceiling.
"In the sewer," Sango said.
"Uggh," Kagome cried out in disgust.
"Oh shut-up and stop complaining, wench." Inuyasha called up from ahead.
Kagome rolled her eyes even though Inuyasha couldn't see her. A flashlight, either Inuyasha's or Miroku's, showed Kagome that they were walking a thin strip of concrete; one wrong footstep and they would end up in the stream of filthy water. Surprisingly, the smell wasn't as bad as Kagome thought it would be.
After about a fifteen minute walk of carefully walking down winding, damp paths, they came to a stop. A flashlight pointed to a ladder and followed it up. Kagome heard someone climb the ladder. There was the sound of metal scraping and light filtered down from above. Kagome heard more footsteps heading up the ladder.
"Come on," Sango said.
Kagome reached out for the ladder. She found it and began climbing. Kagome reached the top and pulled herself out the sewer. She had to squint her eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light. She found herself about two blocks from the school grounds, the gates could clearly been seen. The city was good two miles away, down the hillside.
"So how are we going to get the city?" Kagome asked, turned off by the idea of walking.
Inuyasha ignored Kagome and walked off while the others waited. Seconds later there was the 'v-room' of an engine and the screech of tires. A car came to a screeching stop before them and Inuyasha was the driver.
It was a convertible, a Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Smooth and sleek, it was metallic red with with a black top, which was down. "Hurry up," He growled out.
Miroku and Sango glanced at each other and nodded while Kagome eyed them suspiciously. Suddenly Miroku and Sango quickly jumped into the car, taking the back seat. Kagome's mouth fell open. She eyed them both angrily as she got in next to Inuyasha. She put her seatbelt on, something told her that she might need it.
Inuyasha reached and pulled a pair a red-tinted sunglasses from a compartment. He spun them around between his fingers and slid them on his face then placed his hand on the gearshift. With a smirk, he pressed his foot on the gas pedal. The engine roared and Inuyasha pulled the car into drive. The tires screeched, white smoke and tire tracks were all that was left as the car sped off.
Kagome's eyes widen and she gripped the seatbelt. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome as fear took over her. He laughed as the car sped down the winding hillside, fish-tailing as it took the curves at high speeds. "Don't worry so much."
Kagome looked over at Inuyasha. Her face clearly said she didn't want to be there. "Are you crazy!" She yelled out in utter bewilderment. "Keep your eyes on the road, you idiot!"
Inuyasha smirked. "What? Afraid we might crash?"
Kagome looked at Inuyasha as stared at her, his eyes never leaving hers for a moment. He sped down the hill then the street. He came to a swift stop at the stoplight. He gave her a large smirk, revealing an exceptionally sharp tooth but Kagome was too out of it to notice.
Minutes later Inuyasha pulled into a spot in an indoor parking lot. They got out, the top automatically came up then he hit the alarm button. They walked into the mall. It was pretty large but not as big as the ones in Tokyo.
"We'll meet back here, right here, in an hour." Inuyasha said glancing at his watch.
Kagome took notice of the watch. It looked expensive, it had diamonds and looked to be made silver or platinum. Kagome snapped back to reality. So they were to meet back here at 5:17.
Sango cleared her throat. She held her hand out at Miroku. He raised a brow. "What?" He asked. Sango continued to hold her hand out. Miroku shook his head. "No." Sango stuck out her bottom lip. Miroku sighed and dropped his head in surrender. "Here," He said as he pulled a credit card from his wallet.
Kagome stared amazed as Inuyasha chuckled. Sango smiled brightly. She grabbed Kagome's hand and once again pulled her off.
Inuyasha sighed. "Dude, you're whipped and you ain't even getting none." He said.
All Miroku did was nod.
"Sango, I really don't like the idea of buying stuff with Miroku's card." Kagome whined out.
Sango laughed. "Don't worry 'bout it, I do it all the time."
"You shouldn't take advantage of his feelings for you," Kagome said in a preachy tone, "You take stuff from him and don't give anything back."
Sango laughed nervously. Her laugh was suspicious and received an inquisitive look from Kagome.
Kagome and Sango walked back to the meeting spot, hands full of bags. Inuyasha was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and Miroku was sitting on the floor with his head between his legs.
Sango walked over to and nudged him with her foot with his credit card held out. Miroku lifted his head and took his card.
"Youre a half an hour late," Inuyasha growled out angrily. When he opened his eyes, they almost popped from his. "What the hell! What's with all the fuckin' bags?" He laughed. "Just wait till you see your credit card bill, Miroku, and don't even think about asking for a raise."
Miroku let out a depressed sigh as he got to his feet. He placed his card back in his wallet and walked off with his one bag. Kagome took the time to notice that the boys had combination of three bags while she and Sango had at least three times that. Inuyasha trudged off after Miroku with Kagome and Sango behind.
Inuyasha unarmed his car and popped the trunk. They all put their bags in, closed the trunk then got in the car. Once again Kagome was stuck in the front seat with Inuyasha. She watched as he slipped his glasses on. Kagome quickly fastened her seatbelt as Inuyasha revved the engine. The top went down with the press of a button and the car sped of with a loud screech.
Inuyasha drove through the streets of the city. Minutes later they we driving through the countryside, going the opposite direction of the school. "Where are we going?" Kagome asked while her hair waved in the wind.
"Need to make a stop," Inuyasha said casually.
Kagome sighed as she felt the car move faster.
About a half and hour later, Kagome was still sitting next to Inuyasha. They were driving down a country road and Kagome hadn't seen a house for miles.
Kagome looked up as a large house, actually a mansion, appeared in the distance. Inuyasha slowed to a stop as he approached the gates of the mansion.
A guard was sitting in a booth next to gate, reading a magazine. He looked up as the car stopped and jumped to his feet, throwing the book to the side. "Hello, sir." He said nervously. He fumbled in the booth and the gates slid open.
Inuyasha nodded and drove into the estate grounds.
"So where are we?" Kagome asked as she stared in awe. The mansion was sat on a cliff and overlooked the ocean. The mansion had two floors but it was wide. It looked to be based on western building designs. The lush green lawn was cut low and obviously well kept.
"This is Inuyasha's place," Sango said finally answering Kagome.
"What!?" She yelled out in surprise.
Inuyasha pulled around the circle driveway and stopped the car at the steps. Three maids, in very scandalous uniforms, were already waiting. Inuyasha hopped from the car and they rushed toward him with phrases like: 'welcome sir', 'wonderful to have you back' and 'can I do anything for you'.
Kagome watched as Miroku grinned. Sango eyed him angrily, he saw and quickly removed the smirk. Inuyasha walked up the stairs with three women following. Kagome grabbed a hold of Sango's arm and walked beside her. "You said he was rich but this is& wow! He has maids and butlers and everything."
Sango rolled her eyes. "Let me correct you, he has maids. Inuyasha has nothing but women taking care of his every need. There are only two men working here, the guard at the gate and Myouga his retainer."
Miroku looked over his shoulder. "It is rumored that his chef& that she cooks completely nude," Miroku said causing Kagome's eyes to widen, "Of course it's just a rumor but I would love to get the chance to see if it's true." Sango eyed Miroku dangerously and he quickly shut up and faced forward.
Kagome blinked a few times in disbelief. Was Inuyasha that much of a guy? All these women running around, taking care of him, like they were supposed to be his mother. What a spoiled little brat!
Kagome's face must have been reflecting her thoughts because Sango tapped her. "Jealous, are we?"
"Huh? What? No." Kagome said. Sango nodded but it was a nod that clearly said she didn't believe her. "I'm not," Kagome repeated to reassure her friend and herself.
Two of the maids pulled the door open and the other led them inside. Kagome's shock increased as she took in the sight of the mansion's inside.
The floor was made of some expensive designer tile. In the middle of the floor was a table stand with some flowers in vase. There were two wooden doors at both ends of the entrance room. Then there was the semicircular staircase that split in both directions, leading up to the second floor.
They all slipped their shoes off and slid into the slippers waiting for them. The slippers Kagome put on were surprisingly comfortable considering the fact they were guest slippers.
"Katsumi," Inuyasha said.
One of the maids that opened the door came rushing to Inuyasha side. "Yes, Lord."
"Lord?" Kagome hissed into Sango's ear. Sango nodded.
"Please escort my guests to the den," Inuyasha said. Katsumi nodded motioned for them to follow. "Oh and don't let Miroku near any of my cars."
Katsumi nodded and Miroku groaned. Kagome followed Katsumi to the door on the left. She pushed the heavy looking door open with ease. They came to a shoji door and Katsumi slid it open then stepped to the side, allowing them to enter. She bowed and slid the door close.
Inuyasha's den was amazing. A wonderfully soft carpet covered the floor. There was a large window, shielded by fine white lace curtains. Across the room from that sat a fireplace, burning intensely. Against another wall, there was a huge flat screen, plasma television and next to that was a stereo system, the speakers were placed all around the room. A couch and chair sat before the television. Between the furniture and the TV was a short glass table. There were a few time consuming items in the room, video games, pool table and a computer, just to mention a few.
Miroku and Sango kicked their slippers off and sat down. Kagome followed and sat on the couch next to Sango.
Kagome picked up the remote on the table and started pressing buttons. The fireplace kept flickering on and off. "So how do you turn this thing on?" As soon as Kagome said 'on,' the television came to life.
Miroku laughed as he sat on the chair, his legs hanging over one arm while his head rested on the other. "Voice control," He said.
Kagome sat the remote back on the table and looked in awe. Inuyasha was rich. "My God, Inuyasha is so spoiled. Who is so lazy that they need a TV that changes channel by voice?"
"I'm not lazy, wench." A part of the wooden wall slid open like an elevator door, actually it was an elevator. The car was small enough for three people to squeeze in, though, it would have been a tight fit. Inuyasha stepped from the elevator and into the room.
Kagome founded the temperature suddenly rising in the room. He was in his usual colors. Inuyasha was wearing loose red khaki pants. His silk shirt was red with a white silhouette of a Chinese dragon. It was hanging loosely off his shoulders and unbuttoned, revealing his bare chest and toned abs. Sango's snicker brought Kagome from la-la-land.
What? Kagome asked as she raised a brow.
"Why don't you just go up to his room and fuck him?" Sango whispered.
"Sango!" Kagome hissed out and hit her friend on the arm.
Inuyasha cleared his throat lightly and glared at Sango. Sango smiled and held her hands up defensively. "Off," Inuyasha said. The TV. flickered off and Inuyasha headed for the door. "Come on."
They came speeding down the street that ran parallel to the school. Inuyasha came to a halt right at the front of the gates.
Kagome looked confused. "Inuyasha?"
A guard at the gate came to the car. Inuyasha pulled out some money and handed it to the guard. The guard nodded as Inuyasha popped the trunk of the car. The guard grabbed the bags and tipped his hat. He walked back to his booth and Inuyasha drove off.
Inuyasha parked the car at the train station lot then they climbed the ladder down into the sewer then walked back to the school.
Sango pushed the dorm room open and Kagome followed her in.
"So what happen to our bags?" Kagome asked as she sat on her bed.
"Theyre on the way," Sango said as she changed into a pair sweat pants and a loose shirt. There was a knock on the door. Sango opened the door and stood off to the side.
Inuyasha and Miroku stood in the doorway with the two girls' bags in hands.
"Delivery," Miroku said smiling.
Inuyasha slid past the two and made his way over to Kagome. He stumbled over Kagome's schoolbag. Inuyasha abandoned Kagome's bags, tossing them to the side, and they both fell onto the bed. He was on top of her in an awkward position; he was resting the majority of his weight on his elbows, his body hovering mere centimeters above her.
Kagome looked into Inuyasha's gold colored eyes. They seemed to shimmer with amusement. The side of his mouth curled up into a smirk. "Sorry," Inuyasha whispered heavily.
Kagome smiled. "I don't mind." Her voice quivered. Inuyasha's presence was having an affect on her.
Both Kagome and Inuyasha looked over to find Miroku grinning perversely and Sango eying them. Inuyasha quickly jumped off Kagome and started straightening his clothes. Kagome sat up and traced a circle with her finger on the bed sheets.
"Alright, I did my part." Inuyasha snapped out. He crossed the room, making sure to step over Kagome's bag, and walked from the room. "Sango, next time you wanna thank Miroku for something, don't do it in my room. I wasn't sleep." He said passing by.
Kagome stared at Sango shocked. Sango turned three different shades of red while Miroku had a look similar to Kagome's. "I-I sh-should be going," Miroku stuttered out.
Sango snatched her bags from his hands and pushed him from the room. She slammed the door closed and turned around to her friend with a huge fake smile.
Kagome stared at Sango. Mmm-hmm. I think you have some explaining to do, young lady."
Sango dropped her head and sighed loudly.