InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Pool Tables are Fun but They Lead to Trouble ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha.
~Chapter 9~
Pool Tables are Fun but They Lead to Trouble
Inuyasha abandoned Kagome's breast. Focusing on one area for too long would make things get boring fast besides, he could always come back. He snaked up her body, flicking his tongue across her smooth skin as moved. Inuyasha stopped at her neck. He left a line of kisses across her collarbone.
Kagome pushed Inuyasha up off of her. She smiled at the his expression, he looked like a confused puppy. She grabbed his shirt, where it was buttoned up, and with one quick motion tore it open. So what if it the shirt was silk, Inuyasha could buy another one, it wasn't like he pressed for money.
Inuyasha pulled off his shirt and Kagome threw it away, leaving his white undershirt. He pulled that up over his head and let it drop to the floor, then went back to working on her neck.
Kagome ran her fingers through Inuyasha's hair. She writhed under his touch, enjoying every moment of the pleasure. She felt Inuyasha leave her neck. His breath signaled that he was moving down her body. Kagome felt a sharp, but pleasurable, pain on her right breast when Inuyasha gently bit. His breath told her that he just passed her naval. The next thing she knew, Inuyasha had pulled her pants off, and just like the rest of her clothes, were thrown away.
Inuyasha smiled as he ran each hand up both of Kagome's legs. He came to her hips and took her underwear in between his fingers. He inched them down some and stopped, waiting for Kagome to protest. When she didn't, he quickly pulled them off and discarded them. Inuyasha took in the sight before him. A completely nude young woman lying on a pool table, awaiting his touch. Inuyasha crept closer to Kagome.
Kagome and Inuyasha looked up with looks of horror. Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru and Kagura stood in the doorway. Kagome pushed Inuyasha to the side causing them to roll off the pool table, luckily Kagome landed on top of Inuyasha. Kagome grabbed the nearest piece of clothing, which was Inuyasha silk shirt, and wrapped it around her. She and Inuyasha peered over to pool table.
Miroku stood with a big lecherous grin while Sango was shocked, and Kagura covered her mouth with her hand, Sesshomaru, however, was completely unaffected. He stood there with a expressionless face.
Kagome smiled nervously. “Hi everyone,” She said with a nervous laugh.
Inuyasha groaned and slid down behind the pool table. He sat down and leaned the back of his head against the table. Everything was silent for at least two minutes. “Are they still there?” He quietly asked Kagome. She nodded.
Sango and Kagura gathered Kagome's clothes and tossed them over to her. She hid behind the pool table as she put them on.
Miroku walked over to the couch. He plopped down and leaned back. Miroku glanced to his left and picked up the bra that was inches from his head. Another big grin appeared on his face. Suddenly Sango's fist came in contact with the back of his head. Miroku dropped to the side while the bra went flying into the air. Sango caught it and tossed it to Kagome.
Kagome misjudged the throw and her bra ended up landed on Inuyasha's head. He made no attempt to move it. Kagome reached for it but it had hooked to Inuyasha's bandanna. She tugged lightly. That's when a frantic Inuyasha started to help her.
“It's all right, I'll get it.” Inuyasha protested, trying to get away.
“I can get it, just hold still.” Kagome commanded angrily.
“Kagome stop,” Inuyasha whined out.
Before he could stop her, Kagome had yanked her bra along with his red bandanna. Kagome screamed and scrambled away from Inuyasha. Inuyasha stood up, leaving her cowering behind the pool table.
Kagome quickly put the rest of her clothes on and looked up at Inuyasha. Sticking out from his silver hair were two dog-like ears, the same ears that he had on Halloween. “Inuyasha, Halloween has been over for a while.”
Sango sighed. Shaking her head, she sat down next to Miroku. Kagura looked on apprehensively. She sat down in one of the chairs. Inuyasha held out his hand to help Kagome up.
“They are real,” He said as he pulled her to her feet.
Kagome rolled her eyes in disbelief. “Come on, Inuyasha, I'm not dumb.” She looked away. Her eyes snapped back to the ears on top of his head. “Did they just move?” Kagome stared into Inuyasha's eyes. He looked serious enough and the others didn't look as if they were holding back laughs. Kagome slowly reached up for an ear. She cautiously moved her hand inches from an ear then carefully took in her hand.
The ear was warm and soft. The moment Kagome touched Inuyasha's right ear, the left one twitched. Kagome pulled her hand back, quickly. She looked somewhat scared but more freaked out than anything. Kagome headed for the door but Sesshomaru stepped into her way. Kagome froze under his cold glare.
“Sesshomaru, get out of her way.” Inuyasha said angrily.
Sesshomaru didn't move. “I cannot do that little brother. I will not risk being exposed because you couldn't keep your hormones in control. I have worked too damn hard, Father has worked too damn hard, for it to turn out like this!”
“I don't give a flying fucking about you or Father. You might have forgotten the fact that he abandoned me but I haven't.” His voice was dripping with hatred. “He left us. We were always looked down upon. Her because of the choice she made and me because I was the result of that choice. And you think I care about you or his legacy!”
Sango stood up. “This is not the time for this! You two are so immature.”
Kagura nodded. “I have to agree with you on that one.”
Sesshomaru turned to Sango. “You stay out of this!”
A daydreaming Miroku snapped from his fantasies. He got to his feet. “Watch what you say to her, Sesshomaru. I don't care if you are my boss.”
Kagome looked on apprehensively. She watched as Miroku fiddled with the the glove on his right hand. She never really took notice of the purple glove on his right hand. It ran halfway up his arm and beads covered it. She always thought it was a fashion statement.
Sesshomaru glared at Miroku. “Such insolence.”
Kagura walked over to Sesshomaru. “Oh shut up and stop being such a jackass!”
Sango turned to Kagome. “I think there are some things you should know. You probably should sit down.”
Kagome sat down on the sofa and Sango sat next to her. Miroku sat on the arm of the sofa, next to Sango. Kagura sat back down in her chair. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru stood with their arms crossed.
About a half and hour later Sango had finished telling Kagome everything. How she had been trained in the art of demon slaying. How Sesshomaru and Kagura were demons. How Inuyasha was a half-demon.
Kagome sat. She blinked a few times, trying to take all this new information in. She looked at Inuyasha, who was standing against the wall with his arms crossed. He looked at her awaiting a reaction.
Kagome exploded. “When were you planning on telling me this?!” Inuyasha started to stutter. Kagome got to her feet and approached him. “Well? After you fucked me?” Inuyasha was at a loss for words.
Everyone watched in surprise. “I think we should go. Inuyasha can handle Kagome.” Sango said, motioning for everyone to leave.
Miroku stood. “I think it's the other way around. Kagome seems to be handling him.” He mumbled as they headed out the room followed by Sango. A reluctant Sesshomaru was pulled along by Kagura.
Inuyasha walked over and stood against the door, blocking her only path. “How should I tell you this?” He asked. He was questioning himself more than her.
“You could start with the true,” Kagome said smartly bordering on rude.
Inuyasha heaved a very heavy sigh. “My life has been exactly like I told, except I left out a few important details.”
“Yeah, like being a demon.”
“Half-demon,” Inuyasha replied. “Father was a demon. Mother was human.”
Kagome crossed her arms. “So when you said your mother and father were from two different classes, it was just a metaphor.”
Inuyasha nodded. “We lie to protect ourselves. People aren't very understanding about things that are new, just look at how you reacted.”
Kagome stood thinking. Inuyasha did have a point. She may have overreacted a little. No wonder Inuyasha so reluctant to tell anyone about his heritage. Kagome sat on the sofa, silently thinking. Inuyasha waited. He made no attempt at all to stir her.
Kagome sat for at least a half an hour and still Inuyasha waited.
Finally she turned to Inuyasha. She tried to speak but words failed her.
“You think I'm a freak, don't you?” Inuyasha asked sadly.
Kagome was taken aback. She really hadn't expected that. “A freak?” Inuyasha nodded. Kagome stood. “No, I don't think you're a freak. A little weird, yes but who isn't.” Kagome smiled. Still surprised, Inuyasha nervously returned it. “Might take some getting use to but I wouldn't mind having a half-demon as a friend.”
Just a friend?” Inuyasha asked hopefully, walking forward some.
Kagome passed him as he stood and stopped behind him. She reached up and rubbed one of Inuyasha's ears. His head leaned back giving her the obvious impression that he liked it and wanted more. The next thing she knew, Kagome heard a low growl. It wasn't a frightening growl, it sounded like a dog's version of a cat's purr.
Kagome released his ear before Inuyasha got too excited. “Maybe more,” She said replying to his question, “See you later, dog-boy.” She walked from the room leaving Inuyasha speechless.
It was almost Thanksgiving time and the school was closing. Kagome had decided to go home and visit her family. Her mother always went all out on Turkey Day.
Ok so it was a two days from Thanksgiving but more importantly it was about two weeks from when she found out Inuyasha's secret.
Sesshomaru seemed to accept the fact that she knew. He didn't seem too worried about her knowing, if he did, he didn't show it. Kagura, who never spoke to her before, said 'hello' every time they saw one another. Miroku was his usual self, although Kagome never got the chance to his wind tunnel in action.
Sango also was her normal self, though Kagome got to see her workout. During the little “truth session” Kagome found out Sango was a demon slayer. She wondered why a demon slayer would by surrounded by demons but Sango told her that she only hunted evil demons. She said that the demand for someone in her field wasn't as high as it had decades ago.
Things between her and Inuyasha were different. He wasn't too reserved about showing his true self around her either. He'd toss off his hat or bandanna in a heartbeat. With something always covering his ears, it probably got hot under there. Their private relationship remained mostly unchanged. Kagome hadn't become the other woman or maybe she had. She and Inuyasha did have their fun every once in a while but it was nothing more than harmless flirting.
“You ready, Kagome?”
Kagome turned to see Sango standing in the doorway. Kagome nodded. “Just a few more things.” Kagome grunted as tried to squeeze her suitcase shut. She ended up sitting on it while Sango zipped it.
Sango sighed. “When did you get so much stuff?”
Kagome smiled and hopped off the suitcase. “When we all went to the mall and you convinced me to shop on Miroku's card.”
Sango nodded while she mouthed 'oh.'
Kagome looked at all the bags Sango had packed. “That's a lot of stuff isn't it?”
Sango shrugged. “I don't have to carry 'em.”
As if on cue Miroku announced himself with a knock on the door. “Ladies.” He smiled and walked into the room followed by two men. They gave off a bodyguard look; big, muscular bodies, black suits and black sunglasses.
They walked over and picked all over Sango's bag with ease. They rushed out the room.
Kagome headed through the lobby towards the front exit. It was crowded. Kagome sighed mentally. She soon found pushed along so she just decided to go with the flow. She soon found herself bumping into someone.
“Sorry,” Kagome said.
Kagome looked up to those big beautiful golden eyes. “Hello Inuyasha.”
He smiled. “Thought I told last time to watch where you were going.”
Kagome returned the smile. “It takes me a while to learn some things.” Just a little flirting.
Inuyasha smirked. He grabbed her bags and led her outside.
Kagome stopped when Inuyasha stopped outside the school gates. Waiting at the the curb were two limos. Miroku was sitting on the trunk of one while Sango leaned next to him.
“Hey you bastard! Get off my limo!” Inuyasha yelled. Miroku ignored him. Inuyasha sighed and shook his head in defeat.
“Inuyasha!” A familiar voice called out.
They all looked to see Kikyo walking up. Inuyasha sat Kagome's bags down and she possessively wrapped her arm around his. “Inu, dear. Did you think you were going to run off without saying bye? You know we won't be seeing each other for almost week.”
Inuyasha and Kikyo spent about three minutes saying their goodbyes. Kikyo leaned in to kiss Inuyasha but he casually turned his head to the side slightly and waved at no one. Kikyo ended up kissing his cheek.
No one expect that but they all kept relatively silent. Kikyo seemed unaffected by Inuyasha's action, she probably thought he was waving at the someone he knew. She walked off with a smile but when she passed Kagome, she gave her an evil look.
While they all stood looking at Inuyasha, Sesshomaru approached the other limo with Kagura. Sesshomaru was silent as he got in but Kagura waved.
Kagome hugged Sango and even Miroku, he even did without any lewd actions. Then it came time for Inuyasha.
They embraced each other. It was normal, friendly, but then it became more. Inuyasha ran his hand down back and rested it on her ass. Kagome found it a little uncomfortable at first but quickly got over it when he rested his head in the crook of her neck. There he breathed heavily, sending chills down her spine. After that kissed and sucked. He left her neck and gave a quick kiss on the lips along with a squeeze on the ass.
Miroku and Sango just stood by looking. They hopped in the limo followed by Inuyasha. Kagome was left, by herself, to take the train.