InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Thanksgiving Dinner and a Visit ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Do I own Inuyasha? Absolutely not. Do I own Ougon Hoshi High? Yes.
~Chapter 10~
Thanksgiving Dinner and a Visit
Kagome was about ten minutes from the train stop. Her ride had been plagued with thoughts of Inuyasha and his goodbye. What was that suppose to mean and what his not kissing Kikyo suppose to mean.
Kagome sighed as the train pulled to a stop. She grabbed her bags and headed off the train. She walked down the platform and looked around some.
Kagome found her little brother ran towards her. She hugged him tightly. Eventually he wriggled free and led her towards their mother and grandfather. She embraced each one of them.
Kagome sat in the living room watching TV with Arimi, Yuka and Eri. They had come to visit and catch up. Before her friends showed up, she tried to help her mother with the cooking but she refused.
“So are you going to make a move?” Yuka asked.
She was talking about Inuyasha. Kagome had told them that she had a crush on him but not that they engaged in a few make-out sessions. She also failed to leave out his name.
Before Kagome could reply, the doorbell rang. Kagome got up to get it but her mother came rushing by. “You sit down, dear. It's your vacation. You've been gone for so long I want you to enjoy it.”
Kagome sighed. She plopped back down on the couch.
“I wish I went to boarding school. That way when I come home my parents won't aggravate me.” Eri said. They all snickered.
“Kagome dear, you have company.” Her mother's voice called from near the front door.
Kagome stood just as her mother led the guests in, she looked a little flustered. It was Sango and Miroku.
Sango slipped from Miroku's hold and they both ran at each. They hugged and turned into giggling idiots. Then it was Miroku's turn. He hugged without causing too much of a problem. His hand had start to slide down but he quickly broke the embrace, probably because of a look Sango gave him.
Kagome began to introduce new friends to old ones.
Kagome froze. She turned around slowly. “Inuyasha,” She whispered.
Her friends gasped. “Inuyasha Taisho.” Their surprise obviously showed that they recognized him.
As always he was gorgeous. He stood in usual colors, red and some white. He had red pants, a red silk shirt and a tightly fitting white shirt under. A white baseball cap sat atop his head.
Kagome's mother came in. “Dear, will your friends be staying for dinner?” She asked.
Sango shook her head. “No, ma'am. We just want to surprise Kagome since we were in town.”
Kagome's mother nodded and headed back to the kitchen.
Inuyasha stood back away from everyone, ignoring the glances and whispers of Kagome's friends. Every once in a while he'd steal a glance at Kagome when no one else was looking.
There was an odd silence until Inuyasha's phone rang. He pulled out his phone. Soon afterwards he pulled up his sleeve and looked at his watch. He finished the conversation and hung up. “Miroku, business.” Miroku nodded and walked over to him. They whispered amongst themselves.
“Is that so?” Miroku asked loudly with a smirk.
Inuyasha nodded. “That bastard is up to something,” He said angrily.
Sango cleared her throat angrily. Inuyasha and Miroku looked up. “Keep it under control,” She said looking at Inuyasha. He rolled his eyes. Kagome's mother walked back into the room. “Thank you for your hospitality,” Sango said politely.
Kagome's mother smiled. “Oh it was no trouble at all dear.”
Sango smiled. “Kagome, I'll give you a call later since you're busy.”
Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango headed for the door, ready to leave. Kagome followed and found her mother and her friends on her heels. The three politely say goodbye, specifically to Kagome's mother. Kagome was surprised; she had never seen Inuyasha act so civil with anyone.
Kagome, her friends and her mother stood at the top of shrine stairs while Inuyasha and the others walked down to the limo.
As soon as Inuyasha's limo drove off, Kagome was bombarded with questions from her friends. They wanted to know why she hadn't said that it was Inuyasha Taisho she liked. They asked what had happen between them again, and again Kagome lied. They also wanted her to call the time he came over.
Kagome sat down at the table with her brother and grandfather while her mother put the dishes on the table. Kagome's friends had left about an hour ago; they had their own families to eat with.
Kagome's grandfather said the prayers then began to slice the turkey and give everyone equal proportions. They began passing the other dishes around and taking what they wanted.
“So Kagome, I didn't know you knew Inuyasha Taisho.” Kagome's mother said casually. Sota and her grandfather looked up, surprised.
“You know Inuyasha Taisho?” Sota asked in awe. Kagome nodded. “He's rich.”
“Humph! I think the boy is a total disgrace.” Kagome's grandfather said. “He looks rude and he sounds even ruder.”
Kagome sighed. Why did her mother have to say anything?
Kagome was stuffed. She ate more than she should have last night. She sighed as she looked in the mirror.
Kagome turned to her window, the source of the knocking: Inuyasha!
Kagome rushed to the window and opened it. “What the hell are you doing here?” She hissed.
Inuyasha straddled the window sill, one leg hanging outside, the other folded cross the windowsill. He looked around her room curiously. “So this is your room?”
“Kagome, dear?”
Kagome started to panic when she heard her mother's voice. She quickly pushed Inuyasha out the window and closed it just as her mother opened the door. Kagome turned, trying to look inconspicuous.
“I'm going to take Sota and your grandfather to the mall. Would you like to come?” Kagome shook her head. “Ok.”
Her mother left, closing the door behind her. Her mother must have fell for her act. Kagome opened the window and looked down. Inuyasha was nowhere to be found. Kagome jumped back when suddenly something came flying into the window.
Inuyasha walked over and sat on her bed. “What the hell was that for?” He asked grumpily.
Kagome looked at him, amazed at his nerve. “My mother was coming. Get off my bed you jerk!” Inuyasha rolled his eyes, laid down and turned his back to her. “What are here for anyway?” She asked with an exasperated sigh.
“I need a favor.”
Kagome blinked. “You need a favor from me?”
Inuyasha sat up. “Don't sound so surprised.” He kicked off his shoes and threw his bandanna off too. “I need you to go out with me.”
“What?” Kagome asked.
Inuyasha folded his arms. “It's a charity dinner and I need a date.”
“What about Kikyo?”
Inuyasha sighed. “I don't want to take her. I'm here and I'm asking you.”
“Won't she have something to say?”
“Let me worry about that.”
Kagome thought. “I don't have anything to wear,” She finally said, surrendering.
Inuyasha smirked happily. “Go nude.” Kagome looked at him. “Sorry. Don't worry about it. Come on.”
Inuyasha stood up. “Just come on.”
“Fine! Meet me outside.”
“Why?” Inuyasha asked, perplexed.
“I have to change!” Inuyasha immediately sat on the floor, strangely resembling a dog. “Inuyasha, out!”
Inuyasha refused to move. “It's not like I haven't see it all before, at least, most of it.”
Kagome blushed. He had a point though. “Turn around then!” Inuyasha reluctantly turned around but Kagome knew he would peek, oh well. Kagome got out of her house clothes and changed into something plain, a pair of blue jeans and white shirt with a pink flower on the front.
Kagome turned to find Inuyasha sprawled out across the floor staring at her.
“I thought I told you not to look,” Kagome said pretending to be angry.
“I must not have heard you,” He smirked and his ears twitched.
Kagome watched those ears as they twitched. She walked over and took an ear in his hand. She started to rub the velvety soft fur. Inuyasha's eyelids began to droop and his eyes roll up. Kagome heard a familiar growl, his sign of happiness.
“Come on, I have to write a note to my mom.” Kagome said breaking the rub.
Kagome followed Inuyasha across the grounds of her shrine. She had written her mother a note saying that she went out.
“So where are we going and how are we getting there?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha looked over his shoulder with a huge grin.
They got to the bottom of the stairs and walked around the corner. There was a blood red motorcycle with white streaks. It was a two seater.
Kagome stared. “You want me to ride that?” Kagome asked, shocked. Inuyasha nodded. Kagome shook her head rapidly. “No way!”
Inuyasha sighed. “Don't be such a baby,” He said irritated. Inuyasha threw his leg over the bike.
Kagome sighed. The idea of wrapping her arms around Inuyasha was too good to pass up. She went to walk forward but stopped. “Where's my helmet?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Don't have one.” Kagome stepped back. “I haven't fallen once, besides I'd die before I let anything happen to you.”
Inuyasha quickly turned his head and Kagome looked down. They were both surprised by words. Kagome smiled and climbed on. She linked her arms around his waist as he started the engine. Kagome pulled her feet up onto the foot pedestals as Inuyasha revved the engine.
“You ready?” Inuyasha asked.
Kagome nodded. “Yeah.”
“All right.” With that Inuyasha sped off. His feet dragged the street until brought them up. Inuyasha smiled as he felt her grip around her waist tighten. Inuyasha slowed the bike down to take the right turn. After the turn, Inuyasha sped up again and pulled the bike up on the back wheel. Kagome's grip became inhumanly tight and Inuyasha brought the motorcycle back down on both wheels, wincing slightly from the constriction place upon him.
Inuyasha slowed to a stop at the light. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Kagome asked furious.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Inuyasha lied.
Kagome rolled her eyes and laid her head on his back. Kagome groaned when she saw her friends across the street.
Eri, Arimi and Yuka were crossing the street. If that wasn't bad enough, Hojo was with them. They all stared as they walked across the street. Kagome waved nervously and they returned it.
The light changed and Inuyasha sped off.
Inuyasha slowed to a stop. Kagome looked to see they outside a large apartment complex.
“What are we doing here?” Kagome asked.
Inuyasha said nothing, he just got off the motorcycle. Kagome instinctively followed. A man standing at the apartment building entrance came rushing forward. Inuyasha handed him the keys and he nodded.
They walked into the building. Kagome walked behind Inuyasha taking in her surroundings. If the lobby was so extravagant, she could only imagine they way the apartments looked. The guard nodded as the passed.
The elevator doors slid open and they stepped in. Inuyasha pulled a key from his pocket and stuck it in the keyhole underneath the buttons. He turned the key and pressed a button at the top. The elevator began to move and Inuyasha pocketed the key.
With a small chime, the elevator announced its arrival on the floor. The doors slid open and they stepped out. Kagome was awestruck. They were in the penthouse. It was huge.
“Is this your place?” Kagome asked. Inuyasha nodded in response. “Why are we here?”
Inuyasha went over and sat on the couch. He flipped on the TV and motioned for Kagome to sit down next to him. “I need a nap,” He replied.
Kagome sat down next him. “So.”
“Just wait,” Inuyasha said annoyed, “The stores will still be there.” He stood up and tossed Kagome the button.
“Stores? What stores?” Kagome asked, surprised.
Inuyasha shook his head as walked upstairs. “You're the one that said you didn't have anything to wear,” He said while walking.
Kagome went to protest but he was already gone. She sighed and watched TV.
A/N: Read and review.