InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Naraku ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: Do I own Inuyasha? Absolutely not. Do I own Ougon Hoshi High? Yes.
~Chapter 11~
Kagome slowly walked up the stairs. “Inuyasha,” She called out. There was no response. “Inuyasha.” Again he failed to respond. Kagome sighed. She walked along the hall, opening doors as she went.
Kagome finally found him in the master bedroom. He was sprawled out across the bed, shirt off, sleeping. She carefully walked over.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered. Kagome repeated his name and shook him lightly this time. Before Kagome knew what happen, she had been pulled down on top of him.
“What do you want?” He whispered.
His arms were around her so Kagome couldn't get away, not that she really wanted to. “I came to see what was taking you so long.” She smiled to herself as she began plotting. She reached up and grabbed an ear between her thumb and index fingers. She started to rub in a circular motion.
Inuyasha started to growl lightly. “What are you doing, wench?”
Kagome stared and paused in her rubbing. “Wench?” she asked, sounding insulted.
Inuyasha looked up. He was missing his rub. “Oh, don't be insulted. Humph! You call me dog-boy.”
Kagome sighed. He did have a point there. She continued massaging his ears. Inuyasha looked to be in heaven. “What is the deal with you and your ears?” Kagome asked.
“They're my spot,” Inuyasha said with his eyes closed.
Kagome smirked evilly. Inuyasha's ear were his spot, so now she had a weapon against the boy who had discovered numerous sexual hot spots across her body. “So does Kikyo know about your spot?” She knew she had said something wrong.
Inuyasha released his grip around Kagome's waist. He rolled her off him and got up. Kagome looked at him puzzled. “No, she doesn't know.”
Kagome knew it wasn't smart to push the subject but she did anyway. “Does she know you, I mean everything about you?”
Inuyasha sighed. “Yes.”
His tone clearly said the conversation was over. Kagome stopped perusing the subject.
The driver opened the limo and Inuyasha stepped out. He held out a hand to help Kagome out.
It was late afternoon, on the verge of dusk.
“Inuyasha, why are we in the most expensive shopping district in the entire city?” Kagome asked as looked up and down the street. These were shops Kagome had dreamed about going to.
“You need a dress, so you're getting a dress.” Inuyasha wrapped an arm her shoulders and pulled her forward.
A reluctant Kagome walked into the store. “Look at the price on this dress. $1,200. And it doesn't even look good.” Kagome said checking out a dress. “Inuyasha, I don't have money to pay for anything.”
Inuyasha ignored her. He approached the counter, where a woman was looking down at some papers. She looked up and gasped. “Mr. Taisho,” she hurried and slid the papers off to the side. “I had no idea that you were coming by. If I did, I would have brought out our best suits.”
Kagome looked on from behind Inuyasha. The woman was very nervous and rushed her words out. Inuyasha must have been a very valued customer here.
Inuyasha smiled showing his dazzling white teeth. “That's ok,” he said, casually waving his hand, “My wardrobe is not the main reason I am here today.” He reached back and pulled Kagome forward. “This beautiful young lady has done the honor of escorting me to a dinner.”
Kagome blushed furiously. The woman stepped from behind her counter. She looked Kagome up and down causing her to become very apprehensive. “I suppose you'll be wearing your normal colors?” The woman's question was directed towards Inuyasha. He nodded. “Is it a formal dinner?” Inuyasha nodded again. The woman smiled. “Always the rebel.”
Inuyasha smiled. “Of course. Why follow someone else's style when you can make your own?” Inuyasha slipped his hands in his pockets then walked over to some chairs and sat in one. He crossed his legs and closed his eyes.
“He lives by those words,” the woman said as she pulled out some tape measure.
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Don't I know it.”
“So,” the woman started, “How will you be dressing?” Kagome shrugged her shoulders. “Would you like to follow him in red or do you prefer the formal black?”
Kagome thought for a second. “I'll go with black. I'm not as brazen as he is.”
The woman nodded in understanding. “I have the perfect idea of what to put you in; it will definitely straddle the line. Of course, you're welcome to try other dresses on too.”
Kagome nodded.
“Don't forget shoes,” Inuyasha called out. “And any other accessories you feel necessary.”
A zoned out Inuyasha sat in the chair with his eyes closed. He had to have been waiting for at least an hour. “God. Why does it take women so long to get dressed?”
Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes. He was expecting Kagome to be standing before him in a very elegant and sexy dress. Sadly he was mistaken. Kagome was standing before him in exactly the same clothes as before. “W-what happen?” He asked, sitting up.
Kagome shrugged her shoulders. “It cost too much so I asked her to put it back. I can get cheaper dress from somewhere else.”
Inuyasha growled. “You idiot,” he said angrily. Inuyasha stood and walked over to the woman behind the counter. “I hope you didn't listen to her and put that dress up.” The woman smiled and sat a box on top of the counter. Inuyasha smirked. “Get her a purse, too.” The woman nodded.
The woman started to ring the dress, the shoes, and a purse up. Kagome grabbed the sleeve of Inuyasha's shirt and pulled him down. “Inuyasha, are you crazy?” She hissed out. “I don't have that kind of money.” She didn't see the price but she had an idea that it was way more than she had.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “You really are an idiot.” Inuyasha reached into his pocket and pulled his wallet.
“Inuyasha, no.” Kagome commanded.
Inuyasha snorted. “Don't give me no orders.” He pulled out a credit card and handed to the woman. “So what dress did you get?”
Kagome went to reply when the woman cut her off. “I think it would be best if you didn't know Mr. Taisho.” Kagome nodded in agreement.
“Fine,” Inuyasha spit out. “Paying for a dress and I don't even know what it looks like,” He mumbled and Kagome smiled. He placed his card back in his wallet when it was given back to him. “I know it better be easy to take off.” Kagome blushed a deep red.
The limo slowed to a stop at the steps to Higurashi Shrine. The driver quickly got out and opened the door. Kagome got out and Inuyasha went to follow but she stopped him.
“Thank you for a nice day,” Kagome said sweetly as she swung her bag side-to-side.
Inuyasha looked puzzled. “Don't you want me to escort you to your door? I wouldn't be a gentleman if I didn't.”
Kagome pushed Inuyasha back into the limo. “That's all right. I don't want to have to deal with questions.” Kagome back away and the driver closed the door. She suddenly remembered that she forgot something. “Inuyasha!”
The black-tinted window rolled down. “Yeah?” Inuyasha asked.
Kagome walked over. “When exactly is this dinner?”
“Saturday at eight.”
Kagome nodded. “So I have about two days to convince my mom to let me go,” Kagome thought aloud.
Kagome leaned into the open car window and gave Inuyasha a quick kiss on the lips. She blushed lightly and ran up the stairs. Kagome walked into her house. She carefully looked around as she walked through the house. She didn't want to run into any of the family and be questioned. Kagome heard her mother beginning to leave the kitchen and quickly rushed upstairs.
Kagome came down the stairs about twenty minutes later, after hiding her bag in the back of her closet. She headed for the kitchen where she found her mother tending to the plant by the window.
“Yes, dear.” Her mother replied without turning around.
Kagome stood, twiddling her thumbs. “Um, can I go out Saturday?” Kagome asked nervously.
Kagome's mother remained silent for a moment. “And where might you be going on Saturday?”
“Out to dinner.”
“With who?”
Kagome hesitated. Her mother was never this inquisitive about where she went. She had to have some suspicions. “A friend.”
“Would this friend be a silver haired boy who just happens to be very wealthy?” Her mother asked turning to face her.
Kagome looked down at the floor. She nodded. Kagome waited. After a while, she looked up to see her mother smiling.
“You can go.”
A big smile came across Kagome's face. She ran over and hugged her mother. “Thank you.” Kagome retreated from the kitchen. That was easier than she thought it would be, maybe a little too easy.
Kagome sat on the couch watching TV. She stressed out and trying to relax. Tonight she was going to that dinner with Inuyasha. The only problem was she looked normal. She was going to a party with nothing but rich people and she would be the only one that looked like they didn't belong. What did it matter if she had a fancy dress, everything else said normal.
Kagome let out a heavy sigh. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Kagome went to get up but was beaten to the door by her mother. Her mother opened the door and stepped to the side revealing Sango.
Sango smiled brightly. “I hope you aren't planning to go to dinner looking that.”
Kagome frowned. “Thanks a lot Sango like I don't feel bad enough already. I can't help it, I don't have enough money to go to professionals.”
Sango laughed. “That's why I'm here. I've been sent on a mission.”
“By who?” Kagome asked.
Sango pulled out an envelope. “I've been requested by a certain person to take you out and treat you to the best of everything to get you ready for tonight.”
Kagome looked at her mother who was still standing there. She nodded. Kagome smiled and grabbed her jacket. “Thanks Mom.” she said as she ran out the door.
Kagome and Sango got in the limo waiting for them.
About four hours later, the limo pulled up to Kagome's house. Kagome out followed by Sango, who was carrying her dress in a box. They walked up the stairs and the limo pulled off. Kagome and Sango went in her house, greeting her family, and went up to her room.
“So what does your dress look like?” Sango asked after looking around Kagome's room.
Kagome motioned for Sango to sit on the chair at her desk then went to her closet. She pulled out the box her dress was in and sat it on the bed then carefully took the dress out.
Sango gasped. “It's beautiful.”
At seven o'clock the doorbell rang. Kagome and Sango had just finished getting ready.
“Kagome, your guests are here!” Kagome's mother called up.
Kagome and Sango carefully made their way downstairs, making sure they didn't trip. Her mother was waiting at the bottom of the stairs with a small smile and watery eyes. Kagome heard her grandfather's voice coming from the living room. “You didn't leave them with Grandpa, did you?” she asked horrified. Her mother nodded. Kagome groaned.
Kagome walked into the living room followed by Sango and her mother. Inuyasha and Miroku were sitting on the couch but quickly jumped to their feet when the two girls walked in. The boys' eyes nearly popped from their sockets as did the girls'.
Sango and Miroku stared at each other. Miroku wore a basic tuxedo, except it was a very dark purple. His tie was the same purple as the rest of his suit. He had a white and purple flower in his lapel. He stood staring at Sango with a slight smile.
She was wearing a black dress that hugged her tightly. It was held up around her neck, leaving the majority of her back exposed. The cut of the dress revealed more cleavage than Kagome would have ever dared to show. The bottom of the dress was wavy and on a diagonal angle that started slightly above her knee and ended about midway down her calf. She had on simple, yet, elegant high heels. Sango's hair was hanging down her back, flowing over her shoulders. She held a small purse in hands.
Inuyasha was in his traditional colors, red and white. His suit was red, the shirt underneath was white. His tie was the same stand out red as the suit. In the top pocket of his suit jacket, a neatly folded white handkerchief. He also had a red hat with a round brim.
“Is that velvet?” Kagome asked, in awe.
Inuyasha nodded slowly gazing at her. Kagome was wearing a black dress that was strapless only held up by her breasts, Inuyasha really took the time to notice that. The dress was loose around her legs, two splits ran up the sides of her legs and stopped halfway up her thigh. She also had a nice pair of open-toe high heels. Her hair in a high ponytail giving the appearance of water fountain made of hair. A few strands hung down in her face. She, like Sango, had a purse to match her dress.
Her grandfather's look clearly said he didn't approve of such a revealing outfit. He was about to express his discontent but Kagome's mother shot him a look.
Kagome's mother ushered the girls to the boys. “Ok. Time for some pictures before you go.” Suddenly Kagome's mother, brother and grandfather all pulled out cameras. Kagome blushed deeply as cameras began clicking and flashing.
“That's enough Mom, we have to go.” Kagome said as she drug Inuyasha along. While doing so, she noticed how nice the velvet suit actually felt. Inuyasha bowed his head while Kagome dragged him out the front door. Miroku and Sango bowed as they left too.
Kagome carefully walked down the shrine stairs, making sure she didn't trip. On the street a black limousine was waiting for them. The driver quickly hurried from the front seat and opened the door. Sango got in first, followed by Miroku. Inuyasha motioned for Kagome to get in first.
Inside the limo was wonderful. The seats were a nice combination of black and red leather. The carpeted floor was a deep red. The limo was fully loaded. It had a TV, refrigerator, wonderful soft seats, and lovely carpeting.
Kagome wondered where the hot tub was. “I'm surprised there isn't a hot tub,” she said, glancing over at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha turned his head to face her. “That's in the other limo. This one is for more formal occasions.” Inuyasha smirked. “Why did you want to skinny dip?” he whispered.
“No, I didn't you horny dog!” Kagome yelled angrily. Miroku and Sango, who were busy with their own conversation, immediately looked up. Kagome blushed deeply.
“Inuyasha, aren't we late?” Kagome whispered.
They had arrived about fifteen minutes late because Inuyasha told the driver to take her time.
“No,” Inuyasha said as the receptionist opened the hall doors, “We've arrived just on time.”
As soon as the huge wooden doors were opened, heads turned to see who was coming in. Inuyasha smirked, taking in all the attention he was getting. Kagome nervously squeezed Inuyasha's arm. “Don't be nervous, wench.” Inuyasha mumbled, his lips moving slightly.
“I told you not to call me wench,” Kagome said angrily, through gritted teeth.
Inuyasha and Kagome held for the table near the front, where Sesshomaru was with an unknown woman, with Miroku and Sango walking behind them. Inuyasha pulled out Kagome's seat and Miroku did the same for Sango. Afterwards, they boys pushed their chairs in and sat down.
Inuyasha was sitting to the left of Sesshomaru with Kagome next to him and Sango was on Kagome's left. Miroku was between Sango and the unknown woman.
“Always late, huh, little brother?” Sesshomaru asked snidely.
“Yeah, so what if I am?” Inuyasha asked just as viciously.
Kagome looked across the table at the woman sitting next to Sesshomaru. She leaned over to Sango. “Who's that next to Sesshomaru and where's Kagura?” She whispered.
“Some woman. She's just eye candy. Sesshomaru couldn't have brought Kagura, seeing as her father is responsible for the whole event.” Sango whispered back.
“So where is this Naraku…” Kagome paused when she heard a low growl from Inuyasha and Sesshomaru at that name. “…that I've heard about?”
Sango inconspicuously lifted her finger and point over to a man two tables away. He looked sleazy and deceitful. He had long black hair with dark red eyes. He was wearing a blue suit. At the same table as him was Kagura. She was with some man. She pretended to look interested in what he was saying.
“I'm glad there are no cameras around,” Kagome said glancing around the room.
“I'm surprised,” Inuyasha said, “This is something Naraku would love to get publicity for.”
“It's a good thing they aren't,” Kagome said. “What if Kikyo just happened to see?” Kagome whispered to Inuyasha. Inuyasha's brows furrowed.
Sesshomaru looked up. “Brother, you wouldn't happen to be doing what I think you're doing?” He asked coldly.
“And what might you think I'm doing?” Inuyasha snapped out.
“Two girls at once?” Inuyasha and Kagome blushed. That was all the answer Sesshomaru needed. “You little piece of dirt,” Sesshomaru growled out lowly so that only Inuyasha and Kagome heard.
Kagome was shocked as was Inuyasha. “What did you say?” Inuyasha asked angrily.
“You heard, you little whelp. You're a disgrace to this family and males period. What are you, a coward? Can't decide who you want so you take them both?”
Kagome looked back and forth between the two brothers. Inuyasha was gripping his fork in his hand tightly and his arm was shaking. By this time Miroku and Sango had noticed the altercation that was going on.
“Sesshomaru, mind your own damn business.” Inuyasha growled out.
“Human or demon, no female should be treated in such a manner and I will not allow it take place.”
Before Inuyasha could reply, someone walked up to the table. “Ah. The Taisho Brothers. Welcome to my charity event.”
“Hello, Naraku.” Sesshomaru said coldly.
A/N: Read and review. All my reviewers are gone