InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Decision ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I own no part of Inuyasha.
~Chapter 12~
Up close, Naraku looked even slimier than when Kagome first saw him. His smile would have fooled a normal, naive person, but after being exposed to Kikyo, Kagome could easily tell that it was fake.
Naraku linked his arms behind his back. “I hope you and your guests are having an enjoyable time.”
“Yes Naraku, Your hospitality is immeasurable.” Inuyasha said calmly.
“That's because he doesn't have any,” Miroku mumbled.
The side of Inuyasha's mouth, that wasn't towards Naraku, turned into a smirk.
“I hope you will be more than generous with your contribution,” Naraku said.
Sesshomaru smiled dangerously. “Yes, and I expect you'll do the same for my charity.”
“Of course,” Naraku said. “If you'd excuse me, I have other matters to attend to.”
With that Naraku bowed as he retreated.
“Bastard. Never would have thought he wasn't human, acts so human-like.” Inuyasha mumbled.
“Huh?” Kagome asked surprised. “Naraku is a demon?”
“Yeah.” Inuyasha said.
“He doesn't have any markings like Sesshomaru.”
“The only reason you can see Sesshomaru's markings is because you know he's a demon. Demons have used various forms of magic to hide their demonic features.” Miroku stated.
'That explains why people aren't staring at his face all the time but… ' Kagome shook her head. “I saw Sesshomaru's markings before I knew he was a demon.”
Everyone one around the table stared at Kagome, shocked. Inuyasha had dropped his fork, luckily it didn't cause a lot of noise.
“That's impossible,” Inuyasha huffed out.
“Actually it isn't.” Miroku said in a matter-of-fact tone. “Some people can see past concealment spells, though we don't know why.”
“You must be a very special girl,” Sesshomaru said as he eyed Kagome.
Kagome swallowed hard. Sesshomaru's cold glare chilled her to the bones and she always wondered whether he did it on purpose. Kagome was pulled from her reverie when she felt something rub against her leg. She glanced down and saw Inuyasha's leg quickly moving away.
Kagome smiled. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Inuyasha trying his best to look innocent. 'Go ahead and have your fun, I'll figure out a way to torture you later.'
The rest of the dinner went on pretty uneventfully. Naraku had made announcements thanking everyone for coming. Various business men and women made donations; Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had made a donation of $150,000. Inuyasha had also continued his playtime.
Kagome leaned over and whispered to Inuyasha. “Why exactly are you rubbing against my leg?”
“Don't know. Bored.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. It was a sad excuse but it was getting slightly boring. As if someone had an odd sense of humor, a small band came out and set up their equipment in a corner. They started to play a slow, soft background composition.
Kagome never thought there might be dancing but after seeing the band it started to become more obvious. There was a wide open space in the front which was meant for dancing. Some people started to migrate to the open area.
Kagome looked down. She was anxious, wondering if Inuyasha was going to ask her to dance. No one else at the table had moved.
Inuyasha cleared his throat and stood. He had a grumpy look on his face as he held his hand out. Kagome expected a less than pleasant request but it didn't happen.
“Would you care to dance?” He asked politely.
Kagome wasn't the only one taken aback. Miroku was trying to hold back a snicker and Sango was staring at him angrily. Sesshomaru snorted.
Kagome nodded, taking his hand, as she got up. The two made their way to the dance floor, where Inuyasha took the lead.
Kagome relaxed under the soft melody and Inuyasha's touch. “The first time we danced, I ended up in your room half nude.” Kagome said quietly.
A small blush came to Inuyasha's cheeks. “Don't blame me because you're loose,” Inuyasha shot back.
Kagome purposefully stepped on his foot and received a mutter of pain. “I am not loose you little mutt.” Kagome covered her mouth. Inuyasha looked down at her. She expected him to be angry but he was smiling.
“So you've got a new nickname for me.” He noticed her upset look. “I've been called worse, wench.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “What is up with you calling me wench. Next time you call me wench―”
Inuyasha cut her off. “Shut up, kiss me.” He commanded.
For a second Kagome thought of stepping on his foot again but something inside her decided against it. She leaned up as Inuyasha leaned down. Their lips touched and for what seemed to be the millionth time, Kagome was hit by desire. A desire that she wanted to extinguish by fulfilling it but something, or rather someone was in the way: Kikyo.
As much as Kagome wanted to stop, she didn't. The need to be with him was outweighing her sense of reason. She was just a convenience for him while Kikyo wasn't around but Kagome didn't care at the moment, though something told her she was more than that.
It was Inuyasha who finally broke the kiss. “I know what you're thinking. Sesshomaru is right.” It seemed to pain him when he admitted that.”
Kagome rested her head on Inuyasha's shoulder. “Sesshomaru's right about what?” she asked quietly.
Inuyasha sighed. “I'm a spoiled little boy, a filthy dog. I'm too selfish to chose between you and Kikyo.”
“Inuyasha…” Kagome started.
“No. I've made a decision. For some reason I feel like I can trust you with my life. I don't get that same feeling with Kikyo. Sesshomaru is right…” He said that for the second time in five minutes but this time it didn't seem hard for him to say. “…you are special.”
Kagome smiled, though Inuyasha couldn't see it, he knew. He heard her mumble his name. It was a happy and content tone and naturally, Inuyasha ruined the moment.
“Damn my ear's are hot under this damn hat,” he said irritated.
He snatched it off much to Kagome's horror. “Your ears!” She hissed out.
Inuyasha smirked. “Concealment spell.” He said simply. “Only people who know I'm part demon can see past. Everyone else thinks I'm a normal human.” He tossed the hat towards Miroku, who had just finished dancing with Sango and was sitting down. He caught it and gave an unappreciative glare.
“So why are you always wearing head wear?”
“Sometimes the spell breaks, other times I don't feel like putting it on. Anyway enough talking.”
Kagome nodded as they continued dancing.
The limo pulled up to the bottom of the shrine stairs. Kagome got out followed by Inuyasha. Sango and Miroku said bye as they headed up the stairs.
Inuyasha sheepishly held her hand. He caught the small smile out the corner of his eye. “You have a nice time?”
“I guess,” Kagome said lightly. Inuyasha squeezed her hand. She laughed. “I was joking.”
“Oh, don't get your panties in a bunch.”
Inuyasha let go of her hand and folded his arms across his chest. “I do not wear panties. I wear boxers.” He huffed out.
Kagome paused when she came to the front door of her house. She turned back around to Inuyasha. “Thank you for taking me out.” She was blushing lightly.
“No problem.” Inuyasha blushed deeper.
Kagome waited for a second before unlocking the door with her key. She went to turn the doorknob but Inuyasha's clawed hand stopped her. Kagome looked up at him. Suddenly she found herself drawn into a deep passionate kiss.
Kagome relaxed her body, letting Inuyasha support her. He pressed against her lips forcefully but with a certain gentleness. With a little amount of coaxing from his tongue, Kagome parted her mouth and Inuyasha took full advantage.
“Kagome and Inuyasha sitting in a tree…”
Kagome and Inuyasha quickly separated to find Sota standing in the doorway, singing.
“Sota!” Kagome growled out. The young boy scrambled off into the house as Kagome lunged for him. His laughter rang out as he ran upstairs. Kagome turned back to Inuyasha to find him avoiding her. “Sorry about that.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “That's ok. Shippo is always like that.”
“Shippo?” Kagome asked confused.
Before Inuyasha could say anything, Kagome's grandfather came rushing forward. “Get away from my daughter, you devil of a boy.” He pulled some sutras from the inside of his robes and threw them at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha's eye twitched in disbelief. “Goodnight, Kagome.” He walked off, ignoring the papers that her grandfather continued to toss at him.
As Inuyasha walked down the shrine stairs, Kagome turned to her grandfather. “You are so embarrassing.” She walked past him.
“How was your date, Kagome?”
Kagome walked into the kitchen when she heard her mother's voice. She was blushing from her mother calling it a date. “It wasn't a date, Mother.” Kagome caught her mother's small smile.
“So it wasn't a date. Did you enjoy yourself?”
Kagome nodded. “Yes, I did.”
Kagome stripped her dress off and folded it neatly then placed it back in its box. She sat it high up in her closet and closed the door. Kagome quickly changed into her pajamas, which consisted of sweatpants and a shirt. Sango was the cause of the change in her sleepwear.
Kagome dropped onto her bed with a content smile upon her face. She pulled the sheets over her and soon drifted off to sleep.
A/N: Read and review.