InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Dinner with the Family ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of the Inuyasha franchise, anime or manga. This is true for this chapter and all other chapters of Realization. All rights belong to Inuyasha creator Rumiko Takahashi.
~Chapter 14~
Dinner with the Family
Kagome opened the door and came face-to-face with Inuyasha. Kagome groaned inwardly. How could her mother invite Inuyasha over for dinner?
He was standing there with a big toothy grin. What succeeded in furthering Kagome's surprise was the fact that Inuyasha wasn't wearing his normal colors. He changed his regular colors and opted for black and red. He had black dress pants with a red dress shirt that was buttoned to his neck.
“Hello, Kagome. Nice dress.”
Inuyasha was enjoying himself. He knew she was nervous and getting pleasure from seeing her sweat. And he threw salt into the wound by complementing her dress. She had decided to wear a light blue summer dress. It came slightly above her knees.
“What are you doing here?” Kagome hissed out as Inuyasha stepped in and she closed the door.
“I was invited for dinner,” Inuyasha said in an annoyed tone.
“That's not what I mean.” Her irritation was clear in her voice.
Inuyasha smirked. “You mean, how did I get invited?” Kagome nodded. “Well, I had called to see how you were doing―”
“Called? How did you get my number?” Inuyasha raised a brow at her. “Never mind.”
“I had called and your mother answered. She said you weren't home then it led to her asking me to join y'all for dinner.” Inuyasha's ears twitched on their own accord.
“Do you have those things hidden or is it just me?” Kagome whispered.
“Their fine. Now leave me alone woman.” Inuyasha said huffed out, waving Kagome off with his hand.
“Oh! Hello, dear.” Kagome's mother appeared with a smile.
“Hel-hello,” Inuyasha stammered out.
Kagome looked on, apprehensively. Her mother didn't seem to Inuyasha's ears, which she was thankful for. The night was going to be difficult enough without the introduction of dog ears and Inuyasha's mixed heritage.
“Thank you for inviting to your home,” Inuyasha said. His voice was tense. If situation hadn't been so nerve wrecking, she would have laughed. As famous as Inuyasha was, he would have had to make numerous public speeches, but here, in front of her mother, he was a wimp.
“No, dear, it was my pleasure. It's nice to be able to sit down and talk with one of Kagome's friends.” Kagome's mother led them to the dining area. Awaiting them was a delectable spread of food and the rest of Kagome's family.
Inuyasha bowed to them and they bowed in return. They all sat down on the soft cushion on the floor. Kagome's grandfather said the prayers.
Inuyasha was deep into his meal. Kagome's mother was an exceptional cook. She had prepared gyudon, oden, yakizakana, and even though it wasn't instant, the wonton ramen was excellent.
The meal had been interesting to say the least. Grandpa had initiated a staring contest with Inuyasha. They paused for a few moments every time Kagome and her mother eyed them. Sota drooling at every word that came from Inuyasha's mouth. He practically knocked Kagome out of the way in order to sit on his right.
“Would you like some more gyudon, Inuyasha?” Kagome's mother asked.
For some reason, Kagome had taken it upon herself to refill Inuyasha bowl. Inuyasha held his plate out as Kagome spooned some more of the rice and beef meal on. Kagome had noticed that Inuyasha was trying to be as humble as possible. When her brother had asked how many cars he had, Inuyasha had simply replied 'a few.'
“Inuyasha, you've traveled the world, right? Where have you been?” Sota asked.
Inuyasha swallowed the food that was in his mouth and cleared his throat. “I've been to North and South America and Europe.”
Again a simple answer.
“How much money do you make in a year and why are you interested in my granddaughter?”
Kagome groaned. Her mother eyed her grandfather angrily. Sota excused himself from the table and ran upstairs. Inuyasha had come close to spitting out his food.
Thankfully, Kagome's mother intervened. “Please excuse us,” she said as she got up and dragged her grandfather with her. The went off into the kitchen, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha alone.
Inuyasha sat his bowl and chopsticks on the table. “I am so sorry about my grandfather,” she said apologetically.
Inuyasha shook his head, a slight blush on his cheeks. “It's ok.”
“So how much money do you make and why are you interested in me?” Kagome asked.
“What?” Inuyasha asked confused.
“You heard me!” Kagome said a little loud. Her voice dropped to a high whisper and head was down. “I'm more concerned about why you're interested in me. Me, an average, everyday girl. I'm not special.”
“Your stupid, you know.”
Kagome's head snapped up, her eyes becoming slits of anger. “I ask you a serious question and you insult me.” She quickly reached up and grabbed Inuyasha's ear, to anyone else it would have looked like took lock of his hair in her hand.
Inuyasha cried out in pain as she pulled him down to her lap. “Let go of me, you crazy woman!” Inuyasha whined out. In a effort to free himself, Inuyasha slipped his hand up Kagome's dress.
Kagome shrieked when she felt Inuyasha rub against her and quickly scrambled backwards, letting go of his ear too. Inuyasha sat up with a satisfied smirk on his face and a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. Kagome stared back at him with flushed cheeks.
Kagome's mother had came back into the room at the sound of her daughter's cry. “Is there anything wrong, dear?” she asked, sitting down.
“No, every things fine.” Kagome rushed out.
Her mother noticed the added color in her cheeks but didn't comment. “I'm sorry about my father. He's a little overprotective of Kagome since she's his one an only granddaughter, we all are.”
Inuyasha nodded nervously.
Kagome sighed in relief as she walked outside with Inuyasha. Dinner had continued without her grandfather and brother and went into dessert. One cue, Sota had come down to get some ice cream.
Ice cream. Inuyasha had been absolutely horrible. That tongue was dangerous. The way he had taken his tongue and licked the ice cream off the spoon. All the while he was looking at her, staring her down, and he had enjoyed seeing her reaction.
“You know, you're a pig.” Kagome said blandly.
“Huh?” Inuyasha asked surprised.
“You're a pig.”
“The way you were eating that ice cream. What exactly were you trying to suggest by that little show? Just like a pig.” Kagome fumed.
They stopped at the bottom of the stairs, at the sidewalk. Inuyasha smirked. “No, not a pig. A dog. A very horny dog.” Kagome's head dropped but he saw her blush. He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear. “Did you have problem with how I ate my ice cream?”
“N-no,” Kagome stuttered out, “of course not.”
Inuyasha leaned down into her neck. “I think you're lying.” Kagome shuddered as his warm breath tickled the hairs on her neck. “I think you really, really enjoyed my show. In fact, I know you did, I could smell it.”
Kagome blushed furiously. 'Damn him! Damn that nose!' Kagome quickly stepped away from him. That nose was dangerous, that tongue was dangerous, everything about him was dangerous.
Inuyasha stood up calmly. “Night, Kagome.” he said with a small smirk.
“Goodnight, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha hopped onto his motorcycle, started it up, and sped off.
Kagome groaned. She turned over and looked at her clock on the nightstand. '12:10' She turned back over, pulling her blanket over her head, trying to ignore the soft knocking.
It didn't work.
Kagome let out a frustrated grunt and tossed the cover off her. It fell to the floor. She sat up and looked at the bedroom door but that wasn't the source of the noise. Her ears led Kagome to her bedroom window, where a certain person was perched on the windowsill.
Kagome squinted her eyes in anger as she got up and stormed over to the window. “Do you know what time it is and what do you want?” Kagome growled.
Inuyasha stepped inside. “I was bored,” he replied simply.
Kagome's eyebrow twitched. Before Kagome could start her rant, Inuyasha cut her off.
“Wanna go out?”
“What? Where? Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Inuyasha sighed. “Put some clothes on.” He looked her up and down. “Though I don't mind if you come out in that.”
Kagome looked down at she was wearing. A tight white tank top and old shorts. “Get out, perv.” She whispered angrily, trying to shove Inuyasha through her window.
“So is that a yes?” Inuyasha asked as stuck his body through her window.
“Give me two minutes,” Kagome said in defeat.
Inuyasha smiled and hopped on out.
Kagome let an exasperated sigh slip from her lips as she walked over to her dresser. He had talked her into coming, thought she had to admit, she didn't put up much of a fight. It was as if she wanted to go. Kagome shook head as she pulled a skirt and t-shirt.
Kagome was starting to regret agreeing, now. She sat on the ledge of her window with her feet dangling outside. Inuyasha was up on the roof. He reached down while she reached up. In an instant, he pulled her up to him and landed safely in his arms with a quiet squeal.
“Are you crazy?” She asked once he had little her down to her feet and her heartbeat slowed back down to normal.
Inuyasha shrugged. “Climb on,” he ordered as he knelt down. Kagome didn't move. “Come on,” he said impatiently.
Kagome sighed. She clambered onto Inuyasha's back. He hooked his arms underneath her thighs. “What are you about to do?” She asked, slightly scared.
“Whatever happens don't choke me,” Inuyasha said. With that he pushed off the roof.
Kagome screamed out as Inuyasha jumped at least forty feet into the air. She proceeded to choke Inuyasha with arms. Inuyasha began to gag and shake her. It gave her the feeling that he was going to drop her, so she squeezed harder.
Inuyasha landed on a roof and quickly shook Kagome off. “You crazy wench!”
Kagome got to her feet shakily. She had just been propelled forty feet into the air. The was also the fact that she had been forty feet in air. Kagome stared at Inuyasha, shocked. “What are you?”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Damn. Do we have to go over this again?”
Ten minutes later, Kagome was back on Inuyasha's back after he had reminded her that he was a half-demon and that it came with certain perks.
Inuyasha dropped down a roof lightly and let Kagome down. They were at the top of an office building, about sixty stories up. He let Kagome down. She smiled as she looked out at the city blanketed by night. The bright lights, the low sounds coming from the streets below.
Kagome walked over the edge of the building and looked down.
“Hey! Don't get so close. I'm not chasing you.” Inuyasha called out as a strong breeze blew.
Kagome nodded and back away from the ledge. Inuyasha came over and sat down, Kagome followed. Before she knew it, Inuyasha laid his head in her lap. Kagome sat their in surprise.
“Inuyasha, I don't think now is the time for that.” Kagome said warningly.
Inuyasha snorted. “Don't get your hopes up, unless, you want me to.”
Kagome blushed. “N-no, that's not it.” She stuttered out.
Inuyasha snorted. “Sure,” he said in disbelief. Inuyasha turned his head to Kagome's stomach and pushed his face closer to her.
Kagome's blush deepened. “I'm serious. I don't want you to, not here.” She paused as Inuyasha fidgeted. “You can be a real perv.”
Inuyasha sat straight up, surprising her. He turned to face her, eyes wide. “You said that you wanted me to.”
Kagome shook her head. “No, I didn't.” Kagome protested.
“Yes, you did.” Inuyasha disputed.
“No, I did not.”
“Yes, you did. You said: 'I don't want you to, not here.' I heard you.”
Kagome eyes grew to the size of lemons. She did say that. She hadn't realized at the time but now that he pointed it out, she remembered. A big grin came across his face. She shook her head. Inuyasha nodded.
“Let's go,” Inuyasha said, standing and bringing her up with him, all in one motion.
Kagome nervously got on his back, afraid of what was going to happen.
Kagome rode on Inuyasha's back, the wind whipping across her face, as he hopped from building to building. Soon the landed on an apartment balcony, more specifically, Inuyasha's apartment balcony.
He slid the door open and walked inside with her still on his back. He went over to the couch and dropped her. The apartment was dark, the only light came from the fish tank and it didn't illuminate much.
The next thing Kagome knew, Inuyasha had pinned her between him and the couch. The little light from the fish tank reflected off of his eyes, giving the appearance that they were glowing in the dark.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome whispered.
“Do you want me to?” He asked. She stayed silent. “If you want me to, just say so. If you don't want me to, that's fine.”
Kagome had a battle going on inside of her. It was passion versus sensibility. He was Kikyo's, not hers. 'He did say he was going to break up with her,' a voice inside her said.
The side of her that wanted passion made a valid point and that point had made up her mind. “What are you going to do?” Kagome asked breathlessly. Inuyasha had smiled; she could see the light bouncing off his fangs.
“Whatever you want. Nothing more, nothing less.”
Kagome nodded. Inuyasha pressed his lips her in a passionate kiss. Seconds later, he broke it only to lightly nibble on her bottom lip. Kagome let a low whine. She heard a husky laugh as Inuyasha moved down to her neck. There he began to alternate between kissing and suckling. Kagome moaned lowly and began to run her fingers through his hair.
Inuyasha smiled into Kagome's neck. Soon he left it in favor of her breasts. He pulled Kagome up into a sitting position. He slipped under her t-shirt and, with her help pulled it over her head. Inuyasha tossed it off to the side and stared at Kagome. Her bra was thin and black.
Kagome watched as Inuyasha's figure moved from over her and sat down. For a briefly moment, Kagome wondered what was wrong, but Inuyasha pulled her up to him. She instinctively straddled his waist. Her hair draped around Inuyasha as he leaned in to kiss right above her breasts.
Kagome laughed to herself. 'If he sucks any harder, I'm gonna have a hickey… not that I would mind, it would just be a pain to have to worry about it being seen.' Kagome quickly forgot her thoughts as Inuyasha ran the tip of his claws up her back, heading for her bra.
Inuyasha grasped Kagome's bra between his fingers. He fiddled with it for a moment before it came unhooked. He slipped it down her shoulders and soon it, too, was discarded. Inuyasha smirked as Kagome's breasts bounced free from their restraints. He proceed to grasp her left breast in his hand, gently squeezing and massaging before taking her nipple in his mouth. Kagome let a low moan right into his ears… at another time, with another person, that might have annoyed him but with Kagome… it was a symphony.
Kagome was delighted by the feelings that were flowing through her body. No one had ever made her feel like this before. Sure she had boyfriends but had never let any of them go this far before and Inuyasha, technically, wasn't even her boyfriend. Those thoughts were suddenly pushed to the back of her mind when Inuyasha harden nipple. She moaned out and began to squirm.
Inuyasha switch to her other breast, as not to completely focus on one. There, he took his claw and drew circles around her hard peak before sucking on it. Kagome tried to move… tried to squirm… his grip on her hips wouldn't allow her. He gently grazed her nipple with his fangs as he pulled back. Inuyasha stared up at Kagome. She was is a daze, her eyes clouded, and a smile upon her face. Inuyasha stood up and sat Kagome where he was sitting.
Kagome watched, with a puzzled look, as Inuyasha let her sitting on his couch. He quickly crossed the room to the light dimming switch. He turned it, illuminating the room slightly. She could now see the whole but didn't get the chance since Inuyasha had returned to her body.
Inuyasha resumed his assault on Kagome's body, starting at her lips. He kissed and sucked at them until they swollen from his passion. He moved down to Kagome's neck and continued there, kissing and sucking at her pulse. After abusing that spot for some time, Inuyasha moved to the swell of her breasts. He spent less time there than he normal would but he had a plan. He kissed down her cleavage and stomach until he came to her skirt. He skimmed his fingernails up her leg, up to the top her skirt. He pulled her skirt down and, with her help, got it off her legs. Inuyasha blew lightly on Kagome's stomach before grasping her panties in his teeth.
Kagome stiffened when she felt Inuyasha pulled her underwear down around her ankles and off. She felt his breath against the inside of her leg as he moved back up. He began to kiss against the inside of her thighs. She was look forward to what was going to happen next, yet at the same time, she feared it slightly. He came closer, she could feel his breath against her heat, and then…
She gasped out as Inuyasha's tongue delved into her core. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth opened wide as a silent gasp escaped her lips. When he ran his tongue along the inside over her walls, she began to buck under. Inuyasha put his hands on her hips telling her not to move. Reluctantly, she followed his physical command. Kagome bit her bottom lip attempt hold back a moan. It ended up with her grabbing Inuyasha's ears and massaging them in an attempt to divert her attention. She didn't expect Inuyasha to growl, not a dangerous growl but a pleased one, almost a purr. Who knew the vibrations from the growl would feel so good against her.
Inuyasha lapped at Kagome's sweet nectar just like a dog. She tasted wonderful… she was wonderful and wet. Her juices flowed from her body. He grinned inwardly. Knowing it would only add to Kagome's pleasure, Inuyasha took his right index and middle fingers and used them to spread her folds. It allowed him go in even deeper. He made his tongue rigid and licked from the bottom of heat all the way to the top. That's when he found it. The way she had moaned, squirmed, and tightened her thighs around his head.
Kagome's eyes shot open as Inuyasha repeated his action. He had done it; he explored and found her nub. He knew it and wouldn't relent in his attack against it. Kagome moaned when she felt something else enter her, something other than Inuyasha's tongue… most likely his finger. She fisted his hair in her hands, it seemed like the only thing she could do. Inuyasha lifted one of her legs up and onto his shoulder; it seemed to allow him to get deeper into her and she loved every second of it.
Kagome felt the fire in her stomach grow and it prepared to engulf her whole body. She reached out, trying to grab onto something, Inuyasha's hair was not enough. She latched onto his ears. He let out a primal growl into her. She massaged his ears at a quick yet gentle pace. She whimpered out as the fire blew through her body.
Inuyasha knew he had done it; he had made her climax. Her juices flooded from her. They covered his fingers and had spilled onto his tongue. He lapped her whole core clean. Inuyasha looked up into the glazed eyes of the young girl he had just pleasured. Smiling, he licked his wet fingers clean. Her eyes widened when he did. Inuyasha climbed up onto the sofa next to her.
'That's all!' Inuyasha thought to himself, silencing the animal within that called for more. It called for him to take her. 'She doesn't want to. She's not in her right mind at the moment.'
Kagome sat, chest rising and falling quickly. She felt Inuyasha's arm snake behind her and she was pulled into his lap.
“You know you can always spend the night, who knows I might want to go again.” Inuyasha whispered into her ear. His voice cause her to shiver and he laughed when he felt it.
Kagome whimpered as Inuyasha started nibbling on her earlobe. “The offer is tempting but I can't. I have to go home before anyone notices I'm gone.”
Inuyasha's husky voice blew lightly into her ear. “I could continue there.”
Kagome reluctantly shook her head. “No, that's not a good idea.”
Inuyasha chuckled. “You're probably right. You can be a little loud.”
Kagome lightly elbowed him in the stomach. “Jerk. Come on take me home.”
Inuyasha growled against her neck. “Fine but you should throw some clothes on. Things might be a little breezy with the way you're dressed.”
Kagome elbowed him again. “Jerk.”
A/N: I'd like to thank my beta reader, Rinoa-Luv16, for well beta reading of course.
Gyudon, oden, and yakizakana are all Japanese foods.
All you lemon lovers got your lemon. Read and review.