InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ougon Hoshi High ❯ Time to Go Back ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of the Inuyasha franchise, anime or manga. This is true for this chapter and all other chapters of Realization. All rights belong to Inuyasha creator Rumiko Takahashi.
~Chapter 15~
Time to Go Back
Inuyasha almost hit the side of Kagome's house.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kagome hissed out as Inuyasha gripped her windowsill. “You idiot, you almost crashed into my house.” Kagome raised her bedroom window.
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Shut up wench and get your fat ass inside,” Inuyasha grumbled out. As Kagome clambered through the window, she kneed him in the back of the head. “Hey,” Inuyasha growled out.
Kagome stepped on to her carpet and turned around to face Inuyasha. “It was an accident,” whispered Kagome. She batted her eyelashes.
“Accident my ass,” Inuyasha mumbled. He climbed in after her.
“What do you think you're doing?” Kagome asked, bewildered. She put her hands on Inuyasha's shoulders, trying to push him back out.
“I'm coming in.” Inuyasha pushed against Kagome, sending her stumbling back some, then stepped onto her carpeted floor.
Kagome huffed and crossed her arms. “You better get out of here before someone catches you, like my mom.” Inuyasha ignored her and walked over to her bed. He plopped down then lied down, spreading his arms out. “Come on, get out.”
“You're hopeless. I'll hear anyone before they come in.” Inuyasha said as he closed his eyes.
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and nudged his leg with her foot. Before she knew it, Inuyasha had pulled her on top of him. Kagome let out a small squeal at the sudden, involuntary movement.
“If you keep making noise someone probably will wake up,” Inuyasha said lowly as he stared up into Kagome's brown eyes.
“Well, you're the one that is making me make all the noise.” Kagome said breathlessly. Inuyasha's hands had come rest on her hips.
“I guess I'll have to shut your big fat mouth.”
Kagome stared down at Inuyasha angrily. “You're such a jer—” Her words were cut off when Inuyasha leaned up and pressed his lips against her. Kagome's eyes drifted closed as she got lost in the moment.
Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kagome's waist. She moaned when he pulled up her shirt and ran his clawed fingers across her skin. Inuyasha took full advantage of Kagome's slightly open mouth and plunged his tongue into her mouth. Kagome's hands came to rest in his hair. With ease, Inuyasha rolled Kagome over so that he was now on top.
Inuyasha broke the kiss, leaving them both panting. Inuyasha smirked; Kagome smiled shyly. Inuyasha leaned down to her neck and placed kisses along her collarbone; Kagome moaned in response. He sucked at the flesh of her neck. Kagome's gasp got caught in her throat. Inuyasha broke the contact between his mouth and her neck, smirking arrogantly.
Kagome's eyes widened and she watched Inuyasha, literally, jump at least eight feet into the air. He landed on Kagome's desk, sending her books and other stuff flying to the floor in a loud clatter.
Inuyasha launched himself out the window, head first. Kagome rushed as she quickly pulled off t-shirt and pulled on her pajamas over her skirt, hopefully her mother wouldn't notice.
Kagome walked over to her door and opened it, letting out a big fake yawn as she came face-to-face with her mother.
Mrs. Higurashi looked around past her daughter, at the mess of her desk. “What happen, dear?”
“I was reading and I started to fall asleep then you knocked,” Kagome said quickly, hoping her mother believed her.
“Well you should go back to bed, you have to get up early tomorrow.”
Kagome nodded. “Ok, Mama, I will.” Her mother walked off, heading back to her bedroom and Kagome closed the door. She ran over to the window and stuck her head out; Inuyasha was nowhere to be found.
Kagome sighed and closed the window. She pulled off her pajama pants, took off her skirt then put her pants back on. Kagome dropped on her bed with her face in her pillow. She smiled, remembering what had transpired on her bed a few minutes ago. Kagome groaned as she pulled her cover over her body and was soon asleep.
“What did you pack in this thing, your whole room?”
Kagome growled as her brother lifted one of her suitcases down the stairs. “Stuff it, Sota.” The doorbell rang and her mother's voice called out soon after it.
“Kagome, there is someone here to see you.”
Kagome groaned. Who could be here to bother her now? She had a train to catch. Kagome hurried as fast as she could, considering the weight of her suitcase. Maybe she shouldn't have packed so many pairs of shoes.
Kagome finally got down the stairs after nearly falling on top of Sota. She dropped her luggage with a sigh of relief and made her way to the front door, where her mother was.
“Who is it, Mama?” Kagome asked. Her mother was blocking the visitor from view. Kagome grimaced as her mother stepped to the side. “What are you doing here, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha was smiling until she grimaced. He put up a face that feigned sadness. “Well if you feel that way, I'll leave.” He turned and began to walk away.
“Kagome, dear?” Her mother looked at her.
Kagome rolled her eyes. “He'll be back,” Kagome said as Inuyasha walked across the shrine grounds and down the stairs.
About a minute passed and Inuyasha hadn't come back. Kagome looked at her mother nervously. “He'll be back. I'll just go down to surprise him when he comes.” With that Kagome rushed outside but she swore she heard her mother laugh as she ran.
As Kagome came to the top of the stairs, she saw Inuyasha sitting about halfway down them. She walked down and sat on his right. Kagome noticed that he was smirking.
“Couldn't stand to see me leave, could you?”
“It must be your imagination,” grumbled Kagome.
“Whatever,” Inuyasha said, slyly. He reached over and ran his claws up and down her thigh.
“What are you doing?” Kagome hissed out. “Stop. Someone might see you.”
“So,” Inuyasha said as he leaned into Kagome. His lips grazed her ear. “You love to were skirts, don't you?”
“So what if I do?” Kagome whispered defiantly. She was trying her best to remain calm under Inuyasha's slow torture but things weren't going to well. Natural sexual instinct was starting to take over.
Inuyasha pressed his lips against Kagome's neck and growled lowly. “Oh, nothing. I just like the fact that you wear skirts… they give better access.” To reinforce his answer, Inuyasha slipped his hand up her skirt and, in a second, cut one side of her underwear.
Kagome pushed Inuyasha away with her head but didn't attempt to move his hand. “What did you do that for?” She asked, bewildered.
Inuyasha moved his fingers from side to side on Kagome upper thigh. He shrugged. “Got caught up in the moment.”
Kagome let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, that's just fine and dandy but how I am going to walk around with my underwear half on me?”
“I can solve that.” Inuyasha moved his hand to Kagome's other side and, with the flick of his wrist, cut through her underwear again. Much to Kagome's horror and Inuyasha's happiness, he pulled out her torn panties.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted angrily. All Inuyasha did was grin. “You're hopeless,” Kagome growled out. Her anger was pretty evident. She reached for her underwear but Inuyasha pulled his hand back.
Inuyasha groaned as Kagome landed in his lap in her effort to get her underwear back. He leaned down to her ear. “You know these underwear are covered in your smell.” Kagome immediately began blushing. “And what's even better, is that now that they're gone I'm free to smell you completely, free to be teased by your delicious scent.”
Kagome looked up into Inuyasha amber eyes. He leaned down and pressed his lips against her lips, capturing her in a heated kiss. Kagome felt Inuyasha's hand come to rest on her inner thigh but was too caught up in the kiss to really pay attention.
Inuyasha smirked to himself as he moved his hand further up Kagome's thigh. Before she showed any signs of resistance, Inuyasha ran the pad of his thumb across her slightly wet center. His plan rewarded him with a moan from Kagome. He took advantage of her open mouth and slipped his tongue in, at the same time, he slipped a finger into her rapidly increasing wetness.
Kagome froze before Inuyasha slowly began to pump his finger in and out of her. She moaned into Inuyasha's mouth and he let out a lust filled growl into hers. Inuyasha pulled away, breaking the kiss, smiling. Kagome whined when he pulled his finger out of her, rubbing against her nub in the process.
Inuyasha stood, picking Kagome up and letting her to her feet. “Come on, let's get the rest of your stuff.” Inuyasha started up the stairs but Kagome's hand on the back of his shirt stopped him.
“What? You're going to help me?” Kagome asked surprised.
“Of course. Humph! What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't help you get your bags to my limo.”
Inuyasha walked off leaving a confused Kagome behind. “What?” Kagome asked finally coming back to her senses. She ran up the stairs after the young man. “Limo?” She asked when she finally caught up.
Inuyasha nodded. “Yeah. My limo, you silly girl.” He smirked. “Make sure to leave your body just the way it is.” Kagome looked at him with her brows furrowed in perplexity. Inuyasha stopped and leaned down to her ear. “Don't put anymore panties on. They'll just get torn.”
Kagome's face flushed with color. Inuyasha walked off chuckling.
“I can't believe my mother actually agreed.”
Inuyasha snorted as he put Kagome's three suitcases in the trunk of his limousine. “You sound surprised.”
“I am,” Kagome said as she glanced back at her mother, who was standing at the top of the shrine stairs. “She was more than happy to agree.”
Inuyasha closed the trunk with a thud. “Maybe she wants a rich son in-law,” he said smiling.
Kagome glared at him. “Don't even joke.” She watched Inuyasha walk over and open the door for her. Kagome turned back to her mother and waved with a big smile. She ducked her head as she got inside, followed by Inuyasha, who closed the door with a quiet slam.
Kagome smiled to herself as she sat on the soft material of the seats. The dark red and black color scheme was very alluring. The window that divided the back area from the driver's area, was down. Like most of Inuyasha's hired hands, the driver was a female. She looked back in the rear view mirror; Inuyasha nodded. With that she started the car and drove off.
Inuyasha reached up and pressed a button causing the window to raise, leaving them completely alone.
Kagome absentmindedly played with the bottom of her skirt while looking out the tinted window, making sure not to look at Inuyasha. She had a feeling what he wanted to do. She was even somewhat looking forward to it; she hadn't bothered to replace her underwear just like he asked. Kagome came close to jumping out of her skin when she felt a hand on her thigh.
Inuyasha's clawed fingers caressed her skin, leaving goosebumps, as he moved his hand up her leg. He slowly slipped his hand under the fringe of her skirt but Kagome still didn't look at him.
Kagome quickly put her hand on top of Inuyasha's, which was under her skirt. “Inuyasha, we need to talk.”
A/N:Thanks goes out to my beta reader, Rinoa-Luv16, although just because she gets to read the chapter before everyone else doesn't mean she has to stop reviewing.
EDIT:Sorry about the whole beginning of the chapter being copied twice. It's fixed now.
anime-lover-forever2007 (wowSesshomaru has a stalker and you are her) ----- The Loney Bird ----- MoonlightHanyou ----- SesshoumaruGal ----- High on Sharpies ----- Egyptian Kiss (yeah, I have to keep ya'll hooked) ----- Duzen Broken DreamZ ----- InuyashaForever14 ----- MirokuHoushi471 (technically this is a Inu/Kag fic but I might slip some Mir/San in) ----- toliveis2die ----- Fainus
* * *
Megumiinelite, FluffyLover7, Hanyouluverr, guylover8392 (yeah, I'm really sorry about that mix up. I'll be careful about uploading from now on) ----- aznangelstarQT ----- Egyptian Kiss (came over here just for the lemonpervert. just kidding, I appreciate your traveling) ----- scryazngirl ----- GWPH ----- sweetnothinangel ----- InuKagLover714