InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Our Decision ❯ Blue (Part 2) ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Ok, I'm finally starting chapter seven. This should be an interesting one. I have no idea where I'm going with it, but I guess I get to find out right now. Yay! I'm excited! Erm…on with the chapter. (Lemony goodness!)
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha.
Chapter 7: Blue (Part 2)
Kagome glanced nervously at InuYasha as she became increasingly aware of her pounding heart. `Ok, I can do this!' she told herself firmly. `I can…' She shuddered at the thought. No matter how much she desperately wanted to believe it, she knew that she wasn't even approaching being ready for this step. She shook her head. `I can't lose my nerve now! I have to…go for it.' Kagome made an attempt to scoot herself closer to InuYasha, her hands shaking.
InuYasha blushed, inadvertently moving away from her. He cursed at himself. `Damn it! What the hell is wrong with me?'
Kagome let out an exaggerated sigh. Was he really that scared? `It doesn't make sense, though,' she thought. `We came so close while we were in my time, and he definitely wasn't having any trouble then.' She recalled the feel of his lips against her skin, the feel of his body draped across hers. In that state, every moment was breathless; amazing. Kagome wanted to undergo such sensations again, but she found herself reluctant, knowing that InuYasha felt the same. Even still, this was something they had to do.
“Damn! Sango sure is takin' her sweet time!” InuYasha said suddenly in a derisive voice, turning toward the wall. His eyes widened as he felt Kagome's hand lightly touch his shoulder.
“InuYasha.” Her tone was soft, almost seductive with the way his name slipped gingerly off her lips. She timidly moved in front of him, grasping his chin with her fingers. “I thought you said that we should get it over with,” she breathed, leaning slightly closer to him.
InuYasha felt his body go rigid as her lips came too close for comfort. `It's not like we've never been this close before!' his mind screamed at him. `I just…can't…' He battled his emotions as Kagome continued to close the distance between them. “Wait,” he whispered frantically.
Kagome pulled back, inwardly groaning. “What's wrong?” She tried her best not to sound too hostile, aware of the fact that InuYasha was probably feeling immensely insecure at this point, though it faintly agitated her.
“We…can't…do this now,” he strained out, fighting for the breath he had lost during Kagome's assault. He growled at his own words. As much as he wanted her, he just couldn't bring himself to take her. Was he afraid? Did he think that he wasn't good enough? Were thoughts of past love experiences taunting him, driving him mad, and invoking an apprehensive feeling inside of him? In all honesty, he had no idea.
He tore himself from his thoughts to meet Kagome's questioning stare. “What do ya want now?” he muttered, crossing his arms, giving him an almost defiant look.
“Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?” Kagome asked halfheartedly as she settled next to him.
“There ain't nothin' to talk about!” InuYasha snapped, sending her one of his classic, sardonic glares. “Look, I just…” He stopped himself, not sure of what he was trying to say.
Kagome kept her eyes locked on his face, as if his expression spoke words. She so badly wanted to understand his fear, his constant avoidance of their situation. He wasn't usually one to just run from his problems, so why was this one so utterly different for him?
“Sango might come back soon anyway,” InuYasha spat out quickly. That was a total lie. He mentally kicked himself a few times. After all, it was blatantly obvious as to why Sango had left in the first place, judging by the convenience of it all. He had no qualms that she would be sure to be gone for an appropriate amount of time.
“It's ok if you're nervous,” Kagome told him, leaning against the wall of the cave. “To be honest, I'm not too sure about this either.” She tilted her head, her eyes casting him a concerned glance. “I just wish you would talk to me, instead of avoiding me. I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is.”
“I told you, there is no problem!” InuYasha grunted in frustration, his face now turned to the wall. “Leave it alone, will ya?”
“Stop lying!” Kagome grabbed his shoulder, pulling him closer to her. “Telling yourself that there's nothing wrong won't make it go away, InuYasha!” She lowered her voice as he turned to meet her gaze. “I'm sorry. I guess it must be hard for you to-”
“Just shut-up!”
Kagome pulled her hand back, nodding. `I shouldn't have said anything,' she thought as she stood up to leave, taking one last look at him. `Why does he have to keep everything to himself? I just wish that he would trust me enough to actually talk to me. I guess he just needs time…' She began to move toward the mouth of the cave, her eyes leaving him.
She turned to face him, her heart skipping a beat when her eyes met his. They were soft, almost shining as the light from the peering sun beat against them. She couldn't help but gasp at the sight; his eyes had never been like that before.
“I don't…I don't know what's wrong,” InuYasha said. “I just…I can't.” He turned his head slightly, evading Kagome's incredulous stare.
Kagome continued to gaze at him through understanding eyes. “InuYasha, I…”
“You should go home,” he told her. “You haven't been back in a while.”
Kagome watched in surprise. InuYasha never let her go home, even when she asked. Why would he just tell her to leave? She shook the thought away, deciding that InuYasha probably needed some time alone. `We both do,' she added silently to herself.
“Let's go.”
Kagome glanced down, seeing InuYasha kneeling in front of her. She nodded and climbed onto his back, letting herself sink into the delicious warmth that he offered. It was almost addictive, the feeling of his body against hers. She let of a sigh as he began to run out of the cave. She felt as if she had been temporarily enveloped in an indescribable oasis, with the wind and forest rushing around her, and InuYasha gliding under her. It was…beautiful.
`I can't believe it's been five days, and InuYasha still hasn't come to get me,' Kagome thought sadly as she stared aimlessly out her bedroom window. Normally, she would've gone back herself, but with InuYasha acting the way he was, she wasn't completely sure that would be the right thing to do. `I should get some sleep anyway,' she decided, slightly annoyed. Unfortunately, she had school the next day, not to mention a test that she hadn't studied for. No matter how hard she tried, it seemed that she couldn't concentrate on anything; everything came down to InuYasha.
Kagome moved away from the window, turning off the lamp on her nightstand as she sauntered languidly toward her bed. She lowered herself onto it, her head falling softly on her pillow. Her eyelids fluttered shut, visions of InuYasha quickly taking over her thoughts. She began to wonder what it would be like when InuYasha finally did decide that he was ready, that they were ready. She smiled, envisioning the hanyou's rough hands running down her body as he swarmed her with tender kisses.
A low moan escaped her lips, her thoughts continuing to pursue further. She began to desire his touch, his body, his love… She stopped herself. `No.' InuYasha didn't want this to be about love, and he didn't expect it to.
This is not for us, it's for him!
Everything they would share would be for Miroku, in order to save him. `I understand that,' Kagome reasoned. `I just wish.…' She shook her head. She couldn't let herself try to force him to love her, not again. Why did loving InuYasha have to hurt so much?
She jerked her head up, hearing a light tapping sound against the glass of her window. She examined it closely; through darkness she could barely see InuYasha's shadowy form perched on her windowsill. `That's right,' she remembered. `I locked that the other night.' She was now certain that if she hadn't, InuYasha would already be standing in the obscurity of her room.
Kagome stood up; she stretched her arms out, and gave a slight yawn. It was 2:00 in the morning, after all. She walked to the glass structure, carefully turning the lock on it. “InuYasha, what are you doing here?” she asked as she slid open her window.
He said nothing, pushing her aside, and closing the casement behind him.
“InuYasha!” Kagome hissed. “Are you even listening? I-”
InuYasha's voice was a menacing, harsh whisper as he cut her off. “Damn it, Kagome! Shut-up!” He reached out his hands, grasping her arms, pulling her close to him. “I didn't come here to fight,” he murmured.
The way he said those words sent shivers up Kagome's spine. Subconsciously, she pressed herself against him, realizing exactly what he had come for. “Are you sure?” she asked quietly as she felt his fingertips gently massage her lower back.
InuYasha hesitated for a moment. Was he? Before he had gotten to her era, he had been completely confident. Standing with her now, he wasn't so sure. His mind fought bravely against the strong need for escape. `I can't let myself back down now! I have to do this!' He leaned closer to her, his heart painfully pounding against his chest. Stopping just short of her lips, he let out a soft gasp.
Kagome trembled. The feeling of InuYasha's hot breath against her lips beckoned her with its alluring touch. Without a second thought, she closed the remaining distance between them, bringing him into a searing kiss.
InuYasha slowly responded, his lips eagerly moving against hers. He buried his hands in her hair, beginning to need more. The taste of her sweet mouth was addictive, enticing. Cautiously, he nipped at her bottom lip; it was a gesture of pleading for more of her.
She reluctantly parted her lips, letting his tongue claim her mouth. Though she wanted this, and was the one who was so persistent about it, her heart kept telling her that this was wrong. It seemed to be muttering constant warnings in her ear, as if trying to infuse her with inevitable doubt.
He doesn't love you
Kagome pushed the voice away, pressing her tongue against InuYasha's, adding depth and pressure to the kiss. She moved her hands to slip them underneath the folds of his haori, attempting to move the cloth aside as InuYasha continued his assail on her lips. Managing to pull off both layers of his kimono, she tossed them carelessly on the floor, her hands moving to explore his exposed chest.
InuYasha tore away from Kagome's lips, moaning at her touch. Her hands were soft and gentle, yet each time she touched him it felt as if small embers were being ignited on his skin. His breathing became staggered as she began to kiss her way down his neck. Every lucid thought he might have had began to dissipate with every tender caress she gave. As Kagome moved her attention to his chin, he caught her in another sweltering kiss.
Kagome gasped, immediately pulling him closer. It was amazing, his touch. InuYasha was normally so rough and demanding in everything he did. Why was it that his actions were so different now? His touches were almost introverted. “InuYasha,” she whispered breathlessly as he broke the kiss to nibble her earlobe.
He grunted in response, turning his ministrations to the nape of her neck. He could feel the growing inferno in his groin as he reached under her shirt, finally touching bare skin. InuYasha mumbled her name against her neck, pulling the shirt leisurely over her head, tossing it onto the floor next to his haori. He blushed slightly, not failing to notice that she wasn't wearing the “restriction” that she usually did. Timidly, he moved his hands to touch her bare shoulders; her skin was so smooth. He slowly began to lower his hands, glancing down at her questioningly as he did so.
“It's ok,” she whimpered frantically.
InuYasha nodded, bringing a hand over her right breast, silently thanking the dark room for hiding his red face. He shyly grasped it, caressing it with his fingertips.
Kagome moaned at the contact, his touch inviting a luscious heat between her legs.
InuYasha grew bolder with each sound that emanated from Kagome's mouth. He clasped her nipple between his fingers, pinching and twisting it almost curiously so. He groaned as heard Kagome breath out his name. He hadn't known something so simple could cause such affinity; it was almost beguiling. Her scent summoning him forward, he closed his mouth around her collarbone, leaning down to trail kisses across her chest.
Kagome cried out as she felt his mouth closing in on her breasts. She unintentionally arched her back into his touch, trying to fulfill the yearning to feel his body completely against hers. Her breathing, once slow and steady, became strained as InuYasha playfully licked the area around one of her nipples. Her hands moved towards the sash of his hakama; she seized it, fingering the knot it had been tied in.
“Kagome,” InuYasha called, pulling his head away from her chest. His breath hitched in his throat as she came dangerously close to his engorged manhood.
She made quick work of the sash, as if she would lose her nerve if she didn't do it then. Kagome gazed up at InuYasha, holding his pants in place as she did so. She stared for a while, admiring his ardent expression. She never realized how truly beautiful he was. Shaking the thought away, she grasped his chin, slowly kissing his swollen lips.
InuYasha reacted quickly; wasting no time, he delved his tongue into her mouth, pushing her towards her bed. He tugged at the remainder of her clothing, stripping her down to her underwear. Pulling back, he looked at her. They were both only one garment away from having that skin-to-skin feeling they both desired for. He lightly kissed her shoulder, placing his thumbs underneath the sides of her panties, gently pulling them down.
Kagome bit her lip, resisting the urge to cover herself. She slowly brought down his hakama, removing it from his body. Anxiety began to overtake her as she became uncomfortably aware of the fact that they were both completely naked. She felt her fears leave her, however, as soon as InuYasha lowered her onto the bed, capturing her in an amorous gaze.
He began covering her face and neck with heated kisses, his member grazing across her entrance, sending his arousal aspiring to new levels. Murmuring her name, he placed a soft kiss on her lips, giving her a questioning look as he positioned himself at her entrance.
This is not for us, it's for him!
Kagome tried to ignore her inconvenient reminiscing, nodding for him to continue.
He doesn't love you.
`It's not about love,' she reminded herself, gasping as she felt InuYasha pushing into her. She let out a painful cry when he quickly thrust past her barrier, breaking it.
InuYasha winced. He hated seeing her get hurt, especially if he was the one causing it. Despite her current state of pain, it was all he could do to keep from slamming himself wildly inside of her. `Damn. I think I'm beginning to understand Miroku a little better,” he mused, hardly able to stand the amazing feeling of her walls clenching around him.
He took a lingering glimpse at Kagome, craning his neck to gently kiss her cheek.
“You can keep going now,” she whispered. “I'm ok.” She wrapped her arms around him, resting her palms on his lean back as he began slow thrusts inside of her. It felt awkward at first, like her body was being invaded. Even still, she held onto him, pleading for him to continue.
InuYasha groaned loudly. While it was incredibly pleasurable, it was going almost painfully slowly; but he couldn't stand the thought of hurting her again. He maintained his steady pace, placing feverish kisses along Kagome's neck. He gasped as her hips began meeting his thrusts with even more force than he was initiating.
The two established a stable rhythm that seemed to steadily increase with each passing second. InuYasha moaned as her walls began to convulse around him. Seeing Kagome, now writhing under him, nearly sent him over the edge. In seconds they were both sent spiraling into an abrupt orgasm.
InuYasha nearly collapsed on top of her, panting loudly. He kissed her quickly, gradually easing out of her, and rolling to the other side of the bed.
Kagome eyed him carefully, her mind praying to see a peaceful expression on his face. Was he glad or did he think it was a mistake? She smiled as she saw him soundly sleeping. He really was beautiful, with the moonlight caressing his skin with its glistening light. It made her feel guilty. `I should have told him,' she thought. `Instead, I just let him…' She couldn't stand it. How could she have done something so horrible? Giving his face a soft stroke, she let herself close her eyes. `I'll have to tell him that it's not him that can't…it's me.'
A/N: Dundundun! There's a nice cliffhanger for you! This should be an interesting plot twist, I can tell you that much. Well, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. For those of you that read it, it was my first lemon ever. I'm only fifteen, and, sadly, I haven't even had my first kiss yet. As you can imagine, that made this chapter difficult for me to write, but I hope you found it to your liking. I wanted to make it very… Well, I didn't want them to be all over each other because I don't think they would be. Please review.