InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Closet, Into the Light ❯ Clean up ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 12
Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha or q-tips.

Kouga ran towards Inuyasha and checked his pulse.

"Thank gods he's alive!" Kouga scanned over Inuyasha, and realized that he was missing his pants and underwear. He looked around and found his clothing in shreds. He took off his jacket and covered Inuyasha with it.

"There's so much blood." He picked up Inuyasha bridal style and Inuyasha let out a painful whimper. "Inuyasha, it's okay. I'm here." Inuyasha began to relax a little in his arms. Kouga began examining Inuyasha's face.

'I should've gotten here sooner. He wouldn't of had to...' Regretful tears began to force its way out of his eyes. 'I need to get him back to the temple. Hopefully they will have something to treat his wounds.' Kouga began to run as fast as he could while carrying Inuyasha with as much tenderness.

'If I hadn't of wanted a relationship with him, he would've been safe. He would have...never been..' Kouga had to choke back sobs as he was running towards the temple. 'Need to worry about him first.'

Kouga reaches the temple. Sora was waiting by the entrance. She noticed the caked on blood on Inuyasha's face. "What the...w- what happened to him!?"

Kouga didn't answer. "Go get me some supplies." He walked past Sora into the temple.


"I'll need two bowls of lukewarm water, iodine, medicinal herbs, bandages, wash rags, and towels."

"...alright." Sora gave up tryin to find out what happened to her 'little brother' and did what was asked of her.

Kouga looked aroung an found an empty room. He bent down onto his hands and knees and placed Inuyasha gently on a futon that was already layed out. Inuyasha's face contorted in pain. He began trying to move but brought more pain as he let out a dry groan.


"Inuyasha..." Kouga let a single tear roll down his cheek. He whispered, "I'll always be here for you." Kouga gave him a small, faint kiss on top of his forehead. He heard Sora come with the supplies. She came inside and placed them on the floor to Kouga's right. Kouga turned towards Sora with a serious look on his face.

"Thank you. Now leave. I'll call for you when I'm done."

Sora gave a perplexed look. "But, Chamu..."

Kouga turned his head away from his sister. "NO! I will take care of this." He brought his voice back down to almost a whisper. "I'll tell you what happened later." Kouga looked back at Inuyasha, and began to gently stroke his face.

Sora got up from her kneeling position, walked towards the door, gave one last glance, and left the room. 'Please be okay, otouto-chan.' she thought.

Kouga started wiping the caked on blood from Inuyasha's face. He then removed the remains of Inuyasha's clothing. Inuyasha began to stir. Kouga immersed the cloth into the lukewarm water that was mixed with different healing herbs. Kouga wrung out the excess water and began wiping off the mixture of blood and semen that covered Inuyasha's upper torso. As Kouga was cleaning Inuyasha's toned stomach, he noticed a purple bruise just below his ribcage.

"There doesn't seem to be any broken bones. Must be a bruise." Kouga came to this desicion as he felt for any unusual lumps. He continued to clean up Inuyasha until he reached his navel. 'I'm going to have to clean his other injuries' he thought. Kouga gave a worried glance at Inuyasha's sleeping form, whose face was scrunched up.

'Hopefully he will still be sleep when I'm finished.' Kouga re-immeresed the cloth into the other bowl of herbal water that wasn't used yet. He repeated the process of cleaning Inuyasha, gently wiping the evidence of Inuyasha's assault off of his pubic hair.

"NO!" Inuyasha bolt up from his sleep, eyes holding terror. He tried backing up to the top of the bed, but he wincced at the pain in his body.

"Inuyasha, calm down! I need to get you cleaned up." Kouga helped Inuyasha lay back onto the futon. Inuyasha looked into the cerulean pools of his lover's eyes. Kouga noticed Inuyasha looking at him and gave him a small, reassuring smile. "You're safe." Inuyasha diverted his eyes towards a seemingly interesting spot on the ground.

"Where am I?" he whispered.

Kouga was barely able to hear his question. "We're at the temple that we were supposed to go to.." He felt Inuyasha flinch at his response, as all the memories of that night came back to him. Inuyasha slowly sat up, avoiding Kouga's puzzled look. Tears began to cascade down his cheeks. His shoulders began to heave as sobs began to wrack through his body.

"Please...tell me it was just a dream?"

Kouga couldn't bear to answer Inuyasha's question. He sat behind Inuyasha and wrapped his arms around him. He stroked Inuyasha mane while slowly rocking Inuyasha in his embrace. Inuyasha turned slightly in his position and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. After a few minutes, Kouga broke the silence when he felt Inuyasha had calmed down.

"Itoshii, I have....I have to clean your other wounds." he put an emphasis on the word 'other' as to let Inuyasha know what he was insinuating. He felt the arms around his waist tighten. He continued on with a shaky voice. "If I don't they may become infected later."

'I don't want to be hurt again..' Inuyasha thought to himself. He felt Kouga place his chin on the top of his head.

"Do you trust me, Inuyasha?" Kouga asked in an unsure, low voice.

Inuyasha glanced up into Kouga's face. " I..." Inuyasha felt tears swell in his eyes, waiting to burst out.

Kouga caressed Inuyasha's cheek. "What is it? You can tell me."

The tears Inuyasha was trying to hold back fought their way out onto his cheeks and Kouga's fingertips.

"I dont' want to be hurt. I don't want to...go back to when..."

"Shh, it's okay. I understand. I'll try not to hurt you. Lie back down. I'm almost done with the front."

Inuyasha hesitantly did as he was told. Kouga took the cloth and began to wipe down Inuyasha's inner thighs. Inuyasha never took his eyes off his koishii. He didn't want to see the bad shape he was in. Kouga asked Inuyasha to spread his legs a bit. Letting a tear roll, he complied with the request.

Kouga finished wiping off his thighs, but had to clean off Inuyasha's manhood since it too was covered with semen and blood.

"Inuyasha...I've gotta..." Inuyasha gave Kouga a slight nod, gesturing that he knew what Kouga's unfinished question was. Kouga began to gently wipe off the remains of the mixture, but felt Inuyasha harden at this sensation. He heard small, almost inaudible sobs coming from his boyfriend.

"It's okay if you need to..." Kouga didn't need to finish his sentence, as Inuyasha gave him this unsure look. Kouga gave a small smile indicating that it was alright. Inuyasha gave a choked cry as his semen was caught in the cloth.

"Kouga, I didn't...I mean ..." Inuyasha tried to catch his breath while coming down from his high.

"Don't worry about it." Kouga stroked his face with the back of his rough hand, which sent shivers down his spine as he leaned into the comforting touch.

"I'm done on this side. But...I need you to turn over on your stomach so I can take care of your other injuries."

Inuyasha gave Kouga a frightened look, but knew it had to be done. He slowly turned over while Kouga immeresed the unused cloth into the bowl. After wringing it out, he bent down and whispered into his ear.

"I'll be as gentle as I can, itoshii. You do trust me, right?"

"With my life." Inuyasha responded. Kouga kissed his boyfriend's cheeks and sat up to continue his task.

'If I start with the serious injury first and clean him off last, he won't be so tense.' Kouga parted Inuyasha's backside and began to, ever so gently, wipe off the severly caked on mixture. He could hear Inuyasha hiss at his touch.

'There's so much blood. It's worse than the front.' he thought.

After a minute or two, he re-wet the cloth and began to process over. He felt Inuyasha tense up when he started again. "I know it hurts, but you must relax or it will hurt more." Inuyasha nodded, and tried to relax as much as he could.

Kouga noticed at least two tears around Inuyasha's entrance. 'It's a good thing I already prepared an ointment to treat scars. They should heal overnight.' Kouga then realized something.

'I'll have to apply some to the inside as well.' Sighing, he grabbed the small bowl with the prepared ointment and realized Sora places some q-tips with the medical supplies. 'So thoughtful.'

"Inuyasha, I need to put this ointment on your tears that are outside...and inside. It has menthol in it, which will help with the pain, so don't be surprised at the tingling you may feel." Inuyasha just gave a single nod and closed his eyes, preparing for the intrusion.

Kouga dipped to q-tip into the liquid paste and inserted the slim object into Inuyasha's entrance. Inuyasha winces slightly, but remembered to relax. Kouga rotated the tip, making sure to cover the inside as much as he can. He took out the q-tip, used the clean side to dip into the ointment, and began to cover the tears on the outside.

As Kouga place the ointment and q-tip onto the tray of supplies, he heard Inuyasha whimper.


"It won't soon. I'm almost done."

"What's taking him so long?" Sora was waiting outside the door, waiting for her brother to tell her what was going on.

The temple priestess walked up to Sora (AN:dunno if they really stay in the temple, just bear with me here).

"Is your friend alright? Were the supplies adequate?"

Sora turned to the woman. "I don't know if he's alright, but I'm pretty sure the supplies you gave us will help out alot. Thank you very much." The priestess gave her a bow, which Sora returned, and walked back into the direction that she came.

She turned her attention back to the door. She heard the doorknob turn and saw Kouga's tired face. She briskly walked up to her brother.

"How is he?"

He gave her an encouraging smile. "He'll be fine."

"What happened to him?"

His smile dropped and sorrow covered his features.

"He was raped."