InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Closet, Into the Light ❯ Incest, plans, and lime ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello all!! Here is another chapter for everyone's enjoyment. Thanks to all my reviewers for their appreciation and encouragement!! I'm really happy for them!! I forgot to explain the numbers in the last chapter.
(1) that will be explained in this chapter!
(2) Aishiteru itsumo=I will always love you in Japanese
(3) Mo aishiteru=I love you too in Japanese

sleepy little chicken: Well, I don't know why I don't get many more reviews. I think this fic is pretty good. ^_^;; But not compared to other fics I've Yaoi-junkie's fanfics *waves*. I know ppl are reading, and at least it's being read. Inuyasha thanks you for your support *authoress and Inuyasha squishes sleepy little chicken* We love you too!!
Yaoi-junkie: Shinjitsu No Shi updates like every month, so chaps 10-11 shud be there, but I'm tryin to send 12 and 13. Thanks for looking out. Thanks for your submission! You may actually win, since your really the only person who has entered something. I already put out a one-shot for the 1st reviewer, but how bout I dedicate a lemon chapter to you if ya win? This okay? Cuz I tend to run outta good ideas for the story if I use em on the one-shots.
Here's the story!! READ AND REVIEW PPL!!!
"<blah>" Kouga/Sora talking in their native language.
Chapter 14

It was quiet while the group of four were eating. Inuyasha was on his third bowl of tomatoe soup and his fourth tuna fish sandwich (AN: I like this combo! Only when my mom makes the tunafish though ^_^;;;). Everyone else had chicken fettuccine in alfredo sauce and a salad. Sora was poking around with her salad afer finishig her main dish. She didn't notice that Kouga was staring at her.

"<Sora, what are you thinking about?>" Kouga asked.

Sora snapped out of her reverie and turned toward the voice. "N-nothing." She llooked down at her salad, continuing to push the greens around. Kouga got annoyed at her display of secrecy.

"<Don't give me that bullshit!! What are you planning to do?! You know who did this, and I know your planning something that will lead to someone getting hurt and/or killed!>" Kouga's outburst shocked Inuyasha, who had a bit of fear on his face.

"Do you care to let the rest of us in on your conversation?" Sesshoumaru's soothing voice broke through the tension.

"I'm going to take down Naraku, with Sesshoumaru's help." Sora answered.

"Dammit Sora!! Are you willing to turn your back on a promise you made to Elizabeth?!"

"Who is Elizabeth, and what promise are you talking about?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Sora sighed. She knew she would have to explain their background sooner or later. "I guess we should start from the beginning. You see, Kouga, myself, and our best friend Elizabeth were in a gang in junior high school. Even though there were three of us, no one was much of a match from us. We all came from the same tribe in North Dakota and had been well trained."

"One day, some of the other gangs from other rival schools tried to take us down," Kouga stated, grief clearly heard in his voice, "After we got out of class, we noticed a huge crowd of at least 35 kids walk towards us. We ran until we got into the woods, which was our place of expertise. We thought..." Kouga took in a ragged breath before continuing, "we thought we could have the advantage. But Elizabeth...she tripped over some vines and got stuck. They closed in... around her...a-and they beat her to death."

"From that point, we went beserk. Since we knew the forest so well, we hid some spare weapons in the tree bark. I know I had two swords in my hands and Kouga had a sickle." Sora's voice was filled with pure rage. Her balled fists looked too tight for comfort. "But after lopping off the first guy's head, everything alse was a crimson blur. I don't remember how many I slaughtered."

"They did not pay enough for what did to her." Kouga's voice seethed with unhindered rage as well.

"After we finished, we took Elizabeths body and buried it near her favorite river. We said a few prayers and went home. It was at least 10 o'clock. We must have been there for seven hours. No one saw us returning home covered in blood that wasn't our own. Our house was located next to the forest. I've never seen our father so...scared. Seeing your child covered in blood from head to toe, and carrying weapons." Sora explained.

Kouga chuckled, but it was the kind of chuckle that sent shivers down anyone's spine, especially Inuyasha's. "I was surprised he didn't spaz out."

"We told our father what happened. Our father made us swear never to take another life as long as we lived. He informed everyone in the tribe of what happened and we took them to her gravesite. We were still covered in blood, but they performed a cleansing ceremony for us." Sora and Kouga both lifted their hands to reveal a diagonal scar on their palms.

Kouga continued this time. "We made a blood oath to never take another life again." He turned towards Sora with hurt and anger in his eyes. "Did you forget about that already? Please tell me you're not thinking about killing Naraku? Your soul will be tainted and damned for all eternity. You'll never enter paradise."

"<He deserves to be punished for what he has done!>"

"<Then let the authorities handle it!>" Kouga retorted.

"<So that bastard can buy his way out?! You must be joki->"

"Nee-chan, this is sounds too dangerous. I don't want you getting hurt." Inuyasha looked at Sora with pleading eyes.

"No one will be harmed. However, I really can't promise that. The plan is to get Naraku to confess to what he has done. Sora will just sneak in and bug his office while I have a meeting with Naraku." Sesshoumaru explained.

"Sesshoumaru seems to be the only one thinking with his head right now." Kouga said while looking at Sora.

"What are you insinuating?!" Sora yelled.

"That you are too quick to draw your weapon to solve your problems!" Kouga's voice met the pitch of Sora's.

"I wasn't the only one in that fucking forest Kouga!! You were covered in as much blood as me!! How dare you!?"

"You little b-"

"ENOUGH!" All three turned to the sound of the anguished outburst. Tears were streaming down Inuyasha's voice. "Enough. No more fighting. Please." Inuyasha's voice was just above a whisper. Sesshoumaru stood from his seat and made his way over to comfort Inuyasha. Helped Inuyasha stand up and he gave his brother a comforting hug. Silence and guilt floated through the air.

Sesshoumaru was the first to break the silence. "This bickering will get us no where. We need to focus on the task ahead."

Kouga and Sora glanced at each other and gave a slight nod. "You're right. I'm sorry Kouga."

"I'm sorry too Sora. Inuyasha?" Inuyasha turned his head towards Kouga and Sora. "We didn't mean to frighten you. We're sorry." Inuyasha smiled at them and motioned for them to join a group hug. (AN:hurray for group hugs!!)


"Hantori, send my son into my office." Naraku spoke into the intercom on the telephone.

"Yes, sir." About five minutes later, a teen with red eyes similar to his father's and straight long, black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck came into his office. He was wearing a black blazer with a red shirt that matched his eyes underneath the blazer and black pants and black shoes. The tips of his hair was also red. He stopped in front of his father's desk and hid his eyes underneath his bangs.

"Yes, father?"

"Shishio, have you completed your school work?" (AN: I like the name "Shishio" Heard it from Rurouni Kenshin, which I don't own either v_v)

"Yes I have father." Naraku slowly stood from his seat and slowly walked over to his son. He saw his son flinch as he stood. 'At least the boy knows to fear me.' Naraku stood in front of his son and put a cold dry finger under his son's chin and slowly lifted his head.

"Why are you avoiding my gaze, Shishio?" Shishio did not answer. "You should answer your elders when spoken to. Maybe you need a lesson in behaviour, hmm?" Fear shone through the scarlet red depths of Shishio's eyes.


"Now you have found your voice? You're going to wish you hadn't." Naraku grabbed his son's face and slipped a wet appendage into his unsuspecting mouth. Shishio could feel the said appendage snake around the roof of his mouth. Naraku pulled back and noticed wet trails down his son's cheeks and on his fingers.

"Strip. Now." Shishio gave his father an icy stare before complying. 'If I try to struggle, he'll just call in those goons of his and get his way anyway.'


"Fuck you!!" Shishio just had a bad day in school and now he had to deal with his father. "I'm not your personal fucktoy!!"

"Oh really." Naraku snapped his fingers and two goons grabbed his arms and dealt painful blows to his body. They tore off his clothing and left Shishio on the ground barely conscious and naked. Shishio was spitting up crimson liquid on the carpet. Naraku, already out of his clothing, stalked over to his son's bloody and shaking body. He kicked him onto his stomach and brought up Shishio's hips so his member was sitting at his entrance.

Naraku leaned over and whispered into his son's ear, "The carpet cleaning bill will come out of your allowance." Naraku drove his stiff member into the unprepared ring of muscle. Shishio let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Don't you ever deny me again."


As he finished removing his clothing, Naraku stepped closer and grabbed his son's wrists and brought them up to the buttons of his shirt. "Now undress me." With shaky hands, Shishio undid the first button. Naraku leaned forward and nibbled on one of Shishio's earlobes. Fighting back tears, Shishio finally finished and removed the shirt, letting it fall to the floor.

After removing his clothing, Shishio was lead to the couch and pushed down while his father straddles his legs.

Shishio could only think of one thing, 'Please just get it over with.'

Kouga helped Inuyasha to the bed after the emotional events of that night tired not only himself but everyone else that night.



"Can you keep me company when I got back home?"

"You're not going to stay here with Sesshoumaru?"

"He'll be at work most of the time, and mother won't know what happened. I just don't want to be left alone. If you don't want to..." Inuyasha's voice trailed off and looked off to the side. Kouga saw the uncertainty covered his face.

"Of course I want to." Kouga sat next to Inuyasha and turned his head towards him. "And I understand how you feel. Do you want to head back to your apartment tomorrow?"

"Actually I want to head over there early, like 5 am. We can go back to sleep after that."

"Well, all my classes are cancelled until exams friday. And today's sunday. We'll go back, but we have to study for exams."

Inuyasha smiled. "Sounds good."

"I missed your smile, Inuyasha." Inuyasha blushed at this comment. Kouga took his left index finger and traced along Inuyasha's pink hue. "And your blush." Kouga leaned in and gave a short but lingering kiss to Inuyasha.

"Aishiteru, Kouga"

"I love you, Inuyasha."
The next day, Inuyasha was busy studying for exams in his apartment with Kouga and Kagome. Inuyasha finally told Kagome the truth to why he broke up with her. Inuyasha kept tapping his pencil on his book, apparently nervous about something.

"Kagome, are you sure you're not angry?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome shook her head. "There's nothing to be angry about. You didn't cheat on me and you told me the truth. I'm lucky considering other girls who go through worse." Kagome gathered up her belongings while Inuyasha and Kouga gave a perplexed look.

"Where are you heading off to?" Kouga asked.

"I told my mom I would help her with dinner. Good luck on your exams!!" Kagome walked towards the door, slipped on her shoes and left.

"Well, do you want to eat dinner?" Kouga asked Inuyasha.

"No, not really. Not too hungry."

"I'm going to head to the shower. Coming?" Kouga stood up from the kitchen table, but noticed a small squeak from his boyfriend. A crimson hue graced Inuyasha's cheeks. "What's wrong?"

"Um, see..."

"Listen, I've already seen you without clothes before...thoroughly mind you." Another squeak was heard. Kouga strided over to his itoshii, with a sexy smile on his face. He stood just in front of Inuyasha with his arms crossed in fron of his chest (AN: Like Vegeta!! Don't own DBZ either.). He leaned forward and whispered into his itoshii's ear, words oozing lust. "Besides, it's only fair that you get to see me in..." Kouga gave a chuckle that sent shivers down his spine. " my best." Kouga kissed his cheek.

Inuyasha was left dumbfound as Kouga made his way to the bathroom. "W-what just happened??" He followed Kouga into the bathroom and noticed Kouga had already discarded his shirt. Inuyasha was left standing in the doorway googling at his koishii's perfect abs and well defines pelvis. Kouga noticed his boyfriend was getting a free peep show and decided to invite him in. He pulled Inuyasha inside and gently closed the door, leaving it open a crack. He wrapped his arms around his itoshii and kissed his hair.

"There's no reason to be embarrased, Inuyasha. I love your body. Almost as much as I love you." Kouga leaned down and captured his boyfriend's honey sweet lips with his own. The kiss was too short in Inuyasha's opinion, as Kouga pulled back and continued to get undressed. Inuyasha followed suit. As they finished, Kouga adjusted the water, giving Inuyasha full view of Kouga's toned backside. Kouga turned on the shower and untied the material that was holding his ponytail (AN:what the hell is that anyways?! plz tell me!!). It cascaded down his back like a black waterfall. He noticed the amazement in his lover's face.


"I never knew your hair was so long. It's almost up to your calves!"

"Well, in our family and tribe it's considered bad luck to drastically cut one's hair. We believe hair is linked to our life span, and by cutting it by alot of inches will greatly shorten a person's life span. I just get it trimmed once in a while." Kouga offered an outstretched hand and Inuyasha accepted. They stepped into the shower and closed the shower door.

****LIME!!! LIME!!! LIME!!!LIME BELOW!!***

Inuyasha watched as tiny crystal pellets covered his koishii's body, making it seem to glow in the light of the bathroom. Kouga's hair was matted down to his forehead and his hair became like an extra skin.

'By the gods he's perfect.' Inuyasha thought.

Kouga entwined his hand with his itoshii's as he gazed upon the silky skin of his lover. His body was well toned and his shoulders were broad and begging to be nipped at. He already knew every crevice on his body and didn't need to be reminded of his lover's perfection. He pulled Inuyasha into a heated passionate kiss and cupped the back of his head to deepen the kiss. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kouga's neck pulled him as close as humanly possible. Kouga began leaving trails around Inuyasha's shoulders and received a moan in response. Suddenly, Inuyasha felt a few fingers dip down into the chasm of his cheeks, not the ones on his face. He let out another squeak for the night.

"K-Kouga..." Inuyasha held on tightly to his neck as Kouga continued his probing. He felt Kouga lightly kiss his ear.

"Do you trust me, Inuyasha?"

"...with my life."

Kouga felt around for a few minutes then pulled back and gave Inuyasha a smile. "Everything seems to be fine."


Kouga chuckled. "I wanted to make sure your wounds healed. They did. I wouldn' anything you weren't ready for." Kouga caressed his itoshii's cheeks which were flushed from either the steam or the previous exploration. Inuyasha covered the gentle hand with his own and gave Kouga a genuine smile. He stepped forward and placed his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. Kouga wrapped one arm around Inuyasha's waist while the other stroked his hair. Inuyasha embraced his lover's waist, afraid to let this moment end.

"Thank you."