InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Out of the Closet, Into the Light ❯ The Encounter ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Another update! It's funny how I'm so willing to update fast rather than do my project due in a week.

Quite funny.

Anyways, Thanks to my great reveiwers and your responses!! I really appreciate them! For those of you still not reviewing...don't be shy! I won't bite...unless you like that sorta stuff...then you might find a bit of a problem.


songiesworld: LOL! Your boss sounds like a tight-ass!! He'll turn around. You're quite welcome for the one-shot. Glad I could make your day! Can't wait for more lemony goodness that will come my way! (that rhymes!) Mmmm...lemons!! ^_^
Don't worry about the submission thing. You can always sugest ideas later on. I'd like to hear what you have to say.

So, the winner of my small contest is...Yaoi-junkie! The name suggested by her for the language Kouga and Sora speak will be called Kage no Ookami.
It's Japanese for Shadow of the Wolves. I will dedicate a lemony chapter to her later on! CONGRATS!! Your idea will be mentioned in the next chapter, with credit going to you, so keep a look out!!
ATTENTION ALL!! THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!! It may be called 'So this is the Light?' I'll let you know later on.
The Encounter

A week later, Sora and Sesshoumaru were in his condo getting ready to initiate their plan. Sesshoumaru stood near Sora as he watched her put on her black gloves. Sora was clad in a black jumpsuit that fitted her form and black army boots. She had her hair tied back into a braided ponytail. Sesshoumaru was wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a red tie. He had his hands in his pants pocket and his left hand brushed against a square-like object.
"Do you have everything, Sora?"
"Yeah, I guess." She turned towards Sesshoumaru who closed the gap between them. Sora wrapped her arms around his waist and buried her head in his firm chest. Sesshoumaru wrapped an arm around her, keeping the one in his pocket concealed.
"Please be careful, Maru."
"Of course. There was no mention of me dying, and there won't be a need to put it in." Sesshoumaru leaned down and and brought his soft lips to her ear and whispered, "You do know that I love you with all my being, right?"
Sora eyes went wide with surprise, then slowly closed them with a content smile.

"Of course. And I love you, Sesshoumaru Nishida, with my very soul." She whispered back, giving him a gentle squeeze.

Sesshoumaru stepped back from their embrace, knelt down on one knee, and removed his concealed hand to reveal a small red velvet box. "Won't you become my wife, and fill my life with endless happiness?" He opened the box and revealed a gold ring encrusted with tiny diamonds all the way around with the inside engraved 'Without an end will be our love. -Maru'

Sora was on the verge of tears. She cupped a hand over her gaping mouth and gave a brisk nod.

"Yes, I would love to become your wife." Sora let out a tearful laugh while Sesshoumaru removed the glove from her left hand and placed the ring on her ring finger. Sora leaned down and captured his soft lips in a passion-filled kiss. Sesshoumaru stood up, never breaking the kiss, and brought her into a tight hold. When it ended, sky-blue eyes met amber, both filled with equal amounts of love and happiness.

"We should get going." he whispered. He wiped a stray tear that escaped her almond shaped eye.

"Don't want you to be late." Stealing a quick kiss, they departed hand in hand.
Shishio lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was wearing a dark blue button down shirt with black pants. His hair was loose and sprawled out behind him, the ends of his hair tinted red made him look exotic.

'Father has a meeting with Sesshoumaru. This may be my chance at eliminating him. How will I get past all those goons?' he thought to himself.

He looks over to a family portrait of his mother, Naraku, and himself. 'I'll have to get rid of her too.'

He rose from his bed and went to his closet. He reached inside and pulled out a holster for a gun and strapped it around his shoulders and fastened it. He reaches underneath his desk and removed a sleek weapon.

'Things will change...tonight.'

Sora stepped out of the limo three blocks away from Naraku's company. She closed the door and began her walk. When she reached her destination, she went around the building to search for the fuse box. The plan was to wait 30 minutes before doing anything to the fuse box. She noticed there was a camera above her, so she stood out of the camera's vision.

(AN: so u you know, this takes place at night.)
Sesshoumaru walked up to the front desk and a man greeted him, to say the least.
"Your name sir?"

"Sesshoumaru Nishida. I have arranged a meeting with Naraku for 9:30pm." Sesshoumaru had on his game face and used his business voice.

The man behind the desk pressed a button and spoke into the phone.


"Yes, Hantori?"

"Your guest is here for your meeting sir."

"Please escort him upstairs, Hantori. Thank you."

Hantori stood up from his seat and came around to Sesshoumaru's side.

"Please follow me, Sesshoumaru-san."

After getting off at the elevator, Hantori opened a door that led to Naraku's office.

"Sesshoumaru, how nice of you to join me."

Sesshoumaru gave a curt nod. Naraku diverted his gaze towards Hantori. "You may go now." Hantori bowed before he left.

"So shall we get to business?" Naraku took a seat behind his desk.

"Indeed. What did you think you could achieve by violating my little brother? Are you that much of a coward?" Rage covered each word that came out of his mouth.

Naraku gave a low chuckle. "Let's not get so hasty, Sesshoumaru. All is fair in war. He was a casualty."

"How dare you."

"Did you not come here to hand over your company to me? Or did you want to discuss my 'romp' with little Inuyasha?"

Sesshoumaru grabbed Naraku's collar...
After patiently waiting, Sora took out one of her concealed throwing daggers and threw it towards the camera wires, severing it sucessfully. Sora opened the fuse box and turned off the power for the security cameras and front door. She went around the front and entered.

She noticed there wasn't anyone sitting at the front desk and decided to take the elevator. She made her way to the 14th floor and started to look around. She stopped in front of a room and opened the door...

end of chappie

JUST KIDDING!! I hate cliffhangers. They suck! Continuing...
Shishio stood in back of the door as the stranger entered the room. The woman entered and looked around the room

"Wow. Nice room." he heard her say. She then made her way over the picture that sat on his dresser. He heard her gasp.

'Did she discover me?' He thought. He pulled out his gun and took of the safety.

"Identify yourself."
Sora turned around and faced the teen with the weapon. She place the frame back onto the dresser with a shaky hand.

"I'm not a threat."

"You could have fooled me. You dress in all black, you sneak around into my room and touch my stuff. You may not be a threat, but you're suspcious."

"How do you know that woman in the picture?"

"She's my mother."

Sora's eyes went wide.

"What's your problem?"

"T-that means...that you' brother."

Shishio looked at Sora with complete and utter shock and confusion. He put away his weapon and took reluctant steps forward.

"You''re lying." Shishio was almost at a loss of words. Sora picked up the picture frame.

"Listen and listen good. I can prove it. Her name is Iori Takayama. She has a scar on the right side of her neck where the neck and shoulder meet. And she is very controlling." Sora's voice was trembling with something she couldn't describe. To find out that she has a brother she never knew of gave her a sense of happiness.

"This is unreal. I have...a sister? Why wouldn't she say anything?" Shishio could feel the anger start to boil inside of him.

"She has her reasons. I'd rather not know." Her voice failed to hide her irritation.

"I see you're not a fan of hers either. I..I still can't believe..." Shishio look towards his new found sister. His eyes were filled with bewilderment. Sora smiled and walked over to Shishio and gave him a hug. Shishio was surprised by her sudden actions, but relaxed and returned the friendly gesture. Sora pulled back and put her hands on his shoulders. "I promise we'll have time to catch up, Shishio, but I need you help."

"With what?"


"Do you think you can threaten me by hurting my family?" Sesshoumaru violently pushed Naraku back into his swivel chair. Naraku coughed while trying to catch his breath. He gave an evil smile towards Sesshoumaru.

"Tough as nails, I see. Maybe I didn't hit hard enough. Hmm..." Naraku got up from his seat and adjusted his shirt. He stood behing Sesshoumaru and leaned down to his ear. Sesshoumaru kept his icy stare at the seat in front of him.

"Maybe I need to...*low chuckle* have some fun with your breath-taking girlfriend." Naraku knew he hit a nerve, because he saw the fortress Sesshoumaru built around him falter a bit. "or maybe your dear mother would like-" Naraku didn't have time to react since Sesshoumaru's fist collided with his jaw.
Sora and Shishio left the elevator. He motioned for her to stay behind while he went to the room where the meeting was held.

"Hantori, why are you still here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Father wants all guards in the main confrence room now. He will discuss the takeover of Sesshuomaru's company."

"I was not informed of this meeting." Hantori gave him a skeptical look.

Shishio narrowed his eyes. "Are you defying his orders?"

"Of course not." his voice wavered a bit.

"Good. On your way then." Hantori turned left and headed for the room, before he heard the commotion coming from inside the room he was guarding. Sora came behind him.

"Is that all the guards?" she asked.

He nodded. They walked towards the room where Hantori just walked into. He abrubtly closed the doors and pressed a button. Yelling and gunshots were heard from inside. Shishio began walking away.

Sora stared at the door and heard screaming, yet the screams were dying down. "What did you do?"

Shishio stopped in his tracks and slightly looked over his shoulder. "That room releases a deadly gas. It seals all exits with titanium two inches thick. They should be dead in minutes, if not seconds." He began to walk away.

(AN: fyi, all these events are taking place at the same time.)
After about 10 minutes of throwing punches, Naraku gained the upper hand by kneeing Sesshoumaru in the diaphraghm. Sesshoumaru was on one knee wheezing for breath. Naraku pulled out his hidden pistol and aimed it for Sesshoumaru's head.

"At this range, Sesshoumaru, I doubt I will miss." Sesshoumaru heard Naraku take the safety off of the gun.

"Goodbye, Sesshoumaru."

A shot was fired.
I'm so SORRY!!! I know I said I hate leaving chapters on cliffhangers, but my head hurts. I'll try to update fri. If not next week.
It'll prolly be friday though. ^_^
LEAVE A REVIEW PLEASE!!! ...please?? *sad face*