InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Actions without words. ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
I do not claim any rights to the great Inuyasha or the characters in the anime/manga. All rights belong to Rumiko Takahashi. BecauseI simply offer thanks for letting me twist the lives of her characters.
Over the Edge
You have done it without a touch, without a word, without a sign. You have done it by being yourself Perhaps that is what being a friend means After all.
Chapter 5:
Actions without words.
“Inuyasha are you sure you still wanna go after what happened last night?”
Silently looking at her for a short time until she finally felt his eyes burning a hole into her head. Kagome looked back at him, sighing she nodded and silently whispered an okay.
Inuyasha kept his eyes on her even after she had turned her head. He couldn't put a finger on it, but he didn't think that he should bring Kagome into the kingdom, just because of what happened last night.
But if send her away...
He couldn't even finish his own lines of thought anymore it was making him go insane. They have gone their own separate ways once right? He just couldn't and wouldn't let anyone take him away ever again. They have been though too much now, they both sort of put both of themselves in this problem. They've gotten to deep into each other over the years.
That'll be our fall… isn't it?
Bringing his eyes back onto Kagome, he smiled to himself.
Even if that's going to be our fall… Im going to make the most of it…all the way to the end.
“So what happened to getting every thing right Katashi?”
Katashi leaned down onto the floor, without looking back up to his master.
“I failed, Im sorry Master Takahashi”
“HOW did you fail Katashi?” He hissed out. Katashi was starting to get afraid for his own life, the way Master was yelling at him.
“It was the wench, she tried to kill me” Katashi said daring to look up.
“So you're telling me that you went to them and just started fighting them!! YOU WHERE SIMPLY TO ASK BOTH OF THEM INTO THE KINGDOM!!! You are a worthless piece of shit; you can't even do the simplest of jobs! Now can you?”
His Master's eyes where becoming a deadly shade of yellow. Katashi quickly realized that he was mad. No starch that he was furious. He really needed to find a way out and fast, if not he really didn't think I'd be able to see the morning sunrise tomorrow.
He started to back away from Master Takahashi slowly suddenly starting to fear for his own life. He didn't know if he was going to kill him like he had done to his other demon servant. Only three months ago. So Katashi still knelled before him ready to wait for his punishment. But was amazed when it never came.
Katashi looked up to his master hearing him clicking his claws over the ebony black chair he was currently occupying. He started at him so tensely.
“I will give you one more chance…one not two
“Ye-yes Master Takahashi I understand”
“What are you doing her then Get going NOW!!”
Katashi didn't have to be told again he stood up, bowed in respect to his master, and slid out of the bamboo door at about one hundred and fifty miles per hour. As he left he could have sworn he saw him have the smallest smirk on his face.
Was he testing me...? Or just want to see me die?
“Sango Im sorry”
Sango looked at him once again before she started walking as fast as a 5 month old pregnant woman could speed walk. Obliviously his man did something to
creep Sango out
make her very upset
Or that she just didn't fell like talking to that person.
“Sangooooo please I just wanna talk to you please?”
“Leave me alone Miroku... you will not fell my belly again.”
“Awww, but didn't you think that it was fun Sango?”
It made Sango want to puke; she still didn't know why she even married this walking talking pervert. He probably thought that it was funny and that she wanted it.
Sango and Miroku made their way back to the village after they dropped Shippou off at his hut. Sango had noticed that Miroku was eying her stomach a lot now. You could tell she was pregnant only because her stomach was sticking out quite a bit. Even though she was just about one week before she becomes 6 months pregnant, Sango still felt kind of odd now that she was walking with her tummy arched out and losing her flat stomach. Yet she still was happy to be carrying Miroku's first daughter, she still felt wired.
“Miroku?” She said looking over to him.
“Yes Sango...”
“Would you like to fell the baby...?”
When she said that Miroku's eyes lit up with such joy. I guess that's only because she has never let him touch her belly before. He slowly grabbed her hand and led her faster to there hut, turning around every so often but to make sure that Sango didn't fall over and hurt their baby, and in a way pushed her into their hut. He had told to sit down and wait until he had came back into the hut.
Miroku came back into the hut with three pieces of leaves and a stick. Before Sango could even say anything Miroku had nudged her back against the wall with his elbow and dropped the things that he had in his hand, he pulled his wife into a gentle hug careful not the hurt their child, Sango had wiggled around against Miroku wondering what he gone through his mind.
When Sango was ready to talk Miroku crashed his lips against Sango's. Instantly she felt the shocks of tingles Miroku sent to her.
How long has it been since it kissed this man?
Not trying to worry herself about it she relaxed into his body melting into his chest, Sango pressed her lips harder against his trying wanting to feel more of his lips... They just tasted so good, Sango closed her eyes and let lost herself within him. Miroku had found his way under Sango's shirt, around her bulging belly and between the gap of her belly and breasts. He let his fingers massage the area until he got bored with it and once again let his hands seek out another spot to torture her on.
They both had pulled back from each other their breathing silently rough and ragged
“So your very hyper today aren't you Miroku?”
Not answering her he nuzzled her neck a little before bringing his lips over her neck watching her reaction he was satisfied with it she repeatedly kissed and sucked different areas of her neck. Some parts of her neck were swollen and red, some where just pink. Finally Miroku brought his hand under her belly and started to rub and also wanting to fell for his baby. When he felt his baby boy kick his hand away from that part of her, he smiled
That's my baby boy!
He kept rubbing that area with one hand while Miroku's other hand found itself behind Sango's ear he rubbed it for a short period of time before he flicked it softly…
BIG mistake…
Sango instantly tensed to his touch she also scooted away from him, both her hands pushed his away as she stood up and stomped out of the room.
“Okay so this is it right?”
“Yeah it is”
“Okay then lets uh... go”
Together both boy and girl toke small steps into their destination. He looked around it was the same; nothing had changed after a good two years. He knew for one thing that they had to blend in with the people walking around him. Both Kagome and Inuyasha stood out so much that is wasn't even funny. Yes he knew that it was good to stand out and not look the same as everybody else but in their case no it wasn't.
He could remember that there was an old clothing store somewhere around this part of the kingdom Mashashi. Grabbing Kagome's hand he led her though the crowd of people in some random direction.
“Where are we going?”
“To tell you the truth I don't know…” He said glancing back at her and shrugging
“Then why are going someplace if you don't know where you're—“
“Were going to go get some clothes so we don't stick out as much...”
“Oh… but…” Kagome toke a look down and her cheeks reddened quickly.
“Hey...Kagome why are you blushing?”
“Why are you still holding my hand?” She said boldly
“Uh… maybe because I want to hold your hand”
Kagome herself was a shocked by what Inuyasha said... It wasn't like him to go and just openly tell people what he's felling so why know?
What's on his mind…better yet what's going though it?
“So Kagome you're not going to talk to me fine then”
“Oh...Inuyasha I'm sorry I kinda zoned out a little… what where you asking me?”
“Right… Which one do you like... this one or this one?”
“Can I try them on first?”
“Yeah sure...”
The first kimono Kagome came out with was a dark blue kimono with light blue sakura flowers as the design. The obi was a lighter pink with pure white sakura flowers on it. The Sode went to about where her arm would bend at and the entire kimono fell to where her ankle was. It showed a little of Kagome's figure in the kimono, but wasn't every visible.
The second Kimono was a light blue was dark blue flowers surround it. The obi was a pure milky white color and had no design on it. The Sode also went a little higher than where her arm would bend. And this kimono went about one inch lower than her knees.
Kagome came back out from behind the shop with both kimonos in hand. She stared back at Inuyasha.
“Which one does you like the most?”
“Uh….. I like… I like the first one you tried…but which out that obi…I liked the white one better”
“Okay then, but what are you going to get?” She said while sitting the light blue kimono down and taking the white obi.
“But then I'll look like a woman”
“No you won't…Fine get that one then”
“Im glad you can listen to reason spunky”
“Where is no reasoning when it comes to you whenny”
Inuyasha had decided on getting a kimono that looked like what he already had. The only difference was the sleeves where shorter than what he would usually where and the pants legs where longer then he would like. All in all he liked what he had.
“So now where are we going?”
“I guess we can explore for a while, things have changed you know”
“No but I guess”
Kagome stopped in her place to glance over her surroundings, it was the middle of August and it was hot so obviously she wanted to do something that would help her cool down, before she had to ask Inuyasha to be her legs until they found a place to stay.
And so she found the perfect spot
A little lake off to the side of the shopping area they where at, subconsciously Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and led him in the direction of the lake, when he saw where she was leading him al he could think was.
Pure Torture
And yes Pure Torture it was, Kagome was in the water swimming around in what Inuyasha would like to say some rope and cloth. So Inuyasha just sat at the edge of the bank and watched her swim just incase she started to drown.
But in a way it wasn't fair while she was getting cooler he was sitting there getting hotter.
“When are you going to get out?” “It's getting late and dark”
“In a second”
Kagome stepped out of the water her body all dry except for her hair. After she put it into a high ponytail Inuyasha grabbed her hand and once again dragged her to another random destination.
Inuyasha had stopped in front of a small little inn, it was only one story high and for something small it looked very high classed. The wood on the entire building was a light brown colour and in red across the front said `Hayakawa Ryokan”
When they walked in there was a pudgy man with a face that looked like a balloon and lips that where inflated so much that it made him look like he had a baboon's butt. His eyes where huge and stuck out of his head.
So basically in one word both could say he was a creepy balloon baboon's butt
“Hello you two, newly married huh?”
WHAT!!” Both said, glancing down at their hands they bolted away from each other like they where getting burned.
“Okay then, how many nights would you like to stay then?”
The baboon man still didn't look like he believed them.
“Okay then that'll be three copper coins”
“Why do you think that man thought we where married?”
“Dunno….. I guess it was cause we were holdin' hands I guess”
“So we are going to be here for a while aren't we?”
“Yeah Kagome and you know I'm going to make the most of it”
“What do you mean?”
Inuyasha didn't answer her when he turned around to face her, to hug her, smell her, and finally just to kiss her
Kagome felt all rational thought slipping away. The only thing she could feel was Inuyasha's hands feeling their way around her body. She buried her nose in his neck when he left little butterfly kisses along her own neck, she pulled him closer, willing him to go further; wanting nothing more than to completely sink into his every being.
As they both pulled away, breath ragged, Kagome stared into his golden-violet eyes with such passion. He looked at her with desire. Kagome slowly brought her gaze into the floor, Inuyasha watched her closely, he noticed her breathing had evened out, smiling he thought
So this is love huh?
Well that's the end of chapter 5... Now... uh this is the last 6 chaps. Of the story… and the epilogue too…”) so I guess that'll be 7 then…
And the part when Miroku flicks Sango's ear and she gets all mad... gosh my cousin she pregnant too. And her fiancée he does that to her and she goes all physic pregnant woman on him...
So what do you think about the chap.
I also didn't think they had yen back in the time setting of the story so I stole the copper coins thing from the Avatar…no hold to that either so you can't sue me...
Ryokan- Japanese inn
Until Next Time