InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ Slowing to a crawl ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
Over the Edge
Now that you know the truth… Would you even know how to handle it or would your mind just slow all the way to a crawl.
- InfintinyMiko
Chapter 7:
Slowing to a Crawl
Inuyasha slowly peeked around the corner. His heart pounding against his chest.
His heart skyrocketed even more then it already was, as he walked down the small alley way. He made his way to the main door of the corridor; he sucked in a huge breath of air.
I hope this works
He glanced cover his surroundings again before picking out a small metal lining and stuck it in between the locks of the doors; he flicked it around randomly three times until he finally got annoyed with the sound it was making.
The door softly made a clicking sound showing that he could finally open the door before he got caught by one of the higher demons that could easily take him out. Once aging Inuyasha tip-toed back down the alley to make sure that nobody was there; once he was satisfied with his observation; he stalked back and opened the door.
Eight weeks since I last saw Kagome, I really hope she's doing okay… I hope she doesn't hate me. Well even if she does I wouldn't blame her, if I was her I'd hate me right now. I don't- I wouldn't- I just don't know how this even happened in the first place- I mean we where doing so good together just up in till
“Kagome you know what you must do?”
“There was nothing… you never gave me a choice”
“You really don't need a choice your mine and nobody else's… you hear me”
“I am nobody's fucking property you understand me”
A loud slap was heard across the tops of the trees, the vibration made the trees shack violently; as if you were on a ship at sea in the middle of a storm.
“I hate you- I always will”
“Bicth you will never talk to me in that tone of voice!”
Pain suddenly admitted her body; as her knees bucked violently making her drop to her knees. She really couldn't understand what was going on; the pain was so unbearable, her lips trembled, she shock. It felt as if she was getting sucked into the darkness and couldn't find the way out, in this case she was trapped forever.
“What have you done to me you bastard?!?!”
“I've done nothing to you bicth; it's all what's in your own pretty little mind.”
All she could was snort.
In a way I guess I've got Inuyasha's potty mouth.
The more she thought about it; she wondered that if Inuyasha had never left her and went off by himself that she would never be in this stupid situation. Kagome and Katashi had been walking for days; not once stopping unless she had to go to the bathroom and eat. On her side her feet had blisters going up and down her ankles and the soles of her foot.
“I need to go to the bathroom”
“Don't lie to me bicth”
“Then why do you keep calling me bicth I'm nobody's woman.”
He stopped almost immediately; the way his gaze landed on her she even had to take a step back. He stalked towards her; with every step he toke she toke two back, the way he looked at her made her tremble once again. His eyes just filled with lust, his silent words breaking her heart. She was so afraid if he lunged at her she would be completely defenseless against him.
If he does it… There would be- There couldn't be- There'd be no chance to tell him how I feel… No chance at love ever again.
And I can't believe I'm back in this stupid place.
So far Inuyasha had made a plan of sneaking his way to the main doors of the inside of the palace; since he had made it past the middle gate and the inner gate. He hoped they hadn't changed the design of the Inner Doors, because if they did and he went into the wrong room, he knew that he'd he screwed beyond fixing.
Inuyasha came face to face with a set of stairs, about nine- thousand and twenty seven stair cases in the damned palace and this was number one- hundred and two.
Damn how long does it take to get to the roof of this thing?
He heard two voices coming from the stair case. He immediately stopped and tried to find a way out; there were no windows he just hopped they didn't recognized him as an outsider.
A loud bang followed by a thump as one of the demons fell down the flight of the stairs; the second one had Inuyasha pinned to the wall of the stairs; her claws digging dangerously into his throat. Her eyes started turning a deathly pale yellow as she growled low; meant as a warning.
“If you say the wrong thing I swear I won't hesitate to dug my claws all the way through you neck boy.”
“What can you tell me about your master's bed room?”
“… Where are you getting with this?” Hushing her voice down to only a whispered.
“Where…. Is your master's camber?”
“Why would I want to tell you outsider?”
All he did was chuckle a little and in less then two seconds he had her face pinned against the wall.
“I'll do that… now are you going to tell me or not... or do you want to accidentally fall down those stairs with two broken arms?”
She stiffened up more when he dug his own set of finger nails under the gap where her neck connects to her head.
“His changed his room recently… I don't know where too exactly but it's sorta close to where his old room was at.”
“Is that all you have to tell me?” He said all while squeezing harder.
Finally after getting the demon to answer his questions he set back out to making it to the top of the Inner Gate. After about two hours of climbing the stair cases he finally made it. Out of breath and sweating, he wiped off the extra sweat trickling down his forehead.
Next time I'm going to find a faster way to get up there.
Trying to remember what the girl had told him he walked around without even knowing where to start. There were seven doors five on one side three on the other. If he messed this up; he could kiss seeing Kagome again away forever.
Inuyasha looked left to right for a while before picking the last door on the left side. He fished out his little metal stick and rattled against the door, until he heard the soft tang followed by a soft click.
Please if there is any kami in the sky tonight… please let this be the right door!!
Inuyasha opened the door; the sight he saw made his blood boil beyond anything else. His eyes changed to a deathly pale yellow. He stalked forward. The sight of seeing his brother again after taking him again.
I should kill him right here right now.
The crackling noises bolted him out of his thoughts; his eye's landing straight onto his brother. He was always to calm. It sickened him, it always had. He stood up from where he was standing and walked- more like danced across the floor, stopping eight feet away from face.
“Now little brother, hasn't anyone thought you that you must know before entering a room?”
“Keh, what does it matter anyway?”
He didn't answer him; instead Sesshoumaru turned around, and just sat back down.
“Come… now”
The first one to come out of the bamboo door was a teenage girl. She skipped out, stopping only when Sesshoumaru made eye contact with her. Her dark raven hair bounced around when she stopped; also the smile on her face vanished too.
It's amazing how much she looks like-
The next one to come out was Katashi; he just walked by and glared at him. He hadn't changed in the past two months; he looked the same as he last saw him. A girl followed along side him. She looked similar to the littler girl that just came out. Her hair was just longer and her face and body was more mature looking than her. She looked not older than nineteen years old. The one thing that caught his was how empty her eyes looked; they looked just like little gray stones after you kicked it into the water.
“Ka- Kagome?”
She did turn; her eyes gaining some life before going back dull.
What in the world is she doing here?
“Get him Kagome… NOW”
She gulped hard and looked painfully at Inuyasha; before she blinked away all emotion from her eyes. Smiling down at him she stalked forward. She swung her arms in a circler motion, as if she was asking the Earth to loan her some strength; to help her get through this. The closer she got to him the further he walked away from her; until he could walk back no more.
“Why are you running away from me hun…?” Sticking her pink lips out at him, “Don't you want to have some fun? I won't hurt you I promise”
“Uh… What are you talking about I'm not running away from anyone…”
“Then why are you trying to back up every time I get closer to you? Just like this” She whispered sounded more husky then normal.
Before Inuyasha even had the chance to in one swift moment; Kagome was in his arms and was hugging him, just as if he was going to become one with the air at any moment. He truly didn't know if he should wrap his arms around her. She had no warmth anymore; she was just cold.
What has she been doing since I left?
He was also surprised that no tears where sprinkled across her face, I mean they haven't talked in Three Months! She had to miss him; just a little.
Kagome tightened her grip on Inuyasha's waist; she could feel him struggle her touch as if she burned him. Tears crawled up into her brownish- red eyes. Every time she tried to look into his eyes she couldn't bring herself to do It.; she couldn't.
The last time she felt him push back; in her mind all she could her was. Finish him off Kagome… do it NOW. The pain followed along side with it. She wanted to make it all stop; to let Inuyasha to live his life out, even though in her mind Kagome knew that Inuyasha may never come out of this alive anyway, he might as well have a good memory before she dies.
He only brought his eyes down on her
“Will do me a favor?”
“What do yo---“
Force is one word that could be described here. Kagome was back about ten feet away from him her arms wide apart; all emotion she had in her eyes all drained out now, Inuyasha toke his fighting position as if he was just stalked his prey for dinner or something.
Both walking in sync with each other they stood only feet away from each other; arms reach. Pain filled her eyes, regret filled his. Kagome toke one step forward; her soul fighting for dominance against Katashi's control over her.
Kagome once again blinked the tears out of her eyes, she couldn't cry; she didn't have a soul so what right does she have to cry over something she wished the most at this point. Maybe for the last time Kagome dragged her eyes back to Inuyasha.
I hope I'm making the right choice
Inuyasha blinked down at her, taking in how miserably she looked there holding onto him as if her life depended on his touch alone. Her finger nails started to crave themselves into his sides; he felt some power just dripping, like venom into his body. He hissed loudly.
What is she trying to do to me… why is she doing this to herself?
The next thing heard from the two was a flash of blue light and a pain-filled; agonizing scream.
Last Comment from the Author
Im so sorry for the delay in this chapter.!!!
Angsty so far huh.
I guess there is four or five more chapters to go.
Until Next Time