InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Over the Edge ❯ The Truth Behind Them part.1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary. Inuyasha the kingdom's runaway. Kagome the goddess of night. Both gone, vanished. Together they'll do anything to get what's theirs. Love, betrayal, hatred, ultimate power, going to the extreme to get the one you desire, To bring a kingdom to its knees. For their love story has just begun.
Im so sorry to inform you of this but... I don't own the loveable characters of Inuyasha. All I can do is twist their lives.
Over the Edge
This chapter contains semi- graphic scenes you have been warned
Chapter 8:
The Truth Behind Them part.1
The next thing heard from the two was a flash of blue light and a pain-filled; agonizing scream.
The world seemed to shake, to rumble.
Kagome crumbled to her knees; blood dripped down her forehead, and trailed down her neck; she brought her eyes up to Inuyasha who was towering her dangerously, he had cuts and wounds that covered his entire body. Kagome watched his blood hit the ground drop by drop; it hissed as it reflected the picture that was playing out before Kagome's eyes.
“Kagome… what have you done to me?”
He was paled, no more like snow white. His eyes a deep gold and his hair was silver.
He toke on step to Kagome and lifted her off the ground by her chin, she knew that he was re-opening the deep wounds in the neck and face, but she never showed them; her job was to stay expressionless.
Inuyasha then dropped her to knees, breaking her bones as she dropped. Watching her fall he lifted his arm and closed it into a fist. Kagome clenched her eyes closed; knowing her own fate, knowing she would never spend a happy life was Inuyasha. It was all her fault anyway she should have just went back to her village, where she was safe from things like this.
Kagome stared at him with her glossy eyes, when he got the first round of punches to her face, sides, and legs.
“I'm sorry Kagome, but it has to be done.”
Twelve punches she broke four ribs, and her left arm.
At twenty- four she remembered all the happy times she spent with Inuyasha.
Thirty- six her mind went blank.
Finally, at seventy-two unconsciousness toke over her body.
“What have you done to MY mate you dog?” Katashi said in a deadly whisper.
Inuyasha could barley tear his gaze away from unconsciousness woman under him. Kagome's crimson blood still dripped from his finger tips; the smell so intoxicating that made his own blood boil. She was meant to be his and what did he do, he partiality killed her.
He was like some untamed beast that needed to be sealed up in a cage for the rest for his life. Kagome and him had performed the forbidden act, maybe it was on accident, but I happened; but maybe nobody but Inuyasha could sense that she belonged with him.
What kind of man does that to his mate?
He turned his gaze back to Katashi, who was beginning to stand and stalk forward, his gaze hardening by the second, both Inuyasha and Katashi standing like they where having their own silent conversation.
“What do you mean your mate?”
“Are you that stupid?”
“Kagome belongs to me,” He growled, “And no one else.”
“Where I'm I?”
She felt like she was having a bad hangover. Things being pushed into her mind that she had forgotten years ago. Again she tried to push her way out of the black void.
I remember being here before
Swirling around in her own thoughts, she tried to piece them all together again.
Is this how it feels to be broken?
The more she tried to put them all together, the more her mind fuzzed, and molded into one big gray blob. It wasn't right to feel this weird and mixed up was it? She hadn't realized how many thoughts she had swirling inside her mind; there were just too many things to think about right now.
It felt warn inside this void, nobody to torture her mind and heart like she was some rag doll they cant toy with all day long.
As she put the last piece in order, she felt herself being pushed and tugged out of her wonderful torture.
Katashi grabbed Inuyasha by the throat and pushed him against the wall so fast that Inuyasha couldn't even tell that he was moving his feet. His eyes glowed a deep brownish yellow as he looked hatefully into Inuyasha's eyes.
“Now you care to tell me what you said?”
“And what would that be?”
He tried hard not to grunt when Katashi pushed harder and harder against his throat, but he could feel his bones cracking inside and if he didn't get him off soon he could kill him just as easily as he possessed Kagome's mind.
I was right… I love be our fall.
Shutting his eyes, Inuyasha tried the best he could to suck in a deep breath.
“Are you goin' answer me?”
“Mine- Kagome”
Before he could even answer Inuyasha brought both legs up as high and fast as he could and kicked Katashi's pressure points in his stomach. He grunted a little and stumbled back, which gave Inuyasha just enough time to roll from out of his reach.
“You think you're a slick little puppy huh?” He said while holding his side and stomach.
Katashi ran to Inuyasha pulling out his dagger, which he used to paralyzed Kagome with, and with one swift movement he rounded the fallen wall and as if it was nothing, no effort he stabbed Inuyasha in the stomach.
He continued to stab him repeatedly not turning his head to the girl lying on the ground, hunched over in pain, agony, and terror.
Inuyasha tried not to scream out in agony, and pure pain. The more Katashi pushed the dagger into his body the more he felt the poison spreading throughout his legs. What would happen if he could move? Would he very finish his quest? Thinking about he could only shut his eyes. He knew that it wasn't about the quest anymore; but what kept him going on so much was the woman that laid hunched up behind him.
Her name….
Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.
“Please stop!”
Both Inuyasha and Katashi turned their heads in complete surprise. Leaving the dagger in his side, Katashi stalked towards Kagome, lust filling his eyes, under that you could see the pour hatred in them.
“I thought you where dead” He said dropping to his knees.
“Funny I thought I was too… will you hug me?”
“Now why would I do something that stupid, to hug an impure, tainted woman?”
She shut her eyes not letting him see the tears that surfaced in her honey brown eyes. Rolling herself to a sitting position she reached out and pulled Katashi into her, and not letting go.
“Will you let go of me!?”
She shook her head and tightened her grip on him. She started to dig her nails into his soft, creamy skin, all while letting her own energy drip into him, in the form of the poison. He started to hiss with the contact.
“I hope you learn not to toy with people's emotions!”
His eyes went wide; making a silent scream he fell limp in Kagome's hands. Blood dripped from the back of him and trailed down Kagome's finger tips; loud breathing snapped Kagome's racing thoughts to a halt. Glancing up, she followed the sound of the breathing. What she saw amazed her, the one person she thought wouldn't do something like this did.
Pushing the man out of her arms, she struggled to get to her, get her out of danger. Before she could even get to her she heard her scream. It was so painfully to listen to. Blood sprayed out of her neck, covering her beautiful orange kimono. Kagome stopped right in her tracks, eyes in sync with Rin crumbling to the ground.
“Sesshoumaru” she breathed out, tired and so far away, “I… I always—“Before she even got the chance to tell him her feelings her body went limp.
It toke Kagome a moment to register that Rin was really gone. She spent the lost four months by Rin's side, she said that she'd protect her even if it toke her life. Silver tears trailed down her cheeks in her grief and the mourning of her lost friend.
She was so young… she innocent
Looking around her surroundings she noticed that the man that had killed her best friend was getting up and walking out of the room, while letting the blood hit the ground reflecting the beautiful face lying on the ground while smiling.
Is that going to happen to me and Inuyasha?
Her heart instantly yearned for his touch alone, she looked around she had the feeling that he was going to die. He couldn't. She found him lying against the wall with his eyes closed. He was simply snow white.
She crawled half way to him.
Kagome managed to force enough energy to her legs to run to Inuyasha, her arms open and free. Her eyes held more emotion than ever before. She looked almost afraid that she would be killed and possessed to be a walking corpse, to please and serve Katashi for the rest of his life; which might as well be called eternity.
She continued to run to him, all until she got a hold of his chest, covering him in her blood, her pain and suffering.
She saw that he opened his eyes, just slightly her eyes widened at the beauty that filled them. He was still dangerous, the gold fighting with the violet inside him.
She squeezed just a bit harder.
Kagome began to lean into him, pushing all her weight forward. Slowly he began to tip her way. She glanced over to Katashi; he was nodding in his approval. Shooting her head back to Inuyasha, she lifted her right arm pointing it to the side wall that Katashi and Sesshoumaru was covering; closing her eyes she snapped her fingers.
“We're going to die tonight… Inuyasha I'll make sure of that”
Gosh I was thinking of making this longer but, after thinking about it I figured why not make this a two part thing.
So chapter 10 is going to be the last chapter “( But you guys get a epilogue!
I really hope you guys enjoyed this story as much as I did. I'm kinda sad that it's ending so soon though.
Im thinking of bumping the rating to this story. Because I already know that the next chapter is going to be just a bit graphic and some gore
Stay Tuned