InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Owned ❯ Pet ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 10: Pet

Kagome woke up alone in her bed. Thoughts of yesterday’s events swam in her head.


When Kagome was about to flip the page, she saw a shadow looming over her.

“What are you doing in my room,” Inuyasha said in a bitter voice.


He looked down at her hands and saw his journals. Balling up his hands, he exploded. “Get the fuck out! Out!” Kagome dropped the notebook and got up. Inuyasha grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out.

“Inuyasha, you’re hurting me,” she winced in pain as his grip tightened. Tossing her out, he slammed his door and locked it. Rubbing her arm, she walked quietly to her room. Tears streamed down her face. She was confused why Inuyasha acted that way. She knew he was going to be mad, but full of rage?

End of flashback

‘That’s right,’ she thought to herself sitting up. ‘I invaded Inuyasha’s privacy.’ She looked to towards her door. It slowly opened and Inuyasha walked in smiling.

“Good morning Kitten,” he greeted.

‘At least he’s in a good mood today,’ she smiled.

“Is everything okay,” she asked.

He nodded. “Get dress so we can go to the mall.”

“For what?”

“Where going on a trip and you don’t have the right attire to go.”

“And what is that? Where are we going?”

“To the mountains,” he smirked.

She looked at him dumbly. “The mountain; why are we going there, it’s cold and I hate the cold?”

He waved her off. “Stop being such a baby and get dress,” he left. Getting out of bed she did her morning ritual and went down stairs.

Inuyasha was waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. “I’m glad you finally showed up.”

She rolled her eyes and walked passed him. “Can we go now?”

“Why are you in such a rush? Eager to spend alone time with me,” he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Trying not to lose patience, she removed his hands from her waist and continued walking. Once outside they climbed in to his car and he drove off to the mall. The ride was fairly quiet expect for the radio. Kagome side glanced at Inuyasha wondering what was on his mind. He was happy and she didn’t understand why after what happened yesterday.

‘Could it be what I said yesterday?’


“That’s all, thank you.” Bowing, she left. Straighten up, Kagome decided to go apologize. Hesitantly she made her way back to Inuyasha’s room and knocked on the door. When he did not answer she knocked again. There still was no answer. She opened his door and founded him sitting on his bed. “Inuyasha.”

He looked up at her. His face was unreadable. “What do you want Kagome?”

“I just wanted to apologize. I…I had no right to go through your stuff. I’m sorry.”

“Curiosity kills the cat.”

“I know.” They went quiet.

“Come here,” he patted a space on his bed. She walked over and sat. “What did you read?”

“Well…I read something about a crash and that you were with this woman…” she trailed off.

“I forgot about that crash.” She looked up at him. “It’s been so long since that day.”

“I just want to tell you that I’m here for you like you’re here for me. We both have something in our past that we are not proud of.”

“Yeah,” he grew quiet. “Maybe one day I tell you the whole story.”

“I would like that.” Out of nowhere, Inuyasha grabbed Kagome and wrapped his arms around her. He laid back with her still in his arms. “Inuyasha-”

“Don’t say anything.” She grew quiet and let him hold her. She felt her shirt begin to wet. Tears of her own, she wrapped his arms around him. Her mind wondered to the promise.

‘I promise,’ she thought. ‘I promise to make you happy Inuyasha.’ Closing her eyes, she let the moment take her, holding on to Inuyasha tightly.

End of flashback

She looked over at him again smiling. ‘I will keep my promise.’ They pulled up to the mall.

“Inuyasha, I don’t have money-”

“I’m paying for everything,” he interrupted and got out of the car. Kagome followed suite rushing after him as he made his way to the mall. “You don’t have to worry about the cost of anything.”


“Think of it as a thank you.”

She stopped. “I didn’t do anything.”

“You’ve done more than you think, trust me. Now come on.” Nodding her head quickly followed. “You can get whatever you want. Make sure you get warm clothes for the trip.”

Picking a store, she began to shop. “Why are we going on this trip?”

“I just thought that a change of scenery would be nice.”

“For some unknown reason I don’t believe you,” Kagome stated dryly.

Inuyasha chuckled. “I knew you were going to say that.”

“Whatever,” she ignored him and shopped. A few times she felt Inuyasha’s gaze on her. She felt a little subconscious when she picked her clothes. There was a gentle tap on her shoulder. Turning around she was greeted by Inuyasha. “Is something wrong?”

“No, just wanted to know why you never asked for my opinion about anything you picked out,” he said pouting.

“I don’t need your opinion on anything.”

“Why, it’s going to be just the two of us.”

“So?” he sighed giving up. She knew what he meant, but decided to play dumb.

“Okay, fine play stupid all you want. Are you done yet?”

“Yea,” he helped her carry the clothes to the cash register and paid for the clothes.

Walking out the store, Kagome glanced at the clock. It read 5:00 p.m. “Wow, I can’t believe we were here since this morning. Time sure did fly by.”

“Yea it did. Let’s grab something to eat.”

“Okay,” they made their way to the food court. On their way, Kagome spotted a small pet store. She walked over and looked inside. There was a variety of animals. She walked inside and looked around, completely forgetting about Inuyasha. There was a small cage with kittens inside. “They’re so cute.”

“I agree,” she jumped and turned around. Inuyasha grinned. “You kinda left me.”

“Sorry, you didn’t have to scare me.”

“I couldn’t resist.”

She turned back to the cage. “I love kittens.”

“Really, you don’t seem like the cat person to me.”

“Well I do, I always wanted a cat.” One of the kittens walked up to the cage.

The manger walked over. “Would you like to pet one of the kittens?” he asked.

“Can I,” laughing he opened the cage. Setting down her bags she reached inside the cage and grabbed a small black kitten. It was the smallest out of the bunch.

“That’s the only girl out of the group,” he said.

“Figures you would pick the girl,” Inuyasha said.

“I didn’t know,” she stuck her tongue out.

“Do you want her,” Inuyasha asked softly watching Kagome pet the kitten gently.

“I…I can’t get her.”


“For one thing we’re going on a trip. Who will take care of her?”

“Raiza can care for her until we get back.”


“Just answer my question.”

“I…I do want her.”

“Okay than,” Inuyasha pulled the owner to the side. Still holding the kitten, she looked at Inuyasha in amazement.

‘He truly is an amazing person.’

In no time they left the mall. Kagome had placed the kitten in a small cage and in the back of the car with her bags in the trunk. Climbing in, they made their way back to the mansion.

“Thank you for getting her,” Kagome said smiling.

Inuyasha shrugged. “It’s no problem. So what are you gonna name her. Kitten is already taken.”

She frowned. “Do you always have to ruin the moment?”

“I wasn’t ruining it.”

“Whatever, anyway I’ll think of something and no more of your corny jokes.”

“I doubt I could stop. This is going to be fun. Now I have two kittens.” He laughed and she banged her head against the window.

‘Why me? What did I do to deserve this punishment?’ she smiled none the less. She couldn’t wait for their trip to beginning. ‘Just the two of us.’