InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Promises Promises ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Promises Promises"

by Pixie

Disclaimer: blah blah blah…

Author's Commentary: All right, all right. You want longer chapters I'll give you longer chapters! I'll fail every class at school, skipping my homework to write chapters, but I will get them written!

Chapter 7:

"And the Prince will be just wonderful I bet and-"

"For the love of God Kagome, shut up! I thought you were normal…I mean, there you were like the rest of us sane folk, complaining about having to possibly marry the Prince, going off about Hojey-O, or whoever you had waiting at home, and now you're all 'Oh the Prince is so great, and charming' And you haven't even MET the guy yet!"

"Well…he's got those eyes…I mean, yeah he was rude when he spoke to me, but his eyes looked sad."

"Like a kicked puppy dog!" Sango remarked, pointing to the top of her head, pretending she had dog-ears like Inu-Yasha. She found her joke quite amusing, but Kagome just seemed annoyed.

But Kagome stopped, and began to think. True, she'd been so angry when she'd first learned, but that was before she saw the Prince, with the hidden sadness in his strange gold eyes. Something about that made her stop.

"Ooh…How stupid." Sango pointed to the ballroom, which was decorated beautifully for the occasion. Kagome stared around in wonder, the room was so beautiful, and beyond anything even her pampered life had seen. Kagome almost instantly found herself looking for the Prince. He was seated up at the front.

Inu-Yasha slouched even further into the chair. What happened to all the quiet meek girls that were supposedly proper? He'd been in the room for ten minutes, and already half the girls had asked…no BEGGED him to dance. Stupid girls…none of them had anything compared to Kikyo. Of all the girls in the kingdom, not one had Kikyo's beauty, her grace, and her loving heart for Inu-Yasha…

"Hey Inu-Yasha!" Inu-Yasha turned and saw Kikyo standing a little off to the side. He was about to smile, but her eyes narrowed in anger. "Don't be so stupid Inu-Yasha!" She pointed to Kagome. "Go and talk to her! Now! God, Inu-Yasha, you're such a moron sitting there…" Inu-Yasha growled, but not at Kikyo. He scowled, and frowned, but he listened to Kikyo. He didn't want to talk to any girl who wasn't Kikyo. He walked over to where the girl was standing with her friend, giggling softly, the way idiot girls often do. Inu-Yasha walked right up to her…and kept on walking, bumping into her pretty hard and knocking her right into her friend's arms. He smirked as he walked on, THAT would teach the stupid wench to go around looking like Kikyo.

"Hey, watch it jerk!" Inu-Yasha paused, his ears flickering. In all his years as Prince, no one, except his brother had ever had the nerve to insult him. He turned very slowly, cracking his knuckles in the process.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say. Wench?" He leaned into her, his golden eyes narrowed with anger, waiting for the girl to back down.

"I said, WATCH IT JERK! And I have a NAME! It's Kagome! Ka-go-me!" The loudmouth girl yelled back, right in Inu-Yasha's face.

"Keh! Stupid girl, I don't have to deal with you!" Inu-Yasha turned away, his sensitive ears still ringing. Somewhere in the distance, Kikyo slapped her hand to her forehead; in complete disbelief that Inu-Yasha was really that dumb…

Inu-Yasha stalked off in one direction, Kagome in the other, all her hopes of a charming Prince gone. Sango just shook her head.

Rin glanced up at Sesshoumaru, who seemed quite amused by the girl shouting at Inu-Yasha. Rin smiled and giggled softly to herself. Nearly the entire ball had come to a standstill at the sound of Kagome screaming like that. Now, slowly, couples began to form again, mostly the couples consisted of eligible girls and the Royal Guards. Rin leaned down and smoothed out the soft yellow kimono Sesshoumaru had given her. When she'd followed him earlier, he allowed her to follow him right up to the tailor's quarters where he told them that she needed a new kimono. Rin smiled at the memory of everyone dropping what they were doing for the Prince's command. She'd gone from owning no clothes except the garment on her back to owning about seven silk kimonos, with more on the way.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin stared at the…thing. Rin had made friends with toads, frogs, snakes, bugs, but she had never seen anything quite like Sesshoumaru's servant, Jaken. "A message from your father Lord Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru stared upward, looking bored already. Rin leaned in to look at Jaken more closely. She figured he was a frog demon, a grasshopper demon, or a demon that had been kicked in the face by a horse. "Your father requests that since Inu-Yasha insists on making a scene, you must set a good example and behave. Since Inu-Yasha will not allow himself to be shown up by you Lord Sesshoumaru, this will cause him to behave as well."

Sesshoumaru sighed. Somehow, it felt like he always ended up playing baby-sitter to Inu-Yasha.

"Very well. Jaken, you're dismissed." Sesshoumaru stepped out onto the dance floor, causing quite a few girls to turn away from their current dancing partners. He turned back and looked at Rin, who was still standing off to the edge.

"Rin, are you coming?" Rin nodded, and grinned at Sesshoumaru before going off after him. "Just follow my lead Rin…" Rin tried very hard not to watch her feet as she and Sesshoumaru danced. At first he seemed annoyed, and it probably didn't help that Rin had a difficult time following his lead. But gradually, his face relaxed into an emotionless stare, and Rin began to figure out the dance steps. Sesshoumaru was quite graceful, as one would imagine, and Rin felt clumsy next to him, but it didn't matter. His hand felt good interlocked with hers, she loved being this close to him, the exciting feeling of his hand resting on her waist. A strange feeling stirred in her heart, the beginnings of infatuation.

Most of the Royal Guards seemed to have pretty good luck with the ladies, but one Guard, who stood rather lonely looking off to the side. Miroku sighed and stood off to the side. Sango watched him carefully, unable to figure out the expression on his face. He was staring at his hand with intensity, and an almost pained expression. Sango felt her heart soften, just a bit towards the perverted monk. She had thought she had him all figured out, but here his sorrowful face told her that she had only begun to learn his secrets. Curiosity overtook her and she approached Miroku.

"Hoshi-sama, you looked worried." Sango didn't want to look like she was actually interested in him. She decided by calling him by his title instead of his name, she could dodge any rumors about Miroku and her.

"Its nothing really. My father met my mother years ago at a ball just like this…The same one where Inu-Yasha's father met his mother as a matter of fact…" Sango blinked. So, Inu-Yasha and Miroku must have known each other since birth.

"You parents? What happened to them?" Sango leaned against the wall next to the monk, staring off in the distance like him.

"My family…we're under a curse. You see, here in my hand, I have a hole. In this hole I can suck up anything. Demons, people, trees, anything. Eventually…it will even suck up me. That was the fate of my father…I remember clearly the day it happened too. My mother, she died giving birth to me. I know nothing about her, except that my father loved her dearly and she was very beautiful." Sango nodded, unsure of what to say. Miroku must be pretty troubled to spill out all his troubles like this to her. She wondered how long he had kept this inside of him.

"I'm sorry Hoshi-sama. I had no idea…"

"You're sorry? Well, if that's the case, then you must understand my dilemma here! You see, if I can not life the curse, then I would like to have a son who will kill the man who cursed our family, so as to avenge us all! Will you bear that son Sango?" He grinned at her, the old lecherous gleam back in his eyes.

"You…You're impossible!" Sango smacked him upside the head and stormed off to go find Kagome.

"Well, it was certainly worth a try…"

Inu-Yasha sighed. Kikyo had given him a hard time about being mean to Kagome. So here he was.

"Look moron, just go up to her and ask her to dance. It's that simple! If she drops out of the competition next week, then my whole plan is ruined!" Next week, if the girls felt so inclined, they could drop out of the competition.

So Inu-Yasha spotted Kagome again and began walking towards her. If Kikyo thought this was so simple, why didn't she do it herself?

But just as Inu-Yasha was about to walk up to Kagome, he suddenly found himself facing a long black ponytail.

"Stupid wolf, move!" The long time enemy of Inu-Yasha, Kouga of the Royal Guard turned to face him, his blue eyes wide with faked innocence.

"Why dogface, don't you know it's rude to interrupt a man when he's trying to talk to his woman?" Kouga stepped back and slipped his arm around Kagome's shoulder. She quickly removed the arm, but Kouga seemed unfazed. He had to save this woman from Inu-Yasha and Kikyo's plan, and he figured, the best way to do it, was make Kagome his mate, so even Inu-Yasha couldn't lay a finger on her.

"YOUR WOMAN?!" Inu-Yasha's eyes narrowed at Kouga, in an expression Kagome could have sworn (if she didn't know better) was jealousy.

"Excuse me, but I'm not ANYONE'S woman!" Both boys glared at each other, their eyes not breaking the gaze. They both appeared to be ignoring Kagome. She stepped between them, forcing their gaze to be broken.

"EXCUSE ME!" The boys jumped back, each startled by her.

"Lady Kagome…beautiful Lady Kagome, would you do me the honor of giving me a dance?" Kouga smiled at her charmingly, glaring at Inu-Yasha.

"Hello? Wimpy Wolf, the wench clearly wants to dance with ME?!" Inu-Yasha grabbed Kagome's hand and tried to drag her away.

"Get your hands off me!" Kagome jerked her hand away, breaking even the half-demons grip. "Come on, lets go…" She grabbed Kouga by the wrist and half-dragged him onto the dance-floor.

"This is not over wolf…"

Author's Commentary: Phew, I didn't think that chapter was ever going to end. My fingers hurt…

Review Responses for

Firetrixs: You do have a point…what goes around DOES come around….

Mizz Dustkeeper: Yeah, I know, Sango in pink…for the first and last time! Kagome gave her the pink kimono, only to tease her, she didn't expect Sango to really want to wear it.

Ice Dagger: I'm not saying anything about the end, nor if Kikyo's going to die or not! But I promise, there will be pain for her…

Jess: I'm working on the short chapter thing. If you've ever read any other of my fics, you'll see that short chapters is the number one complaint I get. And thanks for pointing out the change in Kagome's attitude there. I think I did a pretty good job covering up my little mistake in this chapter here…

Higurashi Kagome: Thanks! I do feel very special that you like my fic!

Reynamangga: I just can't help it. Of all the holidays to celebrate, I happen to be best at April Fool's Day. Never been tricked, always pull off great pranks.

Sprout: Oh yeah, the pick-up lines are great. I use them on guys all the time. And I'm…single. Ha. Go me.

Tamababymiko-chan: Oh yeah. Kagome impressed Inu-Yasha all right.

Sweetchocolate24531: Actually, according to the series, when we first met Rin, she was mute. However, I, the author, have seen into the future of Inu-Yasha episodes (aka, I watch the later, subtitled episodes) and Rin talks then. She talks a lot, and its pretty cute too. As for review responses, I've been at this site a long time, and have submitted over 200 reviews with almost no response. One of the reasons I take all this time to respond to my reviewers!

YoukaiTaiji-ya: Well, perhaps Kikyo won't feel pain in the next chapter…but its coming! Oh, its coming all right…

Review Responses on Mediaminer:

Once again, we have only ONE review from Mediaminer…

L@u: Kill Kikyo in a bloody way huh? Sounds fun…